A Good Idea.

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"Babe!" I yelled out as I threw my jacket on the coat rack beside the door. "Are you home yet?"
"Yeah," I heard Camila's muffled voice echo down the stairs of our rather spacey house. "Are the girls here yet? I just got out of the shower."
"Nah," I laughed as my wife poked her head out of the door with a hand holding up her towel. "They'll be here in thirty minutes to an hour, you're good. I was just wondering if you wanted me to order pepperoni or cheese."
"Are you kidding me?" Camila scoffed. "Why did I even marry you? You don't know whether I like cheese or pepperoni better!" She teased, earning a low laugh from me as she finally dropped the act. "I want cheese, or Hawaiian, doesn't matter to me."
"Alright," I laughed and watched as she slipped back inside our room.
I quickly dialed the best local place, Camila's favorite, and queued movies on Netflix for when the girls arrive before cleaning up a little bit and running up the stairs to catch my wife in just her bra and underwear.
"Lauren!" Camila squeaked and moved to grab her sweatpants from the bed, quickly pulling them on and looking for a shirt.
"What?" I smirked and took a seat at the edge of our bed. "I can't see you half naked anymore? Because last I checked, you were more than okay with me seeing you naked."
"Lauren," She groaned and finally pulled a shirt over her head. "It's not that, I just- I have a surprise for you."
"Yeah?" I asked as my eyes followed her body around the room as she went to grab a small remote from her dresser.
"Mhm." She hummed and straddled my body on the bed, holding the remote between with a shy smile. "Remember when we went to that shop?"
"The adult one?" I raised an eyebrow as my wife shifted in my lap.
"Yes, that one," She smiled shyly. "I know you wanted a few things there so I went back and got them..."
"You didn't," I widened my eyes.
"I did though," She teased and pushed the remote into my hands. "I got this and a few other things but I thought this might be fun tonight. Turn it on."
"Camz," I laughed and put the remote to the side to caress her face, my fingertips tracing her jaw ever so delicately. "What exactly did you get?"
"Only a few things," She blushed. "I got that- that thing you wanted, that strap on you were eyeing, a few alternate thingies for the strap on, and then something I wanted."
"It's called a dildo Camz," I laughed and watched her blush travel down her neck and look down with a shy smile. "And what did you want? I didn't think you liked anything in there."
"No, I liked stuff, it was just a little awkward I guess," Camila shrugged and her eyes traveled down to my lips momentarily. "I was just curious about it but then I read a bit of stuff and then I kind of really wanted to try it so..."
"Baby," I smiled in adoration and grabbed the remote from my side and pressed the first button. I watched my wife's nose scrunch up adorably as a low thrumming filled the silent room, her body tense for a second before she sighed and dropped her head on my shoulder.
"Oh my God," Camila moaned quietly and mouthed at the base of my neck lazily. "This was such a good idea. What do you think?"
"I agree," I rubbed circles on her side rhythmically before I upped the vibrations coming from her panties.
"Shit," She hissed and bit my neck harshly. "Its not even on the highest setting and its so- ohmygod, Lauren!"
I chuckled at her body's reaction to the device. I'd turned it to the second highest setting and her speech literally went out the door immediately, along with all comprehensible thoughts. Camila's fingers dug into my back as she grinded down into my lap in attempt to gain the friction she desired, only to cry out as the small bullet shifted to put more pressure on her clit.
"Oh," She moaned and quit humping my thigh to catch her breath before slowly rotating her hips once again. I sat back on my elbows and watched my wife with a sly smile, shuffling the remote in my hand contemplating turning it to the highest setting or not.
Just as I was about to bring Camila to the edge by pressing that one last button, the doorbell rang. Of course the girls would arrive just in time to snatch Camila's high away from her.
"Lauren..." Camila whined, her eyes watery from the pleasure and lust she was currently lost in. "Please, j-just press it, I'll wait until I'm done up here and- and you can go let them in."
"Camila," I cooed and upped the vibrations to the highest setting, earning a loud moan before I shut her up with my lips. She sighed contentedly into my mouth, lazily moving her lips over mine as she grinded against my thigh with my hands roaming her back and sides. "Are you close?"
My wife nodded feverishly and her hips stuttered once, twice, and then she came crashing down with a loud moan and a harsh bite to my shoulder. I grabbed the remote and slowly brought it down to the lowest setting to help her come down as I guided her hips on my thigh, giving her neck various open mouthed kisses all over, ignoring the fact that the girls will probably see the marks.
"I love you," Camila breathed out and slid back onto her knees on the bed as I gave her one last kiss before getting up.
"I love you too," I smiled and saw her bite her lip as she eyed the remote on the bed. "You want me to take that?" She nodded and threw it towards me as she got up to attempt to cover the marks I gave her. "Alright, I'm gonna go let them in. They're probably gonna think we fucked."
"We kind of did," Camila laughed and gestured to her chest and neck. "It'll be a miracle if they don't notice this. But go and let them in, I'll be down in a minute."
I nodded and slipped out the door, careful to shut it behind me as to not reveal my naked wife to our friends, even if it wasn't anything they haven't seen before. I ran down the stairs in sweats and a tank top to open the door without looking at our guests and hiding in the theater room to avoid being tackled to death by the monster name Dinah Jane. I quirked an eyebrow when all I heard was someone clearing the throat and knocking on the open door again, deciding that that was most definitely not my friends I poked my head out to see a young man in a red polo holding two pizza boxes.
"Ohmygod," I blushed and grabbed a twenty and a ten from the basket of keys by the door. "I thought you were someone else, I'm so sorry. But here you go, and sorry to keep you waiting. Keep the change."
"It's no problem," The blonde boy smiled and handed the pizza's over. "And thank you. I hardly ever get tips and I need it for college. So, really, thank you it means a lot."
"Of course," I waved as he walked back towards his car, shutting the door to go and place the pizzas on the coffee table in the theater.
I shuffled around Camila and I's house, grabbing snacks and drinks as I rushed to get everything ready before the girls got here. Just as I was turning on the projector in the theater, I heard Camila's soft footsteps padding down the hallway.
Hopefully she was able to cover those hickies, otherwise we'll have one hell of a long night ahead of us.
"Laur?" Her voice echoed throughout the house as she rounded the corner in search of me.
"In here," I called out and heard her footsteps quicken as she ran into the room to throw her arms around my neck and lifting her legs to wrap her body entirely around me. "Hi," I laughed and situated my arms around her waist and back, rubbing up and down her spine.
"Hi," She sighed and buried her face in my neck. "I just wanna cuddle with you right now."
"We can cuddle when the girls are here," I pointed out and snaked a hand down to press the button on the remote once.
"Lauren!" Camila jumped and pushed me away from her. She laughed lightly and sat down on the couch only to jump from the extra pressure. "This is gonna be a really long night, isn't it?"
"Yup," I winked and she sighed dramatically. "But I promise I won't go above the second setting. I don't want us to get caught."
"Okay," She licked her lips and shifted in her spot to grab her phone. "By the way, I was barely able to cover those hickies. I'm so going to get you before you go to work or something."
I laughed at her antics and shook my head before jumping on the couch beside her, wrapping my arms around her waist to pull her butt to my front.
"You can't," I whispered. "I'm a lawyer. That would be unprofessional."
"So?" My wife challenged. "They'd understand you needed some sexy time with your wife."
"Shhh," I whined and nestled my head in her hair, taking in her scent and warmth. "I wanna cuddle."
"Did I not just say the exact same thing a minute ago?" Camila teased and settled back against my body. "But seriously, the girls are gonna be here any time, and I'd rather not move with this," She motioned between her hips. "Going on."
"M'kay," I yawned and rolled over Camila, causing her to groan and push me off of her. I fell onto the bean bag below us, luckily not hitting the floor, that wouldn't be fun. "I hate you."
"I know," Camila quipped. "I love you too."
I smiled to myself and made my way to the kitchen to fix a drink for Camila and I, as I waited for the girls to get here. There's no way they could be more than five minutes away. They were always so punctual, except for Dinah.
"No! I didn't do anything! I swear," I heard Dinah's muffled voice from our driveway and smiled before opening the door with a smirk.
"Well hello," I laughed. "What didn't you do, D?"
"Oh, nothing," Dinah shoved Normani behind her and mumbled something before looking back to me. "They think I fucked up the brownies."
"You know? Weed brownies..." Dinah was smiling deviously.
"Oh," My eyes widened. "You better not have. I won't let Camz eat them until you promise you didn't do it."
"I didn't!" Dinah said exasperated and pushed her way inside, with Ally and Mani following behind with sly smiles plastered on their faces. "Why do yall not trust me?"
"Why do you look guilty?" Ally questioned as she set the brownies and cookies down on the coffee table.
I grabbed Camila and I's drinks before I followed them into the theater. Dinah was taking up a full beanbag and Ally and Mani were cuddling in the bigger of the two beanbags. Meanwhile, Camila was curled up against the edge of the couch with a blanket covering everything but her head.
"Here, babe," I handed Camila the drink and she brought her hand from under the blanket to take it and bring it to her lips. She took a sip before setting it down on the side table and pulling me down on the couch beside her.
"What is it?"
"Cranberry vodka," I answered and pulled her onto my lap, slipping a thigh between her legs to put more pressure on the toy currently vibrating inside her panties. My wife gasped and the girls all turned to look at us questioningly.
"Drinks too strong," Camila choked out and rested her head against my shoulder as she attempted to regulate her breathing.
"Ah okay," Ally smiled. "I can fix it if you'd like? I'm kinda wanting a drink for myself right now as well."
"Sure," Camila passed the drink off to Ally and closed her eyes to relish in the little pleasure I was allowing her.
"Anyone else want anything?" Ally asked from the kitchen.
"Red wine!" Mani yelled and switched beanbags to go cuddle with Dinah.
"Nothing for me," Dinah answered and grabbed a pepsi from the coffee table. "Titanic or The Breakfast Club first?"
"Titanic," Camila answered immediately.
"Same," I shrugged and snaked my hand down to circle the button on the remote. I contemplated pressing it now but decided I'd do it once the movie starts so Camila won't be heard.
"No," Normani whined and pushed herself up onto her elbows to grab the TV remote. "We're watching Mean Girls."
"Not again," Camila complained and sat up quickly, causing her to suck in a sharp breath as her center rubbed against my thigh again. " We've seen it like twenty times. Let's watch something cute or romantic. Please?"
"I see Mila is feeling hella lovey dovey today," Dinah smirked. "Lauren whatcha up to? Are you pregnant? Did you finally get her a puppy?"
"Yeah, she's pregnant," I lied with a straight face. "We've been meaning to tell you guys actually."
"What the fuck Ralph?!" Dinah spit her soda out and crawled over to us and kissed Camila's tummy.
"Uh, what are you doing, D?" Camila questioned with a slightly shaky voice due to the continuous nonstop pleasure she was receiving.
"Kissing my future godchild."
"Dinah she was kidding," Camila laughed. "I'm not pregnant, but I'll be sure to let you know first when I am."
"Dammit, guys!" Dinah whined. "You two needa have a kid like asap because I wanna spoil that motherfucker."
"Dinah! Language!"
"Ally's back," Normani quipped and grabbed her wine from the shorter girl.
"Okay! Guys!" Dinah announced. "We're watching The Titanic because Camren needs to be lovey dovey and shit."
"Dinah," Camila whined. "We're not being lovey dovey but thank you for listening to me for once."
"You're welcome wifey," Dinah threw a piece of popcorn at Camila and I.
"I aint your wifey," Camila mumbled under her breath.
"You're mine," I whispered in her ear and pressed the button once to heighten my wife's pleasure.
"Yes," Camila gasped and threw her head back onto my shoulder as she lifted her hips up to relieve some pressure. "Lauren, we'll get caught."
"That's part of the fun though," I whispered as the movie started, moving my leg to pull her hips back down onto my thigh.
"Lauren, I-I can't," My wife mewled. "I'm literally about to cum."
"Kiss me," I told her and turned her to face me. "I'll go up to the third or fourth setting if you want. Or I can try something under the blanket?"
"I- I, yeah, just do something," Camila's face scrunched up adorably as she tried to hold off the inevitable. "Make sure I don't make noise. P-please I can't- I can't do this. I'm too loud I'll emba-"
I kissed her lips, effectively shutting her up, and slipped a hand into her panties to rub at her center. Camila keened and jutted her hips against my hand a few times before I had her falling apart in my arms. I checked to see if the girls were paying us any attention but all three were arguing over whether young Johnny Depp or Young Leonardo Decaprio is hotter.
Camila lazily moved her lips to my neck to bite down every time she needed, which was quite often. I placed my hands on her hips and rolled them against my thigh, helping her ride out her high as I lowered the vibrations once again. Camila whimpered one last time before kissing my lips and turning around to face the screen as she leaned her head back against my shoulder, attempting to regulate her breathing.
"You good, baby?" I whispered in her ear as I rubbed her sides soothingly.
"Mhmm," She hummed and lazily ghosted her lips over my neck. "Just try not to get me too close. I'd rather not be caught out, you know?"
"Yeah, I'll try," I whispered and slipped the remote into my pocket for the time being. "Let's keep you idle for a little bit, yeah? We can take care of you when the girls leave."
Camila shivered at my words and pulled the blanket up over her shoulders, hugging her arms around herself and closing her eyes momentarily. We weren't even paying attention to the movie anymore. I was too focused on Camila's expressive face to pay any attention to anything else; she would scrunch up her nose and furrow her eyebrows when she felt the slightest bit of pleasure and I still can't believe she's mine.
"How much longer until they leave?" Camila asked quietly, her head turned to the side so her head was resting in the crook of my neck.
"I don't know," I admitted. "You could pretend you're sick after Titanic ends if you want. I can ask them to leave then."
"Okay," My wife nodded and then sat up a little and raised her voice. "Hey, Ally, how much longer? I don't feel too well but I don't wanna interrupt the movie."
"About thirty minutes," Ally replied nearly instantly, her motherly instincts showing. "We can leave now. Or you and Lo can go up and get some rest?"
"I-," Camila turned to look at me. I only shrugged and Camila pouted but answered anyway. "I'll stick it out, don't wanna ruin the night."
"You won't ruin it, Mila," Dinah stated. "I don't wanna catch whatever you got though, so stay away from me or else."
"Or else what?" Mani countered and took Dinah's soda from the taller girls lap.
"I don't know yet," Dinah shrugged and pushed Mani off their beanbag. "But I'll figure it out. And don't touch my shit."
"Jesus," Normani mumbled under her breath and moved to share Ally's beanbag.
"Come cuddle, Mani," Ally whined and opened her arms wide to invite her best friend into her embrace.
"I knew someone loved me," Mani smiled.
After about fifteen minutes of Mani and Ally getting situated and Dinah snacking on the sweets, Camila was getting impatient. I smirked and pressed the button twice, bringing it up to the third setting, making her stifle a moan and fall back into me more. She was back to grinding onto my thigh and kissing my neck sloppily as she struggled to contain her moans, half gone to the world around her.
"Babe," My wife exhaled. "Why?" I shrugged with a sly smile and watched her roll her eyes as she squeezed her thighs together and attempt to distract herself by watching what's left of the movie. I snaked one hand down under the blanket to rest on the brunettes hip as the other moved to press the button once more, earning just the reaction I wanted.
"Ohmygod," Camila moaned loudly, causing the girls' heads to turn to the back of the room to stare at us questioninly. Camila had her eyes shut and her legs pulled up to her chest now, relishing in the pleasure I was allowing her, not realizing that we weren't alone yet.
"Um, Mila? You okay there?" Dinah raised an eyebrow.
"Huh? Oh I-"
"Just cramps," I cut my wife off. "Right, Camz?"
"Yeah, uh- I, yeah, just cramps," Camila managed and closed her eyes once again as she took a deep breath.
"Period pain?" Normani asked with a smirk.
"Uh- I, yeah? I don't know," My wife was biting her lip now, her head back to resting on my shoulder as she attempted to calm down.
"I guessed it," Normani had a triumphant smile plastered across her face. "No sex then, huh?"
"What? No!" Camila whined, not completely understand the full meaning behind the conversation.
"Calm down, Camz," I laughed. "And why would we care? We still do it regardless."
"Ew!" Dinah threw her handful of popcorn at Camila and I. "I did not need to know that."
"Same," Normani replied and turned back to the movie.
"Yall are nasties," Ally laughed and went back to cuddling with Mani.
"I hate you," Camila whispered in my ear when she was sure the girls' attention was back on the movie.
"I love you too," I pecked her lips quickly- obviously too short for Camila as she whined and leaned forward once again to attach our lips in a more heated kiss.
"You can't just kiss me like that," Camila's lips ghosted over mine as her hot breath puffed out against my own. "When we both know I want more."
Camila took my top lip between hers and sucked hard at the end of her statement, earning a low moan from me before I pushed her back on the couch by her shoulders. I kissed her one more time, sliding my tongue inside her warm mouth to explore. I slid my tongue along her canines before simply letting Camila the pleasure of her tongue colliding with my own, making her moan into my mouth as I brought my hands up to her shoulders, massaging lightly before pulling away with a giddy smile. Camila whined in complaint before turning to look at our friends, all of who are standing awkwardly at the door, shuffling their feet and looking around the room uncomfortably.
Ally coughed to catch our attention completely and offered us a smile before she guided the other three to the door. Camila and I were about to follow them until I remembered out little stunt.
"You gotta stay here," I stopped at the entrance to the theater. "Or go to the bedroom. They think you're sick."
"We were literally just making out," Camila giggled. "I think they have an idea of what we'll be doing as soon as they leave by now. You wouldn't kiss me if I was actually sick."
"Yes I would," I argued and poked my tongue out as I grabbed Camila's wrist to drag her out into the hallway. "But come on, you're probably right."
Camila chuckled and a noticeable blush was making its way to her cheeks as I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind when we arrived at the front door. Dinah and Normani were messing around on snapchat and Ally looked like she was probably texting Troy, considering the lovestruck smile plastered on her face as she typed away on the little screen.
"Sooo," I dragged out as to catch their attention. Dinah and Normani took one last selfie before grabbing their bags while Ally continued smiling at her phone. "Ally?" The small girl looked up and blushed but stuffed the phone in her pocket and came over for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist for a few moments before she moved on to Camila. "Okay, I know you probably know Camila isn't sick by now and we just.... well yeah. But we could totally do this tomorrow night if yall are free again? We kinda ruined it," I pulled Camila back over into my embrace, hugging her from behind as I was before Ally came in to hug us.
"Yeah," Camila breathed and avoided the smirks on our best friends' faces.
"Okay," Dinah laughed and wrapped an arm around Normani's shoulder to have something to lean on. "We definitely know whats up, so yeah, we'll leave and you two can go fuck for hours or whatever. But make sure you're both taken care of before we're here tomorrow, yeah? As much as I love Camren, I don't exactly wanna see you two getting it on in the back of the theater."
"Of course," I laughed and rested my head on top of Camila's. "So we'll see you all tomorrow?"
"Yep," Normani and Dinah said in harmony.
I then turned to Ally who had her phone back out, texting Troy once again.
"Ally? You free tomorrow night?"
"Oh, I uh," Ally blushed and looked up at all of our expectant faces. "Troy just told me he had made reservations for some place downtown for tomorrow. So, I uh, I can cancel if you'd like?"
"No!" I blurted out. "No no no no, you're going with him. I know we used to be annoyed when you chose him over us but I think we can all say you two need a nice dinner with just the two of you." I looked to Dinah and Normani who were both nodding, before Dinah's face lit up and a devilish smile came across her face.
"Wait," Dinah smirked. "Can we watch lil Adrian for you guys? We can all spoil him."
"And watch Disney movies!" Camila said excitedly, probably happy for an excuse to watch the children's movies over horror films.
Ally raised an eyebrow and grabbed her purse before answering us. "We were actually gonna take him along, but if it's not a hassle that'd be great," Ally smiled.
"Yes!" Dinah and Camila both squealed.
"I'll drop him off around five if that's okay?" The shortest girl asked, looking to Camila and I.
"Yeah, of course," Camila bit her lip and tilted her head back in attempt to see me. "Just text us what he needs, like sleep and food wise and we're good. Dinah and Normani?" My wife took the two girls' attention away from the phone again. "Wanna come over at like six-ish?"
"Sounds good," Normani replied for the both of them.
"Okay, we got it all worked it then," I clapped and opened the door for the three girls. "I'll see you two tomorrow. Ally, have fun! But not too much!" I teased as she walked towards her car.
"You too!" Ally smirked and waved.
"You two better not be too loud this time!" Dinah called back to Camila and I as she and Normani walked to their shared house about a block away. "Just make sure you close your windows, we don't want a repeat of last summer, do we?"
"Shut up," Camila whined. "Why won't you drop that?"
Dinah smirked as she walked backwards, holding onto Normani's arm for guidance, she yelled a 'goodnight' before turning around to lean against her friend as they walked home.
"Come one," I guided Camila back inside. "Let's get to the bedroom now, yeah?"
Camila licked her lips and raced me up the stairs, effectively jumping onto the bed before me, sitting in the middle of our perfectly made bed with a triumphant smirk on her face.
"I beat you," She smiled childishly and tilted her head to the side slightly as I smirked.
I snaked my hand down to the waistband of my sweats slowly, watching Camila's face shift as realization hit her. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open in anticipation for what was no doubt going to occur within a few seconds- and occur it did.
I didn't even let her get used to the sensations as I immediately turned the vibrations up to the highest setting, earning a high pitched squeak from the tiny brunette in the middle of the bed. Her eyes fell shut and she leaned back onto her elbows as she attempted to regulate her breath. I watched her for a few second before climbing onto the bed beside her, I admired her side profile for a while before I eventually decided I needed her naked.
I tugged at her shorts and Camila nodded slightly, giving me permission to unclothe her. I slipped her out of her pants, shirt, and bra before contemplating taking the panties off. I could just hold it on her clit and see her in all her glory, or I could make her cum in her panties. I don't know what was hotter, to be honest.
"Lauren," My wife whimpered and brought a hand up to my neck to pull me in for a sloppy yet much needed kiss.
I moved to straddle her, never disconnecting our lips, as to gain access to her body to give her the pleasure I yearned to see her in. She moved her mouth lazily over mine, only seeking comfort in my lips, rather than an actual kiss. I snaked my tongue inside her mouth as she moaned into my mouth, massaging her tongue with my own.
"Baby," Camila mewled and dragged her hands down my back to rest at my hips. "Fuck me. Please."
"I'll take care of you," I whispered and removed the last piece of clothing on her before stripping myself. "Don't worry." I kissed down to her navel as I held the small vibrator against Camila's clit. I sucked and bit at her hip bone until she winced at the touch. I knew she liked biting, so why not give her everything she enjoyed in one night?
Camila was writhing and shaking beneath me as I slowly eased the bullet from her clit, effectively calming her down enough to talk to me. She furrowed her eyebrows and pouted innocently as I sat up on her thighs.
"What was that for?" My wife whined and leaned up on her elbows.
"Nothing," I leaned in for a kiss, which she gladly gave into. When we pulled away Camila had a dopey smile on her face with a rosy blush on her cheeks. "I was just wondering if you wanted to try the strap on maybe? We don't have to, I was ju-"
"Oh, um," Camila cut me off as her eyes widened and she looked down at my hands. "It won't hurt?"
"It might at first," I started and Camila clenched her jaw. "But it shouldn't. I'll be careful, if you want to stop I will, just tell me."
"Okay," Camila nodded and shifted a little beneath me. "What do I do?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like it's so much bigger than your fingers," Camila blushed. "Will it even fit?"
"I'm sure it will, Camz," I laughed and let my hands wander her sides as to comfort her a little.
I rolled off the bed to grab the strap on from Camila's dresser, along with a few of the alternate lengths. Camila eyed the toy as I stood at the end of the bed to fasten all the straps correctly. Her mouth was half open as she blatantly stared at the new length between my legs, about eight inches.
"See something you like?" I teased and pinched her cheek affectionately as I sat on my knees in front of her.
"I-no," Camila shook her head. "It's just really big. And thick."
"We can switch it for this one if you'd like?" I smiled nervously and held up a smaller attachment.
"No," Camila sounded a bit more confident. "I can do it. But if its too much can we still continue? But like without this," Camila motioned to the appendage.
"Of course," I leaned in to kiss her, effectively taking her attention off of the toy and calming her down a bit.
Camila sighed into the kiss, bringing her hands up to rest on my hips while mine were currently roaming her back and tangled in her hair.
"I love you so much." I breathed out before attaching my lips to her neck, sucking and nipping at every spot I knew drove her wild.
"Mmm," Camila attempted to speak but her brain failed her and released a moan instead. She moved a hand down to wrap around the thick blue appendage between us curiously. Camila squeezed experimentally before tugging on it, earning a low moan from me as the smaller insert jerked inside of me. My lips brushed over my wife's skin as she slowly moved her hand up and down the length, the insert jerking inside me almost as if it were my wife's fingers.
I moved up to settle between her legs, spreading them as I ran two fingers up her core. She was soaked. I stopped her hand on my length and kissed her inner thighs, nipping and biting at her soft skin just how she liked. By the time I had made it to the spot between her thigh and her core Camila was moaning and literally dripping with arousal. Her butt was already shining with wetness, and the bed sheets had a small stain from the copious amount of it dripping down.
"You're so wet, baby," I said in awe of the brunette. She'd only been this wet a few times before and it still amazed me.
Camila nodded lazily and looked down to watch as I ran the tip of the dick up and down her slit a few times. It gathered a surprising amount of wetness and with one hand I spread it up and down the whole length before running the entire length against her center. Camila moaned and dropped her head back against the pillows as I worked, too gone to the world to pay attention to the baby blue dick between us.
I brought my free hand up to caress the side of her face before leaning in and kissing her gently, Camila melted into my embrace and leaned into my hand subconsciously.
"Ready?" I breathed against her lips. My wife nodded and watched as I guided the tip to her entrance, gently pushing inside of her grasping center. I watched Camila's face closely as I pushed in, both for any sign of pain or pleasure. Just as the tip slipped past the entrance Camila's nose scrunched up, just as it always did when she felt pleasured or confused. Camila opened her mouth to let out a heavy breath before placing her hand on my hip to let me know I could keep going.
I probably got halfway in before Camila sucked in a breath sharply and gripped my hips, her nails digging in almost painfully.
"You okay?" I asked worriedly, brushing a few flyaway strands of hair behind her ear.
"Yeah, just a little uncomfortable, I guess." Camila answered as her body relaxed a little. "It's different, but I'll get used to it. Keep going."
I nodded and kept my eyes on her face as I slowly pushed all the way in. Camila groaned when I bottomed out inside of her, letting her legs spread a little wider and her hips lift up to meet my own. I stayed still for a second as Camila's breathing quickened, waiting for her to regain control of herself before moving.
"Move," Camila almost growled, but whimpering as soon as I pulled back just to thrust back in. "Ohmygod."
"Feel good?" I questioned, actually curious of what it felt like to be so full.
"Very," She nodded feverishly. "Faster."
I obeyed her without question, speeding up the thrusting of my hips and starting to feel the small insert moving with me. Camila's hips were meeting my every thrust by now, she was just as eager, if not more, than I was. My mouth latched onto her breasts, leaving kisses and bite marks all over before enclosing my lips around the dusky nipple, earning high pitched whine from the brunette beneath me. I smiled, satisfied with the pleasure I was giving her before moving the her other nipple, also pebbled as the previous one.
"I'm close," Camila admitted, almost embarrassed at how little time it took her to reach the edge.
"It's okay," I assured her as her eyes softened when they met my own. I swirled my tongue around her nipple and snaked a hand to her center, using one finger to circle her exposed clit, making the girl shriek and her walls clamp down around the toy. I almost couldn't move inside of her due to the sudden tightness, but I managed to continue my pace as I circled her sensitive clit, successfully sending her over the edge a minute later.
"Ohmygod, Lauren!" Camila cried as her walls contracted around the blue appendage, her cum flooding around it, making it easier to slowly move inside of her as I continued to stimulate her clit to draw her orgasm out.
Camila's eyes were closed and her forehead sweaty as I helped her ride out her orgasm, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. When she seemed to be coming down, I slipped the length from her grasp and she whined at the loss, mumbling sleepily about how it 'needed to stay there'.
"Laureeennn," My wife whined and rolled over onto her stomach to bury her face in the pillows. She was always sleepy after sex, there was rarely any exception. "Put it back in."
"Camz," I laughed and removed the straps from my waist to set the toy on the nightstand to clean later. I laid beside her, as she automatically moved to rest her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms arm her.
"It felt so good though," She sounded childish now, but I wasn't complaining. The childish side of her was always so adorable.
"Camz go to sleep," I chuckled and pressed a kiss to her temple.
"Fine." She relented and rolled on top of me, resting her head on my shoulder as she straddled her legs and wrapped her arms around me.
"Okay," I brought her down for a sweet kiss. "Goodnight, babe."
"Goodnight." My wife replied and laid her head back against my shoulder, her hot breath hitting my neck consistently.
It was probably thirty minutes before I was even close to falling asleep, and even then my lovely wife had to blurt something out to wake me up again.
"Wait!" Camila nearly shouted. "You didn't cum," She pouted.
"So?" I raised an eyebrow and watched her make an adorably frustrated pace.
"I was too delirious to realize it, I'm sorry," The tiny brunette moved down my body to place kisses along my neck and chest before I placed my hands on her wrists to catch her attention.
"Stop it," I whispered and moved her to my side so I could spoon her. "I don't need it now. Don't worry about it, okay?"
Camila looked like she was going to protest but nodded and mumbled an 'okay', probably a little upset she couldn't make me feel as good as she did. She could no doubt make me feel that good- it's just that she loved to give me pleasure just as much as I do her so declining her offer was almost insulting to her. And I understand how she felt so I attempted to lift her spirits my massaging her shoulders and asking her to turn around so she was facing me on her side.
I smiled and moved to entangle and legs and hold each other in our embraces. One of Camila's legs was bent and resting over mine as the other was placed between my own legs. Our arms were placed on waists, hips, shoulders, and necks, creating the most intimate position we'd ever engaged in before yet again.
"This is like our honeymoon," Camila whispered and moved her head back to show a euphoric smile on her face. She had unshed tears in her eyes from the happiness she contained.
"I know," I kissed her nose. "That's what I was aiming for."
"I missed this," She admitted. "I love being this close to you."
"I know, I miss it too," I wiped a tear from her cheek, earning a quiet giggle to come from her mouth. "I love being this close to you as well."
Camila smiled and rested our foreheads against each other before leaning in to connect our lips once again.
"I love you," Camila breathed out. "Goodnight."
"I love you too," I smiled and closed my eyes in exhaustion. "Goodnight, baby."

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