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Before we left out the house they made me do the cat walk around the room.
" yea she can walk in them damn heels"nicki said
We all laughed grabbing our purses and getting in the car.
•°•Tнe clυв •°•°
When we entered the club music was blaring through the speakers and girls were twerking. The scene was lit asf❗
" aye who buying drinks?" Morgan said over the music
" I'll buy them since meek gave me some money last month" nicki said pulling them hundreds out ha bra.
"Damn girl you got a ATM in your titties" kyndall asked laughing.
"Sure do" nicki replied laughing her ass off
" well I wanna dance some of these niggas in here fine asf!" Kehlani said searching the room.
When she spotted adrian her eyes lit up..
"Go talk to him " I said
" ion know " Kehlani said looking down
" I'm pretty sure he'll like you" kyndall said smiling
"Y'all think so?" She said
"Yea" we all yelled laughing at each other.
" ight I'll do it" she said confidently walking to adrian
The DJ started playing a twerk song me ,Morgan ,& kyndall started twerking .
Michael, August & DC made they way to us.
" damn y'all getting it" they said
" we know" kyndall said rolling her eyes.
" anyways Morgan come dance wid meh" Michael said smiling
" ight" she said walking with Michael
"Aye kyndall you wanna hang wid meh?" DC asked holding his hand out
" yea I'm down " she said smiling
They walked off leaving me and August standing here.
" you look great ma" August said finally killing off the awkward silence
" thanks you don't look half bad ya self" I said playfully punching his arm
August chuckled smiling at Me.
" well I -
He was cut off by a girl putting her Arms around his shoulder.
" aye August you hanging with me right?" She asked completely ignoring the fact that I'm standing here. 
" yea, niya I'll see you later" August said walking with the girl.
Well I totally know where we stand bud its all Gucci✊
I went to the bar seeing Nicki & Meek flirting that's why she didn't bring the damn drinks back . when she noticed me sitting by myself she called my name.
" niya why you not dancing with august?" She asked
" he's with someone else" I said
" oh damn well you can hang with me and meek" she said putting on a cheerful smile
" nah I'll go dance I'll let y'all enjoy yourselves" I said
" you sure?" Nicki said
" yea"
I got me a martini chugging it heading to the dance floor. I started twerking and I felt someone's eyes on me. When I turned around I seen Trevor. I wasn't scared anymore I'd anything I was ready for his ass to try me.
I rolled my eyes at him walking into the crowd of dancing bodies.
I kept seeing August dancing on the girl. When she caught me looking at them she kissed August right in my face, he kissed back and held her waist. I got up going back to the bar but this time nicki & meek weren't there. I signed bored asf. Then a tall man with dreads looked at me . He was cute but I wasn't interested.
" aye ma you ok?" He asked
"Yea I'm fine" I said
" wanna hang with me you looked bored?" He asked with hope in his eyes.
" sure" I said
I held his hand walking with him. He had his own section of the club . He was accompanied by another guy with dreads.
"Damn who that?" His friend asked.
" I'm niya" I said  looking at the brightening chains he wore around his neck.
" word I'm takeoff " he said
"Wait... As In the rapper takeoff?" I said shocked. I knew They looked familiar but I didn't think they were them.
" and I'm Quavo" the boy who brought me over said smiling
" I know" I said cheesing like a groupie"
" wanna dance with me ma?" He asked
When we got on the dance floor I did the red nose on him . then he whispered In my ear.
" damn ma "
I laughed to myself then I felt August eyes on me. I bet he wished it was him but if ya snooze ya loose.
I introduced my friends to migos they were jus excited as I was .
"So y'all fuck wid each other now?" Kehlani asked
" ion know" Quavo said adjusting his rich nigga shades.
"Anyways we needa turn up!!!" August said
I could tell he was somewhat jealous. I don't see why? We could've been together but he chose to be with that girl.
After I was done with the club I got quavo's number and he took me home. When I got home Mel's car wasn't there and his girls weren't there either. I heard moaning and grunting noises coming from the bedroom 2 doors down. I shook my head in disgust walking to my room. I put on my head phone draining out the noises I took off my clothes and make up slipping into my night wear. After that I went in the kitchen still listening to music. Then I felt something moving I turned around seeing August. I took my headphones off still a lil shaken up I hate when people scare me Like that
" when did you get here?" He asked
" long enough to know ya fucking that girl from the club" I replied getting my glass of water.
" you ain mad at me is you?" He asked
"Nah I don't care who you date or fuck august we was never together" I said ignoring his eyes
" sorry about the noises" he said embarrassed
" its cool" I said I'll call one of the girls to pick me up so you can finish your night" I said still ignoring him
" niya" he said but I put my head phones walking out the room
I went in my room calling Morgan.
" aye girl what's up?she said
" nothing can I crash at ya place August fucking a girl here and ion wanna hear another moan , grunt , or bed squeak cause they sound so weak." I said laughing with Morgan
" yea fam I'll pick you up I'll text t
You when I'm out front "
" ight bye M"
" bye N"
End of phone conversation
I packed a bag for tomorrow. I grabbed my phone charger and headphones walking in the living room.
The door opened and the disrespectful broad from the club came out the room wearing a see through Lacey lingerie robe. I looked the other way even more disgusted.
"What is she doing here?" She snapped asking August
" she lives with me?" He said scratching her head
" y'all fam or sum?" She asked with a attitude
He looked at me and I looked at him rolling my eyes.
" sum like that" he said continuing to scratch his head
" I never knew fam kissed each other and try to fuck each other" I said turning my gaze at him
August stood there looking dumbfounded
"August ya better get her in check" she said rolling her eyes walking back in the room.
"What's ya problem ma?" August asked me raising his voice at me
" nigga first off don't raise ya voice at me don't sit here and lie to a hoe about me jus be honest we fucking friends who live together bud ion know if we even friends because you acting different." I said yelling
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.
Mämî tåttëd- come on I'm here
Niya❤⚠- ight
I grabbed my things
"Bye august I'm crashing at Morgan's tonight you'll be lucky if I even come back" I said walking out the door.
I got in Morgans car mad asf.
"What's wrong N?" Morgan asked " I'll tell you when we get ta ya crib" I said
" ight"
When we got to Morgan crib it was nice and big. We sat on her comfortable couch .
"What's going on?"
" August"
" what about him?"
" he jus change when he have his hoes he lied to her talking bout I'm his fam and I put his ass on blast"
"Damn he do stupid shit sometimes but I think he do it because he like you"
" how he like me if he fucking hoes?" I asked with my voice cracking
"Don't cry niya he will come to his senses eventually" Morgan said patting my back
" ight"
" Im'a call the other girls over "
" cool"
I thought about calling August and apologizing but then I remembered I wasn't the one who fucked up.
2hours later
Me & the rest of the rest of the girls ate pizza watching the scariest movie we could find . I left the room going to the rest room . I honestly couldn't be mad at August we never did date but he didn't have to play with my emotions like that.
My phone vibrated I had a text message
Augie✔-  aye ma I'm sorry I upset you by what I said ...
I didn't reply back I jus kept reading it , he couldn't be sorry. I'm getting sick of people taking advantage of me and saying 'sorry' like it would make things better. He's gon have to do more  than say sorry for me to forgive him .
I walked back with the rest of the girls.
" you ok?" Kehlani asked
" yea you look upset" kyndall said " I'm fine" I said lying
" you lying what August do?" Nicki said twirling her finger in her pony tail
" its nothing" I said
" whatever" they all said
Morgan remained quiet because she was texting someone smiling
" who you texting?" Kyndall said moving over to Morgan
" I bet its Michael" nicki said laughing
Kehlani looked in Morgan's phone
" its is" she said
"He wants to go out with her tomorrow on a date" kyndall said
" damn y'all nosey get out my damn phone" Morgan said laughing & blushing
I could tell she was happy. I didn't wanna kill anyone's vibe so I told them I was going to bed.
Next day
When I woke up the girls were already dressed.
"Where y'all going ?"
" the warehouse" Kehlani replied
" I'm going too let me put my clothes on"
I ran into the room putting on my Blue & turquoise sports bra with my blue joggers & white and blue js.
We got in the car driving to the warehouse. When I got there I seen August talking to the boys when his eyes landed on me I looked away  acting as if I didn't see him.
" so what we doin today? " adrian said looking at his MK watch
" we gon jus chill " August said trying to make eye contact with me
Everyone noticed the tension between us . Then Michael came in the center of the room.
"Aye I wanna tell y'all something"
He said
Everyone looked at him waiting on him to say what he had to say.
" I got signed yesterday as a rapper"
"That's great " Morgan said cheesing
" goals "  Kehlani said laughing
" shut up " Michael said wrapping his arms around Morgan
I couldn't take seeing a happy couple when I couldn't get my love life straight. I'm happy for them but its like they rubbing it in my face. I left the room walking outside feeling a slight breeze
I heard the door open
" ma what's wrong witchu?" August said In his accent
I ignored him
" tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it" he said laying against the car facing me
" August jus get out my face"
" niya stop acting like that and tell me why you mad at me for real"
" you really wanna know?"
" yea that's why I asked" he said being a smart ass
" i really liked you august and you played with my feelings had me thinking you actually cared about me and liked me but I guess Im'a game to you" I said with tears falling from my eyes.
" look niya I never meant to hurt you-.
I didn't wanna listen to another word he had to say because I knew it would be all lies.
" august fuck you and your sorry because I'm done with being the girl who always gets hurt I'm starting to figure myself out and I found out that I can be a strong person if I tried but I don't need you breaking me down." I said walking down the street.
"Where you gon go?" He yelled
" don't worry about me" I yelled back
I kept walking ignoring him

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now