Fresh starts

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I messed up I liked her but I couldn't turn down the pussy. I feel stupid now she gone and ion know when Im'a see her again. I walked back in the warehouse.
"Where is she?" Morgan asked
"She left" I said with my head low
"What you mean she left?" Kyndall said getting in my face getting pulled back by DC.
" she isn't coming back"
" where did she go?" Kehlani asked getting upset
" I don't know she walked off"
" you fucked up" Nicki said" I'm going to go find her "
She walked out
" yea me too " Morgan said
Michael looked at me and he walked out behind Morgan.
Everyone left me to go find her. I left the warehouse locking up. I went back to my crib going on my room seeing Tinisha laying across the bed. She rubbed on me but I pushed her hands away.
"What's wrong?" Tinisha asked
" ion wanna talk about it I jus wanna be alone tonight" I said not looking at her
" fuck you August" she said grabbing her clothes leaving.
When she left slamming the door I went into Niya's room smelling her perfume. I missed her already and it's my fault.
I heard the door open. I heard Mel's voice along with the girls.
I walked in the living room seeing them.
"Hey uncle August" the girls said smiling.
I hugged them kissing their heads.
" is aunty niya here?" Chay asked
" no I don't think she coming back "
Then the door opened and niya was there.
The girls ran to her hugging her
"Hey girls I promised y'all I would hang with y'all today" she said
"Can we go to the mall & somewhere to eat?" Amaya said putting on her best innocent look
Niya looked at her smiling.
"Aw ok I'll take y'all out Mel can I use your car?"
"Yea " he said throwing the keys
" thanks " she said before walking out the house with the girls.
"What you do ?" Mel asked
" I fucked another girl while she was here and I didn't know that she liked me" I said
Mel threw the news paper at my head.
"She made it obvious that she liked you , why would you do that to her ?she's going to be mad at you for awhile I jus know but I know you really want her tell her an show ha and maybe she'll put it in consideration to take yo dumb ass back"
When my brother serious and calls me a dumb ass that's how I know I don fucked up. Mel walked away leaving me looking stupid.
"Wait Mel".
He stopped looking back at me
" I'm sorry jus help me get ha back" I said
" don't say sorry to me tell that to niya  I'm only hard on you because ion want you to make the same mistake I made ." he said
" thanks bro" I said giving him a bro hug
" now get yo ugly ass off me ." Mel said laughing
" then nigga you must be ugly too" I said making us both laugh
We sat at the kitchen table
" how Im'a get ha back?" I asked
" You still sing nigga?"
" alil why?"
"Sing ha a lil something girls love a singing nigga"
" right but what else?"
"  buy her something ,take her out to dinner, jus make ha fall fa you again and ask her out. "
"Ight thanks man"
" ya know I got you bruh so what happened between you & tori?"
" we kissed"
" for real?!?"
"Yea I'm thinking bout asking ha to be my girl"
" that's good bro but I gotta figure out some things"
" ight "
I walked in my room thinking about what Mel said. He make it seem that simple but with a stronger niya its gon be a challenge. I swear ever since she met the crew she turned into a more beautiful women. She strong now and that's what I want in a girl. I've had my share of different kinds of women but niya different.
4hours later
The door opened and I heard my nieces. I ran to the door seeing niya.
"Aye y'all go in another room I wanna talk to aunty Niya"
The girls ran out the room leaving us alone.
" what you want August?".
" niya I know sorry don't make things better between us but I'm willing to admit I was wrong and I never played you I really did like you and I still do ma truth is I was caught up in a one time thing and I lost you someone I could have for a lifetime. Jus please let me take you out to dinner jus me and you please."
"I'll think about it August"
She walked back in her room .
I walked in the kitchen getting me some cake .
"How'd it go?" Mel asked
" she said she'll think about going to dinner with me."
" what you think she'll say?"
"To be honest ion know"
"Well be prepared " Mel said walking to his room
After I ate my slice of cake I walked to my room sitting on the bed. I heard a knock at my door.
I opened the door seeing Chay.
"What's up youngin?" I said
" what's wrong with aunty niya when we said your name she started crying"
" she cried?"
"Yea she said that she was fine but I don't believe her are you two fighting?"
"You too smart fa ya own good youngin, bud we're not fighting we jus going through rough times but I'm tryna to make her my girlfriend I shoulda handled that from tha beginning."
" please do I think y'all look cute together."
" you think so?" I said tickling my niece.
She started yelling and screaming and the rest of my thugetts came in attacking me .
"Alright , alright uncle august can't take it "  I said tryna catch my breath.
They left laughing , I heard my phone go off. I had a text message.
Michael⌚✔⚠- ya found ha nigga?
Mr. Alsina✌- yea she here at tha crib
Michael⌚✔⚠- ight I'll inform the rest of the crew
Mr. Alsina✌- thanks
Michael⌚✔⚠- no problem boss
I took a quick shower thinking about what niya will say tomorrow.
I need to know what she like, I called the girls from the warehouse trap that's close to Niya to an emergency meeting.
I got in my foreign riding to the warehouse meeting the girls.
"What we here for August? I got somewhere to be in 3 hours" Morgan said annoyed.
" I called y'all here because y'all close to niya I found her she's at the crib and I wanna know what she like so I can get it for her I'm trying to win her back ."
" I know her favorite color blue" Kehlani said pushing the hair out her face
" she loves the song Don't by bryson tiller" nicki said
" her favorite food is spaghetti" Morgan said crossing her arms
" she wants you August" kyndall said
" what you mean kyn?"
"When I was on the phone with her today she said she wants you but she wants to be able to trust you she really loves you August ion know why you be fucking with them dumb ass hoes."
" thanks anything else I should know?" I asked
" it ain something you should know its something you should do, be honest with her buy her some red bottoms, &  a promise ring to show her you for real and you done with the bull shittin."Nicki said
"Ight thanks y'all Im'a give all y'all $25,000 ."
"Aug you don't have to we family we posed to help y'all out."
" let me give y'all the money talk earned it " I said giving them all a stack
"Thanks Aug" the girls said
I tipped my hat nodding walking out. I went to multiple stores looking for things she might like. Ion see how girls like going to different stores back & forth doing all this shit. After I was done I put the things in my trunk. I went back home exhausted. When I got home I laid in my bed going straight to sleep. Niya lucky I love ha because I'm doing this out of love.
Next day
I woke up to a text message from niya.
Niya❤⚠-I'll go
Mr. Alsina✌ - thanks I promise you it'll be worth it
Niya❤⚠- better be
Mr. Alsina✌- I promise ya ma it'll be
I didn't get a reply so I took a shower when I got I wrapped a towel around my waist going in my closet picking out a black button up shirt with my white bowtie & my bleached jean joggers and my retro 4s. I put my gold chain & grill on. I sprayed my best cologne on and walked into the living room . I seen Mel with the girls watching the PJs.
(A/N: that's a funny ass show TBC....)
I had to Go make sure my reservations were still standing and I had to set up so Im'a be out all day and Im'a make sure I got everything. Then I noticed I didn't get her flowers now I gotta go the banquet to get some.
4hours later
I had everything set I called Adrian telling him to get a limo for me and he came through. Im'a make sure niya have the best.
I took a quick shower after I got out I wrapped a towel around me going in my closet picking out a black short dress with no straps. It had gold at the breast part. It was long in the back and short in the front. I sprayed on my Victoria Secrets  perfume. When I looked under my bed I found a box  it had a note on them.
✉: aye niya this a Lil sum fa ya I hope you like'em
When I  opened the box I found the red bottoms I wanted. I was so shocked how'd he know I wanted these. I slipped them on feeling beautiful. I sat on the stool in the bathroom doing my makeup. After I was done with that I flat ironed my hair flipping my bang. I put on a diamond neck given to me by my mother before she died. I wore my diamond stud earrings.
I had a text message.
Augie✌- come out side Ma
I read the text going outside seeing a red huge limo. I was so shocked and so surprised. August hopped out .
" You look beautiful" he said holding his hand out
I didn't take it I jus walked in front of him letting him shut the door for me before he got in. We got in there was a big gap between us. We sat on opposite sides.
He wasn't getting off that easy.
" Niya "August said
"August" I said crossing my arms
"Can we put the bull shit aside for one night and jus enjoy each other?" He asked like it was killing him
"Fine" I said sighing
" thank you " he said looking out the limo window .
When we got to the restaurant I seen a table in the back with blur light and a bucket of champagne & Chardonnay. There were rose pedals on the ground & on the table. Then bryson tiller was there I wanted to die inside.
Bryson was singing as we sat down at the table. Then the waiter brought back two plates of spaghetti. After bryson was dome singing August paid him and they dapped as he left. August sat across from me.
"August this is beautiful" I said smiling
" I had to do it for you , you deserve the best" August said holding my hand.
I started to hit his hand but I decided Im'a be nicer to him even though what he did hurt.
" I appreciate it a lot " I said giving him a smile
" there we go I missed that smile." He said showing off the grill in his mouth. Damn he looks so sexy tonight.
As we ate we managed to keep a conversation going. It wasn't a bad date its actually one of the best I've Been on.
We popped a bottle of chardonnay toasting to a good night.
" niya I got you something"
" august you did a lot you can stop now" I said
" no I want to" he protested
He pulled out a flowers ,but they weren't just any flowers they were blue flowers and I'm sucker for anything blue.
" that's not All" he said pulling out  a diamond necklace, diamond earrings, & a matching bracelet.
" you don't have to buy me gifts August"
" I want to but I have one more"

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now