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Lauren jerks awake, her legs flailing under the blankets, the falling sensation clamping down on her gut. She gasps and her eyes shoot open, only to be closed once again to block off the light that filters through the cracks of the curtains. She eyes the clock and grunts. She has two hours before she has to leave for work. A part of her refuses to go, but she knows that as much Camila loves her, she wants her to go to work.
She nuzzles the back of her wife's neck and inhales the morning from her skin. Since the first snowfall, Camila took to sleeping fully clothed, much to Lauren's slight disappointment. Sure, it takes more effort to get to her pussy, but if it means Camila is warm and cuddly, then so be it.
She unwraps her arms from around Camila's stomach and ducks under the covers. Lauren kisses the swell of Camila's hip and situates herself between her legs. Lauren buries her face against Camila's pussy and inhales, the soft cashmere tickling her nose. Camila smells so good, and Lauren's hunger will never dissipate, she knows. She's a pussy slut for Camila's hot cunt, and she's proud of it.
Pulling off the fabric of Camila's pajamas, Lauren breathes, watching gooseflesh rise from her wife's plump, pussy lips. God, Lauren just wants to bury her face in that pretty pussy all day, and she has in the past. She mentally reminds herself to beg Camila to sit on her face all day, and soon.
Lauren sticks her tongue out and pokes the tip against Camila's small clit, still shy and tucked beneath the hood. Lauren admires it with her lips, kissing and nipping her soft pussy while inhaling the musky scent. She flattens her tongue against Camila's entrance and drags it up to her stiffening clit. Lauren stifles a moan. Camila is delicious, a mix of salty and sweet, honey and something uniquely Camila. Unable to resist, Lauren pushes Camila's legs up by the backs of her knees until her feet are up in the air.
She eases her tongue in Camila's grasping cunt. It's a wonder Camila's still asleep, but then again, she has always been a heavy sleeper.
Lauren draws her tongue back, a line of spit and girl cum trailing after the tip of it. She slurps it away and smiles when Camila stirs awake. Her knuckles rub her eyes and she looks up at Lauren with bright, sleepy brown eyes. "Hi, baby." The brunette smiles and flicks her clit. Camila grunts and bucks her hips.
"G'morning..." She hums, and Lauren eases her down onto the bed. As much of a pussy slut Lauren is, she also enjoys Camila's kisses like post-dinner chocolate. She brushes Camila's nose with hers and kisses her plump mouth.
Camila grasps the back of Lauren's neck and pulls her in deeper. Lauren flattens her body on top of her, her erection tenting her pajamas. It presses against Camila's stomach and a smile curls her lips. "And how are you today?" She asks. She tugs at the garter of Lauren's sweatpants and reaches in to feel the heavy meat of her cock.
"You woke up to me eating your pussy. I'm sure you can take a wild guess." Lauren kisses her nose and lays on her side. She throws her leg over Camila's. She cuddles up against Camila, her hard dick pressed against her hip. Lauren groans, buries her face against Camila's arm, and humps against her.
"Lauren, you horny slut." Camila smacks her cheek, a playful glint in her eye. The brunette moans and slides down, back to Camila's cunt. She inhales her inner thigh and licks the tender skin. "If you want my pussy, you better get to tongue-fucking me." Camila sighs and leans back in the pillows, eyes closed. "And you better make me come with that tongue or you won't get your cock in my pussy at all."
As per her wife's orders, Lauren parts her lips wide and latches onto her mound. She dips her tongue into her hole, her nose rubbing against Camila's stiff clit. Her wife shivers, tightening her grip on Lauren's brown locks, her ass rising off the bed to hump her talented mouth. "Yes," Camila moans, throwing her head back in pleasure. "Let me feel that tongue some more, Laur-oh!" Camila shrieks, her body tensing while Lauren does something inexplicable with her tongue inside Camila's wet cunt that sends shivers down her spine as she orgasms. Lauren stays latched onto Camila's grasping hole, nose rubbing her clit in gentle flicks.
"B-baby, hold on..." Camila sucks in a sharp breath and tugs Lauren off, her stomach rising in falling as pleasure continues to wreck her body. "God, that mouth is too good." She rakes her nails along Lauren's jaw and wipes the girl cum from her chin before slipping her digits inside Lauren's eager mouth. "What does my little pussy slut want now?"
"May I please fuck you with my cock?" Lauren pants, her lips jutting out in an adorable pout that makes Camila coo and kiss her nose.
Camila sat up and kissed Lauren's cheek. "Show me how hard your cock is first."
Rushing to obey, Lauren kneels on the bed to show her wife her rigid meat, pointing straight up against her stomach. Precum is beading at the tip, making the head flushed red and shiny. Camila hums at the sight, her fingers tracing the vein that pulses against her touch. "You're really eager for my pussy, aren't you? Are you sure it's just my pussy you want?"
Lauren swallows hard and shakes her head. "Truth be told, I want all your holes, baby. I want your mouth sucking me off. And you know how much I obsess over your ass." She sucks in a deep breath. "But right now, your pussy is the perfect place for my cock and I really want to feel it clamping around me."
Camila pretends to think about it when in truth, Lauren's desperation paired with her rigid cock is enough of a deal breaker. "How do you want me then?"
The brunette wets her lips and kisses Camila slowly. "Elbows and knees for me, baby."
Once Camila's in position, Lauren presses her hips flush against the swell of her wife's ass. Her cock grinds against Camila's ass crack. Lauren leans over Camila's body and she humps her, hot breath against Camila's neck. "So good, baby." She pants raggedly, leaking cockhead snagging against Camila's puckered hole. The singer shudders and reaches underneath her to position Lauren's pumping cock into her pussy. It slides in with ease.
"Oh god, yes... Fill my pussy up." Camila pushes her ass out, muscles clenching with every inch of cock that slides deeper inside her. Lauren lets out a soft, growling noise that makes Camila's pussy gush. Lauren starts pumping her hips, hard and deep, the tip of her cock brushing against the mouth of Camila's cervix. The brunette cries out, her back arching, face flush against the pillows.
It doesn't take a lot. Between Lauren's growling and her thick meat sliding along her sensitive walls to nudge against her cervix, Camila is bound to explode with a shriek. Which she does. Her entire body tenses, and Lauren holds her down by the hips, fucking her dick into her as Camila writhes and comes, wave after wave coursing through her body.
Lauren pulls out and sits on her legs behind Camila, whose body is still convulsing. Lauren rubs her smooth ass, parts her cheeks, and dives into her pussy to lick at the abundance of cum there. Camila shrieks, her thighs opening and closing uncontrollably. Pulling back with tongue out and a trail of girl cum clinging to the tip of Lauren's tongue, she slurps it all away and kisses the swell of Camila's ass.
"May I have this ass, Camila?" She asks, soft and sincere as she drags a wet tongue along her ass crack. Camila giggles at the sensation and cranes her neck to look back at Lauren.
"So you're not just a pussy slut but you're a slut for my ass too?" Camila jiggles her ass in front of Lauren and smirks. "Go right ahead. Show me how hungry you are."
With a growl, Lauren gets to work. She takes the bottle of lube from the drawer and sits comfortably in front of Camila's ass. She politely asks Camila to yank her ass cheeks open for her. Then, she admires her anus, all crinkled skin and clenching muscle. Lauren pools saliva in her mouth and lets it drizzle down onto her hole. Taking her fingers, she rubs it along Camila's entrance, dipping her fingertips until her anal muscles clamp and flutter around Lauren's gentle fingers.
"More." Camila demands, and it takes Lauren point two seconds to obey. She squirts lube on her digits and pushes them deeper up to the hilt. She rubs it along Camila's warm walls, while she enjoys the kittenish whimpers that escape her wife's throat. "God, Lauren. Enough. Just fuck me already."
Lauren nips her butt and flips Camila onto her back. She wraps her arms around her legs and after lubing up, she presses the head of her meat against her puckered ass, loose and relaxed from her prep job. "Look at me." Lauren whispers, her mouth against Camila's stiff nipples. Their eyes lock, and Lauren pushes in halfway. Camila knows Lauren enjoys watching the shifts in her face whenever she is filled with cock. "How does that feel, baby?"
"I feel amazing, Lauren." Camila whispers, her hands grasping the base of her neck to pull her in for a kiss, tongue sliding over Lauren's to lick the roof of her mouth. Lauren moans at the filthiness of it, her hips pumping faster as she flattens her body against Camila's. "Love how you fill up my ass. You like how it stretches out for you?"
"You bet I do." Lauren licks Camila's breastbone and focuses on humping her cock into her tightening ass. She speeds up, her cock sliding in and out of Camila's stretched butthole, and when Camila squeezes around her, Lauren comes in thick spurts that floods her wife's fluttering hole.
Camila moans, whispering 'that's it', as she humps against her, fucking her ass into Lauren's throbbing dick as it continues unloading inside her. Refusing to leave her wife hanging, Lauren slides two fingers inside Camila's dripping pussy and fingerfucks her until she's shrieking and coming, a squirt of her cum gushing out of her hole to coat Lauren's forearm. "Fuck!"
Sated, Lauren lies beside Camila to snuggle. She kisses all over Camila's neck and shoulders, fingers playing with her stomach and her cock buried in her warm pussy.
This is how good days start.

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