Niya's pained Life

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I walked down the dark quiet street only seeing a few faces in them dark. I kept walking avoiding the stares, then I heard someone say "hey you" I turned to see the most powerful drug dealer on the Inglewood streets. Cherasonto August. I heard countless stories of how he killed people over drug related drops. I only ignored his deep voice.
" aye shawty come on I jus wanna talk to you , you shouldn't be walking alone in the dark," he said .
I only ignored him who is he to tell me what I shouldn't be doing. Why would he care anyways he's always killing people. I continued walking but in a faster pace.
" look you hear me so stop fucking walking and listen to me it ain safe for a pretty girl like you to be walking these dangerous streets at night please jus get in the car." He pleaded
Why does he even care? He don't even know me, my house was only 2 blocks away and my feet were starting to hurt in these heels. I started walking in cherasonto's direction.
"See was that so hard ma?"
I only ignored his damn question getting in the car looking out the windows.
" You new out here ion see you much ma"
I turned my gaze at cherasonto who was concentrating on the road.
" nah I jus don't come out much" I replied bluntly.
"Well you should come out more you pretty "
I only laughed at his corny ass
" whats so funny ma I'm being straight up" he said in a serious voice
" I hear these lines all the time I'm very flattered, but I have a boyfriend" I replied truthfully
" oh well he must be lucky to have you" he said still looking at the road.
I wish I wanted to say. I don't feel lucky to have my boyfriend Trevor. Well I did but he changed he became addicted to drugs and became very abusive.
" aye ma you ok?"
" yea I'm fine" I looked at august who stopped the car to look at me
"You can stop right here I can walk from here my boyfriend will get mad if he knows I rode with another nigga"
" ight ma see you around" cherasonto said licking his juicy pink lips.
I got out the car and stopped.
" thanks cherasonto"
" no problem bye ma"
I waved walking down the street to my house. When I opened the door I collapsed on the couch only being yelled at by my one and only Trevor
"Get yo lazy ass up I've been waiting all day for you to get here and fix me something to eat" Trevor said yanking me by the arm yelling
I stumbled in the kitchen holding the wrist that the bruise was starting to form. I cooked pasta, garlic bread, steak and put it on a plate and gave it to Trevor. He ate the food giving me razor sharp looks. I went out the room about to take me a shower when Trevor yelled at me again.
"Where the fuck you going?" he snapped
" I'm going to take a shower" I said popping off alil attitude
" you getting a attitude with me bitch!" Trevor said approaching me
He grabbed my hair pushing me on the wall making me hit my head. He started striking me with his fist he finished by kicking me in the ribs. He left me there crying and bleeding.
" clean ya self you look ugly" he spat
I struggled limping to the bathroom getting in the shower letting The hot water splash on the color patterns of bruises on my skin. When I dried off I got in the bed making sure I was apart from Trevor. He only pulled me closer to him wrapping his arms around me kissing my cheek. I cried myself to sleep. When I woke up Trevor wasn't there . I got up going to the bathroom inspecting the bruises on my olive complexion. I went in my closet picking out my mini mouse tank top and my black joggers and my Oreo white & black Jordan's. I walked to the store going to the medicine isle. I saw cherasonto, when he seen me he smiled then frowned .
" come here ma" cherasonto said
I walked over to cherasonto looking at the ground.
" what happened to ya ma?" He asked concerned
I still wouldn't answer I only looked at the ground. He lifted my face with his index finger looking me in my eyes.
" look ma you don't have to tell me here we can go to my place and talk about it tell what happened and who did this to you"
"Fine" I said in a low quiet voice
He offered to pay for the medicine supplies. I got in his car ridding to his house. When we walked inside I was amazed. It looked warm and cozy it wasn't messy or anything you would expect a killers house to look like. I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover . I sat on the couch across from cherasonto. As I looked at him I started noticing how attractive he was. He had pretty curly hair, pretty dark brown eyes, deep sexy voice, pretty brown skin.
" what happened ma" he asked
" I got in a fight with a girl when you dropped me off around the corner of my house" I said lying
To him I can't tell him the truth
" you don't look like the fighting type ma" cherasonto said laughing
" you don't know shit about me " I said walking out the house slamming the door. He called after me but I wasn't listening. I walked back home seeing Trevor's car parked out front. When I walked in the house Trevor was sitting on the couch smoking he almost looked relaxed.
" where you been" he asked with an edge that scared me
" I went to the store and I went walking." I said telling half the truth because if I told him I went to cherasonto's house he would beat me and accuse me of cheating.
" niya I'm sorry about what I did to you yesterday I was thinking we could go to my nigga dre crib he having something at his house with his girlfriend And I want us to go." He said
"I wanna go " I said quickly
I was excited because its been forever since he's taken me out anywhere.
"Ight go get dressed wear something cute" he said
" okay" I said running to my room going in the closet picking out a black knee length dress with my diamond earrings & some silver heels. I put make up on covering the bruises. When I was finished I walked in the living room. When Travis saw me started smiling & licking his lips .
" you look baby girl now let's go we wouldn't want to be late" he said holding my hand ushering me to the door. We got in the car sitting In silence. When we arrived to Dre's house he walked in holding my hand. I recognized some of the people but I didn't exactly know them . they often came to the house to smoke with Trevor. They would see him cuss at me, beat me, demand orders at me. They knew what he would do to me but they wouldn't say anything. I pushed those memories out of my head focusing on what was happening in front of me.
" aye this my girl niya" Trevor said nudging me to smile
Everyone waved at me as I waved and smiled back.
" I'm lashonna Dre's girl" she said smiling
Then the door opened. I Saw cherasonto walking in with a dark skin girl . she was perfect she had long hair, blue eyes, thick figure, flawless skin, & good dress game.
When cherasonto seen me he was shocked but when he seen me sitting on Trevor's lap he shook his head. I wondered what he meant by that but I ignored him and paid attention to what the other couples were saying.
" aye everyone introduce yourselves because I see some new faces" lashonna said
" I'm cherasonto " he said showing off his grill which looked sexy.
" I'm kamora " the dark skin girl said batting her fake eye lashed. I seen Trevor's eyes on her ass. That made me mad he's really starting to piss me off. I abruptly got up not caring if I made a small scene or not. I went to the bathroom letting tears fall down my cheeks. I heard knocks in the door when I opened it I seen Trevor.
" your embarrassing me in front of my friends" Trevor said quietly snapping
" your emba-
My words were sharply cut off by a slap to the face. I fell to the floor feeling my eyes being flooded with tears & I felt a bruise forming on my face.
" put some make up on and come straight back in the living room"
He said leaving me on the floor of the hallway. I went back in the bathroom applying more makeup. When I came out cherasonto was waiting for me.
" he did that didn't he?" He asked accusingly
" look it doesn't matter go back with everyone" I said not looking up at him. I was too ashamed.
" you gotta leave him ma" he said almost pleading
" I can't I love him" I said
"So you love him calling you a bitch and you love him beating on you?" He asked knowing what he said was right
" I have to go before Trevor comes looking for me." I said walking away from cherasonto
I sat next to Trevor who sat me in his lap. He kissed my cheek, he was now putting on an act to make himself look good. I only went with everything he did to make the love look real.
" so how long y'all been together?" Lashonna asked smiling
"Six years" Trevor said smiling at me
" the best six years of my life" I said smiling and kissing Trevor.
Everyone else seemed to buy it except cherasonto. He shook his head but he didn't say anything. I ignored him the whole night so I wouldn't feel guilty because I could still hear his words playing over and over in my head. We talked and joked about previous life events . later on we started talking about things that didn't really matter.
"Well its getting late me and bae going home" Trevor said helping me up walking me to the door. We said out goodbyes before walking out the door. We got in the car driving back to the house in complete total silence. I guess he was still heated about what I did at the party.
When we got in the house I sat on the couch feeling the pain drain out of my legs. I got pulled OFF the chair by Trevor once again.
" all you do is fucking sit down on that couch and be lazy get off ya ass for a chance"
" I'm not lazy Trevor" I said defending myself
Trevor pushed me making me fall I felt & heard my leg pop ❗
When I looked at my leg it was all bent looking. I looked at trevor and started crying. The pain ran up to my whole body.
"This Is all your fault if you wouldn't have embarrassed me in front of my friends this wouldn't have happened" he said blaming what he did on me.
I didn't respond to any of that I jus cried and cried that's all I could do.
Trevor picked me putting me in the car taking me to the hospital.
He lied to the doctor saying I got in a fight with some girl but the
Charm he had made people believe him. Trevor stayed by my side pretending to care about me while I was in pain.

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