Chapter 30

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   Y/N'S POV

  Right now, I was looking for Bruce. Bruce was nowhere to be found, and I was really worried about him. I was so caught up in my search, that I was about to call Gordon and tell him to bring the whole GCPD police force with him!!! I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder and looked to see Jason.

  I gave him a quick smile, then I went into panic mode saying,"I cannot find Bruce anywhere. Please tell me he is not gone. We have not even gotten married or..or.."

  Jason cut me off my nonsense by putting a hand on my shoulder saying,"Y/N, take deep breaths, okay? Bruce is fine, N/N. He is down in the Batcave brooding. Same thing as usual. I promise."

  I sighed in relief, but I had to make sure he was down there.

   I bolted towards the stairs and heard Jason yell,"YOU'RE WELCOME, N/N!! I LOVE YOU, TOO!!"

  I laughed and smiled, before I ran down the stairs and spotted Batman working talking to Barb. Barb pointed to me, and Batman turned around. I caught my breath, and Batman rushed over to my side. I attacked him in kisses and hugged him tight.

  I could hear Barb giggling through the screen, and I sent her a playful glare. 

  Batman pulled away and said,"Y/N, everything okay? Need me?"

  I nodded, and Batman searched my eyes for my answer. I slowly lifted his cowl and kissed him softly. Batman kissed back and rested his hands on my arms. I smiled and tightly gripped his long, flowing black cape. I went to pull away, but Bruce was not budging.
  It brought a smile to my face, which I knew meant the world to Bruce. Batman pulled me closer, and I felt like I was in a scene from a popular fanfiction or old Disney movie. Barb cleared her throat, and Bruce and I  pulled away from each other.

  Man, I did not want it to end yet. Bruce noticed my disappointment and kissed my hand. I leaned on his chest and played with his gloved hands. Barb smiled at us, before I saw Dick leaning on the chair Barb was sitting in. Had he been there the whole time? Batman chuckled and nodded to his well-known partner and adopted son.
  Dick nodded back and sent Bruce a smile. Bruce smiled back, and I knew he missed his son. Dick silently sent me a wink, and I blew him a kiss. Dick acted flattered, and Bruce tightened his grip around me. He was so protective, yet I loved it so much. Barb finished talking to Batman, before she signed off.

  Batman went to turn off the Batcomputer, but I gently put my hand over his.

  He looked down at me and said,"What is it, honey?"

  I just leaned up and brought Bruce's hands to my face saying,"I wanna play a game. Can I, Brucie?"

  Batman gave in, which made me squeal. I kissed his cheek multiple times, and he smiled in response. When my eyes met Bruce's, Bruce sent me a wink. I blushed and turned back to the Batcomputer. Bruce kissed my hair, before I found games to play.
  After a while, I got bored and looked through some of Bruce's old files. I wanted to look through the profiles of the different interests in Gotham City. Most of them were the usual, but some were not. I began to get interested and one girl stood out in particular.

  I turned and saw Batman was fixing something with the Batmobile. I decided to find out more about her. Once I saw her name, memories had flooded back in my mind. She was the girl who broke me down and even turned my own friends against me. Tears immediately formed in my eyes, and I put my head on Bruce's desk.

  I..I did not want her taking Bruce away from me. She had already ruined enough in my life. I sniffed and watched my tears fall against the table.  

  I felt hands on my shoulders and Bruce worriedly said,"Princess, what's wrong? Y/N.."

  I turned my face to the side, so Bruce could not see my tears. Bruce pulled me close and gently pulled me up, before he sat me in his lap. I leaned on his chest and buried my face in his Batman suit. Bruce sighed and rubbed my back, leaning on me.

  I sniffed and said,"Babe?"

  Bruce looked down at me and motioned for me to go on. 

  I held his hands tightly saying,"You would never leave me, right? Oh Bruce, I..I cannot lose you..."

  Bruce lifted my chin and kissed my cheek saying,"You are not gonna lose me, Y/N. I promised that I would look after you, and I love you too much to go anywhere without thinking about you. I do not want to give up on us yet. I never will, and I know we will always be together. Look, you are blushing right now..."

  Bruce knew exactly what he was doing, which made me blush even more. Bruce chuckled and ticked me. I giggled so hard and groaned pushing his hands away. I almost fell, but Bruce caught me. 

  I held onto his shoulders and leaned in saying,"I love you, Batman."

  Bruce kissed back and said in between kisses,""

  I heard someone groaning and turned to see Blake. 

  Blake was playing with Jason's phone while he looked at Bruce and I saying,"Ewwww."

  I just smiled at Blake and picked him up, before I kissed his nose and Blake ran upstairs to give Jason back his phone. Then, Bruce and I headed upstairs to his. Once we laid down, I wrapped Bruce's arm around my waist and Bruce brought me closer. 
  Blake ran in and removed Bruce's arm from around my waist, before he snuggled into me. I looked back at Bruce and laughed, before I gave Bruce a kiss and smiled down at Blake. I pulled Blake closer to me, before I made sure he was all right.

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