Sleep Sex

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Camila couldn't sleep.
It was their first sleepover since Camila had heard the rumor - that Lauren had a dick. She hadn't wanted to ask her friend if this was true or not, thinking it was a bit rude and it would also make her look very bad if it turned out not to be true. After all, it could be one of those silly things people said about her because she was unapologetic and a total bitch to most people. As if you can't have that attitude without a dick.
But now, with Lauren lying next to her, peacefully asleep - she was painfully awake herself. After debating with herself for hours, she decided that it wouldn't hurt to check. She took a deep breath and brought her hand over to Lauren's crotch. Her friend was wearing boxer shorts, and she put her hand where it was supposed to be.
A little gasp escaped her lips when she felt the unmistakable form underneath her hand. She couldn't help but give it a little squeeze. She looked up in panic, afraid that Lauren might have woken up. The other girl looked asleep, though. Camila, feeling a little bolder now, slipped her hand under the waistband of the boxer shorts. She bit her lip and held her breath as her fingers brushed over what felt like a very large dick. She felt it twitch a little under her touch. It was soft and warm.
However, her curiosity wasn't sated. She wanted to see it as well, so she straddled Lauren's legs, careful not to touch her. She hooked her fingers under the waistband of the boxer shorts, bit her lip and pulled it down to her knees.
It was... strange. Of course it moved up and down along with Lauren's breathing. Camila didn't find it particularly beautiful, but it was strangely arousing. She felt her entire body buzzing and in a sudden urge to feel sexy, she peeled off her shirt.
She felt her nipples harden as she kept studying Lauren's dick. Suddenly, she had an idea. She leaned down, careful not to drop down on her friend and wake her up. She rested her chest on Lauren's crotch, her breasts on either side of her dick. She closed her eyes and bit back a moan at how good the skin-on-skin contact felt.
She leaned up again and put her finger on the base of Lauren's dick. She looked at her friend's face to make sure she was still asleep and hesitantly trailed her finger to the tip. It twitched under her touch and she felt her own clit throb in return. She could smell her own arousal. Inspiration hitting her again, she sneaked a hand inside her panties and dipped her middle finger between her folds, dragging it upwards to collect some of her wetness. She pulled her finger out again and coated a hard nipple.
Leaning back down, she took Lauren's dick in her hand and held it up. She felt it stiffen slightly in her hand and bit her lip as she angled her body so that she could drag the wet nipple from the base of Lauren's dick all the way to the top again.
She repeated this series of actions a few times because it felt so good. Her heart was beating in her chest. She was nervous about waking Lauren up. She wasn't ready for this to end.
Her entire body was on fire and she knew that she needed more, that she simply couldn't stop here. She dropped her head and took a closer look at Lauren's dick. She couldn't help but find it fascinating and had a sudden desire to feel it inside of her, to ride it with all that she had in her.
She pressed her lips against the tip and then quickly licked it, curious for the taste. The smell and taste were wildly arousing. She wrapped her lips around Lauren's dick and hollowed her cheeks, slowly and softly sucking more and more in.
Her hips involuntarily buckled when she felt Lauren harden inside her mouth. She wrapped her hand around the base, not caring any longer if her friend woke up. Instead, she sucked harder, moving her hand up and down, licking it whenever she could. She used her tongue to press against the underside. When she felt a dribble of pre-cum hit her tongue, she let Lauren's dick go with a plop.
She looked up. Lauren was looking at her through hooded eyes, her chest heaving. They exchanged a look they both understood without words.
Camila scooted closer and straddled Lauren's legs again, her hand working on her dick to keep it hard. It was warm and throbbing in her fist. She scooted even closer and rubbed her sex against it, a moan escaping her throat when it hit her clit. Suddenly, the thin fabric separating Lauren's dick from her soaking pussy was unbearable. She stood on the bed, quickly dropped her panties and sat back down again.
She pressed her pussy against Lauren's dick again. Her folds were so wet that they wrapped around it without any effort on either part, effectively coating with her wetness. Camila still used her hand to open her lips even more and moaned when her clit rubbed against Lauren's dick. She used her hand to position it so that the tip of Lauren dick bumped into her clit. She repeated this a few times until she was sure she couldn't take it anymore.
Her eyes rolled back in her head when she felt Lauren's hand cup her breast. She had been so focused on what was going on between her legs that she hadn't noticed the movement. Lauren palmed her breast and tweaked her nipple just right.
Camila lifted slightly on her legs, Lauren's dick sliding downwards through her slick folds. Camila was pulsing with need. She guided Lauren's dick to her entrance and held her breath when the tip entered her.
She was wet and wide, but Lauren was huge. She lowered her body gradually, sinking onto her, whining as she felt her walls being stretched. It hurt shortly, but then it felt insanely good. Her insides squeezed around it and she felt like she had no control over her body. When Lauren was fully inside, Camila waited a few seconds and then moved up again.
Lauren's other hand now squeezed her other breast. As she fondled her tits, she thrusted downwards again, grinding her clit briefly against Lauren. She repeated this a few times, her pace increasing, letting out a whimper every time her clit bumped against Lauren's pelvis. Lauren's hands were warm on her tits and she popped her chest forward, loving the feeling of them being cupped.
Camila could feel herself tighten around Lauren and she panted with need. She looked down and saw her wetness dripping around Lauren. She dropped forward and grabbed Lauren's shoulders, using her hamstrings to put more strength into her movements. Lauren moved her hands to Camila's hips, holding them down as she thrusted upwards.
She lost all control and her thrusts were sloppy and uncoordinated. She knew that she was getting closer and closer, grunting and panting. Her walls clenched around Lauren's dick, trapping it inside. She toppled over when she felt Lauren shoot streams of hot seed within her.
She fell down on her friend, her dick still inside. Resting her head on Lauren's shoulder, she still breathed heavily.
Lauren was the first to speak. "Wow."
"I guess you could say that," Camila said hoarsely.
"You're good at that shit," Lauren remarked. She turned her head towards Camila. "For how long have you known?"
"I read a lot of fan fiction on the internet," Camila shrugged lazily.
Lauren grinned. "No, I mean, about my dick."
"Rumors," Camila admitted. "But holy fuck, that thing is giant."
"You love it, though."
Camila smiled again. "I do. And it's all mine."
"Oh, is it?" Lauren asked. "I'm not sure about that. I have needs."
"Trust me, me too," Camila breathed out. "I've been repressed for far too long. I have a lot to catch up on. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and when I come back, I want to go again. And I want you to top me."
"Yes, ma'am," Lauren saluted mockingly, but unable to stop her eyes frown darkening as she watched Camila climb out of bed and swagger to the adjacent bathroom, adding an extra sway to her hips for Lauren's benefit.
"Holy fuck," Lauren mumbled to herself. "Who would've thought... Camila Cabello."
When Camila entered the room again, Lauren nearly jizzed her pants. It was just criminal how sexy her friend looked in nothing but a towel, her hair disheveled. She couldn't help but lick her lips as Camila dropped the towel, crawled to the center of the bed and lay down on her back, resting against the stack of pillows.
Lauren got on the bed and crawled over to her. She planted her knees next to Camila's hips, her already semi-erect dick resting on Camila's stomach. Camila sucked in a deep breath, smiling when Lauren grabbed her dick and trailed it all over her tits and stomach.
Lauren ran her hand over Camila's inner thigh and rubbed it softly as she leaned down to suck on Camila's nipples. Camila threw her head back and let out a low moan that aroused the hell out of Lauren. Lauren circled Camila's nipples with her dick, sliding it between them from time to time. She pushed Camila's tits against her dick and moved between them with slow, deliberate, hard thrusts until she felt that she was close to an orgasm.
Camila smiled slyly and grabbed Lauren's dick, licking it clean from the precum. Lauren groaned and had to fight against her instincts when she pulled back. She brought their hips together and Camila instantly bucked against her now fully hard dick. Lauren cupped her breast, pinching her nipple, when she got an idea. She scooted down and brought her mouth to Camila's sex, immediately licking her slick folds apart and diving in for a good taste.
Camila groaned and pushed her hips up, her hand holding Lauren down. Camila tasted delicious. Lauren sucked on her clit, flattening her tongue against it and lapping up her wetness. She felt Camila's body thrashing under her and when she felt that she was close, she let go.
Camila whined, but Lauren didn't waste her time. She rested the tip of her dick against Camila's clit and rubbed it furiously.
"Yesss!" Camila hissed. "Oh my god! I need you, Lauren. Please," she whimpered.
As much as Lauren enjoyed teasing Camila, she couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She positioned her dick against her entrance and circled it with her dick before sinking into her. Camila's wetness was astounding. She was dripping, tight and wet around her, sucking her in. The feeling was delicious.
Lauren filled Camila to the hilt. Camila was pulsing and burning around her, whimpering and keening at the feeling. She grabbed Lauren's ass and buckled her hips, guiding her in even deeper. She locked her ankles around Lauren's waist, thrusting up.
"Bossy bottom, huh," Lauren panted, grinning. "I'm not having any of that."
With those words, she put her hands on Camila's hips and held her still. Lauren thrusted into her at a slow, but steady pace that had Camila howling and thrashing against the mattress. Whenever she tried to move her hips, Lauren would hold them still and fasten her pace. She reached her hand up and cupped Camila's tit, scraping her fingernails over her nipples as she pushed into her.
Lauren's dick was so wet, coated with Camila's wetness. Camila was so soaked that it dripped against Lauren's balls. Lauren took a deep breath and started thrusting faster and faster, throwing her head back as she felt how Camila was squeezing her pussy tight around her dick, working those muscles. She pulled out, much to Camila's protest, but soon killed this protest by sliding her dick up between her folds and bumping her clit. It took a lot of effort, but she kept up this pattern: thrusting into Camila until she was fully inside of her, keeping still and making circles with her hips, pulling out and bumping her clit, sliding back in again.
Camila was mewling underneath her. Lauren knew neither of knew would last much longer and she went back to full-on pounding Camila like there was no tomorrow. She was panting, sweat dripping down her chest, her abs burning and clenching. Camila keened and nearly screamed when Lauren hit her spot.
"Oh fuck, Lauren!" Camila said through clenched teeth, her eyes screwed shut, her head thrown back.
Camila's voice sent Lauren over the edge and she felt how she was emptying herself inside Camila. Camila was close as well and kept milking Lauren's dick, clenching legs tighter and tighter. With one unexpectedly hard, long and effective thrust, Camila came as well.
Lauren slowed her thrusts until she finally came to a stop. She waited until both their breaths had steadied a bit and then pulled out. They sighed at the loss. Lauren slumped down next to Camila and wrapped her arms around her friend.
Camila turned until she was facing Lauren. She tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear and then looked up into her eyes. She was blushing slightly.
"You know, we never even kissed," Camila whispered.
Lauren grinned and shrugged. "You're the one who fucked me awake." She brought their faces closer until their lips were nearly touching. Her eyes darted from Camila's eyes to her mouth. "I'd love to kiss you, though."
With those words, their lips met in a slow, deep kiss. Camila cupped Lauren's jaw to intensify the kiss, lifting herself on top of Lauren. She couldn't help but press her hips into Lauren's. She was still wet from before and her lips slid around Lauren's dick. Both were too tired for another orgasm, though.
"So, are you sleeping with anyone else?" Camila asked, curling a strand of Lauren's hair around her index finger.
Lauren laughed. "You're asking me this now?"
Camila smiled shyly and shrugged.
"No, I'm not," Lauren admitted. "Are you?"
"No. You're my first, too."
Lauren took a deep breath. "I know this is soon," she started, casting her eyes downwards. "And you don't have to answer me right now, but I'd kinda like to be your only one. For now, at least."
Camila cocked her head. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"
Lauren smiled. "I guess I am. I mean, I've always had a thing for you. A crush on you. And now that I know that you kinda feel the same way - I mean, I don't think you'd just have sex with me because I have a dick, because there are loads of guys out there with dicks and yet you chose me to be your first, so..."
"Yes," Camila helped Lauren out of her misery. "I've always liked you as more than a friend as well. I'd love to be your girlfriend."
They sealed it with a deep and passionate kiss.
And shower sex.

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