Chapter 68

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   Y/N'S POV

  Yesterday, when Blake made it back, Tom was the first one to embrace him. The sight immediately reminded me of when Tom was a baby and Blake was the first one at the door when Barb had watched over Tom. I remembered how hurt Blake was that I didn't tell him that Tom wasn't going to be at home.

  Right now, I was attempting to help Tom with his homework. It just seemed like his homework went over my head every single time.

  Tom looked at me and groaned saying,"Mom, what do I do?"

  I said,"I don't know, baby. I don't know. Is this a big part of your grade?"

  Tom replied,"Yes. Were you going to tell me not to do it?"

  I chuckled and said,"No, I wasn't Tom. I was just curious. Here, let me look at the paper again."

  I pulled Tom into my lap and grabbed the paper from him. When I slowed down and read the directions another time, I was able to help Tom out. The second he finished, he said a quick thank you and ran out of the room.
  I didn't bother to change out of my pajamas and walked out of the room. I then walked down the stairs and Mom and Dad were here. I immediately embraced them, and they returned my embrace.

  When we all pulled away from the hug, Dad asked me,"Where's Bruce?"

  I joked saying,"Oh, I see how it is. You can't even worry about me, because you just want to talk to Bruce. How rude.."

  Dad smiled at me and then shook his head.

  Mom smiled warmly at me and said," You look well, Y/N. How are all of your children doing?"

  I replied," They're doing good. Blake's getting better, and Tom's learning how to deal with bullies so that's good. Jason's working on dating again. Damian's training with Bruce right now. Tim's been spending time with Tam. Dick and Barb are engaged now. That's cool."

  Mom nodded and Bruce walked towards the door. He gave me a kiss and I pushed him away, noticing how sweaty he was.
  Dad rolled his eyes and then he greeted Bruce. Bruce and him quickly fell into conversation, before Mom and I watched Dad and Bruce walk into the living room.

  Instead of going into the living room, Mom and I joined Alfred in the kitchen.

  Alfred said,"Hello, Mrs. Wayne and Mrs. L/N."

  Mom said,"Hello, Alfred. I'm actually not-"

  I closed Mom's mouth and said,"Just take the food, Mom. Alfred's cooking is amazing. Try it."

  Alfred smiled over in my direction, and I returned his smile. Once Mom swallowed her food, she immediately asked Alfred what his secret was.
I laughed, yet I stopped laughing when Jason entered the kitchen.

  He looked down, and I caught his hand saying,"Jase, what happened?"

  Jason sighed and slowly looked up to look me in the eyes saying,"I..uh..I blew my date."

  I said,"You blew a date? How? You seemed so happy about it. Did she show up late or something?"

  Jason leaned on the counter and admitted to me," No, it went fine at first, but then she started asking me about my past and I just exploded. I didn't mean to. She was just asking, but her questions just brought everything back."

  I got up from my seat and walked around the counter over to Jason.

  I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and leaned on him saying," Do you think it could work with this girl?"

  Jason looked down at me and nodded saying,"I do, but I probably scared her. I was also rude, so I don't think she'll give me another chance."

  I squeezed his shoulder saying,"If you feel like it could work, why wouldn't you go back and apologize? Why wouldn't you try to win another date with her? Jase, just be honest with her. If she sees you're being sincere and that you weren't just a jerk by nature, she'll give you another chance. If it were me where you were, I would try again. You're Jason Todd. You can't give up this easily. It's not you."

  Jason smiled down at me sweetly and I gave him a motherly kiss before I said," Go get her, Todd. Just be gentle and sincere."

  Jason nodded and sent me one last smile before he rushed out the door. I had forgotten that Alfred and Mom were still in the kitchen.

  Alfred just nodded and Mom said," Well done, Y/N. It looks like you're doing just fine."

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