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The night was young, and so was Camila as she let out the final note of the song before the crowd exploded with applause. Sweat trickled down the side of her face, in between her breasts, tickling the skin of her sternum. She thanked the audience and chugged the beer down. Camila was exhausted, but the zeal from the people watching and listening to her sing was enough to fill her with a brand new vigour. She was, however, done for the night. Camila headed to her makeshift dressing room where she changed from the black corset to a Spring Awakening shirt with her jeans. A new look, perhaps, but she liked it. It was comfortable.
Camila went up the manager's office and there, Joe was counting out wads of cash. He looked up from his mesmerizing money and grinned at Camila. "You packed it in tonight, darling."
"Don't I always?" Camila shrugged, pulling the stool so she could sit on it. "How much do I get?"
Joe licked the tip of his thumb and counted off a fat stack and slipped it in an envelope. "You get forty-five percent tonight." He said, leaning back on his creaky leather chair. "You work hard, Mila. I like that about you. But you're still a kid." Joe tucked the money and handed it to Camila. "You know me; I don't got kids of my own. You make up for that."
Camila smiled and walked around Joe's desk for a hug. "Thanks, Joe. I appreciate it." She squeezed his shoulders and tucked the money in her bag. "I'll see you next week."
"Of course." The bar manager nodded, his fingers running through his cropped gray hair. "And make sure you email me your new song list!"
"Will do!"
Camila waved and went to the main section of the club slash bar. The bartender who turned out to be Normani, waved her over and she strutted past a group of tourists and a bunch of freshly-legal drinkers to sit on a free stool. Normani slid a glass for Camila and she sipped on the gin and tonic with a sigh. "Good job, Mila." She remarked as she wiped the glasses clean. "Seriously. I think half of the crowd wanted to get up on that stage and bang you. Or get banged by you." Camila cackled and shook her head. "You heading home?"
"No." Camila swallowed the rest of her drink and licked her lips, scanning the crowd for an interesting enough candidate. "Not yet, at least."
"Well, well. Look at you." Normani smirked and raised her brow. "Prowling. If the club can see you now. Speaking of club... I haven't seen Lauren in two weeks. What's up with that?"
Camila laughed and shook her head. "She needed time to study for her finals." Her gaze wandered, and she looked around. "I need to..." She cleared her throat, eyes travelling until a black haired girl caught her eye and she knew, by the hue of the black haired girl's eyes, that she would not be going to bed alone tonight. "Can I have two gin and tonics?"
Normani looked towards the direction of Camila's gaze and laughed. "Oh, come on. Again?"
"Hey! I have a type. And if I'm not mistaken, we have similar types. Brunettes... Great ass... Nice legs..." Camila smirked and Normani rolled her eyes. "Come on. Two gin and tonics, please?"
"You two and your games, Cabello." Normani muttered under her breath. "Weirdos." She slid the glasses on the counter. "Tell her I said hi."
"Will do. Thanks, Mani." Camila grabbed the drinks and strutted towards the blonde. "Hey."
The black haired girl raised her brow and stirred her drink. "Do I know you?"
"No." Camila leaned against the wall and set the drinks down in front of Lauren. "But would you like to?"
"Um, no. Not entirely."
Camila sighed and pouted. "Please? Just for a couple of drinks. If you still don't like me, I will leave. I promise."
The black hair girl laughed, and Camila found it enchanting. It was a little bit like angels and babies and all the adorable things in the entire universe. She longed to hear that laughter for the rest of her days. Camila grinned to herself and swirled her drink around. "I'm Camila."
"I know. I watched you dominate that stage." The black haired girl replied. She had a sly smile on her face and her green eyes never strayed away from Camila's coffee orbs. "That was pretty impressive, but I am still not going to respond to you hitting on me."
Camila employed her acting classes and pretended to be affronted. "I'm not hitting on you. What gave you such ideas?"
"The drink, for one. And the smirking." The black haired girl laughed and shook her head. "Look. You're nice, but I'm just not interested. Go talk to someone else. Someone more... Willing, maybe?"
"No." Camila pouted at the black haired girl. She knew she was being pathetic but it's been awhile since Camila Jr. saw any action, as embarrassing as it was for her to admit. She missed sex. She hasn't had any in two weeks, and it was stifling. She squirmed in her bar stool, fixing her jeans so that it would stop pressing against her penis. "You're beautiful, and I rather spend my time being rejected by you than be accepted by someone not as gorgeous."
"Flatterer." The black haired girl coughed into her drink before she took a sip. "Okay, fine. You can stay."
Camila pumped her fists and beamed. "Yes! So..." She cleared her throat, not missing the way the black haired girl rolled her eyes at her albeit playfully. "I haven't seen you around before."
"You haven't been looking properly."
Camila slid the glass towards the black haired girl. "Are you with anyone tonight?"
The black haired girl shrugged, a coy smile playing at the edges of her lips. "I'm with you."
Camila watched as black haired girl dipped the tip of her finger into the drink, before bringing it up to her lips. She traced her mouth with the dampened finger before sliding the entire length of it inside her mouth. Her eyes blazed, never straying away from Camila's as she slowly pulled the digit out.
Oh holy Moses, she did not just do that...
Camila swallowed hard and fidgeted with her pants. Her cock was raging silently, but prodding at the back of her head to just take the girl by the wrist and go to her dressing room for a quick fix. "I—uh..."
"Deep breaths, Camila." The black haired girl winked, and the way she said Camila's name? Camila wanted to hear it over and over and over again, preferably while her dick was shoved nine inches deep inside her hot, tight, and wet pussy.
"Would you like to get out of here?" Camila asked; her back straightening and she stood up to move in front of the unknown woman. She pressed her pulsating erection against the black haired girl's leg, and it immediately caught her attention. The stranger licked her lips and downed the rest of her drink.
"No, at least, not yet." The black haired girl rose and wrapped her arms around Camila's neck, her fingertips playing with the stray hairs against the base of Camila's skull. "I want a tour of your dressing room first." The blonde leaned forward. Camila could feel her steaming, hot breath burning through the skin of her cheek, but she dared not to pull away. A pink tongue darted out of the seam of the black haired girl's lips and flicked Camila's dimple. "What do you say?"
By then, Camila was sure that two weeks' worth of her come was ready to burst out from the base of her balls to the tip of her cock. She couldn't wait. But she dared not forget her manners. She took the blonde's hand and grazed her lips against the back of it. It was all soft skin, the ridges of her veins, and the scintillating scent of the black haired girl's skin lotion. Strawberries.
It's a sign. Camila thought. I've been craving some strawberries recently.
"It's right over here." Camila led the blonde down the narrow corridor into her makeshift dressing room. It was not lavish, but it was enough. The black leather sofa winked with the soft orange glow from the lamp, as if seducing Camila and the blonde to sit on it. And they did.
"I expected more." The black haired girl's said, but Camila heard the teasing lilt of her tone. "But I like it."
"I'm glad you do." Camila crossed her legs and leaned back against the couch. "So..."
"Did you finally run out of things to say?" The girl remarked, turning to face Camila. The singer felt those green eyes rake her figure, starting from her chocolate eyes, down to the exposed column of her neck, down to her flat abdomen, and finally resting on the swell on the crotch of Camila's pants. "Should I fill the silence with... Something?" Her hand was warm and it was pulsing against Camila's thigh. She gulped and shrugged. An attempt at being noncommittal.
"Whatever you want to do, miss..."
"You don't even know my name." The strawberry-scented black haired girl murmured. The couch dipped and she moved to straddle Camila. Her hands rested on top of Camila's shoulders, her fingers threading through her silky locks. "It's Lauren, by the way." She husked against Camila's full lips, shimmering with banana lip gloss which Lauren licked off her bottom lip. "So you know what you'll be screaming later."
Camila laughed and rested her hands on the swell of Lauren's hips. She slipped her fingers inside her shirt, her trimmed nails scratching across the small of Lauren's back. A hiss escaped her, and Camila couldn't help but stare at her features as they crumpled in pleasure. "Well, Lauren..." Camila leaned forward and nipped her collarbone. "What do you say you take out this shirt, and let me have my way with you?"
Saying nothing, Lauren tugged off her shirt completely, leaving her in a black lace bra. Camila swallowed hard at the sight; the intricate patterns cupped Lauren's breasts and it made them appear larger, not that Camila needed larger. Lauren was perfect, just the way she was.
"Wow." Camila breathed, her hands smoothing up the curve of Lauren's body to palm her breasts. She squeezed Lauren's nipples through the bra. The way she arched into Camila's touch was delicious, that the singer couldn't help but grind up into Lauren. She could feel the radiating heat, wet and steaming, and Camila wanted nothing more than to claim that pussy as hers.
"Is that a microphone in your pocket or are you just delighted to see me?" Lauren panted, her smile teasing. Camila chuckled and kissed Lauren's neck.
"I'm excited to see you." Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren's torso and pulled her down to thrust her clothed cock into Lauren. "Would you like to know just how ecstatic I am?"
"Yes I do." Lauren reached behind her to unclasp and remove her bra. As soon as the pink hue of her nipples presented themselves to Camila, her mouth was latched onto the nubs, her teeth scraping along the soft skin. "Oh... Fuck." Lauren buried her hands in Camila's hair, pressing her mouth harder against that hot mouth that she couldn't get enough of.
Camila couldn't keep her eyes away from Lauren's features as she unclasped Lauren's pants and then hers. She tugged them both down. Lauren wore matching black panties, and Camila had on her boxer briefs that clung onto her hips. "Purple, baby?" Lauren quirked her brow and rubbed herself against the bulge. "It's cute."
"Yours is far from cute." Camila tilted her head back and gripped Lauren's clothed ass. She slapped Lauren's butt, moaning as the flesh jiggled beneath her palm. "Yours is damn sexy and I can't wait to fuck you in it."
Lauren rested her hand on the base of Camila's throat and brushed her lips against the breathless singer. "I'd like to you see try."
Camila growled deep and low. She tugged her "cute" boxer briefs down just enough for her thick, nine inch cock to jut out of the underwear. Lauren licked her lips at the sight and gripped the shaft by the base. She stroked the length once before rubbing the tip against the front of her panties. "Oh god..." Camila groaned and flexed her hips into the slick fabric. She saw Lauren about to tug her panties off but she stopped her. "I told you I'll fuck you in it." Camila turned them around so that Lauren was on the couch and she was in between her legs. She slapped her cock against Lauren's inner thigh and pulled the undergarments to the side.
"Gorgeous pussy..." Camila murmured. Her cock glided against the seam of Lauren's pussy lips before immersing herself completely in the soaking wetness. "Fuck!"
"Oh my god!" Lauren clamped down on her lips to prevent herself from screaming too loud. Camila smirked and her hips pumped into Lauren with a relentless pace. The wet noises filled the room, coupled with the distant bass beats from the music right outside the door of the room they were in. Lauren gripped Camila's neck with both of her hands and pulled her down. "Mmmn... Ah! Give it to me..."
"You're so sexy." Camila kissed Lauren and wrapped her legs around her waist. "And so tight... Oh god!" She pumped into Lauren, watching as her breasts bouncing with every thrust. "Fuck yeah..."
Lauren's pussy strangled her dick, as if she was drowning in slick girl-come, which she was. Her eyes blazed with a hunger that she only reserved for the black haired girl underneath her. "Your pussy is so good..." Camila murmured, her lips pressed against Lauren's throat. She rolled her hips, and the soft, broken moans that left Lauren's throat made her increase her pace.
"Ahh!" Lauren arched and moved her hips in time with Camila's. "Mmm, oh my—yes, Camila!" Her body spasmed and Camila couldn't breathe. Lauren was so tight, gripping her deliciously. The head of her cock hit something deep inside Lauren, eliciting a long, strangled moan to rip through her chest. "Ungh!" Lauren grunted. "Right there!"
Camila grinned and made herself remember the spot, making sure that her cock hit the spongy area with every thrust. "Yeah? Did I find your spot, baby?" She nipped Lauren's throat and licked the sweat away. "Mmmm... Oh wow, you're getting tighter." Camila sank her teeth into the soft bottom lip of the black haired girl while her eyes focused on Lauren's green ones. "Take my fucking cock..."
"Yes, baby!" Lauren's body drew itself into a taut bow and Camila knew she was coming. Her pussy clenched down hard on Camila's dick and the singer felt a gush of Lauren's come scald her cock. Camila groaned and grinded some more as she chased her own orgasm. "Fuck, fuck, fuck Lauren!" Camila buried herself all the way into the hilt and let herself go. She came in bursts of white, two weeks' worth of her copious jism spurted out of her and spilled into Lauren's quivering pussy.
Camila slumped down and kissed all over Lauren's neck and shoulders. "Wow..."
"Two weeks apart is too much for you, huh?" Lauren smiled and kissed Camila's brow. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "That was fun."
Camila pulled out with a shudder. She stared at the come the dribbled out of Lauren's hole as she fixed the black haired girl's panties. "Let's go back to my apartment."
Lauren nodded and they both got dressed. "I want to say hi to Normani first." She said and they went out to the bar. It was almost empty as it was really late, or early depending on how one looks at it. Normani spotted them with their ruffled clothes, messed up hair, and the sweat on their brow.
"You two reek of copulation. It's disgusting."
"Shut your face." Lauren smiled and pecked Normani's cheek.
"Gee, I missed you too, Lauren." Normani smirked and fist-bumped Camila. "Go home already. I need to close up."
Camila laughed and took Lauren's hand. "See you later then."
"Yeah, yeah." Normani sighed and wiped down the counter. "Go away and have more stranger sex, you weirdoes."
Camila giggled and left the bar. Turning to Lauren, she pecked her cheek and smiled. "I missed you, Lauren. No more two weeks apart, please. I can't deal."
"You really need to learn how to jack off."
"I do know how to masturbate!" Camila whined, pouting at Lauren. She shivered, and in a beat, Lauren pulled her closer and wrapped her arms around her while walking to Camila's apartment. "But it's way better when you do it for me..."
Lauren rolled her eyes. "Such a baby."
"But I'm your baby."
"Yes you are." Lauren sighed and Camila unlocked her apartment. "It's summer break soon, so I'm staying with you for a month then you go to New Haven with me, okay?" At this, Camila nodded and pulled Lauren to their bedroom. They have two weeks' worth of sex they have to catch up on, after all.

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