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The first time Lauren and Camila had sex, Lauren found out that she hates wearing a condom.
They felt rubbery and the lube was messy. It felt weird to roll on, even when Camila did it with her fucking hot mouth. The feeling of the plastic rolling on to her sensitive dick against the heat of Camila's lips was just too awkward.
Which brings us to the present time, with Lauren's fingers deep inside Camila, who was whimpering and shaking against her bed.
"Mmmh Lauren," Camila groaned when Lauren's fingers slid inside her opening, twisting and curling. The brunette reached for Lauren's dick, squeezing it.
"Shitt Camz..." Lauren hissed. She grabbed Camila by the waist and pulled her down. She positioned her cock that was starving for the moisture of Camila's pussy.
"La-Lauren! A-are you wearing protection?" Camila managed to ask despite her laboured breathing.
Lauren mumbled something, and Camila immediately shot up off the bed.
"Lauren, I told you. We can't have sexual relations if you don't wear the condom!" Camila hissed angrily as she stood beside her bed, naked. Lauren stood in front of her girlfriend, her erection jutting out with pride. In the middle of the bed was the metallic gold Trojan Magnum packet. "I might get pregnant and it will limit my career opportunities, especially Broadway!"
"But I hate it!" Lauren scowled. "It feels weird, and when we tried it without the condom, you didn't get pregnant! I managed to pull out in time!"
"Only barely!" Camila shrieked, crossing her arms across her abdomen, only to lift her breasts up. This caused Lauren to stop the argument for a second, to stare at her girlfriend's gorgeous tits. Lauren reached for them and squeezed gently before squeezing her nipples in between two fingers. Camila groaned, and Lauren lifted a breast to suckle on it.
"D-does this mean you're wearing the condom...?" Camila husked, running her hands through Lauren's soft hair.
"Mm-mm," Lauren hummed, shaking her head.
"Lauren," Camila sighed in annoyance. "Lauren, no." She pushed the blonde away, before bending over to pick up her scattered sweater. "If you're not wearing the stupid condom, we're getting dressed and we're watching a movie downstairs instead."
Lauren frowned, but she approached the bent over brunette who was searching for her panties that were kicked under the bed. Lauren grabbed Camila's waist and buried her still-throbbing erection in between the brunette's butt cheeks.
Camila stood up but instead of pulling away, she rolled her hips against Lauren's stiff pole. "Cameeela..." Lauren growled. "You're not going to get dressed, do you understand?"
"Lauren," Camila whimpered when the ex-Cheerio pushed her against the bed, her knees burning against the carpet and the upper half of her body was pressed against the mattress. "W-what are you-oh!"
Lauren parted the two perfect globes of flesh and grinned at the sight of Camila's puckered asshole, dipping her tongue in to trace the wrinkles. She moaned at the taste, the vibrations travelling through her tongue. "If I can't fuck your pussy without rubber, I'm going to fuck your ass instead."
She tugged Camila's hair to turn her head towards her direction, to dip a finger in between the brunette's lips. Camila laved it with her tongue, nibbled on Lauren's fingers, leaving the black haired girl to imagine that it was her dick in that perfect mouth of her girlfriend.
Once her fingers were dripping with Camila's own saliva, Lauren kissed the small of Camila's back. "Spread your ass, baby."
"Lauren, what-?"
"Just do it, Camz." She snarled.
Camila's trembling arms reached around to grab each ass cheek to part them. Lauren licked her lips and with Camila-soaked fingers, she squeezed in her pointer finger, groaning at the tight heat that gripped her. She can only shudder at the feeling if it was her cock in that tight ass.
"O-oooh...!" Camila squirmed, burying her face against the cover of her duvet. "Lauren, I don't think-"
"Shh," Lauren hushed her, still entranced with the way her finger disappeared inside Camila's ass. "It's going to feel good in a moment." She assured her girl while pumping her aching cock. Oh how she longed to bury herself deep in that heat and gripping tightness. She let go of her cock and instead ran her hand against Camila's pussy that was dripping wet with her cum.
"You dirty girl," Lauren hissed with a smirk as she prodded Camila's soaking pussy, making her tremble with desire. "Feel this?" She smeared the cum that spilled out of Camila along her thighs. The diva nodded. "That's all you. And you say you don't want it up the ass..." Lauren tsked. "You're just a naughty girl, aren't you, Camila?"
Camila whined when Lauren curled her fingers in both her ass and in her cunt. She bucked her hips up to feel more of Lauren. The black haired girl spread some of Camila's arousal on two of her fingers before slipping them inside Camila's ass.
"A-AH! L-LAUREN!" Camila shrieked at the sensation of being rammed from both sides. Lauren's dick twitched at the sound of Camila's whimpers and groans of her name.
"Yeah, you like that..." Lauren husked with a smirk. "Getting fucked on both holes. Such a dirty girl."
"L-let me suck your cock, please Lauren..." Camila breathed. She heard Lauren curse quietly, before feeling three rough pumps against her cunt and ass.
Camila groaned when Lauren pulled her fingers out of her two holes. She watched Lauren take a seat in the middle of the bed, stroking her dick leisurely. Camila crawled over to her, and while in all fours, took in the first three inches of her cock, moaning as she did so.
"Shit baby," Lauren mumbled, gripping a handful of Camila's locks, tugging at it to shove more of her rock hard dick inside her girlfriend's hot mouth. "Yeahhh you're so sexy... fuckkkk!"
Her cock hit the back of Camila's throat, and the vibrations from the brunette's sexy whimpers made Lauren buck helplessly into the sensations. Camila, grateful for the absence of her gag reflex, began to pound her head against Lauren's throbbing cock.
Camila clamped her lips around Lauren's dickhead that was leaking out precum with every suck. "Shitshitshit..." Lauren whispered, her hands falling to her sides as her orgasm reared its head in front of her. "Cam-Camila, no. I-I'm gonna cum—!"
The warning went by unheard as Camila sucked harder and sloppier, strands of saliva clinging to her mouth and flying out as she took Lauren's cock in her mouth roughly. The brunette reached for Lauren's balls and squeezed.
"Oooohhh shittt Camz!" Lauren screamed, flexing her hips to unleash whips of hot cum down Camila's throat, as deep as she can go. Camila moaned at the feeling of her girlfriend losing her control all over the cavern of her mouth.
With a loud smacking noise, Camila pulled out Lauren's penis from her mouth. It was still erect and juddering, glistening with the mix of Camila's spit and Lauren's cum. Lauren's chest was heaving, eyeing Camila with a feral glint in her eye. She stood up with trembling legs, tugging for Camila to come with her.
"Bend over baby," Lauren whispered, pushing Camila's upper back down against the bed. "Fffuck, so sexy," Lauren gasped when Camila obeyed, her flawless ass reflecting the light of the room. Lauren licked her lips; palming one cheek in her other while she sucked a finger in her mouth. She pulled out the moist finger, parting Camila's ass cheeks to dab the wetness against her twitching entrance.
"I feel you creeping; I can see it from my shadow." Lauren began to sing as she rubbed her palm against the soft skin of Camila's butt. "Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo. Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo and possibly bend you over, look back and watch me,"
The blonde lifted a hand and slapped Camila's ass, enough for the sound to resonate in the room. "Smack that, all on the floor."
*SLAP* "Smack that, give me some more."
*SLAP* "Smack that," *SLAP* "Till you get sore."
*SLAP* "Smack that, oh ooh."
Camila was panting and keening, lifting her hips, making her reddened ass jiggle. Lauren stroked herself to quell the impatience brewing in her stomach. The black haired girl bent down and stuck her tongue out to slip it inside Camila's tight heat.
"Lauren, no-ahh!" Camila shrieked when her girlfriend flicked her tongue upwards, hitting the wall of her anus. "Quinn t-that's d-dirty!"
Lauren licked her lips and pushed Camila down against the mattress. "Obviously, seeing as you're a dirty girl, Camila." With that, she dove back in, relishing the husky scent of Camila filling her senses.
Camila squirmed away from Lauren's tongue, but the black haired girl's grip only tightened, and her tongue deepened. When Lauren finally pulled away, Camila's asshole was clenching and blushing.
"You ready for this Camz?" Lauren demanded, pressing her chest against Camila's back. Her nipples brushed the soft skin there, and she shuddered with desire. "I'm going to fuck your ass since you won't let me fuck your other slut hole." She gripped her cock and teased Camila's tight heat, pressing the tip only to pull out.
"I-I don't think I can take you," Camila whispered, her fists clenched around the sheets. "Lauren-you're too big."
"You can take me Camila," Lauren sneered, standing up straight to part Camila's ass. She marvelled at the sight of her cockhead disappearing inside Camila. "Mmm, so hot baby. I'm gonna fuck you so hard, okay?"
"L-Lauren..." Camila whimpered, slumping against the bed. Lauren took this as a sign, and slowly she pushed her eight-inch cock inside the gorgeous butt of her girlfriend.
"O-oh..." Lauren husked, curling her toes and gripping Camila's hips tightly. "Fucking tight... fuckfuckshitttt..."
The muscles of Camila's back stretched and Lauren cannot help but find it hot. "Camz baby," she whispered, pulling out her cock and pushing it back slowly. "You like that?"
"Faster, Lauren..." Camila breathed. The black haired girl smirked and reached down to play with Camila's clit which was throbbing and soaking wet. "I'm your dirty girl. Fuck me like you mean it."
Lauren groaned when Camila played with her weakness: dominant-while-being-fucked Camila. She pulled out, taking a deep breath, before pushing her entire girth inside, pushing and pulling with rabbit speed.
"A-AAH! AHH!" Camila yelled, the feeling of being stretched by Lauren's massive cock was delicious. It hurt, yet the pleasure overrode every other sensation that she felt. Her pussy began to pulse, wanting nothing more than to grip something; to milk.
"Lauren... Fingers pleaaaase!" Camila huffed, the pain was almost completely gone, and so the pleasure was drowning her in its delirious agony.
"Where, baby?" Lauren pumped into Camila faster, loving the way her girlfriend clenched against her cock.
"I-in my pussy!"
Lauren smirked and lifted Camila's left leg up against the bed, spreading the brunette wider. She reached around Camila's hips, feeling around for the nub that was peeking out of its hood. Lauren felt Camila shudder against her, until she reached lower, where the source of the wetness was.
"Wow, Camz..." Lauren grunted, humping Camila's ass, the desire to fill her with cum becoming her mission. "So wet... and it's because I'm fucking your ass, isn't it?" She slipped in two fingers inside Camila's cunt.
"Fuck me harder Lauren," Camila hissed, looking back at Lauren who was panting and thrashing into her hips recklessly. "Take my ass. You know it's yours."
Lauren almost came at Camila's words, but she managed to rein in her orgasm by thinking about Mr. Cowell and Coach Lovato wearing short sequin dresses and doing the dougie. She added another finger into Camila's pussy, and then curling it to hit the patch of muscle that caused the brunette to throw her head back and scream Lauren's name with a heated tone.
"I'm about to cum," Camila promised, arching her back into a perfect curve, making Lauren reach a new depth inside of her, hitting a spot that made Camila clench against her cock so tightly that it was almost painful. "Cum with me Lauren. Fill me up baby. Fill my ass with your cum."
Lauren reached for her a handful of Camila's locks, pulling her up flush against her body, before meeting her lips with a steaming kiss. Tongues invaded one another's mouths, saliva being swapped and moans being muffled by lips. "Fuckk, shit baby." Lauren husked against Camila's jaw. "Whose name will you be screaming when you cream, Camz?" She pushed in roughly and rolled her hips. "Say it."
"Again," Lauren snarled. "Say my name again, you dirty slut."
"LAUREN!" Camila was thrashing now, her ass slamming against Lauren's hips in abandon. "Lauren, I'm coming baby, I'm coming!"
The unbelievable tightness that engulfed Lauren's dick and fingers made her drop her jaw in pleasure. "Fffuckk Camila! Take my cum! Take it baby, take itttt! SHIT!" She pushed Camila down on the bed, her dick buried deep inside, before tearing apart and exploding inside Camila, violent spurts of cum painting and filling Camila's clenching ass.
Lauren slumped down against Camila, breathing against her girlfriend's hair. "Mmm, you smell like cupcakes."
"Really, Lauren?" Camila laughed, craning her head to kiss the blonde's sweaty forehead. "We have hot, anal sex and that's what you say?"
"But it's true..." Lauren mumbled, propping herself up to pull her limp cock out of Camila. The friction left her feeling all tingly and moderately aroused.
Especially when she saw droplets of her cum peeking out of the still-twitching hole of Camila's ass.
"Holy fuck," Lauren whispered, kissing each butt cheek gently. "You okay? I wasn't too rough, was I?"
"I'll be fine," Camila said, wincing. "I may walk funnily tomorrow, but I'll be fine."
Lauren cradled Camila in her arms and pushed her up against the head of the pillows, laying her girl down and pressing a kiss on her forehead. "I love you, Camila."
"Mmmm, I love you too Lauren." She sighed, eyes fluttering to a close. "And for your information, fucking me in the ass will not be a daily thing just because you don't like how a condom feels on your penis, understand?"
Lauren chuckled and nodded, kissing every centimetre of Camila's face. "Of course. I'm going to look into male fertility tests, since I'm not even sure I can get you pregnant..."
Camila smiled and pulled Lauren into her arms. "You're so sweet, even though your motives are rather clear, you sex hound."
"Only for you, baby."

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