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Camila rolled Lauren's luggage over to the front door where her wife stood, fiddling with her phone. "I hate it when you have business trips." She complained, shoving her fists in the pockets of her hoodie. Camila stuck out her bottom lip. "Why can't you just take photos here? New York is the most beautiful city, you know. It has... character."
Lauren looked up from her phone and caught sight of Camila's pout, leaning down to kiss it away. "I can't help that I was hired, honey. Plus, you're the one that gives New York it's character." She reached her hands inside Camila's hoodie to lace their fingers together.
The brunette made a huffing noise and leaned into Lauren. "You'll remember our deal, right? No touching, because this cock is mine." She husked against her ear, her palm smoothing across the crotch of Lauren's pants, her hips bucking into her hand.. Lauren grinned and nibbled on her wife's earlobe before pulling away. "That way, orgasms would totally be ten times better when you get back."
Camila chuckled. "They're always mind blowing with you to start with." She countered. "But, I'll honor the deal. No touching."
Pressing a soft kiss to Lauren's mouth, Lauren smiled. "Okay. I'll see you in a week, darling."
Lauren pulled her hands away from Camila's reluctantly. "I'll call you when I land." She leaned in to give Camila one more kiss before grabbing her luggage and heading out the door.
Five days have gone by. Five orgasm-free days. Camila squirmed on her couch as she watched a movie on her laptop. It was not that she was bored, though that was part of it. If Lauren were home, she would be visiting her in her studio, sucking her dick under her office desk, and having the living daylights fucked into her on the surface of Lauren's desk while her coworkers knew to stay away from her office. Groaning to herself, Camila pressed her thighs tighter together to alleviate herself in some form or another.
She silently cursed herself for making the deal with Lauren. What's worse than not being touched by Lauren every night was the fact that she can't even touch herself. Camila has needs, and not coming for another day would drive her crazy. If she picked Lauren up at the airport tomorrow, she might not be able to control herself. She's totally going to mount her wife right then and there, fuck her until Camila is screaming with orgasmic relief.
But no, she had always been impatient. Biting her lip, Camila reached under their bed and took out the box of toys they kept around for when they wished to try risquér things. Camila searched through the box, and soon found what she was looking for. The clear plastic jelly vibrator was one of the first toys she bought, and it was the only dildo so far that could come as close to the feel of Lauren's cock when she slides it into her pussy.
Camila hopped into bed, ignoring the guilt that was starting to form in her lower belly. She blamed her desires. Eyes closed, Camila pictured Lauren hovering over her, the vibrator caressing her folds the way Lauren would as she teased her needy pussy. "Fuck, baby..." Camila gasped out, her fingers pinching her nipple with a spit-slick digit to imitate Lauren's tongue licking the stiff buds. She switched on the vibration to it's lowest setting and pressed it into her clit. "Oh my god..." She panted in relief.
Lauren was weaving her way through people at JFK airport. She was going to surprise Camila by coming home two days early from her trip, since everything went ahead as planned, with no hitches whatsoever. Once she finally reached the outside, she hailed a cab and gave the driver their address. She had been faithful to their deal of not touching each other. Sure, she had her moments where she needed an ice cold shower to rid herself of morning wood, but she always found the strength to resist touching herself.
An hour later, she pulled up outside of their apartment. Lauren paid the driver, giving him a very generous tip before heading into the building and up the elevator that opened directly into their apartment. She looked around for any sign of Camila, but inside, the apartment was still, except for the faint moaning coming from their bedroom.
Lauren silently made her way up the hall to see Camila, spread out on the bed with a vibrator deep inside her. She was fairly certain by the loud humming that it was already on the highest and the strongest speed it could reach. Her cock stirred immediately at the sight, but she stayed back, leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed over her chest. "Camila Cabello-Jauregui." She said loudly over the noise of the vibrator.
Gasping, Camila's eyes shot open and she sat up. The sight of her wife, standing with her arms crossed over her chest was enough to sent her off the brink, a loud cry escaping her as she came hard all over the vibrating dildo. "Oh my god, Lauren!" Camila bucked into the toy, her cum leaking out of her pussy. She collapsed back into the bed, her tits heaving. "W-what are you doing home so early?" She asked, her voice weak from her mind-numbing orgasm.
Lauren's eyebrow rose when Camila came just from the sight of her. "Couldn't help it, could you?" She slowly moved towards the bed until her knees were pressed against the soft mattress. Her eyes roamed all over Camila's naked form. Over the soft swell of her chest, down her flat, toned stomach, and finally to her pussy, wet with her cum. She could even see her hole still clenching around the shaft. "Thought I would surprise you and come home early."
Biting her lip, Camila tried not to squirm beneath her wife's gaze. "You definitely surprised me." She said. "I was supposed to pick you up from the airport." She pulled the slick toy out of her pussy, releasing a wave of her cum to slick up her thighs and to pool on the sheets. "I'll clean that up." Camila said as she moved to roll off the bed.
Lauren licked her lips at the sight of Camila's pink pussy. "Stay right there. Don't move." She said roughly, her erection becoming more pronounced as it tented her trousers. "Put your arms over your head."
Camila obeyed, raising her arms to grip the headboard. Her heartbeat picked up, wondering what Lauren was about to do to her. The brunett walked around to the bedside table and grabbed the silk ties they kept in the drawer. She leaned over and tied them around Camila's wrists then to the headboard. "Tug." Lauren wanted to make sure they were tight.
She did, and looked up at Lauren. "If you had told me you were going home early, I wouldn't have touched myself." She insisted.
"That's the point of a surprise, sweetheart. You don't know about it." Lauren moved back to the foot of the bed, her hand idly rubbing her cock through her jeans. "I held up my end of the deal. Why couldn't you?" Her tone wasn't at all upset. She just wanted to see Camila squirm.
Unable to look away from Lauren as she palmed herself, Camila didn't realize she asked a question at first. She cleared her throat. "I couldn't help myself... I haven't had an orgasm in days, and I miss you so much, darling. And I'm always surrounded by your scent in our bedroom, and it makes it worse. Every night, my pussy would throb because I'm so used to you touching me that it's so hard to sleep." She said, her legs squirming slightly as she spoke. "Please, Lauren. I really want your cock so bad."
Lauren hummed softly before unzipping her pants to pull her rigid cock out of its tight confines. It jutted proudly between her legs, twitching on occasion as she watched Camila's legs squirm. "Maybe I should make you wait."
"No, no, no, please don't!" Camila whimpered, closing her legs tightly to feel pressure against her pussy. "Please give me your cock... I know I've been a bad girl but I want it so much."
Lauren gripped the base of her dick, almost exploding at the desperate sound of Camila's voice when she begged. "Open your legs." She ordered softly, pulling her shirt over her head.
She spread her legs as wide apart as they would go, the soft breeze that tickled her slick pussy making Camila shiver. She gasped softly, her blushing cunt throbbing. "Please..." She begged again.
Lauren kicked her pants and boxers off, crawling on her knees between Camila's legs. She sat back on her knees and grabbed the vibrator. "Maybe you prefer this to me now." She turned it on low and pressed it against Camila's clit.
"No..." Camila gasped, her hips rising off the bed. She gripped the ties around her wrists, her legs shaking as she struggled to keep her legs open for Lauren. "I-I still prefer your hot and hard cock sliding inside me." Camila whispered, her tits rising and falling as if she had been running. "No toy can compare to how your cock feels, Lauren."
Lauren put her hand on Camila's hips and pushed them back down to the mattress. She upped the speed by one and pressed it slightly harder into her. "It seems like you were doing just fine without it, baby."
Sobbing now, Camila's toes curled and her clit twitched at the pressure. She needed to come again, but the vibrations weren't enough. "Please, Lauren." She whimpered, as she struggled not to buck her hips again.
Lauren hummed and put the vibrator on the highest setting, rubbing it slowly up and down on her clit. "Please what, Camila?"
Camila couldn't help but tremble against the bed as Lauren continued to press the vibrator against her clit. "Please pound my pussy with your thick, hard cock..."
"Maybe." She pulled the vibrator away from her pussy, reaching her other hand forward to spread her pussy lips open. "Damn, baby girl." She grinned and grazed the vibrator against her exposed clit before pressing it firmly against the stiff bud.
Arching sharply, Camila cried out as the vibrations became more intense. Her entire body was shaking, and she was panting raggedly. Camila's vision dimmed as the pleasure continued to rock through her, almost bringing her to her orgasm. She rocked her hips, grinding into the toy, to push herself over the edge. Her cum was flooding steadily out of her hole, drenching the bed sheets with her juices.
Lauren pulled the vibrator away again right before Camila reached the brink. "Ah ah, not yet." She rubbed Camila's thigh slowly to bring her down. Once she could see Camila had calmed down, she pressed the vibrator back against her clit.
"Fuck..." Camila hissed as the assault to her clit returned. "Please!" She sobbed, her thighs quivering, and her voice becoming hoarse. "Lauren, I need it—need your cock. Please pound my pussy!"
The brunette yanked the vibrator away again. "I'll think about it." She grinned evilly, pressing the vibrator to her clit once more. "Tell me how bad you need my cock."
Camila gritted her teeth and tugged at her restraints. "I just want it on me, in me, anywhere, baby." She panted, her clit twitching with each pass of the toy. "I want to suck on it until you're shooting your load in my mouth. I want it in all of my holes, want your warm cum dripping out of me because you came so much." She fidgeted with her legs. "Please?" Camila asked in a soft tone.
Lauren's cock was standing hard against her stomach as Camila spoke, precum dripping down her shaft. "Jesus..." She threw the toy aside and slammed her thick meat deep inside Camila's pussy, immediately starting a hard, fast rhythm. Lauren pounded her into the bed, mouthing at Camila's neck and pulse point. Camila screamed as her rigid dick stretched her open. She wrapped her legs tight around her waist and whimpered desperately.
"Yesyesyes," Camila panted, her hips rising to meet Lauren's thrusts. "Give me that big dick, baby. Fuck my naughty pussy. Fill me up with your load. I want it, Lauren. Want to feel that cum shoot inside me."
Lauren propped herself up on her hands and moaned at the sound of their skin meeting Camila's with a wet slaps. "Fuck..." She thrust just a few more times before bottoming out and coming hard inside Camila's pussy, her hips pressed firmly against hers. As Lauren's load coated her inner walls, Camila arched, her body curving in a perfect bow. She thrashed, whimpering Lauren's name as she humped against her cock.
"I'm c-coming..." She whined, and bucking hard, Lauren's cock slipped out her hole and she squirted all over Lauren's stomach. "Lauren!" Camila shrieked, her hips humping against the brunette so she could ride out her orgasm, smaller jets of her cum shooting out of her beaten pussy.
Lauren panted at the sight of cum gushing out of her wife's pussy. "Holy fucking shit..." She reached down and rubbed her hand over Camila's slick cunt. "Are you okay, baby girl?" She leaned down and kissed all over Camila's face, her finger circling her twitching, throbbing clit.
She bit down on Lauren's bottom lip and sucked on it hard. "Untie me, please." Camila's voice was raspy. She was still shaking and coming as Lauren kept rubbing her sensitive clit. She reached up and untied Camila's wrists with her free hand. She guided them around her neck and flipped them over so that Camila was on top. "I missed that sight. You coming so hard for me. I love that. I love making you feel good, baby."
Smiling, Camila rested her heated cheek against Lauren's breasts. "I didn't even know I could squirt." She said, kissing and licking her wife's collarbone. Camila nuzzled Lauren's jaw and kissed along her ear.
The brunette hummed at the feeling of Camila's lips on her skin. "I didn't either. I guess now we know." She ran her hands up and down Camila's sweaty back. "Totally proud that I made you do that though." She grinned.
Camila giggled and hummed, her eyelids drooping. "Yeah, but now I need a really long nap. When I wake up, though..." She let the sentence hang as she slipped Lauren's softened cock back into her sensitive pussy with a low moan. "We're going to see if that wasn't just luck."
Lauren hissed as her oversensitive shaft slid back into Camila. "It wasn't, I can assure you." She kissed Camila's head. "Take a nap."

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