Chapter 35

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   Y/N'S POV

  Right now, I was sitting at my desk trying to finish some work for Mr. Smith. I was almost done, until I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked up and saw Bruce standing there. I squealed and attacked him in kisses.

  Bruce chuckled, yet he held my waist saying,"Hey, Y/N. I was just stopping by, but I have to go get Leslie. Her car broke down, and she needs a ride."

  I chuckled but smiled saying,"Bruce, you are the best man in the world. You're just amazing. You go ahead, Batman, and go help Leslie. I'm proud to be your girlfriend."

  Bruce smiled warmly at me and kissed my forehead, before he jogged out the door. Ria walked over and sat down on top of my desk.

  I smiled and said,"Hey Ria, what's up?"

  She smiled back and shrugged saying,"Nothing, I am just happy for you. It is nice to see you so passionate and caring about everyone else again. It has been a while since I've last seen you.."

  I sighed and said,"About what happened, I am really sorry for-"

  Ria waved it off and gave me a weak smile saying,"You were in love with him, and I understand that. You may have been blind to what his true intentions were, but you have that love for someone who truly loves you. Bruce cares about you, and I know you are crazy about him. Do not leave him, okay?"

  I nodded and said,"Yes ma'am. What are you doing here at all? You don't even work here anymore. You quit."

  Ria rolled her eyes at me and replied,"Can I not see my best friend? Yes, I did quit, because I hated this job. I hated having to see you every single day..."

  I laughed and stood up hugging Ria. Ria hugged me back and randomly screamed, which caused everyone to look at us. I pulled away from the hug and pushed her.

  She leaned over me and said,"So, when do you think Playboy is going to propose? Oooo, I hope it's soon!!"

  I giggled but nodded in agreement saying,"Me too, but Bruce is a busy man. I am not expecting him to do it right now, but if he did, I would be the happiest woman in the world. Like I said, let Bruce take his time. I am sure he has so much stuff on his mind right now. It takes many hours of dedication and strength to run Wayne Enterprises."

  Ria just smiled at me and said,"Ex- boyfriend, alert!!"

  Ria actually did the siren noise, and I chuckled pushing her over the desk.

  Chris walked to my desk and said,"So you push people off desks now, that is not surprising; especially for you. Where is my kiss?"

  Is Chris still trying? Desperate or what? How does he keep walking into this building? Obviously, the security sucked here.

  I rolled my eyes and said,"For the thousandth time, I'm not interested and maybe Bruce has something to say to you about it it!! Matter of fact, there he goes right now."

  Chris thought I was kidding but sure enough, Bruce was walking towards my direction. He helped Leslie really quickly. Bruce didn't notice me yet, but this was my chance.

  I yelled,"BRUCE!!"

  Bruce turned towards my direction and jogged over to me. Bruce smiled at me and Ria, but his smile dropped after seeing Chris standing there.

  Bruce gripped my desk and said,"I hope you are not here for Y/N. I am trying not to make a scene."

  Bruce narrowed his eyes at Chris, and Chris just played it off saying,"I am just trying to be nice. Why can I not just see her?'

  Bruce rolled his eyes, and I could tell he was trying to hold back. Chris looked at me, and he was killing me with that look.

  I sighed and said,"Look, Chris, this isn't a good look for you. Please just leave me alone and stop showing up at my work like a stalker. We're over. We're never getting back together. I'm sure there's someone else out there for you. I really need you to stop this and leave. If Ria lets go of Bruce, I'm not going to be able to stop him after that."

  Ria held Bruce back while Chris just smiled at me saying,"Okay, we are clear. Uhh..thanks Y/N. You look nice, by the way. I am going to leave now.."

  Chris kissed my cheek and sent me a smile, something that was rare to get from him. I found myself smiling, too, and Ria snapped her fingers. I jumped, and Bruce caught my waist to keep me from hitting the floor.

  I sighed in relief and gave him a grateful smile saying,"Thanks, Bruce. I hope that's the last time he comes back."

  Bruce nodded and leaned on my desk saying,"Well, I forgot why I came here, so what are you doing here?"

  I chuckled saying,"Bruce, I work here, remember?"

  Bruce said,"You work from home, Y/N, so what are you doing in this building?"

  I replied,"I had to turn in some stuff to Mr. Smith. This may be the last time I ever come here, though."

  Bruce looked at his phone, and by the look on his face, I was guessing it was work. He answered the call and jogged outside.

  I smiled and looked back at Ria saying,"Care to join me for lunch? I am starving!!"

  Ria nodded and followed me out of the door. I sent Bruce a message to let him know where I was going. Once Ria and I walked out of the building, I decided to take us to go to the coffee shop down the street. I was not a big fan of it, but it helped keep me awake. Ria pulled me in and got us a table.

  I ordered our drinks and food before sitting them in front of us.

  Ria asked me,"So, how have things been going?"

  I smiled and sipped my coffee saying,"It has been going great. I have nothing to complain about. Bruce and I are getting even closer, and Blake has been a real joy. The boys and Alfred are also the family I didn't know I needed. But Ria, I'm glad you're doing okay. How's the little one in there doing?"

  Ria held a hand over her heart saying,"She's doing great, Y/N. Thank you. I'm glad you're okay, Y/N. Stop worrying about me. Let's say we relax and take some time, huh?"

  I smiled and said,"I would like that very much."

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