Chapter 6

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   Y/N'S POV

  When I woke up, Bruce was sitting at the end of the bed. I jumped and immediately covered myself, before Bruce chuckled and I noticed he was looking at a picture I put on the desk.

  I smiled at it, before Bruce turned and said,"Good morning. Sorry, I was just looking at this picture. You never told me you used to do boxing?"

  I smirked saying,"Never came up in conversation. Do you normally cook breakfast or Alfred? Bruce, be honest..."

  Bruce smiled saying,"I leave things like that to Alfred. I never actually learned how to cook somethings, because I lost my mother at an early age."

  I put my hand over Bruce's and said,"Right. Well, I am sure Alfred would actually take the time to teach you and help you learn. You trusted me enough with your secret and wanted me to be here for you, so I will gladly take my time to show you how to cook."

  Bruce smiled at me and he intertwined his fingers with mine, before I looked down at our hands and I felt something.

  Bruce noticed I was still in my pajamas, which made me blush and he got up saying,"Sorry again for barging in. I will wait outside for you. Thank you for what you said."

  I nodded and Bruce walked out, before I pouted at the loss of Bruce's touch. I just got over it and put on some shorts and a t-shirt, before I walked out of the room. Bruce sent me a smile and walked with me downstairs to the kitchen.

  Once we made it inside the kitchen, Bruce pulled out a chair for me and I sat down in it.

  I went to thank Bruce, but Alfred put plates in front of us both and I said,"Do you need help with your plate, Alfred?"

  Alfred shook his head saying,"No, Miss L/N. I would rather wait until you two were served first."

  I got up and shook my head saying,"Now, Alfred, I refuse to let you do that. You sit down and I will fix your plate for you. Alfred, that is not how I roll. Talk to Bruce, while I serve you."

  Alfred smiled and Bruce did, too, before I headed into the back of the kitchen and fixed Alfred's plate. I figured he would want everything he cooked, so I gave him everything.
  When I was done, I fixed him some orange juice and brought him his cup and plate. Alfred thanked me, but I just waved it off and sat down next to Bruce.

  Bruce leaned over and placed a kiss on my cheek, before I blushed asking him,"What was that for?"

  Bruce smiled and said,"You know what that was for. Thank you."

  I smiled back at Bruce and nodded, before we ate breakfast and I helped Alfred wash the dishes.

  Before Bruce could even think about leaving, I grabbed his right arm and said,"You, sir, are going to be helping Alfred and I with the dishes."

  Bruce groaned and went to object, but I slapped him, and Alfred chuckled saying,"I like her very much, Master Bruce."

  I smiled at Alfred, before Bruce stood beside me. I passed a wet dish to him that I had already cleaned.

  Bruce just looked at it and put it on the counter.

  I said,"Bruce Wayne, you are something. Bruce, you have to clean that off. Bless your heart..."

  I handed Bruce a rag and he cleaned the plate off, which was dry. I smiled at Bruce actually drying the dish, before we ended up cleaning all of the dishes in no time.

  Once we were done, Bruce said,"How about that lunch?"

  I chuckled saying,"Bruce, we literally  just ate like 3 hours ago. Oh, okay. I thought it was a date, though."

  Bruce smiled at me saying,"It is whatever you want it to be. Be ready in an hour."

  Did Bruce realize what he just said? An hour? How did one get ready in an hour? I guess I had to prioritize my look, then.
  I immediately took a shower, washed my hair, and threw on the best dress I could find in my suitcase. Thank God I actually packed nice dresses...

  I carefully slipped into my heels and did my hair (You guys can just imagine your favorite hairstyle).
  I made my way down the steps and Bruce was waiting for me at the last step.

  His eyes met mine and he smiled saying,"Y/N, you look amazing. I am impressed."

  I smiled at Bruce saying,"I could say the same for you, Wayne. The same for you. Are we ready to go to whatever I prefer to call this?"

  Bruce chuckled and nodded, before he led me outside and helped me into the car. He jogged back to the driver's side and got in, before he drove us to this fancy restaurant. I had to put the fancy in there, since it was nothing I could afford by myself.
  Bruce helped me out and led me inside, before we were given one of the best tables. I remembered I was with Bruce Wayne, which explained the over-the-top decor and expensive menus.

  Bruce noticed me trying to process everything and laughed saying,"Shall we start small then work our way to the top?"

  I blushed in embarrassment, then I smiled at Bruce and Bruce smiled back. I, then cleared my throat and looked down at the menu.
  The waiter soon asked us what we wanted and Bruce and I gave her our orders, before I felt a hand over mine.

  Bruce looked me in the eyes and said,"Y/N, I..I really like you. I know you may not feel the same. You just went through a break-up and I know you loved Chris, so I will just stop talking now..."

  I giggled at Bruce's rambling, but I squeezed his hand saying,"Bruce, I..I like you, too. I have been through somethings, so it is okay to think I need time. I know I should be upset about Chris, but I really am okay. I think you may be the reason I feel okay. My heart may ache every now and then, but it is not as strong as how I feel about you."

  Bruce smiled and leaned over across the table, before his lips met mine. I froze for a second. Was he kissing me? Did I kiss back? Did this mean we were a thing?
  I pushed aside my thoughts and kissed back, before Bruce held on for a minute. Someone cleared their throat, and Bruce and I pulled away from each other. We pulled away only to see our waiter blushing and holding our food.

  I apologized to her, before Bruce and I both laughed. After we got our laugh in, we began eating our food. I felt like I was in heaven, while Bruce just smiled at me and went back to eating his food.

  When lunch was over, Bruce paid for our meal and led us out of the restaurant.

  I stopped Bruce from walking any further, before I said to Bruce,"What does this make us? Are we still friends? Are we a thing? Bruce, I am-"

  I was cut off by feeling Bruce's warm lips against my own.

  I kissed back and held on for as long as I possibly could, before Bruce pulled away saying,"Whatever you want to be, Y/N. Whatever you want to be."

  I smiled saying,"I want to be yours, even if it is too early to say " I love you" and stuff..."

  Bruce laughed and nodded, but he wrapped an arm around me saying,"With me, it is never too early and I love you, too, if that is what you are saying..Who knows, right?"

  I just hit Bruce's shoulder and Bruce led me to the car, before I got in and smiled to myself. Bruce just got in the driver's seat and kissed my hand, before he drove us back to Wayne Manor. I made sure I told Alfred everything.
  If you were not aware, Alfred really was the best person to talk to, even with relationships and plain gossiping.

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