Chapter 51

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Hey lovely readers!! Please check out my Clark Kent x Reader book!!


  I woke up to Blake shaking me gently.

  I yawned, but groaned saying,"Yes, baby? Why are you up so early?"

  Blake leaned on me and held my face saying,"You said I would get my surprise, mommy!! Where is it?!!"

  I pushed Bruce, which caused him to fall off the bed.
  I giggled and just smiled saying,"All right, all right. C'mon, Blake.."

  Bruce just looked at me and I smirked walking past him. Blake could not help but put his hand on my stomach, before he pulled away and anxiously waited for his present.

  I walked Blake into Dick's room, before Blake said confused,"Why are we in Dick's room, Mommy?"

  I ruffled Blake's hair saying,"Because your surprise is in here, honey. You still want it, don't you?"

  Blake nodded eagerly, before he started jumping up and down.

  I giggled, while I heard Bruce say,"Easy, Blake. Your gift could fly away.."

  I hit Bruce's shoulder, while he looked away innocently.

  Blake looked up at Bruce saying,"Daddy, are you jealous of my gift?"

  I immediately nodded, which caused Bruce to grab me. I squirmed in his grip, before Blake jumped on Bruce. Bruce chuckled, but let Blake have his fun. After a minute, Bruce put Blake back down and Blake ran out to the terrace.

  It got quiet and Bruce leaned on the railing of the bed smirking saying,"Pheww, for a moment there, I thought Blake would love Clark more than me.."

  I giggled, yet I smirked back at Bruce saying,"Bruce Thomas Wayne, did you just admit that you were jealous of Clark? Hold on, say it again for me."

  Bruce shook his head and I sighed in defeat. In a matter of seconds, I heard laughter and voices coming from the terrace. I chuckled, before I led Bruce outside. I saw Blake on Superman's back, and I smiled realizing Blake did what he always wanted to do.

  Superman noticed me and smiled, hugging me gently.

  I hugged back and let go saying,"Thanks, Clark, I really appreciate this. Here, it is what I-"

  Clark pushed my money away, and Bruce gladly took it out of my hands. What was I gonna do with these men?

  Clark put his hand on my stomach and said,"How are you feeling? Sorry, I should have asked for your permission first.."

  I cut Clark off by laughing slightly and putting his hand back saying,"Superman, you are fine. Sweetheart, you do not have to ask, just do it. There is nothing that I have done to deserve this visit, so the least I could do is let his or her uncle check on me."

  Clark smiled at hearing he was gonna be an uncle, while Bruce smiled at him.

  Bruce shook Clark's hand and sincerely said,"If there is anyone who deserves the title, Clark, it is you."

  Clark put his hand over Bruce's and nodded back, before Clark bent down to Blake's level. He ruffled his hair, which made Blake laugh and mess up Clark's.

  I smiled at the two before Superman said,"I have to go back to Metropolis now. My people need me and I can't let them handle everything on their own. If you ever need me, I'm only one call away. I had a great time, buddy. Happy Birthday, Blake."

  Blake smiled through his tears and hugged Clark's neck. Clark hugged back and gently sat Blake down, before he flew off.

  Blake rushed over to me and said,"Mommy, what did you wanna tell me?"

  I smiled at Bruce, before he motioned for me to tell Blake.

  Bruce intertwined his fingers with mine, and I put Blake in my lap saying,"CONGRATULATIONS, BLAKE!! YOU ARE GONNA HAVE A LITTLE BROTHER OR SISTER!!'

  Blake screamed so loud and started running in circles around the room. With how fast he was running, I thought he was a small version of Barry for a minute. I quickly recorded Blake, before I sent the video to Barry.

  Barry immediately responded saying,"I guess Speedsters run in your family, too!! Tell Blake I said happy Birthday and I will try to visit when I get the chance.."

  I smiled at Barry's text message, before I showed it to Blake. Blake slowly read it out the words, while Bruce and I just watched him. Once he was done, Blake did a happy dance, then he walked over to Bruce.

  Blake got in between Bruce's legs and said,"Daddy, I am tired. Can I sleep with you?"

  Bruce nodded and Blake smiled so big, before he ran out of the room to get his stuff. Bruce held out his hand and carefully helped me up. I kissed Bruce in thank you, but realized how far of a walk it was. I groaned, but I didn't want Bruce carrying me just yet.
  Bruce kissed my nose, before he guided me to the bathroom. He helped me change out of my clothes, before I slipped into my pajamas. He led me back to the bed and pulled me close. Blake ran back in and snuggled into Bruce, while Bruce kissed his forehead.

  Blake smiled up at Bruce, before Bruce smiled back. That was so cute..

  Blake held my hand and said,"Mommy, are you all right?"

  I nodded and turned on my side. I could feel Bruce's eyes on me, but he knew I was gonna be fine. I did, too, but I could not wait till our child actually came.

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