Chapter 34

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   Y/N'S POV

  After I put Blake to sleep, Bruce leaned on the doorway asking me,"Everything okay, Y/N? Need anything?"

  I shook my head and gave him a kiss.

  I held on and slowly let go saying,"I love you, Bruce."

  Bruce said,"I love you, too, beautiful. I am going to go finish this case for Jim. You gonna be okay, until I get done?"

  I nodded and smiled pushing Bruce out of my room. Bruce stole a kiss from me, and I would get him back later.
  Anyways, I really needed to find one of the boys. I asked Alfred where everyone was, and it turned out that Damian was the only one here.

  I walked to Damian's door and knocked on it twice.

  Damian opened his door and said,"Yes, is everything all right?"

  I smiled at his concern, then I cleared my throat asking Damian,"Do you mind Bruce and I being together? I..uhh.."

  Damian looked confused by my question, yet he said,"No, I don't mind. Father can be with who he pleases, and you're not annoying. I'm okay with it. Why are you asking me?"

  I admitted to him,"Well, you are Bruce's blood son, and I needed to know that you accepted me. Your opinion matters to me, Damian."

  Damian smiled at me and said,"Thank you for caring about what I think, L/N. Would you like to come in? I have video games, and no one else is here. I would like if you stayed, only if you have the time."

  I walked into Damian's room and replied,"Of course I have the time. I'll make the time, Dami. Plus, this could be a bonding moment for us. I like video games. Which controller do I use?"

  Damian's smile grew and he said,"That one."

  For the next few hours, Damian and I just bonded and played video games together.

  "Damian, if your father and I got married, you would be okay with that, too, right?"

  Damian looked stunned by my question, but he nodded saying,"I would be very happy with that, L/N. You are good for father."

  Suddenly, I felt hands on my shoulders. I looked up and saw Bruce.

  Bruce rubbed my shoulders saying,"What are you two talking about?"

  I kept it cool saying,"Nothing, Batman. We were just playing some video games together. Yes, Bruce, I play video games."

  Bruce lifted his eyebrows and looked between the two of us. I began to get nervous and hoped he would not figure it out.

  Damian smirked saying,"What? You do not trust us, Father?"

  Bruce bent down in front of Damian and I saying,"No, it is just I am curious as to what the conversation was about. Care to educate me?"

  I smirked and said,"Not about you, Bruce, so why are you worried about it? Damian and I are innocent."

  Bruce just crossed his arms, because he was not buying it. I giggled softly, while Damian shook his head.

  I smiled and said,"At least we tried, Dami. Next time right?"

  Damian nodded and Bruce smiled at him. I said goodbye to Damian, letting Bruce lead me out of the room.

  Bruce pulled me close and said,"Have you ever thought about what our future would look like? I always imagined you just as smart yet walking down the aisle. What do you think, Y/N?"

  I just smiled and leaned on Bruce's chest. He wrapped his arms around me, and I would not mind staying in his arms all day.

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