It's Okay To Be Nervous

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"Wait, wait," I heard Camila's usually calm voice come out urgent and separated our kiss abruptly. I moved my lips to her neck to press soft kisses against her heated skin, prompting a small hand to hold onto my forearm, probably in attempt to stop my advances. I did as she wished and looked to see her big brown eyes full of insecurity and unshed tears.
"Hey," I soothed and moved my fingers from her neck to caress her cheek gently. "What's up? Did I do something?"
"No, God no! You didn't do anything," She chuckled humorlessly in attempt to cover up her shaky voice. "It's stupid," She shook her head and looked down at her hands and I swear I felt my heart tear in two when I saw a couple tears escape her eyes.
"No, nothing you think is stupid. Well except for the part of you that thinks you're stupid- that part is stupid." I attempted to make her laugh only to receive a small smile as she raised her head to rest on my shoulder. "But for real, you can tell me anything. I won't judge you, I promise. I love you."
"I love you too," She pecked my lips before looking around my room and moving from my lap as she spoke again. "I just- I've never, well, like had-"
"Sex?" I chimed in and saw her cheeks flush before she nodded shyly. "So you're a virgin?"
"Yes," She shrugged with a self-deprecating nod of her head and traced patterns on her knee out of nervous habit. "I mean, not that kissing is sex, because, like, I know that's all we were just doing. But I don't know when it'll come up or how I'd tell you, so I just... I don't know, I really really like you and I've only ever actually thought of having sex with you, unlike my ex so I don't know- I just... I'm sorry, that was weird, I shouldn't be thinking of having sex with you. I'm sorry, this is so awkward now," Camila was biting her lip and looking anywhere but my face as I just stared at her for a few seconds. Her face was beet red and I could tell she was fighting tears again, it broke my heart to see her in such self-deprecating matter.
"No, babe. I'm glad you told me," I smiled and lifted her chin with my fingers slowly to make eye contact. I offered her a smiled before taking her hands and settling them between us. "I've thought about it too- having sex with you- if I'm honest. I don't think it's weird. We're in a relationship, it's a given we'll think about it at some point. It's just a little weird saying it out loud," I laughed. "But I love you, and I'll wait if that's what you want, or if you want to wait until marriage, we can. Just tell me about it, it's not weird, trust me. I'd rather you tell me and be comfortable than be- Wait, why are you smiling?"
"You said marriage," Camila blushed and struggled to contain her smile.
"Oh, well yeah," I stammered. "I only date people if I can see myself marrying them. I mean, why date someone for fun? Dating isn't a game. I may have had a few one night stands a couple years ago but it made me realize I only wanna share that part of me with someone I love. So yeah, I mean, I'd love to marry you. O-only if you do though."
"I can see myself marrying you, yeah," She rested her forehead against mine before her eyes went wide and her cheeks flushed again. "Wait, that wasn't a proposal, right?"
"I- no. No, I'm not- I don't have a ring yet," I stuttered and saw my girlfriend of two years nodding slowly. "But, back to the original topic- you wanna wait till marriage? Or you're just waiting for someone special?"
"I don't know," Camila seemed a little more comfortable and didn't avoid my eyes anymore. "Well, I was never into that religious 'save it till marriage' stuff. I'm just a little scared, I guess. No one else has seen me naked like that, or touched me."
"I've seen you naked though," I raised an eyebrow as I recounted our chaste showers together.
"I mean, like- I don't know- so submissive or revealed like that, you know?" She explained further with a sigh. "I should be over that by now- I'm twenty two for God's sake. How many twenty two year olds do you think are virgins? But I'm sorry for making you wait so long and we're still not quite there yet."
"It doesn't matter. I love you," I said softly caressing both of her cheeks gently. "And I know what you mean. I wasn't that insecure, or rather uncomfortable I guess, my first time. I was half drunk and the girl wasn't as into it as me- I definitely regret it. It sucked. But I'll do everything I can to make yours perfect, I promise."
Camila nodded with a shy smile before leaning in and taking my lips in hers and kissing me lovingly, moving her lips slowly against mine as she swiped her tongue across my top lip. I smiled and opened my mouth a little to grant her entrance and sighed in pleasure as her tongue invaded and explored my mouth, taking over all my senses.
"I love you," She murmured and moved to lie down in my bed- more like ours by now though.
"I love you too," I moved beside her and wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her closer and rested my head on her shoulder before falling into a sound sleep.
It had been five days since that conversation and Camila's definitely been more comfortable when we found ourselves in heated make out sessions- she'd straddle me and her hands were definitely more daring than ever. She'd let her hands wander seemingly innocently until she'd grope my breasts or my hardening member, albeit shyly, but she still did it.
And that leads us to now- where Camila is sitting in my lap while we made out aggressively after being distracted from studying. Her hips were pressed right up against my lower stomach, making her lean down into the kiss as we relied on the headboard to keep us up. I moved one hand down her spine before stopping at her ass and squeezing it gently to gauge her reaction. I smiled against her skin as her mouth opened in surprise to disconnect our lips, her eyes slowly opening to meet mine with an eyebrow raised in a slight smirk.
I squeezed again, harder this time, and watched in delight as she bit her lip to contain the sounds begging to escape her mouth. I smirked and went to attach my lips to her neck as I massaged her lower back and ass, biting down gently on her sweet spot before soothing it over and sucking to mark her as mine as I'd done a few times before.
Considering we'd been together for two years and counting, we never actually got further than making out because I could tell Camila was uneasy or nervous. So I never pushed her.
Although I've woken up while she was masturbating a few times before. I've never brought it up before, but I know she's tried it when she thinks I'm asleep. She'll wait until she thinks I'm asleep before slipping a hand into her panties and taking care of herself slowly as to not wake me, but little did she know I've definitely been awake a few of those times. And as much as it killed me not to be the one getting her off, I'd just stay still and listen to her and do everything I could not to get myself off as I was no doubt hard.
I didn't see it as rude, or inconsiderate as some people would. Camila herself was barely comfortable with that part of herself, let alone me quiet yet- so I just let her do as she was comfortable with.
"You like that?" I mumbled against her neck and gave her ass another more aggressive squeeze before bring my hands up to her lower back and neck.
"A little, yeah," Camila chuckled and leaned her head back to give me more access to her neck. She's so cute yet awkward and I love it.
"Mkay," I smiled against her skin before moving up to trap her bottom lip between mine in a more passionate kiss. It was all lips, tongue, and teeth. She'd become more playful and bite my lip with a smile before leaning back in and attaching our lips so her tongue could collide with mine.
I don't know if she even noticed it, but I'd been hard the second her toned thighs situated themselves around my waist. If she did, she didn't acknowledge it. I was always hard when we made out, I couldn't exactly control it around her. Part of me was still insecure about my intersexuality and felt that she abstained from sex because of it, but the rational part of my brain knew she was just shy about it.
I let out a strangled moan as Camila shifted in my lap, her butt now putting a significant amount of pressure on my hard member. Camila froze and I looked up in insecurity, afraid I had done something wrong or she wasn't comfortable with this yet.
"I'm sorry, I just- you're-"
"No," Camila shook her head and swallowed before continuing. "No, it's okay. It's just, you're, I don't know, so close. And I want this," She admitted shyly as her cheeks reddened.
"You want this?" I asked, a little shocked if I'm honest. I'm not gonna lie, the first thing I noticed about the Cuban woman was her ass. I couldn't help myself. She had an amazing body but when we started dating she made it obvious she wasn't ready for certain things, and I respected that. But now, having her tell me she is ready, I'm not sure I'm mentally prepared.
"Yeah," The brown eyed girl breathed out softly as her hands trailed up and down my sides. "I want you to be my first. And I'm ready."
"Oh, I, uh, thought you'd tell me in advance or something," I looked down at my hands for a second before meeting her eyes shyly. "I would've made this perfect- and actually would've cleaned my room up a little bit, I don't know, I wanted to make it romantic and perfect for you. But if you don't care about all that then yeah, its fine." I watched a smile form on her face at my rambling and she leaned in to peck my lips sweetly only to have me turn it into a more heated kiss.
I tugged at her bottom lip and took the first opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth as she gasped. Her hands were tangled in my hair and settled on my lower back as she reciprocated the kiss with just as much passion as me.
"Babe," I breathed against her lips and shifted her in my lap so my thigh was between her legs. "Tell me if it's too much, or if something hurts, alright?"
"Okay," She sounded a little impatient and breathless and immediately went back in to attach our lips.
I smiled against her mouth and tugged at the hem of her shirt gently in question. She pulled back and looked significantly less confidant than she was just seconds ago. Why was someone like her- someone so amazing and kind and gentle hearted- still so insecure?
I smiled reassuringly and started to lift the clothing over her head as she sat there nervously. I didn't even look at her body this time. I'd seen her plenty times before so I was taking time appreciating her body. I nipped at her collarbones and let my fingers trace patterns on her bare skin, eliciting both a few whimpers and goose bumps.
"You don't have to be scared."
"I'm not scared," Camila said back softly. "I'm just a little nervous, I think."
"It's okay to be nervous," I replied in a tone just as soft as hers and positioned my fingers at the clasp of her bra. "You can tell me to stop whenever you want."
"I know," She murmured and removed her bra herself and immediately went to tug off my hoodie to leave my top half naked.
I smiled softly and shifted her body so she'd be lying on her back on the bed as I settled between her legs. I knew she was still a little nervous, probably more than she'd admit.
You see, she woke me up in tears about eight months ago and asked me what asexual meant. She was worried she was asexual and I'd be upset because she might not want that part of our relationship- or if it was present, that she wouldn't enjoy it as much as me. She didn't want to lose me and I could tell that that was the only thing she was worried about, and now seeing her slightly apprehensive gaze I knew she was fearful she wouldn't live up to my expectations, or even her own for that matter.
I smiled softly and place one hand on her hip and the other on her side as I kissed her neck. Nipping, biting, sucking, and soothing. She was definitely letting out little noises of pleasure here and there and I made sure to remember what she liked and what would elicit her breathy whimpers.
Camila's legs shifted and I looked up to see her blushing and noticed her hands were tugging at my sweats. I raised an eyebrow teasingly and she mumbled a 'shut up' and slapped my shoulder before I broke out into a smile and tugged off my sweats, leaving me in just my boxer briefs now. I carefully unbuttoned her jeans and made sure to go slow and give her time to back out before they were thrown across my room and I bit my lip as I took in her long, tanned legs.
"Can I?" My fingers were playing with the waistband of her panties.
"Mhmm," She hummed and bit her lip as she watched me removed her panties, leaving her completely naked in front of me. Sure, it wasn't the first time I've seen her naked but this was definitely different.
I felt Camila tense beneath me and she offered another shy smile before bringing her hand to my neck to bring me in for another kiss. She moaned when our tongues collided and I took that as a distraction to snake a hand down to flick over her clit. She froze for a second before sighing and leaning into my arm that was wrapped around her to rest on her back. Her lips were idle and only ghosting over mine as I circled her clit slowly.
I smiled at her reactions and went to kiss her neck and jawline, making sure to give her sweet spot a little extra attention before moving south and kissing the top of her left breast. I kissed all around her breast until I attached my lips to her nipple and swirling my tongue around the erect bud. She whimpered audibly and her hands went to my shoulders and my hair as she attempted to add more pressure by pushing my head closer to her chest. I smirked and rolled the dusky nipple between my teeth before soothing it over and moving to give her other breast the same attention.
She was obviously aroused, and she was letting me know by her little breathy whimpers and the way her hips would jerk upwards to meet my hand in attempt to gain more friction. I could tell she was still trying to hold back a little bit with the moaning and asking or begging, but I wanted her to be comfortable. So I was just gonna do what I thought she wanted- no teasing.
When I finished applying kisses to her chest I made my way down to her hip bone, leaving bite marks and hickeys along the way. I sucked and nipped at her hip bone, just to mark her for my own pleasure before moving down so my lips were in front of her center for the first time.
She spread her legs for me and looked down to make eye contact before I moved any closer. She was blushing and her chest heaving as I puffed out air onto her sensitive area, making her shiver.
"Lauren," She gasped and bit her lip as she anticipated the first contact. I moved a hand up to hold her hand while the other was on her hip just in case I needed to hold her down. I held eye contact as I slowly ran my tongue up the brunette's heated core.
She shivered and squeezed her eyes shut and I could tell she was trying to hold back all her sounds of approval, and that only spurred my desire to hear her. Little did I know, it wasn't going to take too much to elicit the moans I wanted to hear so badly.
The second my tongue came in contact with her clit she made an almost animalistic noise. I resisted the urge to smile but squeezed her hand when her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. I continued circling her clit slowly before easing my tongue towards her leaking hole, probing at the entrance a little and just barely making it way in before leaving again. I wanted to tease her enough to have an amazing orgasm, but I knew she wasn't one to withstand teasing too long.
Even in our more heated make out sessions before bed I could tell she was flustered, seeing as she usually only wore panties and a large shirt to sleep in. I could always feel and see her erect nipples through her shirt and the obvious dampness of her panties on my thigh or lap gave it all away. She'd get worked up just from kissing so I didn't want to waste my time teasing her when that had already happened in the form of making out.
"Babe," A low whimper fell from Camila's lips and I stroked my thumb over her hand in acknowledgment. "M-more."
I admit I was a little surprised but I wasn't one to deny her wishes. I removed my mouth from her center, earning a rather loud whine in protest from my girlfriend, and moved off the bed and kneeled on the floor. "Put your legs around my neck."
"What?" Camila breathed out in shock. "I'm not going to su-"
I chuckled softly and pulled her down the bed so her butt and center were right in my face and just barely on the bed before lifting her thighs to rest on my shoulders with her ankles locked and resting on my shoulder blades. Camila was resting up on her elbows and looking both excited and seemingly a little embarrassed at the new position.
"This okay?" I asked softly and rearranged my erection in my underwear to relieve some pressure. She nodded and the redness of her cheeks seemed to travel to her neck. "You don't need to be embarrassed about this, Camz. You're beautiful and I love you and nothing about this is going to change how I feel about you."
"I love you too," She whispered and laughed softly to herself before entangling our hands together. "I'm not embarrassed. It's all new for me though and, I don't know, I feel like I'll be too loud or screw it up somehow."
"First off, we're in my apartment and I don't have a roommate- feel free to be as loud as you want, its hot." I teased. "Second, anything with you is perfect. There's no way you can screw this up, babe."
"What if I pee on you or something?" Her cheeks flushed again and I could tell it was an actual concern of hers. "Becky told me she accidentally peed on Austin their first time, and the other two times, and they broke up because of it..."
"Oh my God," I laughed and rested my head on Camila's soft thigh seeing as she probably wasn't about to drop this soon. "I seriously doubt she peed on him, some girls squirt, she probably just squirted and didn't know what happened. Even if she did pee on him though, he deserved it," I joked and saw Camila's eyes doing that sad, worry thing she does. "But really, I wouldn't care. As long as you feel good I don't care. I'd never break up with you over something like that. I don't think I'd be able to break up with you even if you cheated, to be honest. I love you too much."
I saw her nod and shut her eyes momentarily and when they reopened she seemed to have eased her nerves, so I licked at her outer folds teasingly just to see her reaction. Her hand squeezed mine and I took that as a sign to continue.
"I'd never cheat on you," She whispered and I felt her ankles dig into my back. "Please keep going though," Her voice was rough and scratchy.
I smiled softly and dove right back in to lap and lick at the copious amount of wetness already present. I snaked my free hand down and circled her entrance as I focused my tongue on her clit. She froze but I knew she wanted this, if she didn't she'd say something. So with that I eased one finger into her warmth slowly and she seemed fine with it. No pain or crying as she thought would happen.
Then I remembered she masturbates fairly often. Of course she'd be used to at least one finger.
I picked up my ministrations before slipping in another finger soon after the first without warning.
"Shit," Camila hissed and squeezed my hand as the other was splayed on the bed sheets.
"Hurts?" I mumbled against her center, earning another low groan.
"No-no, s'good. Keep going."
"Hmm," I hummed again and she moaned at the slight vibrations from my voice.
I thrusted faster into her with my fingers and ignored the urge to relieve myself as I continued to trace patterns over the brunette's clit. She let out a loud whimper when my fingers curled upwards and grazed her sweet spot. I stored it in my memory immediately and moved so I'd be thrusting into that spot every time, earning breathy moans every time my fingers grazed her velvety walls.
"Baby... I'm close," She managed and I felt her thighs tense beside my head.
I squeezed her hand and continued thrusting in and out of her warmth until she was practically shaking on the bed. Her thighs were tensing and un-tensing around my neck constantly as her climax approached her. My tongue added more just slightly more pressure and Camila let out a breathy moan of 'Laur' before groaning and squeezing her eyes shut and her lips slightly parted.
"I- Lauren," She panted and let out another breathy moan before attempting to continue.
All her efforts of talking were cut short, though, as I gently nibbled on her clit before moving to suck the sensitive bundle of nerves into my mouth and swirling my tongue around. A much louder moan had escaped her lips at that and by the time I angled my fingers upwards in attempt to send her over the edge and before I knew it she was coming.
I slowed my fingers as she was coming down, listening to the tiny whimpers and moans slipping through her lips as she went through the aftershocks. I replaced my tongue with my fingers and continued circling her clit idly as I got on the bed beside her and turned her on her side as I rubbed her clit from behind.
"Oh my God," The brown eyed girl breathed out and moved up so her body was completely on the bed.
I smiled and moved to cuddle her after turning the lamp on the nightstand off so we were only in the moonlight. I carefully moved my almost painfully hard member so I wouldn't be bothering her and wrapped my arms around her, ready for sleep.
She had other ideas, though.
"Wait, wait," She moved from my embrace and I could still see her slightly puzzled expression in the dim room. "I thought we were gonna... I mean, you didn't come? Don't you need to take care of that?"
"Oh," I gasped slightly. If I'm honest I didn't expect her to want that quite yet. "I didn't think you wanted to." I scratched the back of my neck nervously and played with her fingers out of habit.
"No, I do," My girlfriend stated with a shy smile with her cheeks constantly flushed by now. "I'm nervous though."
"Why are you nervous?" I asked softly and went over the reasons I, myself, was nervous in my head.
"I've heard it hurts," Camila started. "And I don't want you to get halfway in only for me to ask you to stop because it hurts."
"It only hurts a little bit at first," I tried to ease her nerves a little bit and moved to sit up beside her. I leaned against the headboard and she immediately went to straddle me, causing me to go '!!!' on the inside because, really, I could feel her warmth and wetness over my boxer briefs. "I-I, uh, it'll only continue to hurt if they're dumb and not doing it right." I swallowed heavily before continuing. "I'll be gentle, I promise. You can tell me to stop whenever you want, I won't be upset. I honestly kinda forgot about it because you're so... so amazing- at everything you do. And you're literally ethereal right now, by the way."
"Using big words to woo me again, are we?" She teased and giggled a bit before shifting slightly on my lap and leaning in to kiss me. "But really, thank you. I love you," She mumbled against my lips after our kiss and I watched her bite her lip before moving her hips against mine, slowly, but with significantly more pressure.
I tried to contain a breathy moan only for it to come out more as a whimper. I put my hands on her hips and saw the fleeting confident smile across her lips before leaning in to take her lips in mine. I smiled into the kiss and guided her hips against me, resisting the nearly constant urge to just remove my underwear and have no barriers between us.
But if she wanted to pace it, I'd let her. Frankly, I'd let her do anything.
I mouthed at her neck and collar bone as she grinded into my already hard member. She seemed to be a lot more confident now that I was being a little more vocal about my pleasure, and it was evident in her small smile and the way her fingers were tugging at my waistband. I was probably more nervous than her at this point, even though I hated admitting it. I was afraid of coming the second my sensitive cock head entered her.
I was also a little afraid of how it'd feel. I'd never had sex with anyone I've loved- they'd all been hook ups or drunken one night stands with anyone who was down for it. I'd gotten into habit of having sex with anyone who wanted just to boost my confidence because of my little condition. I was still a little insecure about it to this day.
"Babe," Camila whispered and I shivered as her hot breath hit my ear. "Take this off," She snapped my waistband again and lifted her hips as I eagerly moved to remove the last piece of clothing separating us.
I got them down to my knees before kicking them down to the floor and gasping as Camila's center came in contact with my member for this first time so intimately. We'd occasionally graze over each other in the shower or bath but it never amounted to anything more.
Camila whimpered at the unfamiliar contact and I felt her wetness coating my length and I swear I could've came right then if I had one less ounce of self-control. I groaned and I could tell Camila was slowly becoming more and more nervous so I leaned in for a kiss and ignored the blinding sensations of our bodies' pressed so close together.
I moved one hand up to her cheek and slowed the kiss until our lips were only ghosting over one another's before cautiously bringing her hips forward and heightening the burning desires inside of us. She moaned when I brought her hips down so her clit would be rubbing against my hard member and I played with her breasts in attempt to work her up even more.
"Wait," She breathed out in between heavy panting. I pulled away from her chest immediately and looked up worriedly, thinking I'd done something wrong, but when I saw her shy eyes and nervous smile I knew she was fine.
"Hm?" I pecked her lips quickly and let out a rather loud moan when Camila shifted in my lap.
"I want to, uh," The brunette shifted again in my lap and wrapped her small hand around my seven and a half inches tentatively. I groaned and let my head fall forward onto her shoulder as she moved her hand up and down my length, and by now I was sure I'd come before her so I didn't hold back.
I bit down on her shoulder slightly and continued muttering 'yes' or 'faster' to guide her a little, but also to let her know she was doing just fine. I could feel my high approaching at a rapid speed and when she ran her thumb over the tip I was gone. I'd been hard since she straddled me, and waiting this long to cum definitely made for a more mind numbing orgasm.
"Camz," I groaned as I came.
Camila's hand stopped in surprise when the first rope of cum shot out onto her thigh, but she quickly went to stroking the now softening member between us. I whimpered at the faint touches and picked my head up to kiss my girlfriend. She eagerly kissed back and squeezed my member teasingly, causing me to bite her lip as she chuckled at the action.
"You're good at that," I mumbled as I went in to kiss her again only to have her pull pack after a few seconds. She hummed and stroked my member until it was hard again, adding more pressure here and there and running her thumb over the tip as well.
"You're quick," She observed and bit her lip.
"Quick at what? Orgasming?" I scoffed. "That's not exactly a good thing, Camz," I laughed.
"No, you're already hard again," She smiled mischievously. "You're not like, oversensitive or anything?"
"Nope," I shrugged and nipped at her sweet spot to busy myself. "I don't know, only happens after a few rounds."
"Wow," She sighed and leaned back for me to have more access to her neck. "So you can go more than one round?"
"Becky said Austin would always cum early and would be too sensitive to get her off or continue," Camila laughed airily about her cousins little stories. If she wanted to talk right now, I'll listen, but I know it's just her way of putting off the actual thing. Then she surprised me. "How long do you last? Usually, I mean," She asked shyly.
I stopped peppering her neck with bites and kisses and leaned back with a small smirk on my face. She blushed and looked between my swollen lips and my dilated eyes for a second before licking her lips and tracing circles on my collar bones.
"You don't have to answer it though," She whispered. "I didn't mean to say it out loud."
"No, its okay, babe," I smiled softly. Even though I knew she was only talking because she was nervous I wasn't about to make her uncomfortable and ignore her. "I don't know it varies. I've lasted up to fifteen minutes but I've also lasted only, like, two minutes."
"Fifteen minutes? Holy shit," Her voice was a little shaky and her hands sped up their movements on my collar bones out of nervous habit.
"I know," I chuckled. "I wasn't into it though. I was drunk and all I could think about was you. I w-"
"You were thinking of me while having sex with someone else?" She raised an eyebrow.
"It was almost four years ago when I didn't even think you knew who I was so shut up," I teased and pinched her cheek.
"Well, I can promise you I'll never last fifteen minutes, that's for sure," Camila breathed out a little sarcastically.
"I don't expect you too," I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her closer again. She sighed in relief and nodded. "If I'm honest I don't know how long I'll last with you. I've never, like, made love to anyone, you know?"
The brown eyed girl nodded again and snaked her hand down to wrap around my length again.
"W-wait, what are you doing?" I sputtered.
"I want you inside." She stated bluntly and her eyes widened at what she heard herself say and blush moved from her cheeks to her ears.
"Oh, I uh- Don't we need condoms?" I asked hesitantly and reached for my nightstand.
"I'm on birth control," She bit her lip nervously. "We should be fine. Unless you're terrified of having children."
"No! No, I'm not afraid of having children." I said quickly. "It's just, we're in college, we should wait until we graduate and get a job. I mean, if you want kids, that is," I said nervously.
"Of course I want kids," She smiled pecked my lips and shifted in my lap so my member was enveloped in her warm, wet folds. "But, condom or no condom? I don't care, your choice."
"No condom," I replied almost instantly. I didn't want to seem immature but I wanted to feel her completely, not with a thin piece of rubber separating us.
She nodded and lifted her hips up as I aligned my member with her soaked center. I smeared our combined cum along my length and held her hand with my free hand as she lowered herself onto me. I gasped as my sensitive cock head came in contact with her warmth and bit back a loud moan as she started to lower herself onto my seven and a half inches.
She tensed as the tip of my length made its way into her and I quickly moved my hand from my member to her hips and squeezed her hand.
"It's thick," She moaned and rested her forehead on my shoulder.
I peppered kisses along her shoulder and trailed my fingers up and down her spine as she held her hips in place. I groaned as she lowered herself down another couple inches and relished in the way her warm, velvety walls hugged my member. The brunette whimpered and bit my shoulder in slight pain.
"You okay?" I whispered softly and continued tracing her spine in attempt to ease her nerves.
"I'm good," She breathed. "It's really big. A lot bigger than fingers," She giggled softly.
I laughed, just because she still managed to be so cute in this setting. But my laugh soon turned into a slight choke before moaning when Camila dropped her hips completely with my member sheathed inside of her.
"Shit," The brunette muttered as she collapsed into my body. "Lauren."
"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly and ignored the need to move inside of her. "We can stop if it hurts too much."
"It's not that bad," She panted. "Let's move slowly at first?"
"Mkay," I hummed and felt her roll her hips against mine.
I squeezed my eyes shut and moaned at the feeling, she whimpered softly and I immediately opened my eyes to watch the girl I love in such a state. Her lips were parted letting our little pants every now and then as one of her hands was resting on my shoulder as she rolled her hips against mine. Her other hand came down to boldly flick over my nipple, pinching and twisting it lightly before lifting her hips a little and dropping them, eliciting a low moan from both of us.
"Lauren," She gasped breathlessly and continued the slight lifting of her hips as she rolled her hips as well.
"Holy shit, babe," I breathed out and leaned in for a sloppy kiss. Our lips were messily moving against each other's and I slowly started to buck my hips against hers.
She mewled into my mouth and her walls clenched momentarily, making me moan rather loudly. When our lips separated Camila rested our foreheads against each other and with her eyes still shut she started to lift her hips more and more until she was practically bouncing on my cock. I bit my lip and watched in awe as her perky breasts were moving deliciously in front of my face.
She was so beautiful.
The way her hair was falling on either side of our faces or the way her eyes were squeezed shut and her lips parted. And the way her dusky nipples were swaying right in front of my face and the way her skin was glistening slightly with a thin layer of sweat.
I trailed my hands up her sides and busied one at her breasts and caressed her face with my other, gently moving her hair back behind her ears before pecking her lips again and again. She smiled softly but quickly gave in to the kiss and kissed back fervently, losing pace of her previous movements and groaning at the loss of movement.
"Roll over," I whispered against her lips. When we separated I saw her raised eyebrow and just shook my head. "I'm gonna flip us over unless you say no."
"Okay," She nodded and carefully lifted her a little and flipped us so her back was on the bed and I was resting between her legs, my hard shaft still buried deep inside her. "You're not gonna put it in my butt?" She laughed lightly and spread her legs a little more to give me a little more room.
"No, no," I laughed as well and started to thrust into her slowly as to let her get used to the new position. "Unless you're into that?" I asked more so than teased.
"No," The brown eyed girl replied quickly. I blushed in embarrassment for even thinking she'd be into it and angled my thrusts to hit the spot that drove her crazy. "Not yet, at least," She panted and her eyes closed in pleasure. "I'm not shutting it down, but n-not tonight... Ohmygod, t-that feels really good Lo."
"Does it?" I mumbled just to hold off my rapidly approaching climax. I felt her nod against my chest and I snaked one arm around her back to hold her as the other strained to hold us up. I moaned when her walls fluttered around me and tried to push the vulgar sounds of our movements to the back of my mind in order to focus on Camila's pleasure.
"Holy shit," The brunette whimpered and arched her back. "Do that again," She breathed out against my ear.
I have no idea what I did but I continued my pace, only thrusting a little harder upwards in attempt to find her g-spot. And it only took a couple of thrusts before the smaller woman cried out and latched onto my body.
"I'm cl-close," She murmured as her body trembled and shook in pleasure against mine.
"Me too," I managed and lowered both of our bodies so I could hold her and snake my now free hand down to toy with her clit.
"Lauren," She groaned and I hissed as her nails dug into my back painfully. Pleasurable pain, though.
"Come on baby," I whispered as I worked my hips faster than ever. "Cum for me."
And with that her orgasm climax came crashing over her. I groaned at the rush of wetness against me and the added pressure, nearly cumming right then. I knew I'd fulfilled my own expectations of not coming early, but I didn't want to offset her or anything.
I was still mildly insecure about the whole intersex thing, and I didn't want to cum inside of her in fear of her weirded out.
I held off as best I could and slowed my movements down to lazy strokes as I circled her clit to draw out her orgasm as long possible. My girlfriend was still shaking and mewling softly as she relaxed into my hold. Her eyes opened tiredly and she grinned at me before smirking. I was about to raise an eyebrow in question of her smirk, but I was interrupted when she squeezed her walls around my member purposely.
"What are y-"
"You didn't cum," She stated, her voice slightly higher at the end for clarification. "I didn't feel it if you did. I- I don't know. Would I feel it? Like would y-" I cut her off with a slightly awkward laugh.
"I, uh, I don't know what it would feel like," I started off as heat rose to my cheeks and I stopped my slow strokes inside her velvety channel. "But I didn't, not yet, at least. I didn't know if you were okay with it- with me cumming inside of you." I spoke slowly saw Camila's doe brown eyes dilate even more before she looked down shyly.
"Was I bad? Are you even close?" She asked, voice laced with insecurity and doubt.
"No, no no," I said quickly and moved one hand up to cup her cheek. "I told you I was close, I still am. I just... still don't know if you're okay with it?"
"Oh," She stated a little awkwardly before blushing as she met my eyes. "You mean, um, if you cumming inside of me is okay?" I nodded softly and she offered me a small smile before pulling me down into a kiss. "You can cum inside of me all you want," She husked when our lips parted.
My lips parted in shock at her statement but quickly started thrusting my hips upwards, just to try and possibly get her off one last time again in the process. The brunette moaned and threw her head back onto the pillow as she snaked her own hand down to play with her clit, bringing herself closer to the edge so she could climax right along with me. I choked on a moan as Camila's hips jerked upwards a little to let my member slide in deeper.
"C-camz, I'm cumming," I moaned loudly and lost all senses as I shot thick ropes of cum into the shorted girl beneath me. I continued thrusting as best I could while half gone to the world to benefit the tiny brunette but it was ultimately Camila's doing when she climaxed shortly after I announced my own.
I lazily rocked my hips against her to draw out our highs and finished shooting my load into my girlfriend. Camila was a mewling mess and I found it absolutely adorable. Nothing could change the fact that I saw anything she did as adorable- even when her walls were milking me for all I was worth and her chest was heaving with the intensity of her orgasm.
"Holy shit, babe," She let out an airy laugh. "I might become a sex freak because holy shit."
"I think I could handle it," I teased and I pecked her lips before moving to pull out so we could cuddle.
"Nooo," Camila whined and brought her hand to my lower back to keep me in place. "Can we sleep like this? This feels really good."
"I- uh, yeah," I was surprised, but didn't deny her nonetheless. "But were moving, I don't want to crush you in my sleep."
She giggled and turned onto her side to face me as I did the same, slowly as to not let my now soft member slip out. She smiled and kissed me nose before burying her face into the crook of my neck and muttering about how amazing I was. I smiled to myself and trailed my fingers up and down her spine as we gave into sleep for the night.
"I love you," I murmured lazily. "Like, a lot."
"Mhmm, I love you too," Camila's words were slurred but it meant more than anything.

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