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It had been one day. They were dating for one day and were already fucking each other. They had gone to a movie, it was a romance one. Most other people were crying, not Camila, Camila was in the far back kissing Lauren.
"Oh my god," Camila whispered. Lauren smirked against her lips as she leaned over the armrest, one hand on the opposite arm rest and her other one tracing patterns into Camila's stomach.
"Are you ready, babygirl?" Lauren whispered, moving her lips to trail a scorching path on Camila's jaw.
"Yes," Camila whimpered. Lauren's hand splayed on her stomach and Camila's skin jumped under the contact.
"Good, because I'm going to fuck you speechless." Lauren promised as her fingers went under the waistband of her underwear. Camila's hands gripped the armrests on either side of her.
Her eyes roamed the theater around them and let out a relieved sigh to see that there were only two other people there and they were in the very front row.
Camila's hips jumped as Lauren's finger slid against her clit.
"You weren't kidding when you said you were ready." Lauren murmurs against Camila's skin. Camila bites her lip to keep any moans and whimpers inside as Lauren's hand strokes her.
"I think the movie is about to end. Hurry up." Lauren smiles and pulls her head back.
"Eager are we? I guess I can't deny you what you want," Lauren watched Camila's face in the light of the movie screen as she slips a finger inside the brunette.
"Yes," Camila whispers. Lauren bends her head back down to silence the brunette's words with her open mouthed kiss.
Camila's hands tighten on the armrests and her hips raise off the seat as Lauren's palm touches her clit. Camila pulls back and looks up at the dark haired girl.
"Faster." Lauren grins down at her tiny girlfriend.
"Can you stay quiet?" Camila moans softly as Lauren pressed her palm against her fully.
"I'll find a way to." Lauren grins and nods, another finger sliding into her.
"Very well, but if we get caught you come up with the excuse." Camila nodded as Lauren began slowly pumping in and out of her.
"Oh god yes," Camila whispers. Lauren's arm flexes and she quickens her pace. Camila's hips jump and she does her best to stay quiet as Lauren continues to fuck her in the movie theater.
"The movies almost over, babe, bite down on something." Camila barely had time to do just that before Lauren's fingers were moving faster than she could comprehend. Camila's hips twitched and her thighs jumped as she pulled Lauren's face up to hers and kissed her fiercely, hands on either side of her girlfriends face.
Camila began moaning into Lauren's mouth as the green eyed girl pressed harder against her. Her thighs jumped and she did the best she could to not come all over her pants as her hips thrust upwards. Her legs are shaking as Lauren quickly pulls back and slides her hand out of Camila's jeans to lick them clean. Camila lowered her hips back down to the chair as her chest heaved.
"It's over, babygirl, can you stand?" Camila let out a shaky breath and stood even as her climax after effects continued washing over her, her body tingling and her legs barely holding her up. Lauren reached down and held Camila's hand, then she bent down and whispered in Camila's ear.
"I hope you're prepared, because I intend to fuck you any chance I get." Camila shivered uncomfortably and walked from the theater.
It wasn't even a whole twenty four hours before they were fucking on public property again. Noon the next day Camila told Lauren she was going to meet the girl's at the library, Lauren shrugged and went with her, deciding she didn't have anything better to do.
Camila smiled as they walked inside, if Lauren fucked her now it was time for her to repay the favor. As soon as they got there Camila took them to a secluded back and dark corner and it didn't take Lauren long to figure out what was going to happen as they sat at the table that faced the tall towers of books around them. It was a maze just to get to their corner so Camila was confident that even if they did get found out she could hide it all under the table.
"Camz, are we even her to meet the girls?" Lauren turned to Camila only to be met with the brunette's lips. Lauren lifted her hand up to cup the side of Camila's face, she became so engrossed in the tongue that was running along her bottom lip she didn't feel the hand that was beginning to inch her way down into her jeans.
Lauren jumped at the cold fingers but was quick to recover as Camila began to slowly and softly massage Lauren's clit. Lauren softly moaned into the kiss, her hips gyrating into Camila's hand. When they broke apart Lauren grinned at Camila.
"Is this getting back at me for yesterday?" Camila laughed and continued her ministrations. Lauren grunted as Camila pressed hard and did a quick movement, her eyes closing.
"Not getting you back, getting you off." Lauren's eyes darkened at the dirty talk and bit her lip, pulling Camila's face back to hers. Camila's movements kept slowly going, her hand pressing into Lauren's bundle of nerves.
"Don't tease," Lauren said softly as she breathlessly pulled away. Camila nodded and kissed Lauren again, her hand increased speed and Lauren's body clenched as she felt a wave of pleasure wrack her body.
"Bite down on something," Camila smirked as she repeated her girlfriends words from the day before. Lauren met Camila's eyes, gleaming with a challenge.
"I don't need to." Lauren mumbled, Camila grinned and slowed her movements.
"Let's see about that." Lauren nodded accepted Camila's challenge. They maintained eye contact as Camila increased her pace and began moving her hand in circles, biting her lip as she felt her arm begin to burn.
"Faster." Lauren pleaded, Camila raised an eyebrow but was quick to meet the challenge and increased her pace. Lauren's jaw unhinged slightly but that was the only response Camila got before she felt Lauren's hips gyrate ever so slightly into her hand.
Lauren's hands moved to grip her chair and she threw her head back, neither of them cared at how obvious they were being, they felt no eyes on them so they didn't bother with being subtle. Lauren's neck muscles flexed as she came with no warning. Lauren's abdomen flexed and she sat up, her body rigid as she came, her mouth clenched shut.
"Wow, I guess you weren't kidding," Camila laughed, Lauren stiffly nodded and slowly leant back against the chair. Camila pulled her hand out of Lauren's pants, watching her breathless girlfriend as she sucked her fingers clean.
"No, I really wasn't." Lauren smiled, Camila pulled her fingers from her mouth and put her finger under Lauren's chin to turn the dark haired head towards her and kiss her lips fiercely.
"Woah, we came here to talk not watch you two make out." Camila jumped and moved to pull apart quickly but Lauren put her hand on the brunette's cheek to hold her there. Taking her sweet damn time, Lauren pulled back from Camila and winked at her, her cheeks still flushed and her chest still heaving as the two turned to Dinah who stood looking at the two with a 'What the Hell?' expression.
Linking their hands under the table they smirked to themselves as the other girls sat at their table. Nobody said anything about the obvious signs of what had happened moments earlier.
As they sat around Camila and Lauren silently passed a note back and forth, pretending to be listening as they conversed about what to do that weekend. When Normani addressed them in a rather annoyed voice they looked up, Lauren not even caring that she was found out and Camila blushing sheepishly.
"If you guys aren't even going to listen why are you even here?" Camila blushed harder while Lauren laughed and sat up in her chair.
"As soon as Camz decides she wants to go I'm gone too. Until then we stay here." Normani rolled her eyes at the comment while hiding a small smile and nodded.
"Actually we probably should get going, remember we were going camping later?" Camila looked pointedly at Lauren, they really hadn't agreed on that but Camila just wanted out of there to spend more time with Lauren.
"Yeah, we probably should go pack for that." Lauren stood up and nodded at the girls before leaving. Camila sighed and rolled her eyes but stood up as well and hugged the girls before saying goodbye and following after her.
"We all agree that those two were fucking when we found them and they just ditched us to go do it more right?" Dinah asked looking to Normani and Ally who both nodded and looked at the seats the two were previously occupying with disgust and a slight smirk.
"We could actually go camping you know." Lauren suggested, Camila 's hand was in hers and they were walking out to the car to go find something to do. Camila shrugged.
"Do you want to?" Camila looked up at Lauren and the black haired girl looked down at her.
"If you don't mind I would like to." Camila nodded her head as they got into Lauren's car.
"Well then lets go." They were quick to pack and head to a private camping ground, they got out their towels and changed into their swimsuits intending to go swimming.
They got as far as the private beach before they were on each other again. Camila licked her lips and quickly took the one step over to her girlfriend and kissed her.
Lauren wasn't surprised in the slightest when Camila began kissing her and responded quickly by putting her hands on Camila's waist. Camila ran her tongue over Lauren's lips and the green eyed girl opened her mouth with a smirk as Camila's hands curled into dark hair. Lauren pulled back and ran her hand up Camila's side to gently brush against the side of her breast.
"You wanna fuck me on this beach?" Lauren asked, somewhat amused as Camila's dark eyes looked up at her.
"I want to fuck you on every surface I see. This is just the first one I saw." Lauren's green eyes darkened and she bent down and picked Camila up to gently set her down on the sand, Camila looked up at her, satisfied.
"I'm so glad that your friend owed you a favor and got us a private beach," Lauren sighed and Camila nodded and bit her lip as Lauren hovered above her. Camila's heart was racing and she felt heat pool between her legs, this was so wrong on so many levels, but it was a new relationship and what better way to get to know each other than to fuck each other every chance you get?
"I know." Camila whispered as she sat up to meet Lauren's lips. The black haired girl moaned into the kiss, her leg moving so her thigh was now inching towards the apex of Camila's thighs. When Lauren's leg pressed up against Camila she moaned into the kiss, her hands grabbing a fistful of sand as her body arched into the contact.
"Do you wanna take it slow, babe?" Lauren asked as she breathlessly pulled back, smiling at Camila.
"No. Fuck me, please just fuck me." Camila's hand reached up to cup Lauren's cheek and bring her face back down to her.
"As you wish," Lauren muttered before kissing Camila. Camila groaned as Lauren's leg began to move against her. Camila's hips easily rolled against the woman's leg and she felt her body tingle on the verge of climax.
"I'm almost there." Camila whispers as she falls back against the sand.
"Already?" Lauren looks down at the brunette in surprise. Camila nods and her hands fly up to dig into Lauren's back, her hands scrabbling for purchase as her movements become out of sync and her lungs are heaving.
"Hand, use your hands." Camila says as she gasps, a small climax takes her as Lauren quickly pulls back and rips Camila's shorts down far enough to get her hand in and quickly thrusts two fingers into the brunette.
"Yes, like that." Camila gasps, her skin is covered in sweat and her breathing hitches as Lauren's thumb presses against her clit. Lauren bends down and kisses Camila's neck.
"I want to hear my name on your lips, Camila." Lauren whispers against Camila's ear. Camila whimpers and her hips thrust off of the sand against Lauren's hand and she throws her head back against the ground.
"Lauren," Camila whispers helplessly. Lauren grins and rubs her nose against the brunette's neck.
"Louder," Lauren says. Camila arches her back as Lauren slips in another finger and increases her pace.
"Lauren!" Camila's body tenses and she sits up off the sand as her hips lower back down and she begins to grind against the wonderfully pleasant hand. Lauren kisses Camila's neck softly, her lips ghost over the brunette's neck up to her ear.
"Just like that, babygirl." Lauren whispers, Camila's eyes are closed tight and her fingers are digging into the green eyed girls shoulders, her mouth open in an 'o' as her hips still.
"Fuck ..." Camila hisses between her teeth, her entire body stays tense underneath Lauren and it takes Camila soft kisses on her neck to relax her body back against the sand, Lauren following her and hovering over her.
"Good?" Lauren asks, pushing herself up to look down at Camila's expression. Camila laughs shakily and nods.
"Good." Lauren smiles and pushes off the sand and stands up, extending her hand down to Camila. Looking up at the appendage, Camila smiles and grabs it, as Lauren hauls her up Camila's eyes scan the area around them, they land on a nearby tree and without thinking about how animalistic it is she begins to kiss Lauren.
Her girlfriend doesn't question it when Camila pushes her backwards, her hands on her shoulders. Lauren's back hits the tree and she lets out a soft 'umph' as Camila pushes the green eyed girl against the bark and pulls back to smile up at her.
"Here?" Camila nods at her girlfriends question and lowers herself to the ground, her fingers hook inside Lauren's shorts and she pulls them down while biting her lip and glancing up at the girl.
"Yes," Camila whispers. Lauren watches with dark eyes as Camila lifts her feet out of the shorts one foot at a time and slowly puts the girls leg over her shoulder. Lauren feels her stomach twitch as she watches Camila.
"You're so beautiful, Camz." Lauren whispers, Camila glances up at her and lifts her arm to wrap around her girlfriends leg, with her other hand she reaches up to press the pad of her thumb against the woman's slick clit.
Camila watches in fascination as Lauren's leg jerks on her shoulder, she fleetingly looks up at Lauren before focusing back down on the woman's slick lips. Lauren's head is pressing back against the tree and she groans, her hands gripping Camila's shoulders tightly.
Camila grins as she watches Lauren quickly come undone just under her thumb. Camila bites her lip harder as she extends two fingers and slides them into Lauren. In response her hips twitch and her fingers dig into Camila's skin.
Slowly Camila pushes her fingers further into the green eyed woman and unconsciously licks her lips, her eyes flick up to see Lauren's pleased expression and feel her stomach jolt. Apparently her own body wasn't done with being aroused by the girl.
Pushing her thoughts aside for now Camila increases her pace and adds another finger, Lauren's eyes fly open and her hands slide down to grip Camila's upper arms, her jaw unhinged. Camila looks up at Lauren and grins, without waiting for a complaint from woman about her teasing, Camila increases her pace again, her arm flexing and aching.
"Yes, just like that." Lauren moans, closing her eyes tightly as her head rolls to the side against the tree and her hands move from Camila's upper arms to cling to the tree behind her. Her hips grind on Camila's fingers in large motions, rolling and twitching.
Lauren moans, feeling Camila's breath against her as she leans forward. Her toes curl and her eyes fly open, a loud and long moan leaves her mouth and her knuckles go white as she grips the tree.
As Camila continues her ministrations Lauren feels the pace of her hips increase as the climax washes over her. Her eyes are half closed in pleasure as the first one passes and another one comes fast approaching.
"Don't...stop." Lauren pants, Camila simply follows her girlfriends command and keeps her pace. Laurens's leg twitches over her shoulder and her other foot pushes off from the ground so she inches up the tree. At the awkward angle Lauren's hips thrust against Camila's hand, needing more friction.
"More," Lauren moans. Camila grips the girls leg tighter and tilts her body to the side slightly before increasing her pace.
Lauren moans, her breath leaving her in loud whimpers as her head lifts from the tree, her abdomen flexing and her body hunching over itself.
Just as quickly as her position changed it went back as her hips tilted in pleasure and her head and back slammed against the tree. Camila looks up in concern, but Lauren doesn't seem to notice the pain as her eyes close in pleasure and her grip in the tree loosens. Her chest is heaving incredibly so and her breaths leave her in pants, her head rolls against the tree again and Camila stands up, gently pushing Lauren's leg off her shoulder.
Camila smiles as she stands on her tip toes and kisses the blonde slowly and softly, not open mouthed kissing her in order to allow the blonde to gain her breath.
"You're amazing, babe." Lauren whispers, her voice shaking.
"Thank you," Camila smirks, Lauren would any other time find it annoying and want to kiss it off but she felt so exhausted and spent she couldn't do anything.
"Nap or swim?" Camila asked softly as she began to kiss Lauren's collarbone.
"Nap." Camila's laugh is breathy against her skin and despite the heat it sends chills down Lauren's spine.
"We need to set up the tent for that." Lauren groaned and let her head fall back against the tree.
"Fine, let's set up the tent then." Camila smiled and looked up at Lauren.
"And what do you want when we're done?" Lauren grinned and kissed Camila.
"Let's go find out."
~One Month Later~
"Why do you get to be on top?" Camila whined as Lauren hovered over her in a plank position, she was kissing the brunettes neck when Camila began to complain but pulled back with an arrogant smile.
"Because I'm the dominant one." She said with her grin getting shit eating status. Camila rolled her eyes but moaned when Lauren went back to the slender neck, Camila's hands clenching in the sheets.
"What if I want to be on top?" Camila forced out, Lauren shook her head and gently bit the skin before pulling back and moving to the other side of the brunettes neck.
"Not gonna to happen." Lauren bent down and began giving an open mouthed kiss on the brunettes pulse point. Camila groaned loudly to get across her annoyance.
"Fine pouty, we'll Rock Paper Scissors it. Two out of three winner gets top, if we tie we scissor it." Camila grinned and sat up with Lauren, holding her hands out as Lauren rolled her eyes with a ghost of a smile.
"Rock, Paper, Scissors-WAIT ARE WE GOING ON SHOOT OR AFTER SCISSORS?" Camila yelled, dropping her hands and looking up at her girlfriend who rolled her eyes. I just wanted a quickie not this banter, Lauren thought to herself.
"I don't care." Camila grinned and put her hands back up.
"Ok we'll go on shoot. Rock Paper Scissors shoot!" Lauren threw rock as Camila threw scissors. Lauren tapped her fist against the brunette's hand and smirked at her.
"Round two." She said with a wide grin, Camila nodded determinedly and put her hands back up.
"Rock paper scissors shoot!" Camila shouted, throwing scissors as Lauren threw paper. Lauren cursed in Spanish as Camila cut her paper. Camila smirked victoriously before setting back up.
"Rock paper scissors shoot!" Camila yelled, she looked down to see the same results as round one. Their eyes met and Lauren didn't hesitate to push Camila back against the bed with hunger in her eyes and continued her assault on the tan neck.
"That's not fair you cheated!" Camila complained, Lauren growled and pulled back, flopping beside Camila onto her back.
"Fine then you top. I don't care somebody here just needs to get fucked." Camila grinned and quickly rolled onto the girl, straddling her hips.
"Glad you came around." Camila murmured as she lowered herself against the green eyed girl body.
"So long as someone does." Lauren muttered back, now slightly less annoyed. Camila noticed this and grinned, kissing her neck.
"You first." Camila said as her hands inched between the two so slide off the woman's pants. Lauren kicked them off from her ankles with a quick flick. My god did she always look so damn attractive? Camila asked herself as she pulled back to kiss the woman and see her closed eyes and hands clenched in sheets.
"You can touch me, you won't break me." Lauren's abs flexed beneath Camila as she sat up to meet the brunette's mouth.
"But it'll hurt if I do." Lauren murmured as they pulled apart, her hands holding her up behind her as she gripped the sheets tighter. "And plus, if I did I would only end up topping you." Camila glanced down at the woman's lips back up to her very close green eyes.
"Okay so no touching then." Camila whispered, tilting her head forward to meet red painted lips.
Camila was the one to pull back as she leaned back and quickly unbuttoned Lauren's white shirt from softball practice. When Camila saw the front clasp bra she grinned and bit her lip, quickly unclasping it and gently sucking on the firm breast.
Lauren groaned and lifted her hips to meet the small brunette on top of her, her shoulders falling back against the bed. Camila gripped Laurens waist to not fall towards the woman's head, her legs wrapped around the back of strong upper thighs to ensure she didn't fall, she could sense that these hips would not be still for long tonight.
"Camz, don't tease me." Lauren groaned, her head pressing back into the mattress. Camila smirked against pale skin and switched breasts, bringing a hand up to massage the now unattended one.
Camilas other hand slowly inched down the green eyed girls side to move towards the center of her abdomen, lingering on the flexed muscles before rotating her wrist to slide down to the waxed skin that dripped with need.
"Oh my god," Camila whispered as her fingers glided over the woman's clit. Lauren's hips thrust upwards and she groaned, gathering more sheets into her fists.
"Don't stop Camila." Lauren groaned, moans trying to burst their way up her throat as she felt the former soccer player's digits slip inside her.
"I won't." Camila breathed against wet skin as she moved up to give open mouthed kisses on her girlfriend's collarbone.
Camila felt the rumble of the girl groaning against her chest and moaned against pale skin, feeling her center throb. She seriously was a goddess.
"Curl your fingers, baby." Lauren commanded.
Camila did as told and curled her fingers inside Lauren and pulled them out halfway, then quickly corkscrewed them back in. Lauren's hips twitched as she began to grind onto Camilas hand, the two of them bouncing up and down with the movement. Camila pulled back from the dark haired girls neck for breath and watched her.
"Holy shit," Camila marveled as the older girl grit her teeth and turned her head to the side, her head tilting upwards in pleasure. Camilas eyes roamed over her muscles she could see and felt herself get uncomfortably aroused.
The brunettes hand kept repeating their movements, Lauren painfully grit her teeth and groaned through them, doing her best to not scream and awake their neighbors. Not like they hadn't heard either of them before.
When Camilas thumb began to brush against Laurens clit her eyes opened wide and her hips began smoothly gyrating onto the hand as she felt her calf muscles began to twitch. In no time Lauren was coming, her neck straining as her jaw upturned to force her head against the mattress.
Above her, Camila grinned in triumph and thrusted one last time before pulling out of the woman, giving her clit a lingering brush before bringing her hand up to her face to lick clean, her other hand moving from the firm breast back to grip the woman's waist tightly as Camila sat up.
"Amazing, as always, Camz," Lauren laughed, her eyes opened and she slowly lowered her hips back to the bed. With hungry eyes Lauren watched as Camila pulled her fingers from her mouth.
"Rock paper scissors again?" Camila asked, smirking down at the blonde with a shit eating grin. Lauren shook her head and quickly flipped the two, Camila squealed and felt her center throb with need at the display of dominance.
Lauren kissed Camilas neck hungrily while the brunette whimpered and gripped strong shoulders, trying to force out words.
"You know I conned you into letting me top, right?" Camila grunted as her hips thrust up against the green eyed woman who stretched above her in the plank position again.
Lauren detached herself and looked at the brunette. She nodded and slowly slunk down the small frame of the brunette to hover above her booty shorts. Lauren reached the end of the bed and her long legs slipped down to the ground, she hooked her hands behind Camila's knees and tugged the brunette towards her.
"That's why it's time for you to pay." Lauren grinned predatorily as she then tugged off the booty shorts and tossed them aside, without wasting anymore time Lauren began to devour the brunette, the sounds of her tongue kissing wet lips turned the brunette on to levels she didn't know existed until she met the arrogant girl on top of her.
"Oh god!" Camilas body began to twitch, barely able to keep up with the fast rate of Lauren.
Lauren only sped up, her tongue curling around Camilas clit and then licking the brunettes lips top to bottom. Camilas hands reached out and slipped into dark hair, her climax nearly reaching her.
Upon feeling the hands in her hair Lauren pulled back and stood up so she wasn't touching the brunette. Camilas head shot up and glared at the brunette in front of her.
"No touching, babygirl." Lauren smirked, Camila groaned in frustration and gripped the sheets before looking at the girl pointedly.
"Happy?" Lauren nodded and began to lower herself back down on her knees.
"Just don't do it again, Camz, or I'll stop. It'll only tease you. I, however can do this all night." Camila groaned, the sound slipping into a moan as Lauren began assaulting her once more with that heavenly mouth.
Lauren couldn't stop the smirk as she continued to lick the brunette, a hand moving to still the jumping hips as she brought Camila to the edge once again. Camila whimpered as her hands opened and refisted against the sheets.
"This no hands rule s-ucks." She said, her breath catching as her hips jumped against the strong hand that held her down. Lauren simply released a deep chuckle against the brunette that had Camila falling over the edge.
Camila sat up and completely forgot the no hands rule as she bent over her girlfriends head and gripped her shoulders as her climax started. As soon as slender hands touched her shoulders Lauren shoved herself backwards, detaching from the brunette and bringing Camila to a short climax.
Lauren smirked to herself as she turned around and began walking away from the twitching brunette, her shirt and bra still hanging from her shoulders.
"Hey! Get back here!" Camila yelled at the retreating girl. Lauren looked over her shoulder as she stopped at the doorway.
"No hands, remember?" She asked before walking across the hall to the bathroom. Camila groaned and fell back against the bed. Her chest heaving as a thin layer of sweat covered her.
Stupid hot sexy Latina. She thought to herself as she laid there, the sound of the shower turning on the only sound as she planned her revenge.

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