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The girls were all at Ally's house for their monthly movie night. Almost everyone was already there, munching on the popcorn and drinking wine coolers. Camila just walked in, peeling off her coat and tossing it on the pile.

"Greetings everyone! How are my minions doing this fine evening? Is everyone ready to get this movie party started?"

"Shut the hell up!" Normani shouted from the recliner that she and Ally were sharing. "Grab your poison, take a seat and let's get this shit movie on!"

Camila grabbed a peach wine cooler from the table and looked around for an available seat that was remotely close to the television. Every loveseat and every space was already occupied. Vero and Wesley were on the floor, and the long couch looked like a tight fit as well.

"There are no more seats though." Camila pouted.

"Just sit on someone's lap." Drew said from beside Dinah.

"Yeah, Camz. Sit on Lauren or something." Marielle said, nodding towards Lauren who looked at them with wide eyes.

"I-I don't think-"

"Perhaps it's best if I get a chair from the dining room." Camila said, looking at Lauren apologetically.

"N-no, it's fine Camz." The brunette said, opening up her arms to accommodate the tiny diva. She walked towards Lauren and sat down gingerly on her lap.

"Right, we're starting now," Keaton announced, pointing the remote and pressing play.

Everyone relaxed and watched the television explode with a million lights as Pirates of the Caribbean began to play. Camila shifted against Lauren's lap before leaning in to whisper in her ear.

"T-this is okay right? Friends do this all the time?"

"Not if they can help it..." Lauren muttered, immediately tightening her hold on Camila who tried to move away. "But it's fine Camila. Desperate times call for desperate measures."

Camila smiled, her features illuminated by the 42" screen. "Thanks you, Lo."

"No problem."

It was an okay situation for Lauren, seeing as Camila barely moved and was rather focused on the movie that was playing. Lauren's arms were relaxed around Camila's hips, their hands on top of each other. Yep, there is nothing about this picture that could be a tent situation.

Except that Camila is really, really hot.

Especially in Lauren's eyes.

Lauren closed her eyes to even her breathing as she finished her third wine cooler, and Camila her second. Lauren sighed and felt electric shocks of arousal spike against her dick that was being deliciously squeezed by Camila's butt. Camila shivered.

"Ally, would you pass me that blanket?" Lauren pointed at the faux fur throw blanket that was draped across the other couch. Ally tossed it to them and Lauren unfolded it, covering Camila's lap and hers.

"Thank you," Camila whispered.

"Mhmm," Lauren hummed, her palms resting on top of Camila's thighs. Her vision was starting to blur and her dick was painfully aroused now. Not to mention that Camila smelled so good and felt so good against Lauren.

Lauren's fingers trailed away from Camila's lap and against the bare skin of her knees. The short skirt-now something to be thankful for instead of ridicule- was helping things move along. Lauren adjusted in her seat, her dick digging in between Camila's butt.

Her fingers moved higher and higher until they were prodding Camila's inner-thigh. The brunette made no indication that she was aware of Lauren's fingers breaching underneath her skirt, other than the blown irises and the blush tinting her cheeks.

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