In Triplicate- Part 4

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"Camila. Hey Camila."
Soft voices filtered through Camila's dreams, which made her mildly upset. She was having a really nice sex dream about her three big-dicked girlfriends all fucking her at the same time, and she didn't want to wake up.
With a couple blinks and a small frown, Camila opened her eyes. "Oh," she murmured, her frown dissolving into a hungry smile. She pushed down the sheets and raised herself up a little. Lauren, Dinah, and Normani were crowded around her on their knees, buck naked with their hands on their hips. All three of them were sporting stiff cocks pointing towards Camila. Camila rubbed at her eyes suspiciously. "Wait, is this real life?"
"Yes, babe," Normani chuckled from her left. "You've been good all week so we thought we'd reward you."
"Do you like your reward?" Dinah asked with a grin from her right. She twisted her hips a little, causing her dick to sway to and fro.
"You can answer with something besides words if you'd like," Lauren teased. She took her cock in her hand by the base and shifted forward a bit.
Camila sat up and took Normani's cock in her hand, squeezing the warm, thick meat in her fist. She did the same with Dinah, who moaned happily. Camila licked her lips, slowly, as she descended on Lauren's dick.
It was a little deja vu-this was exactly what she'd gotten in trouble for a week earlier. But this time Lauren grunted in pleasure as Camila slowly filled her mouth with cock, pushing forward and swallowing until her chin pressed against Lauren's hanging balls.
She drew back with a hum, gazing up into Lauren's darkening green eyes as she let the tip fall from her lips. She glanced at Dinah and Normani. "Come closer. I want to suck all three of you."
They both grinned and sidled up beside Lauren. Dinah rubbed the back of Lauren's neck and pulled her in for a kiss, while Normani mouthed at her neck, leaving love bites and indentations of her teeth along Lauren's collarbone. Camila watched her girls for a second, hands wrapped around Dinah's and Normani's cocks while she suckled the tip of Lauren's meat.
She switched from one cock to the other, just teasing and licking the tips, humming at the distinct tastes of their precum. Squeezing her thighs together, Camila groaned at how wet she was. She really needed to be filled, but she could also spend all day sucking off these three dicks. Which was a conflict all on its own.
Camila spat on her hands and wrapped them around Lauren's and Dinah's dicks, jerking them off as she took Normani in her mouth. Normani's meat stretched her lips as her tongue licked against the underside of her shaft. Above her, she heard Normani's breath hitch, and her hips jerked a little. Normani grasped a handful of Camila's hair and guided her down her cock. "That's it... You look so fuckin' hot with your mouth on my dick, Mila."
Camila's head bobbed while she sucked firmly on Normani's thick meat. When she finally managed to fit it against her throat, Normani gripped either side of her head and fucked into her, the slick noises from Camila's throat making all three women groan in unabashed pleasure.
Feeling her jaw ache a little, Camila pulled back with a gasp, spit connecting her bottom lip with Normani's shiny cockhead. She switched to Dinah's cock and took it between her lips. One smooth stroke down and her lips were against the base, the head of Dinah's shaft nestled in her throat, her nose nuzzling the blonde's toned abs. Dinah shrieked in delight, her hips pistoning in a fast rhythm. Camila could take her the easiest, and she just loved feeling the clench of Camila's throat around her sensitive cockhead.
She focused her palms on the tips of Lauren's and Normani's cocks, still fucking Dinah's dick with her throat. When Dinah's moans became a little too sharp, Camila slurped her way off her dick, spitting on it before wrapping her hand around it.
She took turns fucking her face against her girlfriends' hard dicks, effortlessly deepthroating one after the other. Camila skillfully jerked off whichever spit-slick shafts weren't in her mouth. Whenever one of them wanted, they took over and held her head still, fucking her throat with quick, deep, powerful thrusts, their heavy, cum-filled balls slapping her chin. Lauren was always the roughest, sometimes holding Camila still by gathering her hair into a tight pony behind her head as she fucked her big dick down Camila's throat. Normani was the most deliberate, always making Camila take the full length of her thick meat to the hilt on every thrust. Dinah was the most content to let Camila set the pace, meeting her halfway with tight, fierce thrusts of her hips.
For a bit she even managed to fit Dinah's and Lauren's cocks both into her mouth at once, moaning proudly around the two shafts as they slid in tandem in and out of her sucking, drooling mouth. There was no hope for Normani's thick cock to share her mouth, a fact the girl didn't seem to mind. She rubbed her balls against Camila's face before sliding her meat between Camila's lips and setting off pounding her mouth, hips flying.
"Oh fuck," Normani gasped. "I'm gonna fuckin' come."
"Me too," Dinah whimpered, her cock pulsing in Camila's squeezing fist.
"Open up that mouth, babe," Lauren ordered, knocking Camila's hand off her dick so she could take over. Camila, obedient as always, leaned back and opened up her mouth, tongue out, as she played with her girlfriends' balls. She watched the three of them masturbating in front of her. Precum trickled out of their reddened cockheads, and Camila was drooling, desperate to have a taste of their loads as soon as she possibly could.
It was Normani who came first, with a husky moan that sent a shiver down Camila's spine. Her fist stilled, her cock visibly pulsed, and a white rope of cum shot from her cockhead to hit Camila's tongue, dead center. Camila closed her mouth to swallow, but Lauren growled and slapped her cheek with her cock.
"I said open," Lauren hissed, and she came right then, a thick spurt landing across Camila's parted lips. Normani kept unloading ropes of cum against Camila's mouth and cheek. Camila opened her mouth wide as Dinah came with a scream, her cock pulsing. Dinah shot a line of cum across Camila's tongue, then another, before finishing on Camila's chin and her other cheek, some of her cum dripping down the column of Camila's neck. Lauren groaned and fisted her cock as she finished shooting her load on Camila's nose and mouth.
When they were done with her, her face was covered with their hot, sticky cum, some sliding down her face. Camila had never felt more turned on. She licked her lips hungrily, trying to get as much of her girlfriends' cum as she could in her mouth before swallowing with a gulp.
"Oh fuck yes." Normani fell back with a sigh, her dick already softening against her leg. "You're a fucking masterpiece, Camila."
Lauren grinned and dragged the tip of her cock against Camila's cum-drenched cheek. "Yes you are. Such a good girl." She kissed Camila's lips and hummed at the taste of their cum, mingling together on Camila's tongue.
"C-can this good girl come, please?" Camila panted. She squeezed her legs together, her thighs slick.
Dinah perked up. "Oooh, can I make her?"
"Go for it, DJ." Lauren shifted behind Camila and pulled the girl into her lap, urging the small brunette to spread her legs wide. Dinah grinned and rolled onto her stomach between Camila's legs, purring happily as she settled in to eat Camila's pussy. Normani leaned down and cupped Camila's neck to pull her into a deep kiss. Lauren palmed at her tits and teased her sensitive nipples, pinching and rolling them between her fingertips.
The overload of sensations wreaked havoc on Camila's body. She writhed and moaned into Normani's mouth, pleasure rippling through her core as Dinah's talented tongue licked into her pussy and circled her clit.
It didn't take much. Camila came with a sharp cry, thrusting her hips against Dinah's mouth as her release washed through her. Normani grinned and nipped at her lips as Camila panted through her orgasm, her muscles turning to jelly in Lauren's arms.
Dinah smiled and kissed Camila's flushed pussy before rolling onto her back on the bed. "I think I need a nap."
"I think I need a sandwich," Normani sighed.
Lauren looked at them both like they were crazy. "You guys, it's nine in the morning."
"True," Normani admitted. "Well, omelettes are technically sandwiches."
Lauren shrugged. "So go make omelettes for us."
Normani wrinkled her nose, unsure of how this got turned around on her so quickly. "Do I have to?
Camila calmly closed her eyes while Lauren wiped cum from her face with a tissue. "Yup," Lauren said, dabbing at Camila's nose. "Extra bacon with mine, you know the drill. Dinah, you want an omelette?"
The only answer she got was a soft snore.
After breakfast, Lauren left her three girlfriends in favour of the solace of her study. Camila knew that as much as Lauren would like to spend all day lounging around with them, it would only be bad for her in the long run. She had to write every day, Lauren explained, or else she would go crazy. Camila assumed it was the same as with her vocal exercises. If she didn't do them she'd be subpar, and that would be the end of her career.
Camila and Dinah cleaned up the dishes since Normani already cooked. Normani went for a short run, and that left her with Dinah, who pulled her onto her lap while they watched TV. While Lauren had thrown on some sweatpants and an oversized shirt and Normani had donned yoga pants and a sports bra, Camila and Dinah saw no need to bother with clothes.
"Face me," Dinah murmured against Camila's neck. "You're not watching this show anyway, right?"
"Mm mm." Camila turned to straddle Dinah, knees on either side of the blonde's hips. Dinah looped her arms around the smaller girl's waist and positioned her half-erect dick against her entrance, cockhead nestled in the wet folds of Camila's pussy. With a moan, she tugged Camila down until her cock was fully sheathed inside the brunette's tight cunt. She threw back her head, moaning softly, while Camila sucked patches of her skin.
Camila gripped Dinah's shoulders for leverage and began to bounce on the blonde's hard shaft. "Feels so good, baby." Dinah whispered, her hands palming Camila's plump butt. She grasped it, pulled it apart, smacked it roughly to make Camila gasp. Tightening her hold on Camila's ass, Dinah kept her still and pumped her hips up in a fast pace, skin slapping against Camila's. Camila held on tight and moaned her pleasure as Dinah's dick hit all the right spots inside her over and over again.
Dinah was palming Camila's tits, sucking and nibbling on her nipples as she pounded her pussy, when the door opened. A sweaty, puffing Normani walked in and wolf-whistled at the sight on the couch. "Hey there, horndogs. Wait, is that a poor, neglected butthole I see?"
"Yep. You should join us." Dinah grinned, spreading Camila's ass cheeks for Normani, exposing the pucker of her hole.
"Come fill me up please, Mani," Camila panted over her shoulder as she bounced on Dinah's dick.
Normani groaned and dropped her pants, pumped her dick as it hardened. Watching Camila ride Dinah had her hard as a rock in no time. The tiny brunette was a professional cockrider, giving Dinah twists of her hips and firm strokes up and down, going from slowly grinding on her dick to frantic bouncing.
Normani stilled Camila's thrusting hips, palms spreading her ass open. She gave her clenched asshole a small lick, tongue swirling around the star until it softened, just enough for her to slide her wet muscle inside Camila's tight heat.
Camila squirmed, her pussy soaking Dinah's balls. She tried to writhe and hump her cock for relief while Normani took her dear, sweet time licking her butthole, but they both gripped her hips to keep her still. "Please..." Camila whined. "Fuck me, Di."
"Shh," the blonde kissed Camila's cheek. "You're the one who always told me that patience is a virtue. Now it's my turn to say it to you." She pecked Camila's cheeks and grinned. "Patience is a virtue, babe."
She merely pouted, and Dinah responded with a peck to her lips.
Behind Camila, Normani uncapped the bottle of lube they kept in certain areas around the house for "easy access", so to speak. She let it drip along Camila's ass and warmed it up with her fingers. Normani positioned two fingers against Camila's asshole and pushed in, sighing at her heat. "I can't fucking wait to get in here," she whispered against Camila's shoulder. Normani pumped her fingers just enough to coat Camila's tight walls with the lube. Her dick coated with precum and the slippery substance, Normani positioned her heavy meat against Camila's asshole and pushed.
It took a few gentle thrusts until the first few inches of Normani's hefty cock could slide with ease inside Camila's butt. Dinah started thrusting in shallow motions, hips swirling to rub up against the smaller girl's sensitive walls. Camila let her eyes slip shut, panting as she was filled in both holes. She moaned on every slow push Normani gave her, stretching her asshole bit by bit with the thickness of her cock.
"That's our good girl," Dinah said adoringly, ghosting kisses against Camila's parted lips. "Taking Normani's big cock in your ass, what a perfect little slut. Can you take it better than I can? Better than Lauren can? Are you our little star cockslut?"
"I'm good little cockslut, DJ," Camila panted, struggling to put words together. "Take your dicks whenever you want, whatever holes you want. Yours to fuck and cum in." Being so full was always incredible, and Camila wanted more, desperate to feel Normani's and Dinah's dicks fucking furiously into her pussy and asshole. She pushed back with her hips, slightly, lest she get in trouble again for chasing dick. "Please, Mani, pound my ass!"
"Alright, alright." Normani smirked, rubbing Camila's butt as if to placate her. She grasped her hips and rammed her thick shaft inside her, Camila's ass muscles stretched wide around her thrusting cock. "God, I love fucking this tight hole so fuckin' much!"
While the three of them were distracted by their rampant fucking, Lauren poked her head out of her study and saw them. She pouted, feeling slightly left out, though she blamed none of her girlfriends. It was, after all, her choice to lock herself in her study like some recluse. But now that she was done writing for the moment, Lauren got up from her computer chair and walked over to her girlfriends, shedding clothes as Dinah and Normani fucked Camila in a hard rhythm.
Her cock instantly hardened at Camila's debauched look. A content and lazy smile on her face, Camila's eyes were half-closed, her jaw lax, with spit dripping down her chin. Her baby hairs were sticking on her forehead as her body was rocked forward by Dinah's and Normani's thrusts. Lauren gripped her cock and eyed the way Normani's meat reamed Camila's ass open. "Scoot over, Normani. You've been fucking Camila's ass this whole week. I want my turn."
Normani snorted, still pounding her hips against Camila's plump ass. "Fuck no, Jauregui. I'm not giving this ass up for anyone."
"I mean it, Kordei," Lauren hissed.
"Uh oh," Dinah whispered to Camila. "Last names."
"You can get it later." Normani waved Lauren off. "Not going anywhere 'til I dump my load in this amazing ass."
Lauren growled. "If I wasn't so hard I'd fucking take you down. But step off Camila's ass or I'll post the pic. The pic."
Normani froze, her dick buried to the hilt in Camila's ass. "You wouldn't."
Lauren kept a photo on her phone of Normani cuddling with them, looking content as hell being the littlest spoon. When the situation called for it, Lauren threatened to post it on her Twitter, exposing the badass girl for the big softie she was. Normani was convinced it would outright ruin her reputation and career. There weren't many times such a dire threat had been required, but Lauren really wanted Camila's ass.
Eyebrow lifted in challenge, Lauren knelt to fish her phone from her sweatpants on the floor. Normani backed off with a groan, her cock slipping from Camila's hole. "Fine," she barked. "Cabello, open that mouth."
Lauren smugly positioned herself behind Camila. For her part, the brunette glanced behind her, confused as to why she'd stopped getting fucked. "Lauren," she noticed with a smile. "Hi."
"Hi, baby," Lauren replied with a grin as she smoothly slid her cock into Camila's asshole. Camila hummed in pleasure as she was filled again, biting her lip with a grin as Lauren's shaft pushed into new depths in her ass.
"Feels so good," Camila sighed, settling against Dinah.
"I'm glad, Camz, but don't forget about Normani," Lauren said. "You want that third dick for the first time, right? Be a good girl and taste your ass on her dick, let her fuck that perfect mouth of yours. Let's get you turned so we can all fuck you at once."
Dinah and Camila turned on the couch so that Lauren and Normani could climb on the ends on their knees and fuck Camila's mouth and ass. Lauren wasted no time sliding back into Camila's ass and joining Dinah's tight rhythm. She loved feeling the blonde's cock slide against her own through the thin layer inside Camila's body as they fucked the tiny brunette in tandem.
Normani hefted her cock before Camila's mouth and the brunette hungrily put out her tongue, panting hot breath on Normani's cockhead. "Such a pretty girl asking for my dick," Normani chuckled. She tapped Camila's tongue with her cockhead. "You want my cock in your mouth, baby? I was just balls deep in your ass, wasn't I?"
"Yeah," Camila panted. "Don't care. Wanna suck it, Mani. Take it down my throat. Want to be filled with your big cocks, all my..." She moaned sharply as Lauren smacked her ass, sharing a smirk with Normani.
"All your what?" Dinah prompted below her. "Go on and use your words, Mila."
"All my holes... filled up with dick." Camila grinned, gasping when Lauren smacked her ass again. She licked her lips, dark eyes gazing up at Normani with naked hunger. "Fuck my mouth, Mani. Shove that big cock down my throat." She opened her mouth wide and put out her pink tongue.
"Fucking hell, you are so fucking hot, baby," Normani grunted. She set her hard cock down on Camila's outstretched tongue and pushed forward, filling Camila's mouth with cock inch by inch. When she met the resistance of Camila's tight throat she grabbed the brunette's head with both hands and fucked right into it with a rough thrust of her hips, cursing as her cockhead sunk into Camila's throat.
"That's a good mouth," she murmured, reaching under Camila's chin to feel the bulge in her neck from her cock. Her heavy balls were pressed tight to Camila's chin, and she groaned when she felt Camila push her tongue out under her shaft enough to lick at them. "There's our good girl," she husked. "Keep your tongue out and lick my balls while I fuck your mouth."
Camila hummed in agreement, and Normani set a pace matching Lauren's and Dinah's thrusts. Camila had never felt this before, and she was nearly giddy at finally getting so possessed by her girlfriends. She gave herself over to them, panting and moaning as her mouth, pussy, and ass were all thoroughly fucked by her girlfriends' dicks. They synced up their thrusts such that they all pulled out and drove in at the same time, and it drove Camila wild. Each time her holes were filled with cock she wanted to scream with how good it felt, but it was hard with Normani's thick shaft buried in her throat.
To her nonverbal word, Camila licked at Normani's cum-filled balls as best she could when the Latina had her mouth impaled on her dick. It was hard with the rapid pace of their thrusts, but every few seconds, Normani would pause for a bit and hold Camila down on her cock with her palm at the back of her head, pressing her face into her crotch, hard, so Camila could lick and tongue her ballsack.
Normani only pulled out to let the tiny brunette catch her breath, and when she did she amused herself with cockslapping Camila's rosy cheeks. Camila grinned and panted rough and hard, swallowing down spit that hadn't leaked down her chin from Normani's rough thrusts, and then she opened her mouth again for Normani's cock.
Lauren spanked her ass to keep her on edge; sometimes one cheek and sometimes the other, sometimes waiting between smacks and sometimes raining them down. Camila would clench down on her dick and moan every time she spanked her, and Lauren took full advantage. Her buttcheeks each held a bright blush, the left holding a clear red imprint of Lauren's hand from smacking the same spot multiple times.
"Goddamn I love this ass," Lauren panted. "Thanks for warming it up for me, Normani."
"Bitch," Normani huffed. "See if I go easy on you next time I fuck yours."
Lauren just smirked and pounded Camila's ass that much harder, holding the brunette's hips tight as she fucked her throbbing meat in and out of Camila's asshole, balls slapping her pussy above Dinah's cock. Camila's hole was a rosy red ring stretched taut across Lauren's thick, pumping meat. Lauren fell in love with the way it tugged at her on backstrokes, like it didn't want her cock to leave. She closed her eyes and fucked Camila blindly, panting at the pleasure that pulsed through her with every rough thrust.
Dinah's mouth was still on Camila's nipples, suckling the stiff buds and flicking with her tongue. She could feel every intake of Camila's breath, her body flush and sweating on top of her. Camila's body was getting rocked back and forth with the force of Lauren and Normani's thrusts, and Dinah helped keep her stable with her strong arms. She easily matched Lauren's rough pace, hips pistoning as she pounded Camila's slick pussy, grinning at the wet sounds of Normani fucking Camila's throat above her.
With how hard the three girls were pumping their thick cocks inside Camila's holes, it was no surprise that when Camila came, she came hard. Her orgasm slammed into her body like a freight train, her pussy squirting cum all over Dinah' cock and lap. The blonde underneath gasped at the hot fluid splashing her skin as she kept thrusting into Camila to help her ride out her orgasm. The rhythmic clenching of her ass and pussy drove Lauren and Dinah to the edge, and the way Camila was groaning around Normani's dick had the Latina's hips stuttering.
"Gonna come," Lauren panted. "Fuck, Camila. Gonna shoot my load in your ass, baby."
"I'm coming too," Normani husked. She pulled out of Camila's mouth and pumped her cock with her fist.
But as her orgasm finished, Camila moaned, gave a deep sigh, and fell limp. Dinah saw that her eyes were closed. "She passed out again," Dinah observed.
Every once in a while Camila would come so hard she'd pass out; they were all used to it. Hips still pumping away, Dinah gently held Camila's head close to her shoulder. Normani grinned and high-fived Lauren before glancing down and frowning. "Wait, not fair," she said. "You guys get to come in her."
"Speaking of." Lauren grunted and pressed forward, head tilting back as she unloaded, cock pulsing thick ropes of cum into the depths of Camila's asshole. She panted and fucked against Camila's limp body as she finished.
"Stay in her, Lauren," Dinah said. "I'm coming, too!"
Lauren chuckled and shoved her cock balls deep into Camila's abused hole, giving shallow thrusts of her hips to help Dinah come. Dinah moaned and slammed into Camila's pussy over and over, made tighter by Lauren's thick cock taking up space in her ass. "Yesss," Dinah hissed. She came all in a rush, her dick squirting cum deep in Camila's pussy, pulse after pulse.
Lauren and Dinah pulled out in sync, their cocks leaving behind the gaping holes that were Camila's pussy and asshole. Lauren hadn't noticed Normani hovering beside her, jerking off as she waited for Dinah to finish. "Get off, quick," Normani said, "I'm about to fucking come and I want to be inside her!"
Lauren jumped off the couch and Normani clambered on, grabbing the position Lauren had just left. "DJ, keep her up," Normani panted. The blonde secured Camila's hips at a good angle for Normani. Normani sheathed her cock in Camila's pussy, grinning at Lauren. "Mmm, sloppy seconds. Hold her asshole open for me."
Lauren chuckled and spread Camila's ass with both hands, gaping it for Normani. The Latina pounded Camila's pussy for a bit before groaning. "Fucking coming," she hissed. Camila took that moment to stir, rising up on her forearms with Dinah's help.
"Mm, that's nice," Camila purred, glancing over her shoulder. "Fill me up, Mani..."
"Nice of you to join us again," Lauren teased.
Normani panted as she came, hips slamming jerkily against Camila's ass as she shot a few ropes of hot cum into Camila's pussy. She pulled out, still coming, and shoved her dick into Camila's gaping ass, only wasting a single rope of cum that streaked across the small of Camila's back. The rest Normani pumped into Camila's butt, sighing in relief as she slowed her thrusting to a stop. "There." She grinned cockily. "One and a half loads of cum in that dirty pussy, and one and a half in that slutty asshole. How's that, baby?"
Camila wiggled her hips experimentally as Normani slid out of her ass. "Feels good," she sighed with a smile. "Warm, heavy. I can feel it leaking out."
"Can't have that." Lauren dragged her fingers along Camila's ass crack to gather up the dribbles of cum. She pushed them back inside Camila's loosened, sensitive hole, making the smaller girl throw her head back in a soft gasp. "There you go, baby."
Dinah kissed Camila's lips before bouncing to her feet, her soft cock hanging between her legs. "I'll make some sandwiches," she announced.
"Good idea. But we're taking Camila to bed for a nap," Lauren said, lifting Camila up in her arms. The sleepy brunette hung on to Lauren's neck, nuzzling into her. Lauren chuckled. "Fucked you good, didn't we, Camz?"
"Mmhm," Camila hummed against Lauren's skin. "But I hope you're not done with me."
Normani trotted alongside them and opened the bedroom door for Lauren. "Today you get all the dick you want, baby," she promised. "Be a good girl and rest now."
Camila was already asleep as Lauren tucked her in. Lauren was surprised to see Normani lift the sheets and crawl into bed beside Camila, wrapping an arm around her. Normani shrugged at her look. "Went for a run and then had a marathon fuck session. Camila's not the only one who needs a nap."
For the last time that day, Camila threw her head back with a sharp gasp as she came with Lauren, feeling the green eyed girl unload her hot cum inside her pussy. She already had Dinah's load inside her ass and Normani's cum dripping down her tits. As Lauren pounded into her to push her cum deeper inside her pussy, Camila felt warm and light, like she could float away any moment.
Lauren rolled off of her, kissing her cheek. "You're so amazing," she husked, voice rough from exhaustion.
Camila threw her girlfriends a small smile. Dinah was resting against Normani's belly while Normani played with her hair. "I know I am," Camila said. "I took all three of your cocks, didn't I?"
Snorting, Normani nodded. "It's the last night for cock week, right? Why not go with a bang?"
At that reminder, Camila felt a distinct sense of loss in the pit of her stomach. "Oh... I almost forgot about that."
"You don't have to look so sad, Camz," Dinah said, tugging her hand so she would lay on top of her, while Lauren wriggled beside her, wrapping her in her arms. "We'll still have super awesome sex all the time, just like usual."
"I know, Dinah. But it's not going to be the same." Camila kissed each of her girlfriends on the lips and smiled. "I'm just going to miss your dicks, that's all."
Camila squirmed out of their hold and planted a kiss on the tip of Dinah's cock. She ran her fingers along Normani's balls and kissed hers as well. Finally, she gave Lauren's cock a light suckle, making the dark haired girl groan before kissing the tip, leaving it shiny with her spit.
"Was that you saying goodbye?" Lauren asked with a small amused smile on her face.
Nodding forlornly, Camila curled up against Lauren's body and pulled Dinah against her front. She wiggled her hips, feeling the thickness of Lauren's cock resting against her butt. Camila sighed, content. It wasn't goodbye forever. It would just be a while before their cock weeks all synced up so perfectly again. That day couldn't come soon enough.

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