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I can't believe that bitch had the nerve to shoot my brother , flirt with my girl, and put his hands on me . that nigga better know Im'a be looking for his ass when he get out of jail.
I got in my foreign riding to the hospital. On the way there I kept thinking about what I had said to niya. I was rude but if it wasn't for her telling me then mel would have never been shot. I cant put all the blame on her because he could have taken advantage of her and i would be pissed if she didn't tell me. I don't know who to be mad at for the moment.
I raced to the front desk
"Who are you here for ?" The nurse asked
" Melvin Alsina"
(A/N: I know that Mel's last name is LA branch or sum I think idk I jus gave him alsina so don't get mad at meh bud anyways ...TBC)
"He's not ready to be seen yet please have a seat in the waiting room "
I walked to the waiting room sitting in a chair only having flash backs of me and Mel. I swear if he don't come out okay Im'a kill that nigga.
My phone started ringing but I wouldn't answer them. I knew exactly who they were from but I'm not tryna hear nothing from her. I waited and waited for them to call me to see my brother but It never happened. As I waited I fell asleep. I was awaken by a nurse.
" you wanna see Melvin?"
" yea" I said rubbing the sleep out my eyes.
I got up following the nurse to the room where my brother was.
When I walked in the room he looked lifeless hooked up to tubes.
" why isn't he awake?" I asked feeling tears at the brim of my eyes
" he's in a coma" the doctor said with his head low
" what?!?"
" I'm sorry Mr. Alsina"
" please tell me he might wake up"
" there is a chance but all we can really do is pray"
The doctor left and I sat next to my brother crying over him
" mel please be ok your my older brother, my nieces father, and someone I look up to, without you I would be in a lot of shit but you've been there for me when everyone turned their backs on me I don't know how I would live if you were gone."
I couldn't  hold back anymore tears I let them all out . I felt a pat on my back I seen Niya , tori & the crew& my nieces.
When I seen my nieces they were crying.
" is daddy going to be ok?" Kaykay asked
" I don't know" I said hugging them all " be strong for ya daddy he wouldn't want you to cry"
I looked up at niya who looked as she hadn't slept , her eyes were bloodshot and I could see the tears that stained her face. I hugged her and the crew hugged us. It was like a family reunion.
I seen niya still crying I took her hand leading her out the room.
" I'm sorry for what I said it wasn't your fault I shoulda never blamed you , I'm just upset that's basically the only fam I got besides my nieces and my crew."
I said holding her hands
" I understand August I just want you to allow me to be there for you when you need me , and It was my fault I shoulda never told you maybe mel woulda never been here its all my fault." Niya cried
" niya look at me" I waited until her red blood shot eyes met mine." It's not your fault don't blame your self it was my fault I should have told you and mel to leave the room, and you need to tell me when niggas cross the line" I said caressing her cheek
She buried her head in my arms and continued to cry. I rubbed her back kissing her head
" stop crying baby girl it's gon be alright." I said not believing my own words
She finally stopped crying and we walked back in the room with everyone else.
" you ok?" Adrian & Michael asked
" yea we straight" I said wrapping my arms around niya.
I watched as my nieces begged and pleaded for mel to wake up. Tori was crying in a chair next to Mel. I hugged her and went back to my baby .
" I'll take the girls to get something to eat" DC said
" ight ,Chay, kaykay, & amaya go with DC he's taking y'all to eat behave ok I love y'all "
I kissed their heads before they left to go with DC.
" August if there's anything we can do for you , you let me know" Michael said taking off his snap back
" there is something I want y'all to do since he wanna cross the line" I said with anger in my voice
" what is it boss?" Kehlani asked
" kill his family take them out " I said gritting my teeth then I felt hands around my chest.
" ight we'll do it" Nicki said wiping a tear from her eye
" good"
" come on August mel wouldn't want you to be depressed and angry like you are now jus relax we'll take care of everything" Morgan said
" you right M thanks I needed that"
Morgan hugged me I hugged her back .
" you still a ugly nigga tho" Morgan said
" you still a ugly bitch too" I said laughing a little.
It feels like I haven't laughed in awhile because it sounded foreign to me.
" August I'll treat everyone to breakfast we all hungry and we know you is we'll come back jus come with us please" kyndall said pleading
I looked at my brother and held Niya's hand walking out with everyone else.
We went to eat,it Was kinda awkward because I wasn't really in the mood to talk and I guess no one wanted to say anything.
" thanks y'all for being there when I need y'all the most "
" no problem Aug ya know we got ya fam" adrian said dapping me
" right" I said
" we're fam all day all night don't forget it" Michael said
" we here for ya bro" kyndall said
"I know and ion know what I would be without y'all " I said
I looked at niya who wouldn't eat
" niya eat something please" I begged
"I'm not hungry"
" please niya"
She ate some of her pancake she wasn't happy bout it but she need to eat for her and the baby. It ain jus about her anymore. After another awkward silence we all agreed to leaving and going back to the hospital to see Mel. When we got there DC was there with my nieces.
" where y'all went?" DC asked
" to eat" Kehlani said putting her long hair in a pony tail
" oh " DC said looking at Mel's still body
" Morgan take niya and my nieces home I'll be there later I want some alone time with my brother."
" ight , come on y'all " Morgan said ushering them out
" ight august we'll talk to you later" the rest of the crew said
" ight"
They all left I sat next to Mel praying hoping he'd be ok.
" Mel if you don't make it through this Im'a never forget you I'll be the best I can for Chay , amaya, & kaykay & my unborn child & niya. You taught me how to be a man since our father wasn't in our lives, you also taught me how to be a real man and I can't thank you enough." I said finally.
The nurse came in
" Mr. Alsina we need you to leave we have to run some test on Mel"
" ok"
I sighed looking at mel before getting up.
I walked out the hospital  getting  in my car sitting in the parking  lot crying. Ion know how Im'a make it past this if mel dies. Im'a have to man up tho and I might cancel being on tour so I can be there for my nieces and my unborn child and girlfriend.
I started the ignition to my car driving back to the house. When I walked in I heard crying coming  from Mel's room. I walked in seeing Chay and amaya crying in his bed I sat next to them.
" its going to be alright be strong he wouldn't want y'all to be crying. Y'all too pretty to cry"
" what if daddy not ok?" Chay asked with tears falling down her chubby cheek
" then I'll cancel my tour to be with y'all and be there like he would want me to"
" I miss daddy" amaya said crying.
" I do too" I said wrapping my arms around them
" do you love us uncle august?" Chay asked
" yes I do why would you ask that you should already know"
" its jus because everything is changing your having  new baby "
" that don't change the love I got fa you and ya sisters remember that where kaykay at anyways ?"
"She's sleep in the living room" amaya said wiping the remaining tears off her face.
" I'll be back" I said walking out the room going Into the living room.
I seen my little princess sprawled across the floor with her thumb in her mouth. I picked her up laying her in Mel's bed with her sisters.
" I love all y'all don't ever forget " I said finally."Im'a go talk to niya since I haven't talked to her yet"
I walked to my room seeing niya laying in the bed with no shirt on . with a baby bump she still bodied out and sexy. She kinda takes the pain away that's what I love about her.
" hey niya"
" hey August"
Niya got up to hug me we ended up having one of those long hugs when we broke apart I looked her in the eyes kissing her . when we broke apart I looked in her eyes.
" I love you niya"
" I love you too August" niya said
I rubbed her baby bump getting on my knees kissing her stomach.
" I can't wait til my son or daughter comes into the world"
" me too" niya said smiling at me
She didn't look as tired any more and she looked healthy now.
" august I want you to know that I love and care about you and I can't see myself without you"
"I'm glad baby you all I ever wanted and I'm glad you mine"
" me too"
I hugged her again kissing her lips.
" August "
" wassuh?"
" why you love me?"
I pulled her on my lap wrapping my arms around her.
" I love you because you always got my back even though the bullshit I put you through, you stay with me even when I hurt you,and you love me and you ain with me for my dick , my money, and my fame why you love me?"
"I love you because you saved me from what could have been my last mistake ,you showed me how to be strong , you showed me the right way to love August and you've blessed me with your family and our soon to be child and I couldn't ask for anything else in you ."
" damn you make a nigga  sound special"
"Shut up August" niya said playing with my curls
" anyways baby girl Im'a always love you no matter what happens"
" same here bae"
I grabbed her by the waist I was going in for a hug but I noticed that ass.
" damn you got thicker since we fucked"
" August!" Niya said laughing
" what bae its true"
" you stupid"
" but you love me tho"
" I know I do" niya said batting her long eye lashes
My phone started ringing I moved away from niya.
"Hello...yea.. Ight... Good..I'll talk to you later."I said hanging up the phone
"Who was that?"niya asked
" Adrian they say they killed his baby momma & brother."
" please call that off August his fam had nothing to do with it I don't want them to kill the child , what if somebody tried to kill our child because of who we are?"
Damn my baby starting to change a nigga.
" fine "
I called the crew telling them the killings are off.
"Thanks baby" niya said
" you welcome" I said sighing
Niya kissed my cheek

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