Chapter 18

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  Y/N had been unconscious for a few days now, but the doctors said she was getting better. When we heard the news, we all sighed in relief, knowing everything was gonna be okay. I made sure to stay by her side and check on her vitals, so nothing could harm Y/N.
  Y/N had become family to me, and I knew Bruce loved her very much. At first, I panicked at Y/N telling me she was with Bruce, but he was not so bad. He even trusted me with his identity, because he was so afraid of losing Y/N. He wanted me to know that he had her back, no matter what.

  As a best friend, Bruce passed my test. I could deal with him being with Y/N, but I would still keep my eye on him.

  Currently, I was sitting beside Y/N's bed.

  Leslie walked over to me while I anxiously asked her,"Is she gonna be okay? When is Y/N gonna wake up?"

  Leslie chuckled but smiled saying,"Any minute now, Ria. Did you tell Prince about the baby?"

  I sighed saying,"No, not yet. I will, Leslie, but Y/N needs me right now. I will tell Prince later. Is Y/N gonna need anything?"

  Leslie smiled at my concern and nodded saying,"Y/N will need support and love from you guys. This is her first time ever being put in real danger, but I know you know what that feels like, darling."

  I rubbed my neck and replied,"Yeah, I do, but I'm fine now. I'll go get Bruce. He wanted me to come get him."

  Leslie nodded and I walked out of the room. Once I made eye contact with Bruce, I motioned to him that it was okay to come inside. I walked back in, only for Y/N to be up. I squealed loudly and hugged her very tightly. Y/N groaned in pain, and I quickly apologized for forgetting her condition so easily.

  Y/N waved it off and smiled weakly saying,"You are fine, Ria. Thank you for staying with me. I could hear you talking, Ria. I'm so lucky to have you as a best friend. I love you."

  I smiled back and hugged Y/N gently.

  She hugged back and kissed my cheek, before she asked me,"Where is Bruce?"

  I was surprised that Bruce wasn't already in the room. I had let him know it was okay for him to come in. However, right when Y/N asked where Bruce was again, the door opened dramatically.

   Y/N'S POV

  After I asked Ria where Bruce was a second time, Bruce was right at the door. His blue eyes met my E/C ones, before he rushed over to me. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. I smiled and kissed back. Bruce held on and ran his fingers through my hair, before he slowly pulled away.

  Bruce put his forehead on mine worriedly saying,"I am so sorry, N/N. Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Y/N, do you.."

  I cut Bruce off by giggled softly.

  I shook my head, but I pulled him close saying,"Yeah, I need you to stay where you are, baby. Thank you for saving my life, Batman. I feel honored, actually.."

  I blushed and tried to hide it, but it was already too late.

  Ria laughed saying,"It is all right, Y/N. Bruce does not mind, because I am sure he gets told that often. Right, Wayne?"

  Bruce calmly nodded and smiled saying,"No, I do not mind. Y/N, I am going to do all I can to take care of you and make things better, okay? I should have known to stay with you, but I let my other mission get in the way. Forgive me?"

  I nodded, yet I held Bruce's hands tightly saying,"Bruce, I do not want you to feel like I am making you choose between being Batman and being with me. I do not care, because I will stay by your side either way. Other girls in the past may have made you choose, but I am not them. I love you for Batman and Bruce Wayne. There is nothing that could ever make me not want to be with you every second of the day. I love you, Bruce."

  Bruce had tears forming in his eyes, but he let them fall saying to me,"I love you, too, Y/N. I love you, too."

  I heard sniffing and turned to see Ria crying, too.

  I giggled and said,"Ria, really?"

  Ria shrugged and then rolled her eyes, before she sniffed saying,"Aww, you two are so made for each other. Keep going.."

  I smiled at Ria, then I turned to Bruce being very close to me. I don't know why, but it caused me to become shy. I had been this close to Bruce so many times already, so don't ask me what made this time any different.

  Bruce smiled and held me tight, before Leslie asked me,"How we feeling, Y/N?"

  I chuckled and said,"I am feeling better, Leslie. Thank you for watching and taking care of me. Do I need anything?"

  Leslie nodded and handed my medicine to Bruce.

  Bruce then said,"How many times a day does Y/N have to take this, Leslie?"

  Leslie replied,"Only twice a day. Y/N, make sure you drink lots of water and eat. Bruce, watch her.."

  Bruce gave me a playful glare, which made me giggle. I hit his shoulder, before Leslie released to go home.
Bruce drove us back to the Manor, before he brought me to his room.  
  Bruce tucked me in the covers and kissed my forehead. He slowly let go of my hand and went to leave, but I tugged on his arm.

  I gave him pleading eyes to stay, and Bruce smiled getting in next to me.

  I snuggled into him and wrapped my arms around his waist saying,"I love you, Batman."

  Bruce smiled and kissed me softly saying,"I love you, too, Ms. L/N. I will be right here.."

  I nodded and just looked at Bruce for a minute, before I fell asleep in his arms.

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