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- August-
Wake me up before you go

ooh I need a little more jus

a little more of a little more

of your love

Wake me up before you go

ooh I need a little more jus

a little more of a little more of

your love

Oh I need a jump start when you

call me I'm running to ya give me

a head start

I smiled at niya who was sleeping with her arms around kyron and liyah. I walked out the room going to the kitchen
" hey bro."
I noticed that Mel had scratches all over his back and a hicky on his neck.
" damn y'all nasty ."
" I know ." mel said laughing
" damn you all scratched up."
" you should her body."
" nah I'm good."
" nigga if you really thought I was gon let you see her like that you got me fucked up."
I jus laughed at this nigga.
" what you up to today?"
" I'm taking niya to see a house I'm thinking about buying because we need our own house now we got a family and we need out privacy if ya know what I mean."
" yea bro I know what you mean."
" cool."
" well I guess we can chill somewhere since everybody but us knocked out." I said scratching my head
" ight let me get dressed."mel said walking out the room
When mel came out dressed we got in the lambo driving to the house.
" this a nice ass house." Mel said looking around the house
" yea I know but do you think niya will like it?"
" yea she should."
" ight."
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I had a message from Niya.

Niya- where you went ?
Mr. Alsina✌- showing mel the house babe I'll be back in 30
Niya⭐- ok
" was that Niya?" Mel asked
" yea."
" let's head back so you can show her the house."
" ok."
We went back to the house seeing niya holding liyah who was fussing .
" let Me hold her."
Nîyä handed liyah to me , when she was handed to me she automatically stopped crying.
" how you do that I couldn't get her to do that?".
" its a father's touch baby."
" boy please."
" hey liyah you missed daddy?"
Liyah jus smiled at me putting her fingers in her mouth.
" aww." Chay said smiling
" yup my lil baby."
" she looks jus like aunty niya."
Amaya said touching liyahs little hands
" where kaykay?"
" she's upset."
" why?"
" she thinks you've replaced her with liyah."
I looked at mel and he shook his head.
" that one is on you bro." Mel said walking out the room.
I sighed handing my pride and joy to Niya. I walked in the room seeing kaykay watching Dora even tho she hated that show so I know something is up.
" what's wrong princess?"
" you love liyah more than me."
" that's not true I love y'all the same its just I'm giving liyah more attention because she's a baby and she's my first daughter I have to spoil her I'll always love you and have time for you I'm jus excited that she's here now give your uncle august a kiss."
" ok."
Kaykay kissed my cheek I hugged her .
" don't ever think I don't love you and your sisters because I love y'all to death y'all my heart."
" promise." Kaykay said smiling
"Good now be a good girl ."
With that I gave my niece a hug
Walking out the room.
I went back to my room seeing niya holding liyah.
" she ok?"
" yea." I said sighing
" good." Niya said
" kyron still sleep?"
" yea ."
" damn he sleep Like he got 3 jobs."
" I wonder where he get it from." Niya said sarcastically
" me too." I said being sarcastic back
" whatever August."
" don't be mad and get ready because I'm bout to take you and The kids to the new house."
" ok."
I watched as Niya put liyah in her mini crib next to our bed , then going to the closet picking out a white vneck shirt with her red skinny jeans. I watched her get dressed.
" august stop staring at me your starting to creep me out."
" you know you like it."
" no I don't ."
" whatever but damn you thick as fuck."
" how many times you gon tell me that?"
" as many times as I feel like it."
" you too much Augie"
" ight ."
She think she gon get away with calling me that , watch when she least expect it Im'a tear that ass up.
" Im'a ask mel & kyndall do they want to watch the kids while we out."
" ok niya ."
I watched as Niya walked out the room , she don't know ... I'm gon punish ha ass !!! Let me save my nasty thoughts for later...
" August I'm ready." Niya said flipping the hair out her face.
" good let's go."
I walked niya to the car opening the passenger side for her letting her slide in. I quickly shut the door after she was safely in the car. I got in the drivers seat driving to the new place I had in mind.
" what you think?"
" its pretty nice on the outside but I want to look in the inside."
" ok."
I rushed out the car so I could open the door for my baby. Niya slipped her fingers between mine as we walked through the gold doors.
" wow august this is beautiful."
" so is this it or you wanna pass it up?"
" its a keeper August."
" good I knew you would like it."
We walked around the house admiring the beautiful structure.
" since you like it Im'a call some movers to put everything in the house ."
" that sounds great ."
" so what you want to do now since we out ? I wanna hang with you alone before we go back with everyone." I said hugging her from behind smelling her Victoria secrets perfume.
" it doesn't matter ."
" ight I guess I'll have to surprise you."
" I guess you will."
I ended up taking Niya to that expensive restaurant where I begged her to be my girl again, also the night I impregnated her.
" you remember this place?"
" how could I not ? You kept giving me stuff and begged me to date you."
" true but who said yea and got a baby by me?"
" shut up August."
I smiled holding her hand walking her to a reserved table.
As we waited for the waiter I gazed in Niya's beautiful eyes.
" what ?"
" you got pretty eyes ."
" August whatever."
" baby girl you know you a blessing ."
" your so corny ."
" you love Me this."
" I know ."
As the waiter came he stared at Niya's titties.
" aye bruh can you take the order and stop staring at my wife's breast?"
" my bad ." the waiter mumbled
When I looked at Niya she jus giggled.
After the waiter took our order wit his disrespectful ass he left us alone to get the food we ordered.
" what niya?"
" somebody's jealous ."
" nah he jus don't need to be looking at you like that , that's my job.".
" I noticed that you called me your wife."
" yea I know what I said."
Niya giggled again blushing " your such a mess August."
" what ever ."
When he came back he brought us our food .
" I'll be back to bring the drinks."
When he left again I intertwined our fingers.
" you know I love you."
" yes august I love you too."
" good."
When the waiter came back he sat the glasses down on the table pouring us some champagne but when he got to Niya's bottle he spilled some in her lap.
" o my gosh ." Niya said
" I'm so sorry let me help you ."
The waiter grabbed a napkin aiming for her Lap. I felt my blood boil.
" aye nigga I got this move its my job."
" its my mess so let me clean it ."
Niya grabbed the napkin from his hands.
" let me clean it myself." Niya insisted by now the whole restaurant turned their attention towards us. Niya got up walking out the restaurant.
" damn look what you done." I said almost raising my voice at the waiter.
I walked out the restaurant seeing Niya sitting on top of the car.
" Niya I'm sorry."
" whatever August."
" look I ain never been the jealous type but I want you all to myself ."
" August I'm all yours i don't want them other niggas I want you."
" I know I jus don't like when niggas flirt with you period."
" August we got it on lock all them other niggas been out the spot. "
" that's right baby girl."
I pecked her lips smiling between kisses .
" I love you august ."
" I love you too niya."
We went back to the house. When we got back we seen kyron racing towards us.
" mommy !"
He ran straight to niya.
" so you forgot about daddy?"
" no ." kyron said smirking
Kyron jumped in my arms and I picked him up raising him in the air.
" where's liyah?"
" uncle mel has her."kyron said
" ok."
I smiled at niya , who smiled back at me.
" alright go play."
" I can't my toys gone some people took my stuff."
" that must have been the movers."
" probably."
I went to my room seeing everything gone including liyahs crib.
" well I guess we should be settled at the new house. "
I said scratching the back of my head.
" Im'a talk to kyndall & Mel for a second." Niya said
" ok."
I knocked on mel & kyndall's door.
" aye ." the both said at the Same time
" nothing much y'all wanna keep liyah or you want us to take her to the new crib?"
"We'll keep her on the weekend since I gotta work." Kyndall said
" that sounds great ."
" plus liyah a good baby ." mel said
" yea she got that from her momma."
" yea you right because August stayed in trouble as a kid." Mel said
I laughed picking up liyah who was looking up at me with her big , bright , brown eyes.
" hey baby girl mommy's here"
I watched as liyah waved her little arms around
" well I'll sew y'all later."
" ok take care ."
" I will."
I grabbed liyahs diaper bag with my free hand.
" bye girls."
The girls came to running to the living room.
" your leaving aunty niya?"
" yes , we got a new house we're letting y'all keep this one so behave we will come to visit."
" ok." The girls said
I gave liyah to august who put her in her car seat. They hugged me August & kyron. They stood over liyah holding her tiny hands
August picked up liyahs car seat putting it in the car , but I had to strap her down . August strapped kyron in his car seat.
We drove to the new house.
" kyron you like the new house ?"
August asked stopping the car in the drive way.
" yea."
I smiled at August , because everyday kyron is starting to act & look like August even more.
I picked kyron up putting him on my hip while august carried liyah in the house. I put kyron down letting him run around the house.
" this is beautiful." I said going into liyahs room
" who spray painted liyahs room? it's amazing"
" I had Chris come by and do it."
" wow he's good."
" yea he volunteered to do it."
" that's great ."
" mommy , daddy I have my name and favorite paw patrol drawing on the wall."
" aww."
I went to kyrons room seeing the art displayed on the wall. It was very nice Chris did a good job.
When we got the kids to sleep we went to our bedroom which was very sexy. I was amazed by what I saw.
I got in the shower leaving August laying on the bed. When I got out I was wearing my lace dress August bought me for my birthday.
" damn ." August mumbled biting his lip
" you like what you see?"
" yea I do."
august got up getting behind me wrapping his hands around my waist.
" you know Im'a tear ya ass up for calling me Augie. "
" well punish me." I whispered in a seductive tone
" I will." August said picking me up placing me against the wall attacking my neck with rough sexy kisses. I moaned with pleasure enjoying what was taking place.
He picked me up once more laying me on the bed taking my panties off with his teeth. He inserted his tongue inside me making me moan Instantly.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now