Chapter 33

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   Y/N'S POV

  Today, Bruce and I both had to be at GCPD for a meeting with Gordon. I was told it was about an incident, but you never knew for sure in Gotham. It could be something serious, but they just make it sound small.
  Right now, I was putting on my shoes. I grabbed my phone and keys, before I jogged down to the Batcave.

  Bruce was getting dressed, and it looked like he was almost done. I carefully walked down the stairs and sat in his chair.
  I noticed Bruce still needed to put on his cowl, but I wanted to do it. I quickly got up and bolted towards it. When I grabbed it, I did a happy dance.

  Bruce chuckled deeply and said,"Honey, what are you doing?"

  I just smiled and stood in front of Bruce. I put the cowl over his face and now saw Batman in front of me.

  I stepped back and smirked saying,"I am impressed, Bruce. I have always loved that outfit on you..."

  I quickly covered my mouth, which made Bruce smile. Bruce wrapped his arms around me and just stared into my eyes. It was comfortable at first, until I realized what Bruce just did to me.

  I hit him in the back of the head and yelled,"BRUCE, YOU DISTRACTED ME!! NOW, WE ONLY HAVE 3 MINUTES TO GET THERE!!'

  Batman shrugged and wrapped his arms around my waist. Next thing I knew, I was being grappled through the skylines of Gotham. I tightly held on to Batman's suit and made sure I did not let go.

  Bruce looked down at me and gave me a kiss, before he rested his forehead against my own.

  Bruce mumbled,"You okay?"

  I nodded and hugged his waist saying,"I am just worried. I know what Chris is capable of.."

  Batman leaned on me, while I rested my head on his chest. I slowly let go of him, before Gordon walked up the stairs. He spotted us, and Batman shook his hand. I hugged Gordon, before he smiled hugging back.

  I pulled away from the hug and asked him,"How have you been, Commissioner?"

  Gordon sighed and handed Batman a file saying,"After the recent events of Gotham, some of our well-known criminals have escaped from Arkham. We cannot risk them getting further into the streets and hurting anyone else."

  Batman looked through the file and calmly said,"I am guessing the casualties are all massive, then? Who all escaped?"

  I went to answer, but Batman said,"It was rhetorical, Y/N. I know who escaped..Though, I do admire your effort."

  I blushed and looked down at my shoes. I looked up and saw Batman looking at me.

  I just gave him a smile, and Gordon chuckled saying,"It is okay guys, I already know."

  I sighed in relief and leaned on Batman's arm.

  Jim smiled and said,"I have known for a while now, plus I saw you two a few minutes ago."

  I blushed in embarrassment, before Jim got back to the point. I zoned out of their talk, but I heard something about Scarecrow escaping. I immediately frowned and groaned in annoyance.
Hopefully, Jonathan did not stop by and pay me a visit. I had a fear of pointy things now. I remembered what happened a few months ago.

  I was snapped out of my thoughts by hearing Bruce say,"I will look into it."

  Gordon nodded, and Batman wrapped his arms around my waist.

  He went to leave, but Gordon softly said,"I never said thank you.."

  I smiled and Batman said,"And you won't have to."

  I could see Gordon smiling, which I gladly understood. Batman had been helping him clean the streets of Gotham while becoming a permanent figure in stopping crime. Bruce grappled us back to the new Wayne Manor, and I sort of missed the old one.

  Bruce put me down and walked us through the Batcave entrance. He opened the door and let me pass.

  I kissed his cheek and smiled saying,"Thank you, baby. I am so flattered, Batman. However, you did not bring Clark with you?"

  Bruce smiled at first, but then he rolled his eyes and removed his arms from around me. I just smiled and headed inside changing into my pajamas.
  When I walked out, Bruce was standing there with a smirk on his face. Bruce loved to judge my pajama choices. I just rolled my eyes and pulled him in for a kiss. Bruce kissed back and rested his hands on my face.

  I slowly pulled away and pecked his lips saying,"I love you, Bruce Wayne."

  Bruce smiled and said,"I love you, too, Y/N."

  Bruce went to kiss me, but someone tackled him. I looked to my right and saw Blake.
  Blake chuckled and tried to pin down Bruce. Bruce groaned, but ruffled his hair. Bruce did love to ruffle his hair.

  I smiled, and Blake saw me.

  He yelled,"Y/N!!"

  I pinched his cheeks, before he hugged me tight.

  "I love you, Blake. I promise you I will be here for you. Are you all right?"

  Blake nodded and snuggled into me saying,"Mommy, I'm tired.."

  I smiled, then I realized what Blake had just called me.

  My smile grew, before Bruce said,"Y/N, are you gonna take him?"

  I nodded and led Blake towards the door.

  Bruce pulled me back and whispered in my ear,"I would not mind being a father one day. It is just a thought.."

  I blushed madly and made Bruce look at me.

  I smiled and stoked his cheek saying,"Really?"

  Bruce chuckled but nodded looking into my eyes saying,"Really, Y/N. I love you.."

  Honestly, I was flattered by Bruce's words. I didn't know what to say, so I hugged Bruce. Bruce hugged back and buried his face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled Blake in. Blake laughed, but he accepted the hug.

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