Chapter 58

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   Y/N'S POV

  After Bruce and I had a wonderful day together yesterday, Tom was now back at home. The second Barb and Dick returned with Tom, Blake was at the front door waiting for his baby brother. I could never forget that moment and when Blake talked to Tom.
  Bruce went to let Blake know that Tom couldn't understand Blake, but I just kept Bruce from doing that. It was moments like these that I would let happen, because I had no idea how Blake and Tom would be in the future. However, I had high hopes for my kids.

  As I watched Blake holding Tom, I heard yelling coming from upstairs followed by something breaking. Alfred stayed with Blake and Tom, before I ran upstairs. I followed the yelling and opened Damian's door.
  Damian and Tim were full-on fighting right now, and I could tell this was no play fight. They were for real right now. I rushed to separate the two of them, which definitely took a lot of time.

  Tim said,"I'm leaving. Don't follow me, Mom."

  Tim stormed out of the room and I looked over at Damian. Tim clearly had got some good hits in, judging by Damian's face. Judging by Tim's face, Damian got some good hits in on him as well. Now, I really wanted to know what happened between the two of them and why it got this far.

  I said,"Damian, I-"

  Damian said,"Don't. I'm fine. I would like to be alone."

  I wanted to help. I wanted to know what happened between Tim and Damian. I wanted both of them to be okay, but neither of them wanted my help or concern.

  I sighed saying,"Okay. I'll be downstairs with Tom, Blake, and Alfred, if you need me."

  Damian looked up at me and I could see a hint of tears in his eyes. The mother in me wanted to stay and immediately rush over to him, but I also didn't want to push Damian further away from me either.

  I walked out of his room and shut the door, then I noticed Bruce had just returned. From where, he knows.. Yet, I was happy to see him in a good mood. I was glad this was not one of those days he came in heated from something that happened in Gotham or at work. Those days were rough, very rough.

  I met Bruce halfway and hugged him. Bruce returned my hug and placed kisses all over my face.

  I giggled and smiled at him, before he smiled back at me. However, his smile dropped when he saw the tears in my eyes.

  He cupped my face and asked me,"What's wrong, sweetheart? Did someone hurt you? Did you leave the house? What is it, Y/N?"

  I said,"Something happened between Damian and Tim. I found them fighting, like real fighting, Bruce, and neither of them wanted my help. I'm just..I just want to be able to help them and make sure they are okay. They are my sons, too."

  Bruce kissed my forehead multiple times saying,"Shh, it's going to be okay. I am sure whatever it was, we can help them. Do you know where Tim or Damian went?"

  I heard,"Timmy's outside."

  Bruce and I turned to see Dick standing there with Blake in his arms. Tom was in Dick's arms as well.

  I smiled at the sight, but I looked back at Bruce saying,"You wanna talk to Tim and I talk to Damian?"

  Bruce gave me a kiss and said,"Sure. Good luck. Y/N, be gentle with Damian."

  I nodded and Dick said,"I'll put Blake to bed and watch Tom for you and Bruce."

  I kissed his cheek in thank you before I knocked on Damian's door.

  Damian hoarsely said,"Go away."

  I could tell he had been crying, but I said,"Damian, please don't shut me out. I'm only here to help. I'll listen to you, baby. I will. A couple of months ago, you said you trusted me with your father. Trust me to be your mother, Damian."

  It became quiet and I anxiously waited for the door to open. When the door did open, Damian immediately hugged my waist and cried into my shirt. He tried to leave, but I didn't let him. I walked him over to the bed and sat down with Damian, holding him in comfort.
  Damian cried for quite some time, but I needed him to know that he could count on me. I needed him to know that he was no exception to getting my love, too.

  Damian said,"I didn't mean to offend him, but..but I lost my temper and..and I just started fighting him. Drake will never talk to me again."

  I kissed his forehead and said,"That's not true. Tim loves you. You're his brother. You two have very different personalities, but you guys have got along all this time. Look, no relationship is perfect, but Tim and you are brothers. I need the two of you to be there for one another, Dami. I need the two of you to show Blake and Tom what brothers need to be like. Can you try to be that amazing young man that I know you are and talk this out with Tim?"

  Damian looked up at me and said,"Yes, I..I can. Thank you for still trying to talk to me even though I pushed you away."

  I chuckled and replied,"You're welcome. Now, let's go to Tim."

  I gave Damian a minute to pull himself together before I led Damian to where Tim and Bruce were. Bruce and I left Tim and Damian alone, yet we stood outside of the door.

  Bruce looked over at me and said,"Mrs. Wayne, you keep being you. I need that woman every single day."

  I said,"Really? Bruce, what are you talking about? I'm me every single day. You're stuck with me, even when you don't think I'm around. I'm there."

  Bruce grunted and said,"Y/N, don't talk to me like that. It's creepy."

  "No, it's not."

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