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Third period was study hall, in the library.
Lauren lounged at the end of one of the tables, tilted back in her chair with her feet up. Her classmates were mostly studying at the row of tables, some talking quietly, but Lauren had a notebook open in her lap, idly sketching whatever came to mind. None of the Skanks were here, which meant there was nobody worth talking to.
"Lauren Jauregui!" came a harsh whisper from her left. Lauren turned to see the head librarian giving her a death glare. "Get your feet off that table!"
"Sorry," Lauren muttered. She dropped her feet, her heavy boots loudly landing on the floor. The librarian huffed and stepped back into the stacks, out of sight. "Not sorry," Lauren corrected softly. She promptly placed her feet back on the table, tilting back in her chair again. It's not like her boots were caked with mud, what was the big deal?
She flipped the page and started sketching an idyllic landscape, throwing some mountains in the background. It's like her mind wanted to make exceedingly clear that this place was nowhere near Miami. Her thoughts wandered while she worked, and she jumped when a second voice, directly behind her, interrupted her. Jesus. Weren't libraries supposed to be peaceful places?
"Hey, is that Camila?"
"Does it fucking matter?" Lauren snapped. She turned around to see Bradley Simpson and sighed. Some people she just couldn't bring herself to be a bitch to. They were just actually good people. Assholes. "Sorry, Brad."
He shrugged. "Sorry I scared you. Anyway, it's good. Maybe the black hair is giving you awesome new skills."
Lauren chuckled, running a hand through it. "Yeah. Maybe."
He grinned at her and left. Lauren stared at the page. The right half of the sheet bore a close-up of Camila's face, thick hair windswept across her features. The girl was soaking into Lauren's very being. It was somehow unsettling and comforting at once, like she'd always been there and Lauren was just noticing her.
Speaking of noticing, Lauren's eyes caught a flash of green and black through the stacks. She peered to the side and saw Camila speaking to the librarian. She dropped her feet again, quietly, and leaned over in her chair. The librarian nodded at something Camila said. Camila turned to see her. She raised her brow at Lauren, smiling at her with her bottom lip between her teeth. A small jerk of her head towards the back of the library told Lauren all she needed to know.
Lauren stuffed her journal in her backpack and slung the bag over her shoulder. She stepped off into the stacks, taking a slow, roundabout route to the stock room. Barely a few steps later she had to adjust her dick, which was getting so hard so fast it left her lightheaded. She shoved her hand down her pleather pants and pulled her shaft up past the waistband, sighing in relief as it was freed to pulse its way to full hardness. She covered it with her shirt because as much as she hated this school, getting expelled for indecent exposure would make for a major headache.
She used to hide her penis, used to live in constant terror of its discovery, but once she joined the Skanks there wasn't really a reason to anymore. She'd never forget the first time she wore those tight shorts and halter top, strolling down the halls of Miami High with nothing to hide. She'd had Camila jerk her off in the bathroom a bit, because if she was coming out as a girl with a dick she wanted to come out in full force. The shape of her ten-inch erection, thick to match, pressed tight to the seam of her thigh drew the gaze of every student in the halls. And she owned it. The shock phase lasted through lunch, and for the rest of the day all the glances at her crotch were hunger from girls and jealousy from guys. She quickly got used to both.
The library's musty stock room was where returns and new books were processed. It had a bench, lots of books, a couple computers, no windows...and a door that locked. It was much roomier than janitor's closets or bathroom stalls. As good as it got as far as hookup spots went. Camila was on good terms with the head librarian, so it was usually pretty easy to explain that she needed to find a book she'd just returned because she'd left a page of notes in it or something. Just like that, they had the room to themselves.
Lauren ducked inside and quietly locked the door. Camila was waiting for her. The brunette wore a black waist corset under a flimsy crop top and a sinfully short skirt with fishnet stockings. Lauren was pretty sure she could see Camila's nipple rings poking against the fabric. It was hot as hell. Her girlfriend smirked at her, twirling her hair in her fingers. "What took you so long?"
"Why'd you ask?" Lauren shot back with a grin. She dropped her bag on the bench. "Desperate for dick?"
Camila gave her a sultry smile. "You know I'm a needy bitch, baby." She stepped toward Lauren and kissed her, mouth hot and lips soft. Camila pressed Lauren's back to the door, pressed their bodies together tight. "I have my big butt plug in," she whispered against Lauren's mouth. "I'm horny as fuck, Lauren. All I could think about in class was how good it feels when it's your cock stretching out my ass instead."
Lauren hissed through her teeth, her dick twitching. Hard to believe this girl was ever the prudish choir club diva. Camila had given Lauren her virginity at the start of her transformation and her sex drive had been off the charts ever since. It was all Lauren could do to keep up.
"Yeah? What if I want your pussy first?" Lauren pressed a kiss to her lips as she let her hands slide down Camila's body. She lifted Camila's shirt and the brunette raised her arms.
"Don't be difficult," Camila said, making a face as Lauren tossed her shirt aside. Lauren couldn't resist cupping Camila's small breasts, thumbs toying with her nipple rings. Camila shivered, biting her lip and letting her eyes slip shut. She was so sensitive there.
"Fuck, baby," Lauren husked. "I'm so fucking hard. You got lube?"
Camila nodded, taking a deep breath. "Backpack."
Lauren pushed Camila toward the bench, positioning her so she was bent over with her back arched, ass out. Lauren yanked her skirt down to her knees, then her panties. Camila moaned softly, wiggling her bare ass as Lauren palmed and squeezed her soft cheeks. Lauren pulled them apart, licking her lips at how wet Camila's pussy was. The bejeweled plug in Camila's asshole twitched as the brunette clenched and relaxed. "Such a sexy ass," Lauren sighed. "Goddamn." She took the plug in two fingers and pulled lightly. "Gonna fuck it so hard. You want that, baby? You want my thick cock in your tight little asshole?"
"Please," Camila whimpered. Lauren grinned and eased the plug out, leaving Camila's asshole gaping slightly until she clenched it tight. Camila called it her big plug, but the tear-shaped toy was nothing compared to her dick. Camila grabbed the small bottle of lube from her backpack and handed it to Lauren over her shoulder. Camila pushed her own pants down to her ankles, her dick swaying free. She carefully drizzled a line of lube down her cock, then placed a thick drop at Camila's fluttering hole. "Get ready," Lauren said.
The muscles in Camila's back tensed above her corset, but her asshole visibly relaxed, unclenching to accept Lauren's thick meat. Lauren set the blunt head of her cock at Camila's anus and pushed. Her dick made it halfway into Camila's hole, twitching as Lauren moaned. "Oh, shit, fuck yes," Camila breathed. "Fuck, yes, Lauren. Fuck me."
Lauren set her hands at Camila's hips and drew back, then thrust against the tightness, slowly working more and more of her dick into Camila. She kept making long strokes, then finally exerted herself until she was in to the root, all ten inches buried inside Camila's ass, her balls pressed against the slick folds of Camila's warm pussy. "So goddamn tight," she murmured, slowly pulling out and pushing back in. "Feel good, baby?"
"Amazing," Camila whispered, voice unsteady. "God I love your dick. Fills me up so good."
Lauren chuckled. She pulled out to the head and yanked Camila's cheeks apart, watching her asshole give and stretch as she slowly fucked back into her. She warmed her up a bit more, slow and steady thrusts, but the pace was killing her. "Such a good little slut," Lauren said, "taking all of my dick. Hold on to something, baby."
Camila made a small noise of excitement and gripped the bench. Lauren made a couple smooth thrusts, testing her tightness, and took off pounding her. Lauren groaned at the rush of pleasure. Her heavy balls slapped against Camila's empty pussy with every thrust. It wasn't long before Camila was panting, fucking back against Lauren as best she could. Camila braced herself with one arm to tug at her nipple piercings. Lauren chuckled and hooked her arm under Camila's thigh, giving her ass rough, shallow thrusts while she pinched her clit. Camila's body tightened. "Oh fuck," Camila hissed. "Coming."
Lauren rubbed her pussy while she came, moaning and sighing. "Good girl," she said softly. When Camila was finished she sagged slightly, and Lauren gave her a moment to recover, keeping her shaft buried.
Camila looked over her shoulder. "Did you come yet?"
Lauren looked down. "Is my dick not still in your ass?"
"But it's not moving," Camila pointed out mischievously. She clenched her inner muscles around Lauren's meat, swaying her ass back and forth. Lauren shuddered at the sudden sensation. If Camila wanted Lauren to fuck her, she'd fuck her.
Lauren grabbed a fistful of Camila's dark hair, the other hand gripping the laces of her corset. She yanked Camila up from the bench and started drilling her, slamming her dick into her ass, pulling her body forcefully back against her thrusts. Camila squealed softly but chanted encouragement as Lauren sped up, thrusting her thick cock madly into the slick-hot tightness of Camila's asshole. Camila let Lauren hold her up, using both her hands to play with her own breasts. She pinched her nipples and pulled at her piercings until she came again, shuddering and clenching around Lauren's thrusting cock.
"Gonna come," Lauren grunted, fucking against the tightness of Camila's ass. "Holy shit, Camz. You feel so good, fuck."
Lauren's balls twitched and her orgasm burst in her core, sending thick streams of hot cum jetting from her cock to flood Camila's ass. Lauren pushed Camila forward over the bench and arched over her, panting. She slammed her cock balls deep and fucked Camila with shallow thrusts as she came, pushing each pulse of cum deep into Camila's ass until she was emptied.
She stayed like that, her sensitive dick nestled deep in Camila's anal cavity, until she caught her breath. She pulled out and Camila immediately turned, dropping to her knees. Lauren grinned. "You gonna clean me off?"
Camila winked at her and took the base of her thick cock in her small hand. She lowered her head to lick at Lauren's balls a bit, then ran the flat of her tongue up the length of her dick. She took the head in her mouth and sucked. Lauren's hips rocked forward, and she hissed, burying her hands in Camila's hair. "That's it, babe," she murmured. "You suck my dick so good. Dirty girl. Let me feel that throat..."
Camila pushed more of Lauren's cock into her mouth, tongue working and sliding around the shaft, until the sensitive head bumped against the back of her throat. Camila arched her neck and swallowed around her cock, letting the head slip into her gullet. "Fuck," Lauren swore. She couldn't help thrusting her hips. Camila took a deep breath through her nose and pushed further and further down until finally her lips were at the base of Lauren's cock, the head lodged halfway down her throat, her nose pressed to Lauren's belly. Camila swallowed rhythmically around her shaft, letting Lauren fuck her face with shallow motions, balls slapping her chin. "Jesus," Lauren grunted. Her dick was loving this. "I think I could come again. Seriously."
Camila tapped her thigh and Lauren pulled out, letting her catch her breath. After a moment Camila opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue. Lauren bit down hard on her lower lip as she slowly fed her dick back into Camila's mouth. Camila deepthroated her effortlessly, even managing to lick her balls with Lauren's cock down her throat.
Lauren's second orgasm bubbled up without warning. "Oh shit, coming," she blurted, pulling her ejaculating dick out of Camila's mouth. "Show me that tongue, baby."
Camila's eyes widened and she opened her mouth again, offering her tongue up for Lauren's cum. Lauren jacked herself off as she came, her shaft slick with Camila's saliva, and sent a couple thick ropes of cum flying to land across Camila's pink tongue, painting it with streaks of white. "Not very much," Lauren observed. "Most of it's in your ass."
Camila hummed, swallowed it with a smile, and licked her lips. "Yeah."
"So that was fun." Lauren helped Camila up off the floor. "Still so horny you can't think, or feel better?"
"Yeah, but now I want a nap," Camila confessed.
"Aw." Lauren kissed her lips, then the tip of her nose. "Maybe you can get one at lunch in the auditorium."
"Orrr you can fuck my pussy in the prop room." Camila batted her lashes and gave Lauren a megawatt smile as she dressed herself. "It's feeling neglected now."
Lauren grinned as she pulled her pants back up and grabbed her backpack. "Only if I get to eat you out first."
"...I don't think you know how negotiations work, Lauren."
"Yeah?" Lauren cautiously opened the door and stepped out. "Find me a book on it."

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