Chapter 60

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When I say Bruce's words hit me so hard, they really did. I WAS still crying, and it had been at least 11 hours after he said that to me. It WAS just..I had never met a man who has cared this much about me, and it did not even take us that long to fall in love with each other.
Some people may argue that it was fast, but it did not matter to me. He was still with me now, was he not? I guess I showed them but having Bruce with me was all that mattered now. Right now, I was still in Bruce's arms.

Bruce tightened his grip around me and handed me more tissues, while I sniffed saying,"You should be ashamed of yourself, Batman. I..I cannot even see straight!!"

Bruce chuckled and kissed my forehead, before he rubbed my back saying,"Honey, you are safe with me, okay? I am not going anywhere and I meant everything I said to you..Plus, I promised to be the best man I could for you, did I not? Stop crying, because I will cry..."

I nodded and Bruce wiped my face, which made me blush. Bruce smiled down at me, before he continued to wipe my tears. I gently grabbed his hands and held them close to my heart. Bruce squeezed my hands and buried his face in my neck, and I could feel him start to doze off.

I giggled softly, which made him jump a little. I smiled and ran my fingers through Bruce's hair, before Blake ran in the room with Krypto chasing after him.

I giggled as Krypto ran over and licked my face, while I played with him.

I heard Bruce mumble,"Is that a dog, Y/N?"

I quickly pulled Krypto under the bed and chuckled nervously saying,"No, Brucie, you were just seeing things. There is no dog.. Maybe you were just imagining Underdog."

Krypto barked and ran out from under the bed, before he jumped on Bruce. Bruce yelped in surprise, while Krypto kept on growling and messing with Bruce.

I giggled and softly said,"Easy, Krypto. Bruce is fine, okay? Krypto.."

I gently pulled Krypto back by his red collar, before Krypto just settled in my lap. I smiled and rubbed his head, yet I looked over to Bruce. Bruce was looking at me not amused at all.

I stroked his cheek and laughed saying,"Cheer up, Dark Knight. Krypto just needs to get used to you, all right? Do not be such a baby!!"

Bruce rolled his eyes and sat up, then he turned the other way and unwrapped his hand.

I gasped at the sight and gently put his hand in mine saying,"What happened, baby? Why did you not tell me about this?"

Bruce looked into my eyes and said,"I knew how worried you would be. The doctor said it is just broken, but it will eventually heal. Nothing I have not went through millions of times already..Hey, look at me, beautiful.."

When my eyes met Bruce's mysterious blue eyes, his lips immediately met mine. I smiled in the kiss, before I gladly kissed back. Bruce brought me closer with one hand, while the other was rested on my back. He rubbed soothing circles on my back, and I shivered at his touch.

Bruce chuckled and pulled away saying,"I see I still have an effect on you. Though, I think that is rather adorable to be that in love with me..Darling?"

I hmmed in response and Bruce led me downstairs to the Batcave.

He cupped my face and said,"I was wondering if you would like to maybe come with me to go see Gordon? I..I would really like it if you came, because our relationship has not been the same in a long time. What do you say? Batman needs you; do it for the Dark Knight himself.."

I pecked Bruce's lips and giggled saying,"Do not stress, Wayne. Of course, I will come with you!! You know, it creeps me out when you use yourself in third person like that. Maybe I secretly like it, maybe.."

Bruce chuckled and put his forehead on mine saying,"I love you, Y/N. Might wanna change, before we leave.."

I nodded and kissed Bruce's nose, before I jogged upstairs and changed into some jeans with a Batman t-shirt. I brushed my hair and put it down, before I ran back down to the Batcave. I saw Batman leaning on the Batmobile, while he seemed to be in conversation with someone on his communication device.

I walked over to the Batmobile and Batman helped me in, before I rushed over to his side. I went to touch one of the buttons, but Batman gently grabbed my hand and sent me that famous Bat-glare. I pouted in defeat and leaned back in my chair. Batman drove off, and I watched all the buildings and streets pass by. I saw a few citizens out, but who knew why...As Batman drove, I could not help but admire him. He looked so determined on getting to GCPD.

He noticed me admiring him, and I blushed madly looking away. I relaxed when I felt his soft lips kissing my cheek lovingly. I leaned into his touch, before I ended up spacing out a little. I was brought back into reality by Batman holding out his hand outside the Batmobile.

I immediately took his hand, before he kissed my nose saying,"Hold on, Y/N. I do not want to lose you.."

I awwed and blushed at the same time. I wrapped my arms around Batman's neck and tightened my grip, before he grappled us up to the rooftop of GCPD.

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