Chapter 66

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   Y/N'S POV

  When Blake and Tom made it home from school, Blake had a black eye and he was walking with a limp.

  I immediately rushed over to Blake and said,"What happened? Blake, talk to me."

  Blake replied,"Some kid kept picking on Tom, and Tom and the other boy got into a fight. I broke up the fight. Then, it turns out the boy's older brother is Janette's new boyfriend. He's very protective over his little brother, he decided to fight me. I didn't win. I was embarrassed yet again in front of everyone."

  Before I could stop Blake, he was already out the door. I finally looked down at Tom and his lip was busted, yet he had scratches on his arms. He had been so quiet, yet I did notice he looked scared.

  I said,"Tom, come here."

  Tom rushed into my arms and let his tears fall against my shoulder.

  He cried saying,"It's all my fault, momma. Blake got hurt and..and now he's mad at me."

  I held him saying,"Blake's not mad at you. Your brother's just been through a lot. Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

  I took Tom's hand and led him down to the Batcave. Batman was working on the Batmobile, and I just took care of Tom's lip.

  He kept flinching and I said,"Stop moving, baby."

  Tom stopped moving, and I took a seat beside him.

  I said,"I want you to be honest with me, Tom. How did this fight between you and this other boy start?"

  When Bruce heard the word "fight," now he knew that Tom and I was down here as well. Bruce stopped what he was doing and walked over to Tom and I. He noticed Tom's injuries, but I motioned for him to not say anything yet.

  Tom finally responded by saying,"He said that I was too nice and that I wasn't strong. He said that I was stupid."

  As a mother, this was the last thing I wanted to hear. Tom was being bullied, and he was the sweetest kid ever.

  Tears fell down Tom's face and he looked over at Bruce saying,"D..Dad, am I stupid?"

  Bruce wrapped his arms around Tom and said,"No, of course you're not stupid. Don't listen to him. You're the smartest kid on your class. Tom, sometimes people aren't going to like you. Sometimes, people will be mean to you just to be mean to you, but you have to stay positive. You have to remember who you are. And Tom, you're strong. You're sweet. You're incredibly smart. You also have my looks.."

  Tom laughed at Bruce and I giggled before Bruce said to Tom,"Fighting isn't the way, Tom. I understand if you were defending yourself, but try to avoid giving in. Try to be different. I don't want you going down the wrong path. I want you to be the Tom that I know you are."

  Tom just nodded and asked me,"Am I..Am I in trouble, Mom?"

  Bruce looked over at me and I looked over at Tom saying,"No, but please avoid any fights from now on. If someone's messing with you, you tell your teacher, me, your father, or one of your brothers. Okay?"

  Tom nodded again and I said,"Go get ready for dinner. Tom, I love you."

  Tom smiled and hugged me before he said,"I love you, too, Mom."

  Tom then looked over at Bruce and said,"Thank you, Dad, for what you said."

  Bruce nodded to him and I pushed Bruce forward. Bruce hugged Tom, and Tom hugged Bruce back. Tom pulled away from the hug and rushed up the stairs.

  Bruce then turned to me and asked,"Where's Blake?"

  I replied,"I'm not sure. I should have gone after him the second he went out the door, but I didn't know if I would make it worse."

  Bruce sighed and kissed my forehead saying,"We'll go find him. Together."

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