Chapter 45

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   Y/N'S POV

  Today was THE special day!! I was getting married to Bruce and nothing was gonna stop that. Right now, the girls were getting me ready and I could not stop stressing and tapping my foot. Barb gently put her hand on my shoulder, which made me look at her.

  Barb sent me a soft smile saying,"Relax, N/N. It is okay to be nervous, because it is your special day!! Just breathe and focus on seeing Bruce.. Take in the fact that he is going to be your man and that is a win win in your book, right?"

  I nodded and took in Barb's advice. She was right..I should just focus and enjoy my day. Stephanie, Ria, and Cass worked on the back of my dress, while Barb made sure the front was okay. She looked at me with a needle in her mouth, and I giggled nodding in reassurance. I took it out of her mouth, because she was making me nervous.

  Stephanie chuckled and Barb helped me down.

  Barb said,"Ready, Y/N?"

  I took a deep breath and Barb handed me the bouquet of flowers. Barb went to leave, but I grabbed her arm. Barb immediately understood and noticed the tears in my eyes. I..I just was not so sure about this. I was afraid of being left alone again.

  Barb quickly said,"Guys, give us a minute..I got this one.."

  The girls quickly left, before Barb led me over to one of the free chairs. I sat down and Barb removed the veil from my face. I put my head on her arm and cried softly.

  Barb frowned and rubbed my back saying,"Y/N, everything will be fine, okay? I know things have been difficult for you, but forget about your past. We all have setbacks and heartbreak, but they make us stronger. Honey, you can do this. Bruce will be there for you every step of the way..I know he will..Stop crying, okay?"

  I nodded and went to wipe my tears, but Barb grabbed a tissue and did it for me. Barb helped me up, before she fixed my makeup and redid my hair for me.

  I kissed her cheek and said,"Love you, Barb. I really am glad you are in my life. Really.."

  Barb just smiled and blew me a kiss.

  I blew her one back, before she said,"I love you, too. Your father is waiting.."

  I nodded and hugged Barb, before she walked me to my dad. My dad kissed her forehead in thank you, and it was just me and him. Dad held out his hands, and I smiled taking them.

  I said,"I am so glad you are here. You do not know how much this means to me.."

  Dad chuckled and fixed my sleeve saying,"Trust me, sweetheart, I know. I could never miss walking my daughter down the aisle. You have grown into such a mature, young lady that I am having a hard time not crying over."

  Tears formed in Dad's eyes, but he blinked and held out his arm saying,"Shall we?"

  I linked mine with his and smiled saying,"We shall. I love you, daddy."

  Dad smiled and gave me a kiss saying,"I love you, too, Darling."

  I just leaned on Dad's arms, before we made our way down the aisle. I spotted Mom and sent her a wink, before Dad led me to Bruce. Bruce's eyes never left mine, and I blushed looking at him.

  Bruce whispered,"Wow.."

  I just giggled and intertwined my fingers with Bruce's. The Priest went on with his speech, but I noticed Bruce just smiling at our hands. That brought a smile to my face, and I closely listened to the priest's words. Before we knew it, it was time to recite the vows.

  Bruce took a deep breath and squeezed my hands saying,"Y/N, I know you have been hurt a few times, but I would never dream of hurting you. You are my girl and the love of my life. If I do not have you, then I have nothing. I always wondered what the perfect woman for me was, and that girl is you, Y/N. I know nobody's perfect, but you are to me. I do not even mind having children with you, because you are my everything. You keep me going. Y/N, no matter where the future leads us, I will always love you."

  Tears poured down my face, and Bruce smiled over at me. Blake ran up and handed me tissues, which earned awws and laughter from the crowd. I kissed his forehead, before I wiped my tears which still continued to fall.

  I just sniffed and went ahead saying,"I guess I am not gonna be able to stop crying, so I will get this out. Bruce Wayne, you are the most intelligent, stubborn, head strong, yet amazing man I have ever fallen in love with. I know you have had it rough, but I will always be here for your shoulder to cry on. I do not know if you cry, but I will still be here.."

  The crowd laughed at my last statement, while Bruce had tears falling down his face. I walked closer to him and rested my hands on his face.

  Bruce leaned into my touch, while the priest said,"Y/N L/N, do you take Bruce Wayne to be your husband till death do you part?"

  I smirked and said,"I SURE DO!!"

  Bruce chuckled, while the priest turned to Bruce and said,"Bruce Wayne, do you take Y/N L/N as your wife, till death do you part?"

  Bruce winked and smiled saying,"I do."

  The priest smiled and said,"You may now kiss the bride."

  Bruce removed my veil and teased me doing it slowly. I rolled my eyes and yanked him in for a passionate kiss. Bruce laughed, but he kissed back. Bruce wrapped his arms around me and intertwined his fingers with mine. I could hear the family cheering, but I just focused on Bruce and I.

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