Chapter 47

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   Y/N'S POV

  The next morning, I woke up tight in Bruce's arms. Bruce pulled me closer in his sleep and buried his face in my neck. I smiled and thought of how lucky I was to have Bruce in my life. I always wanted to lose my purity to someone who I was actually in love with, but I knew some girls didn't always get that.
  I got so caught up in my thoughts, that I did not notice Bruce had already woken up. Bruce chuckled as I yelped in surprise and fell off the bed. Bruce laughed so hard, which caused me to pout. Bruce tried to touch me, but I scooted away and rolled my eyes looking to the side.

  Bruce managed to put me in his lap and stroked my cheek saying,"I am so sorry, Mrs. Wayne. I love you.."

  I smiled and kissed Bruce's jaw saying,"I love you, too, Batman."

  I tried to move, but everything hurt so badly. Bruce smirked in victory, which made me want to wipe it off his face. I just laid back down and played with Bruce's hands.

  Bruce kissed my nose and smiled down at me saying,"I thought about you, actually it was a dream. Blake was there, too. The whole family was, but I saw our child.."

  I smiled up at Bruce and wrapped my arms around his neck saying,"What did you see our child doing, love?"

  Bruce looked away innocently saying,"I would rather keep it to myself. You know, I do not want ruin anything for you. It was like watching your favorite movie.."

  I pouted and whined in frustration at Bruce dodging my question. Bruce was pretty good at it. I turned in Bruce's arms and looked at the time. Bruce helped me up and we got dressed, before Bruce led us back to Gotham.

  Once we arrived, the family welcomed us back home.

  Alfred said,"How was the honeymoon? Master Bruce, I take it you treated Mrs. Wayne all right?"

  Bruce chuckled, but nodded looking down at me. I smiled, before the boys pulled me in for a group hug. I hugged everyone back and caught Bruce smiling at me. I smiled back at him, before I spotted Blake playing around in his own little world.
  I motioned for them to be quiet, as I quietly made my way behind Blake. Tim and Dick sent me smiles, before they nodded in understanding. I made it behind Blake and grabbed him. Blake screamed in surprise, but he laughed and looked up to see me holding him.

  He smiled so big, before he yelled,"MOMMY!!"

  I smiled and hugged him back.

  "I missed you, too, baby. How has it been getting to spend time with Jason, Dick, Tim, and Damian, oh and Alfred?"

  Alfred shook his head and Bruce chuckled, before Blake looked me in the eyes.

  Blake leaned on my shoulder saying,"Fine, Mommy. We played for so long that I'm so tired.."

  I giggled at him, then Dick ruffled Blake's hair saying,"You are tired already, buddy? We have not even got to the second round yet..I guess we will take a break. Want some juice, Blake?"

  Blake anxiously nodded and smiled up at Dick. He hugged his leg, while Dick smiled hugged back. Blake let go and tried to push Dick forward, but it was not working.
  I chuckled and helped Blake out, before Tim joined in. Jason ran in and pushed Dick so hard, that Dick fell to the floor.

  Blake groaned and tackled Jason. Jason chuckled, but started play fighting with him. I smiled watching them get along, but I had yet to see Damian.

  It was like Dick read my mind, because he said,"Damian is downstairs in the Batcave training. He had to go visit the League for a while, but he just got back a few hours ago."

  I nodded and decided to go check on him. I knew Damian was not the most open teenager, but it was unlike him to just be alone by himself. I jogged downstairs and found him training hard.
  That was not a good sign. I softly called out his name, which caused Damian to jump.

   He noticed me and stopped saying,"Yes, L/N?"

  I walked up to him and sent him a soft smile saying,"I just wanted to come and check on you. Alfred made dinner, and I know you have been working hard lately. I was wondering if you would-"

  Damian cut me off by sighing and mumbling,"Thank you, but no thank you. I am fine, Y/N. I do not need your concern..If you will excuse me.."

  I jumped at Damian's attitude, but only because he had never been rude to me before.
  Now, I knew something was really bothering him. I just sighed myself and jogged back upstairs.

  I sat down at the table and Bruce made me look at him saying,"What happened, Mrs. Wayne? Where is Damian?"

  I looked at Dick, and he quickly understood what happened. Dick got up and Blake went to follow him, but Dick gently placed him in Jason's arms. Dick jogged downstairs, and I hoped he could get Damian to come up.
  As I looked at Blake, I could not help but notice that Blake looked scared at hearing Damian's name come out of Bruce's mouth.

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