Chapter 16

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Guys, thank you for reading each and every one of my books!

   Y/N'S POV

  I woke up and realized that Bruce was not beside me. I immediately frowned, but maybe he was out on a mission or something. I slowly got up and stretched, before I walked into the bathroom. I felt like someone was behind me, but no one was there. That was odd..
  I shook it off and made my way downstairs.

  Alfred greeted me saying,"Good morning, Miss L/N. Did you sleep okay?"

  I smiled saying,"Yes, Alfred, I did. Thank you for checking on me. Where is Bruce?"

  Alfred replied back saying,"He is out on a meeting for Wayne Enterprises. Master Bruce told me to give this to you.."

  I took the note from Alfred and noticed there was a box with it. It was wrapped in a beautiful gold color with a blue bow on it. I smiled and opened the present.
  Inside my gift from Bruce, there was a gorgeous, silver necklace. I could look at it and tell it cost thousands of dollars. I put it around my neck, but I could not get the back part.

  Alfred gently moved my hand, before he clasped the back together for me.

  I smiled and hugged him saying,"Thank you, Alfred. I really do appreciate all the love and care you have given me. You have been so supportive since I first got with Bruce."

  Alfred nodded and said,"You are welcome Miss Y/N. Would you like to join me? I would like to try one of the recipes from the cookbook you gave me."

  I giggled saying,"Without Bruce?"

  Alfred chuckled and said,"Without Master Bruce. He has shown no interest in these types of things yet."

  I smiled and Alfred showed me the recipe he wanted to try it. It looked delicious, and my mouth began to water. Immediately, Alfred and I got started on the dish.
  After about two hours, Alfred and I both tried out our finished product. However, looks were deceiving. Neither of us liked it. But, we did have fun making it together, so that counted for something.
  Alfred and I both laughed, before Bruce entered the kitchen.

  He noticed us laughing and smiled saying,"What are you two laughing about? Y/N, I am so sorry I didn't tell you where I was going."

  I waved it off and said,"It is fine, Brucie. I have just been talking with Alfred."

  Bruce nodded and leaned on the chair asking me,"Do you like plays?"

  I nodded saying,"Yeah, actually I do. My parents used to take me to them all the time, before school started weighing down on me.."

  Bruce smiled and held my hands saying,"Y/N, would you mind coming with me to the play at the Gotham Theatre in a few hours?"

  I smiled back and kissed Bruce saying,"I would love to go with you, Playboy. I will go get dressed.."

  I jogged upstairs and quickly got dressed. I checked myself over, before I walked back downstairs.
  Jason passed by me, but he just kissed my cheek on the way. I smiled and headed towards the front door. Bruce grabbed his jacket, before he led us to his expensive Lamborghini.

  I looked at his expensive Lamborghini in awe. Bruce chuckled and held open the door for me. I gave him a kiss in thank you, before I got in. Bruce walked over to his side and drove us to the Theatre.
  I could tell his emotions and his guard had changed, but I ignored it for his sake. Bruce gave the employee the money, before we were given our tickets.

  I sat down beside Bruce, but noticed we were pretty high up from the ground.

  Bruce looked down at me and put his forehead on mine saying,"This all right for you? We could go down some.."

  I nodded and Bruce moved us closer to the stage. Bruce tapped my shoulder, and I turned to see a woman there.

  Bruce smiled saying,"Y/N, this is Leslie Thompkins. Leslie, this is Y/N. I am sure you have heard of Leslie before?"

  I nodded and smiled saying,"Hey Leslie. I am sorry I did not come in last time. Bruce sort of distracted me.."

  Leslie chuckled and waved it off, while Bruce looked between us in confusion.

  I took his hand saying,"Baby, we already know each other. I am honored that you want me to meet the important people in your life, though. That is so attractive.."

  Bruce blushed, while Leslie took a seat next to us. I enjoyed watching the play, but noticed something was off.

  Gunshots started going off, and Bruce immediately pushed Leslie and I to the ground.


  I nodded and tried to guide Leslie out.

  Leslie smiled and said,"Thanks, Y/N. Oh no.."

  I followed her eyes and noticed henchmen running towards us. They all held guns up at us, while I pushed Leslie behind me.

  The henchmen smirked saying,"Nowhere to run now, little girl. Who do we have here? The lovely girlfriend of Bruce Wayne, and the trusted doctor of all Gotham. Kill them both, and we WILL be so rich!! BOYS NOW!!"

  The henchmen ran towards me; however, I was not afraid. I quickly countered all the henchmen's attacks. Effortlessly, I took them all down. I thought I was done, but I did not take in all of my surroundings.
  I was hit from behind and roughly hit the ground. I groaned in pain, before I turned on my side and double blinked trying to see clearer.

  The leader stood on top of me and said,"We got her, boys?!! Let's make this quick!!"

  I tried to fight back, but I fell into unconsciousness.

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