Chapter 14

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   Y/N'S POV

  Today was a very special day for me, since Bruce and I were going to the ball. Hopefully, it did not have crowds of people, because I hated lots of attention. Bruce knew that, but he promised to stay with me.
  That made me feel way better, but I prayed that my best friend, Ria, was coming, too. I had personally invited her, but would she even show? Maybe I should call and ask her?

  When I called Ria, she answered me rudely saying,"What do you want, Y/N? I'm busy."

  I rolled my eyes at her attitude, but sweetly asked her,"Ria, are you coming to the ball?"

  Ria replied,"Will there be food there? I don't wanna come just for you."

  What a great best friend..

  I said,"Yes, there will be food. Are you coming or not? I need you there. I'm actually kind of nervous. I've never been to a ball before, and I can't dance. Maybe I should have-"

  Ria cut me off by saying,"No, Y/N. Just open your door."

  I was confused, but I opened the door to seeing Ria there. I hugged her and she hugged me back, before she pulled away from the hug.

  She walked inside the room saying,"Well, girl, go get ready! I'm already ready."

  I smiled and sighed in relief, before I began to get dressed. I decided to go with a F/C dress with some nice, elegant, white earrings. Hopefully, it was not too much.
  I looked myself over, before I slowly made my way down the hall. I was clumsy, so I did not want to hurt myself before we even arrived at the ball. I knew there was gonna be many important people there, so I wanted to make a good impression for Bruce's sake.

  However, Ria grabbed my arm and just looked at me.

  I panicked and said,"What? I do not look good.."

  Ria shook her head, before she squealed saying,"You look so beautiful, Y/N. Bruce is gonna love you. Hold on a second.."

  Ria ran back into my room in heels, and I stood there bewildered. She came out of my room in a hurry, before she gave me a necklace and placed a small accessory on my hair.

  She turned me towards the mirror and smirked saying,"Now, you look more like a million bucks."

  I smiled and tears formed in my eyes.

  Ria worriedly said,"I did not mean to upset you, Y/N. I just thought you might like some more jewelry. I will take it back.."

  I shook my head, before I pulled her in for a hug. Ria was still worried for me, but she hugged me back.

  I sniffed and said,"Thank you, Ria. I do not know what I would do without your help. Though, you do have an attitude problem."

  Ria smiled and said proudly,"Thank you, Y/N. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. I'm glad to have an attitude. Thank you."

  I smiled back at Ria, who was holding out her hand.

  I took it, and she smiled saying,"Lets get you to Bruce."

   Ria led me downstairs, while I noticed the boys were all down there in tuxes. Ria greeted everyone, and Bruce complimented Ria on her look. Ria tried to act rude, but she couldn't do it.

  I chuckled and walked up to Bruce.

  He smiled and said,"You look amazing, Y/N."

  I took in Bruce's look and kissed his jaw saying,"You look even better, Wayne. Shall we?"

  Bruce nodded and led everyone to the ball. When we arrived, the paparazzi went crazy. Bruce made sure everyone made it inside, and then Ria immediately went to go for the food tables.

  However, Bruce gently grabbed her elbow and said,"Ria, I need to maintain my image. Can you watch over Y/N, until I come back?"

  Ria looked down at Bruce's hand, and Bruce let go of her elbow.

  I giggled and she chuckled saying,"Sure, Wayne. Go."

  I smiled and followed Ria. We settled at a nearby table while we waited on Bruce. The boys got a separate table, so we could have our space.
  In no time, Bruce was heading towards me. I went to take the drink from his hands, but Bruce gently pushed my hand away.

  He put it on the table before holding out his hand saying,"May I have this dance?"

  I smiled and took Bruce's hand. Ria whistled, while I chuckled. Bruce sent her a wink, before he led me to the floor.
  I shyly put my hands on Bruce's shoulders, while he wrapped his around my waist.

  Bruce swayed us slowly before saying,"Do not be nervous, Y/N. I am not going to judge you. Although, you are pretty adorable."

  I blushed and held on tighter to Bruce's shoulder.

  Bruce smiled and said,"You look so beautiful. Y/N, I want you to know something.."

  I nodded, and Bruce grabbed my hands.

  He slowly intertwined our fingers together,"I am going to do everything I can to protect you and keep you safe. I cannot promise it because of what I do every day, but I'm willing to give it my all to make sure nothing happens. Are you sure about this? I can't guarantee your safety every day. If you want this between us to end, I completely understand. This is your chance to leave."

  I gazed into Bruce's eyes and noticed just how blue they were, yet there was no way I was backing down from being with Bruce. I had to let him know that. 

  I brought our hands to my face and said,"Bruce, I'm sure about this. I'm certain about us. I knew the risk when you first told me who you were. I want to be with you, so do not doubt being with me, okay? This is my choice, and I love you for who you are. That will never change."

  Bruce just grew quiet, and I was afraid of what that meant. Eventually, he broke into a smile and kissed me softly. I kissed back, before I slowly pulled away. Bruce couldn't stop smiling, which made me smile, too. For the rest of the night, we just had fun and stayed in each others' arms.

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