Chapter 71

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   Y/N'S POV

  I groaned as Barb tightened the back of my dress I wanted to wear for Bruce and I's date.

  Barb apologized, but she made me look at her.

  She said,"You sure you want me to keep the make-up on your face? Y/N, you don't need it."

  I smiled at Barb but reassured her that it was fine.

  She helped me stand in my heels, before she said,"Well, good luck on your date. I'll watch over Blake and Tom for you."

  I thanked Barb, before I walked out of the room and down the steps. Bruce was talking to Alfred in the kitchen, who noticed me before Bruce did.

  Alfred gasped and smiled saying,"My, Mrs. Wayne. You look lovely. Look at her, Master Bruce.."

  Bruce turned and he stuttered saying," Y/N, you..uh..You look great. I mean..You look amazing. Really..Amazing."

  Bruce just stared at me, as I giggled and smiling looking down at my heels.

  Bruce took my hand and led me out the door, before he said,"You want to take my car or yours?"

  I smiled saying,"Whatever you wanna do, Batman. Whatever you wanna do."

  Bruce kissed my hand, before he decided on taking his car. He opened my door for me and I got in, as he did the same, then he backed up. Then, he drove down the long driveway towards the main road.

  Bruce asked me,"Do you want to listen to the radio or something?"

  I shook my head saying,"No, I'm good. I just wanna talk to you."

  Bruce said,"About?"

  I said,"About our future. The kids. Alfred. The family."

  Bruce slowly made a left turn towards downtown Gotham, which I had guessed was the direction in which the restaurant was located.

  Bruce said,"So, you're not hungry then?"

  I laughed and smiled a little saying,"Of course I'm hungry, but..Brucie, I'm being serious. Say if we weren't there. No Alfred. No Jason. No Dick. No Tim. No Damian. No you. No me. Just our kids. Would they really know how to take care of themselves?"

  Bruce parked in an available parking spot, but I had never been to this particular restaurant before. It didn't look too classy, so at least I wouldn't feel under-dressed.

  Bruce reached over and rested his fingertips under my chin, explaining to me,"I don't see why they wouldn't know how to take care of themselves, but it is possible. They know right from wrong, but sometimes that gets a little hard to see. I understand why you brought this up, so I'm with you on it. However, I suggest leaving a message or two for Blake and Tom. More so Blake. He's a great kid, but we should have been more tedious with him. With everything that has already happened with him, we need to make sure he goes down the right path and it stays that way. Well, we can do our best to try to support him. Be there when he needs us. Tom. Tom, I think he's gonna be just fine.."

  Bruce chuckled and smiled over at me saying,"He has his moments, but he has your ambitions and heart. He's been bugging Damian lately about becoming Robin after Damian decides to move on from it."

  I smiled myself and looked back at Bruce saying,"Sounds like my youngest son. I just worry that he'll enjoy being Robin so much that he won't want to come back home."

  Bruce let go of my chin and leaned over, placing his lips on my own. I kissed back and pulled him closer to me. Bruce gently intertwined his fingers with mine, before I slowly pulled away.

  I said,"I love you."

  Bruce smiled and replied,"I love you, too. How about we just sit in the back and eat in the car, unless you want to go inside?"

  I ran my fingers through Bruce's hair and sweetly said,"I'm fine with whatever you wanna do, Bruce Wayne. As long as your attention stays on me."

  Bruce chuckled at the last part, but he gave me a quick kiss saying,"I'm gonna go grab the food. Stay put and do not run away."

  I smirked and Bruce just smiled, before he made his way in the restaurant.
  As Bruce got our food, I leaned back on the seat and it never occurred to me how much time had really passed by since I first met Bruce. Many things had happened since then, but I wouldn't take any of them back.

  I began to think about what I could say in my message for Blake and Tom, but nothing came up to mind. Something told me this would take a few weeks, at the LEAST. Bruce knocked on the window and I opened the car door for him, then he had to bend down to keep himself from hitting his head on the window.

  I smiled and took the food from Bruce, before he got in.

  He pulled off and I asked him,"Where are we going? I thought we were eating here."

  Bruce shook his head and said,"If you don't mind, I have someplace I need to show you. If you want to run, now would be a good time."

  I smiled at Bruce's slight sense of humor, but it was a little not funny at the same time. He had been trying lately, so I was gonna cut him some slack.

  I said,"I think I'm good."

  Bruce smiled, looking towards the end of the street, but he asked me,"You're sure?"

  I chuckled and gently hit his shoulder saying,"Yes. I'm positive, Batman. Positive. Show me whatever you have to show me. You want some ketchup on your burger?"

  Bruce said,"Oh, no. That's not for me. That's yours. I have a salad. I can't eat-"

  I switched Bruce and I's plates saying,"There you go. I need to eat healthy anyway. It won't hurt. You want ketchup or not? Bruce, I promise you're not going to throw up or something."

  Bruce sighed, but said,"I'll take the ketchup, but not too much."

  I nodded and put some ketchup on Bruce's burger, but it was probably too much. What I did was: I went to wipe it off with a napkin, but Bruce stopped me. I slapped his hand away and made him focus on the road, before I licked his ketchup off for him and took some of his burger.

  Bruce must have seen me, because he said,"Gross!! Ah, darling. Did you really have to do that?"

  I said,"I'm your wife. We can share food. It's not against the law, is it?"

  Bruce just shut his mouth, but it was long before he wanted the burger. To make up for what I did, I just fed him his food while I ate a salad. The first in a long time that I had eaten anything healthy. 

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