Time of ya life

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- August-
I woke up to hearing liyah crying, I seen that niya was still sleep I know I put in that work. I got up putting my shorts and white T-shirt back on going to liyahs room .
I picked her up taking her out her crib.
" what's wrong liyah it's 4 A. M. Which is too early for you to be making noise ."
I rocked her in my arms quieting her down, liyah stuck her fingers in her mouth falling back asleep. Cautiously I put her back in her crib with out waking her.
I walked back to my room sliding back in the bed wrapping my arms around Niya. I went back to sleep.
8 hours later
I woke to the sound of cooking, I felt the other side of bed not feeling niya there. I walked to the kitchen getting behind niya putting my head in the crook of her neck.
" good morning baby "
" morning ." I said wrapping my hands around her waist
" you had a good sleep?"
" yea ."
" liyah woke me up at 4 sum this morning."
" don't blame my baby."
I chuckled
" go have a seat august I'm cooking."
" don't tell me what to do."
" I jus did."
" whatever girl."
I walked out the kitchen going back into my room . I grabbed my my rich gang sweat shirt with my bleached jeans and some boxers heading to the shower. When I got out niya was laying on the bed holding a tray of food .
" that's for me?"
" yea August I fed the kids and myself."
" thanks babe." I said pecking Niya's lips
I sat on the bed as niya fed me , after that she massaged my feet.
" bae what you want because you being hella nice."
" nothing its jus you blessed me with a beautiful baby and I wanna repay you. "
" you ain gotta do all this for me girl jus sticking with me through thick and thin is everything I need "
I kissed Niya's head caressing her thighs.
" I love you August."
" I love you too niya."
" you better ."
" you know I do."
" when we get married what you think its gon be like ?"
" hmm... I think we gon stay down for each other like we already do."
Niya didn't say anything she just laid there playing in my curls.
" August.. I don't know what I'd do without you."
" me either niya."
" can I tell you something?"
" yea ."
" I got a new job."
"That's great babe."
" yea but there's something else I need to tell you ."
" what is it ?"
" I model."
" that's great niya."
" yea I start next week."
" Im'a be there to support you."
" yea I know but who's gonna watch the kids?"
" I can watch them since I ain gon be on tour any time soon."

" that's very sweet of you Aug."
" I know ."
" boy you so full of yourself."
" so ."
" boy shut up "
Then I heard liyah crying.
" I'll see what's wrong ."niya said getting up walking out the room.
When she came back she went straight into the bathroom washing her hand.
" what she do?"
" I has to change her diaper."
" oh ."
" yup."
" you know I could have done that?"
" yea but I can do things too ."
" your independence makes you sexy."
" nigga shut up wid yo corny ass."
" oh I can be cornier."
" please don't ."
" ok I won't ."
" thank god."
" well damn niya killing a nigga vibe."
" my bad." Niya said smirking
" whatever." I said playfully pushing her
" nigga stop you play too much."
"Oh I do...Kyron come here."
Kyron ran in the room
" come jump on mommy bed."
" ok."
Kyron and I jumped on. Niya's bed.
" August don't be teaching kyron that ."
"I play too much remember?"
" Augie I was playing."
" what you say?"
" I said August."
" no you didn't and you know what that means but kyron you can go back and play now ."
" ight."
Damn he starting to sound me a lil bit.
I grabbed niya kissing her neck
" August."
"What ?"
" the kids are here."
" so they don't know what's up."
" August we ain bout to have sex while they're awake."
" your no fun."
" how yoυ think I got pregnant."
" ok niya."
" ha ha."
" what you ha ha-in fo because I put the baby I side of you."
" august shut up damn I can't have a moment for Shit."
"That's right."
" your not Fair."
" so ."
Niya got up pouting
" really niya kyron makes a better pouting face."
" shut up August damn you always talking shit."
"That's what I do but I back my shit up as well."
" whatever nigga."
" you stay hating ."
" boy I don't have to hate."
" ight."
" get dressed I wanna go out today "
" ok."
I watched as niya walked in the closet picking out a white Lacey crop top and some booty shorts with her customized flower timbs. She put her hair in a messy bun putting her gold rose head band across her head.
" girl you better put my ring on."
" Damn nigga I am ."
I watched niya slip the engagement ring I bought her onto her finger.
" happy."
" yea." I said smiling at her
We walked hand in hand to liyahs room seeing kyron playing with his little sister. We stood in the doorway smiling at each other until I spoke up.
" aye kyron we going somewhere fun so get dressed."
"Ok daddy."
Kyron ran out the room . I smiled at my soon to be wifey before joining her at the front on my daughter's crib.
" I can't believe she's my daughter she's so pretty."
" well believe it she's our ." I said wrapping my arms around her wasit kissing her neck in a clean way
" I love you august."
" I love you too."
" good."
I watched as liyah picked up liyah , watching them together made me realize how important they are to me. I couldn't leave them I would never walk out them even when things ain looking right Im'a provide and do what I gotta do.
After niya got liyah dressed I took my princess from her kissing liyahs chubby cheeks.
When kyron came back he smiled at us .
" you ready ?"
" yes ." niya & kyron said
We all got in the car , soon as I turned the radio on niya & kyron started turning up. When we stopped at a red light I put they wild asses on snap chat! They jus don't know they crazy but ya gotta love them.
" dang y'all super turnt." I said
" this our song ." niya said smiling
" well it don't need to come on ."
" why you hating dad?" Kyron asked making me & niya laugh
" I ain hating son ."
" yea yea ." kyron said
Damn my son got a smart ass mouth like me, I really can't deny him and I wouldn't want to.
I pulled up at Chucky cheese. When kyron saw the building he automatically went crazy.
" aye man chill ." I said smiling
" he's excited ." niya said
" duh."
" you getting smart with me ?".
" yea."
" I got you later on."
" whatever you say ma'am."
I replied knowing I was getting on her last nerves.
I quickly got out the car so I could open the door for niya. When I did I helped kyron out the car. I watched as niya unstrapped liyah. It was cute seeing her be a mom it was sexy actually. I might try to get her pregnant again because I think I want another child .
- Niya-
I picked liyahs car seat up carrying her into the building. After august talked to the people we got our tokens , food , & table. As we sat liyah down and girl about 13 came to us.
" OMG is it August alsina?"
Me and august laughed.
" yea its me sweet heart don't tell people I'm trying to keep a low profile ." August said
" ok I promise can I get a picture & autograph?"
" yea baby girl anything for you."
I giggled at how he was sweet talking the little girl and thinking he was the shit for getting recognized.
" who should I make it out to?"
August asked the little girl
" Kasey ."
" to Kasey the prettiest girl I've seen take care sincerely yours truly August."
I watched the girl blush it was honestly adorable. When they took a picture together August followed her on Instagram and tagged her in the photo. Watching her eyes light up made my day.
I watched as the girl walked off clutching her phone & paper to her chest
" aww you got your first fan girl ?"
" girl I got plenty of those and your one of them ."
" nigga please ."
" but you know you number one."august said rubbing his hands together licking his lips.
" yea I know ." I said
" cocky much ."
" nah its jus a something I already know ."
" ok , ok she think she popping."
" nigga you know I'm popping ."
" nigga ? Baby I'm August don't get it twisted ."
" shut up nigga."
" ight watch Augie tear it up tonight ."
" whatever you say sir."
After we got our tokens I decided to watch liyah first so kyron & august could have father and son bonding time. I fed liyah who ate every last mushed up green pea. I don't see how she like that but long as she's getting her nutrition I'm fine with it. I ate my pizza taking selfies with my baby girl posting them on the gram. When august came back he looked mad.
" what's wrong with you now august?"
" kyron beat me at hoops ."
I looked back at kyron who was smiling
"Good job baby." I said giving him a high five.
" I want a rematch." August said
Snatching my pizza out my hand
" boy that's mine give it back."
August bit into to it handing it back.
" love ya."
" whatever ." I said rolling my eyes.
August winked at me before walking with kyron .
I grabbed liyah out her car seat taking her to the photo booth taking a picture with her.
I put the picture in my MK bag .
I sat back at my table then a not who looked about 18 came up to me.
" hey ."
" hi."I said awkwardly
" I seem ypu over there and I was wondering if I could get your number ."
" I can't I have a boyfriend and I dont-"
" aye homie that's my girl she's taken and that's my child she's holding so have fun and be a kid." August said
The boy walked off and I just started laughing because August be doing too much.
" what you laughing at?"
" you ."
" why? "
" you extra."
" how?"
" you get too jealous I'm yours so what you getting mad for?"
" I'm not mad its jus I know how niggas are these days."
" whatever August jus admit it you get jealous ."
" I won't do that ."
" why not?"
" Im'a make you scream jealous tonight." August said whispering in my ear
" move you freak."
" you know you don't want me to ."
" boy stop."
I looked to see kyron talking to a little girl about his age. She was a cute little brown skinned girl with a head full of curls . I watched kyron slip his arms around the girls waist and her blushing face
" august look at kyron."
When August turned around he started smiling.
" that's my son." August exclaimed proudly
He took a picture posting it on Instagram .
" we gon have to watch out for him when he learns how to make babies ." I said
" yea ." August sighed "Go play kid."
" ight ."
I stole some of August tokens (don't tell him ✨☺) I went to shoot some baskets and I seen the boy again. This time he was talking to some of his friends but his eyes darted mine every single time. As I about to make my last shot I felt some one behind me
I turned around seeing that boy again.
" look whatever your name is I have a boyfriend and 2 kids so I don't want you I happy so please leave me alone ."
I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arms
" look niya I've been wanting to get with you for the longest."
" wait your Niko."
" that's right ."
" please let go of me ."
" I will when you leave that nigga."
" Niko-."
" aye nigga get off my girl ."
Oh shit its about to go Down.
" or what ?"
August punched the nigga in the face making Niko loose his balance.
" niya go kyron & liyah at our table."
I ran fast as I could to the kids.
" kyron let's go."
Kyron instantly got up I put liyah in the seat fast as I could running to the car. August soon joined us driving us back to the house.
He waѕ mad still so I stayed outta his way. I washed the Kids putting them to bed. When I got to my bed room August cornered me in a wall kissing my neck.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now