Chapter 15

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   Y/N'S POV

  The next morning, I woke up in Bruce's arms. Bruce had his arms wrapped protectively around me, while our fingers were intertwined together. I smiled and blushed at his legs being tangled in mine.
  I really had to go to the bathroom, but Bruce's grip was way too tight for me to escape.

  I gently shook him, before Bruce bolted up saying,"Are you hurt? Darling, what's wrong? Y/N, please say something.."

  I went to say something but got lost in his amazing blue eyes. I found myself leaning in, while Bruce did, too.
Immediately, I was reminded that I had to go to the bathroom, so I took my opening. I ran into the bathroom and did my business, before I washed my hands.

  When I walked out, Bruce was already dressed. I stood there in awe, yet I had to remember he was Batman. Bruce was probably used to quick wardrobe changes.

  Bruce walked over to me and pulled me close.

  He put his forehead on mine asking me,"Where is my good morning kiss?"

  I smirked saying,"I do not know, Batman. I do not think you deserve one..Maybe later.."

  I pretended to walk off, but Bruce pulled me back. Bruce gave me a pout, and I could not deny that I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

  I chuckled saying,"Stop pouting, Bats, here.."

  I leaned in and kissed Bruce passionately. Bruce kissed back and brought me closer. He ran his fingers through my H/C curls, while I ran mine through his.

  After a while, Bruce slowly pulled away and said,"I love you, Y/N. You sure I did not hurt you, while you were sleeping?"

  I kissed his nose and said,"I am sure, Bruce. I love you, too."

  Bruce smiled and kissed my cheek, before he guided us downstairs.

  Alfred smiled saying,"Morning Master Bruce and Miss Y/N, it is great to see you two up. Breakfast is now ready, so please take a seat..."

  I went to help Alfred, but gentle hands pushed me down.

  Alfred smiled saying,"The young masters have got it, Miss Y/N. Thanks for volunteering, though."

  I nodded and smiled back saying,"Okay, you are welcome, Alfred. Where is everyone else?"

  I spoke too soon, because I heard many footsteps approaching the kitchen. I turned and Tim, Damian, Dick, and Jason stormed into the kitchen.
  Before the boys could even get an omelette, I said the blessing. Then, I motioned for the boys to go ahead. However, the boys politely let me get first pick of the food, before they all lunged for the rest.

  I giggled softly, while Alfred shook his head saying,"Young Masters, I would like if you used the manners that were given to you. Never mind..."

  Alfred sighed, and I just smiled putting a hand on his shoulder.

  I put my hand down, before Bruce leaned over saying,"Would you mind passing me that water, Y/N?"

  I passed Bruce the water, before I turned only for his lips to meet mine. I blushed madly but kissed back.

  Bruce brought me closer, and I rested my hands on his chest.

  Bruce smiled and went to deepen the kiss, but the boys groaned yelling,"BRUCE?!!"

  I giggled softly and placed one last kiss on his lips saying,"Patience, baby, patience. Though, I do love that color on you.."

  Bruce chuckled deeply, before the doorbell went off.

  Alfred went to get the door and said,"Miss Y/N, will you please come to the door?"

  Bruce looked over at me and I shrugged before I walked to the front door. There Ria stood on the verge of having a breakdown.

  She noticed the food in my hand and said,"Is..Is this a bad time? Should I leave?"

  I immediately pulled her inside and let Bruce know I would be upstairs. I led Ria upstairs into the room I was staying in.
  I took a seat beside Ria and she just hugged my waist, crying uncontrollably. I had a feeling this either had to do with her boyfriend or something more personal.

  Ria managed to get out in between her heartbreaking cries,"I..I think I..I may be pregnant, and..and..I know he..he doesn't want a..a baby."

  I didn't know what to say to Ria, because I knew her boyfriend very well. I knew the last thing he wanted was a child, but it only made me more worried about my best friend. So, I did what I thought was best and just held her.
  Neither of us said a word, but I knew she needed someone to hold her right now. I was gonna be that someone. Since I wasn't comfortable with her driving, I got Alfred to take her home and Bruce got someone to take Ria's car to her house.

  Bruce pulled me close and said,"You are an angel, you know that?"

  I smirked and stroked his cheek saying,"Maybe, and you are my Knight in shining armor."

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