Chapter 2

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   Y/N'S POV

  I woke up only to find all of my papers all over the place. Immediately, I looked at the time. HOLY CLOCK AND STUFF..IT WAS 3 O'CLOCK!!
  The interview started at 5 o'clock, and I had basically slept all my practice time. I sighed and bolted into the shower, taking off my clothes in the process. Then, I had to take the fastest shower in my life. It probably was not that much of a difference from the usual...

  Trying not to look like I was running late, I put on my best professional outfit. I had to be at Wayne Enterprises by 4. Mr. Smith was going to meet me at the entrance, since he did not want to risk me getting lost before the interview.
  Sometimes, I had an issue with following directions. Often times, it would lead me to getting my left and right confused with one another. I grabbed my car keys and purse, before I grabbed leftovers on the way out.

  I ate those leftovers on the way to Wayne Enterprises. Luckily, I was able to use Google maps to get to Wayne Enterprises.
  I looked at my watch: 3:30. I sighed in relief and found a parking spot. There, at the front entrance, stood Mr. Smith.

  I safely crossed the street and walked around the corner, then I walked towards him. Mr. Smith noticed me and handed me my badge, so I could get in without being sent back out.
  Mr. Smith smiled and walked the two of us inside. Once we made it inside, we had to go through security and then we made our way towards the elevator. Apparently, we had to go up many, many floors.

  As we made our way inside the elevator, Mr. Smith turned to me and said,"Y/N, I really appreciate you doing this. You know after the government almost shut us down a few years back, I had thought that I would never get enough recognition for anything ever again. That was until you arrived at the company and turned many things around. I know I may seem intimidating and selfish sometimes, but I do take pride in having you a part of my company."

  I smiled at Mr. Smith saying,"I will do my best not to disappoint you, Mr. Smith. Thank you for the encouraging words."

  Mr. Smith said,"Just be yourself and show Mr. Wayne what makes you so spectacular."

  I took a deep breath and thought to myself,"I had to think about what that meant after you said it..Spectacular..Spectacular."

  Mr. Smith led me to a conference room, before I noticed Mr. Wayne talking to Lucius Fox? Wait, I knew Lucius, which made most of my worry wash away.

  Lucius turned and saw me, before he smiled sweetly at me and shook my hand saying,"Why, Miss L/N, it is great to see you again! How is that engine of yours holding up? Still running, right?"

  I laughed and let go of Lucius' hand saying,"Barely, but I am just thankful it gets me to work every day of the week. Hey, I never did thank you for fixing my car, so do you take cash?"

  Lucius went to say something, but Mr. Wayne sent me a smile saying,"Lucius would not dare to take that money. It looks like he is just grateful for having you here now."

  I smiled back at Mr. Wayne, before Lucius said,"Mr. Wayne, I am more than capable of answering Y/N myself. No, Y/N, I could not possibly take that from you. You will need that, and what I did was just a simple act of kindness. You could repay me by giving Mr. Wayne the best interview of his life."

  I nodded and shook Lucius' hand again saying,"That, I can do. Thank you, Lucius."

  Mr. Wayne turned to me saying,"We can stay in here for the interview."

  I pulled out my interview questions and since this was my forte, I was not sure whether it looked professional having the questions with me. I don't think it mattered, because as long as I got what I needed, then Mr. Smith would be happy with that.

  Before Lucius left, he whispered to me,"Why don't you throw in some questions about his love life in there? Mr. Wayne could use a hit of reality, if you know what I mean.."

  I giggled and Mr. Wayne raised an eyebrow at Lucius and I. I just nodded to Lucius, and he shut the door behind him.

  I walked over to the chair Mr. Wayne pulled out for me, before I thanked him and asked him,"Are you ready, Mr. Wayne?"

  He nodded and smiled saying,"Please just call me Bruce. I would rather be called Bruce."

  I nodded and asked him first,"How do you think your father would feel, if he were here to see Wayne Enterprises now?"

  Bruce looked surprised at my question, but he smiled and looked me in the eyes saying,"I think he would be happy, yet a little surprised that I managed to keep his company alive and committed to its clients. I, often feel like maybe I could do better, which I can do, but I know my father would tell me that there was still more to be done here. I would hope and pray that he would be proud of me for watching over the people he cared so much for himself."

  I smiled at Bruce's answer and wrote down the highlights of what he said, before I looked back up at him and asked him,"Your dedicated workers, like Mr. Fox, do you feel like they have a positive outlook on your company compared to those who are new here?"

  Bruce leaned back in his chair and sighed answering,"If I am going to be honest with you, Y/N, I personally think that many of my fellow workers here believe what is put out in the press about me on a daily basis. I try to get around and keep my image positive, but it does not always end up being that way. Members like Mr. Fox, have known me for a very long time and will be here, even when I do not want anyone around. It is workers like those, whom I know think the best of me which keeps me moving forward."

  As Bruce spoke, I was very surprised at how honest and sincere he was being about his answers. Because, I knew I was guilty myself of believing what was put out about Bruce most of the time.
I only had a few more questions left to ask Bruce, so I did my best to ask him only the most important questions.

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