Chapter 3

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   Y/N'S POV

  After my interview with Bruce, I felt very confident and encouraged about how my article in the paper would go about Bruce Wayne, himself. Bruce was different, but I knew that it was going to take time and much convincing to get the public to think my article was accurate and up-to-date.

  As I made my way towards the elevator, I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was Bruce.

  I smiled at him and said,"Thank you, Mr. Wayne, for letting me interview you. You do not know how much it meant to me."

  Bruce nodded and smiled back saying,"It was an honor to finally meet the woman who Mr. Smith takes pride in working with. Y/N, thank you for not asking me questions about recent relationships of mine. It means the world to me that you do not press me about that."

  I put my hand on Bruce's shoulder saying,"I know how hard it can be dealing with relationships, so that is why I did not ask you. I am sorry for being so specific about my questions. I know it made you do a lot of thinking."

  Bruce chuckled and looked at me for a moment before he replied,"I like thinking; especially, when it is for the right reasons. I better let you go.."

  I noticed my hand was still on Bruce's shoulder, so I blushed a little and apologized saying,"S..Sorry. I am really sorry. See ya, Mr. Wayne! Thanks for letting me have this opportunity!!"

  Bruce chuckled and nodded, before I got on the elevator and sung to myself the whole way down. People in the elevator looked at me and sent me odd looks, but I just ignored them. I was singing because I was so happy the interview went well.
  I made my way towards the exit, before I headed to my car and threw my things onto the passenger seat. I carefully looked both ways, before I drove home and parked my car in my garage.

  I noticed another car was in my garage, and I immediately grabbed my things. I went to lock my car, but my boyfriend, Chris, stood at the door.

  He smiled saying,"Hey, baby. I missed you."

  Chris wrapped his arms around me and kissed me, before I held on for a minute and slowly pulled away saying,"I missed you more. Where were you this morning?"

  Chris ran his fingers through my hair and laughed saying,"Where I always am: Work at the ice-cream shop. Aww, you missed me."

  If I could be honest, I didn't believe Chris. I didn't believe him at all, but I was known for being paranoid sometimes. I had no evidence of Chris being with anyone else behind my back, but let's hope he was at work.

  I just smiled and locked my car, before Chris led me inside and I crashed on the sofa saying,"My interview with Bruce Wayne went well...I feel like this is going to be my best article yet!"

  Chris sat down on the sofa and smiled at me saying,"I am happy for you, baby. He did not try to make a move on you or anything, right?"

  I shook my head and Chris pulled me in his lap saying,"Good, because I got you first."

  I smiled at Chris and pulled him in for a kiss, before Chris kissed back and wrapped his arms around me.
  I slowly pulled away when I heard the doorbell go off. I got off of Chris' lap and walked to the front door, before I opened it. Bruce was here.

  I smiled at Bruce and he said,"I hope this is not a bad time?"

  I shook my head, before Chris appeared from around the corner and noticed Bruce.

  Bruce looked between Chris and I, which made me quickly realize my mistake and I said,"Bruce Wayne meet Chris, my boyfriend. Chris, this is the one and only, Bruce Wayne."

  Chris shook Bruce's hand and asked him,"What are you doing here?"

  Bruce just looked at Chris, before I hit Chris' shoulder and scolded him saying,"Chris!! I am sorry about him, Bruce. It has been a long day for Chris."

  Bruce nodded and said,"Well, I was wondering if maybe you would be interested in joining Mr. Smith and I for lunch, so we can discuss potential for our partnership with your company?"

  I smiled saying,"I would love to join you. Just business, right?"

  Bruce said,"Just business. You have my word."

  I gave Bruce my number, since Chris was persistent on running Bruce out of the house.
  Bruce objected to taking my number and suggested for Mr. Smith to contact me, but I ignored Bruce's objection and gave my number to him anyway.

  I watched Bruce leave, before I turned to Chris saying,"Why did you have to be rude to him, Chris? The least you could do is show him some respect for having to deal with me today!"

  Chris sighed and pulled me close saying,"I am sorry, babe. Forgive me?"

  I went to say no, but I got lost in Chris' eyes and said,"Fine. Just be nice to him next time, please? I am heading to bed."

  I headed to my bedroom upstairs and changed into my pajamas, before I climbed onto the bed and snuggled into the sheets. I felt strong arms wrap around me and I immediately turned around, before Chris pulled me into his chest and it did not take long for me to go to sleep.

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