The Better

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•°•°•°A 2 months later  •°•°•°•

Me and August haven't spoke since last week. When we did talk It was about liyah of course but we have made some discussion about me not aborting the baby. We also made it clear that it's official that we're seeing other people. Word around he's seeing this Trinidadian model . I'm not mad tho if he's happy than I am too. We haven't been the same after he was cheating with his other ex fiancé. I haven't been exposed to The world of dating yet, I've been trying to work as much as possible. No one at my job knows I'm pregnant .. Not even Chyna knows. I'm barley showing so that's good for now. My thoughts were interrupted as liyah came running in the kitchen. I still couldn't believe she was 1 Now. I can still see her being 3 months. Everyday she gets prettier and prettier. Me and august wonder where she got blue eyes from . That will be a mystery never solved.
" mommy where is daddy ?"
I sighed sitting down on the couch .
" he's somewhere baby girl but maybe later I'll let you face time him ."
" ok."
Liyah Crawled back to her room I smiled , she was very advanced for a one year old. She could talk really good and she could walk ok but she fell down a couple of times tho but besides that she was good. Then my phone started ringing it was Mel.
" hey mel ."
" hey niya ."
"Wassuh ?"
" I just wanted to check up on you ."
" thanks mel but I'm fine."
" that's good ."
"How are you and kyndall?"
" we're ok we have arguments every now and then."
"Well if you get through them that's how you know that your a strong couple."
" that's right but if you Need a break from liyah you can always ship down to me ."
" how about today because I gotta meet chyna at her show ."
"Yea i haven't seen her since her birthday ."
" well its settled thanks for everything mel ."
" you know I got you sis ."
" thanks bro I'll catch you later ."
"Ight "
End of phone conversation
I sighed going into my daughter's room I seen her playing a Dora explorer game on her iPad her father Bought her for her birthday last weekend.
" you having fun princess ?"
" yes mommy Dora said I helped her ."
I smiled at my daughter she was going to be a charmer. Then there was a knock at the door . I left liyahs room going to the door checking the peep hole. I seen Chris brown I know I've seen him and hung out with him before but I'll never stop being a fan girl. I also noticed he had royalty with him. She was so adorable. I quickly opened the door.
" hey Chris ." I managed to say
" hey niya I was wondering if royalty can play with liyah today ."
" yea that's fine ."
" thanks Niya you don't mind if stay too I just got back from a long interview with the radio station.".
" Chris its fine."
" thanks niya ."
I let Chris and Royalty in .
" liyah you have a guest waiting to see you ."
Liyah instantly came running into the living room. When she saw Royalty she smiled.
" royalty this is liyah , liyah this is royalty ." I said
I showed them to liyahs room where they played. Me and Chris went back downstairs.
" so what's been up with you lately Christopher."
"We using people's government name now ?"
" yup." I said smiling
" that's cool niya but honestly I need advice ."
" what's up ?"
I sat next to Chris paying attention.
"Well you Remember I was  with karuche?"
" yea."
" when I cheated on her with Nia I didn't mean to but my daughter wasn't a mistake royalty makes me a better person but karuche still wants nothing to do with me . she won't pick up my calls , and I made a big scene with her manager because I wanted to see her but she doesn't want me anymore."
" damn ...Chris all I can really tell you is there are other fish in the sea ."
" I know that but I want a girl who can cook , be respectful, and see what I gotta offer , and she gotta be good with my baby ."
" that's perfect ."
"Yea but I know I'll never find her ."
" don't say that Chris ."
" its true all this females jus want my dick & my money ."
" I'm sure there's some girl out there that wants to build a relationship."
" like who ?"
" I don't know ya gotta keep looking... Sometimes they closer than they appear."
" true .. But what happened with you and August?"
I sighed before answering I hated talking about my past with August.
"We jus didn't connect anymore after I found out he was a cheating ."
" damn ma why would he cheat on you ?"
" I don't know I think part of it was because I didn't want another child but I'm pregnant again."
" wow I didn't think it was that bad ."
" yea it was but I couldn't say it was all his fault ."
" I like that you don't blame everyone ."
I smiled
" thanks Chris ."
Before you know it Chris collided his lips onto mine. Then the door opened. When we turned around August was standing it the doorway.
" damn did I interrupt something?" August asked with a  jealous edge.
" no ." I said getting up
" oh.. I jus came by to see Liyah ."
" she's upstairs with royalty ."
August glared at Chris, but I don't know why he would be mad . He dates a Trinidadian model , and he's the reason we're not dating anymore. He went upstairs I could hear liyah yelling ' daddy '!" I knew she would be happy to see him.
" niya I'm sorry ."
" its cool Chris there's no need to apologize."
" you sure ?"
" yea ."
When August cane back down he had liyah and royalty in his arms.
he put both of them down .
" I gotta meet Krissy back at the crib I jus wanted to see my baby ."
" ight August "
August nodded he looked back at Chris then at me. It didn't take long for him to shake his head and walk out the door.
" I think its time for me and royalty to go ."Chris said getting up
" you don't have to go ."
"What you tryna say ?"
" maybe you could spend the night ."
" that sounds ok but I gotta check in with the boss."
Chris stooped down to royalty looking her eyes.
" you wanna spend the night boss ?"
" yes ."
Chris stood up smiling at me, then he picked up royalty kissing her head.
I put liyah in  my lap  holding her securely.
" what you want to eat ?"
" the dinasore chicken bites ." liyah said smiling
A/N: I meant to spell  dinosaur like that
"Ok liyah ."
I went to the kitchen  feeling Chris staring at my ass. I smiled giggling alittle bit.
I can't believe I walked in seeing niya & Chris kissing. I know I broke up with niya but I didn't think she would move on so quickly . I don't know why tu care so much tho. I guess its cause I still miss ha, but chris my nigga why would he go to my baby momma ? I shook the thoughts out of my head as Krissy came in the door
" August how many days do I have to pretend to be your fake girlfriend?"
"Stacey said a 4months."
" ok but what's wrong august jus because we pretend still doesn't mean we can't be friends."
" to be honest with you I miss my baby momma but she moved on."
" she misses you I'm sure but she's not gonna wanna be single for the rest of her life ."
" your right but the guy she's with is my friend ."
" who is it ?"
" Chris Brown."
Krissy sighed and shrugged.
" you left her you better see if you can get her back ."
" I don't know when I went to see my daughter they were kissing ."
" do you even know if they really together ? A kiss doesn't  always mean anything "
" man.. I really don't know ."
" don't be assuming shit August ask ."
" you right ma but I don't wanna make it seem like I care too much ."
" but you do ."
" I know but I can't let them know that ."
"Well all Im'a say is don't do anything crazy."
" trust me I won't ."
I laughed at Krissy she laughed along with me. Pretending won't be so bad since she isn't actually stuck up and Money hungry .
Next Day
When I woke up I got dressed going to the studio. I seen Chris in his studio session. I walked in sitting on one of that red leather chairs. When he saw me he ended his session coming out of the booth .
" hey August."
" wassuh chris."
We dapped but he could feel the awkwardness.
" look August that shit between me and Niya jus happened we ain together. "
"Man its cool if y'all was I couldn't do shit about it ."
" nah man if you don't want me with her then I won't date ha."
" man I'm with Krissy so do what ya want jus don't fuck wid ha heart ."
"Ight ."
"Well Im'a let ya get back with ya music ."
" ight bruh I appreciate it ."
" no problem ."
We dapped I walked out the room mentally cussing at myself. Damn now he's definitely doing to  take a shot of Niya. Knowing her she'll probably date him.
Man I fucked up big time. I got in my studio recording some tracks on my new album' This thing called life'
A/N: if you don't know it's August alsina's latest album its great feel free to Check it out.
Anyway... TBC
Once I felt like I done enough I went to my car calling mel.
When that nigga answered I told him my situation. He ended up telling me I was one dumb nigga for letting a girl like Niya go. I guess its really too late to go back to her. I remember her words clearly." jus know I might not be waiting for you , when you finally decide to grow up ."
Those words were starting to make sense . Now that I want her back for real this time she's messing with Chris. How could I have been this stupid to let her go. She's having the second child I've been asking for and now she's gone. I guess its true what they say you never know how good you got it til its gone.
As I drove home I seen Krissy asleep in the chair. I picked her up laying her in the bed . I chose to sleep in the guest room. When I finally woke up I heard a female voice singing. I smiled waking to the kitchen hearing Krissy singing.
" damn you can sing ."
Krissy jumped turning to see me.
" damn august you scared me ."
" sorry I just woke up to singing ."
" your good maybe you could sing  with me on a track ."
" maybe I'll think about it I got a busy schedule to keep."
" jus think about it your talented ."
" thanks August"
" no problem. "
Krissy smiled
" thanks August for everything."
" no problem jus think of it as a friend ship present."
"I will."
We exchanged smiles before heading to our rooms.
I can't believe that August cool with me trying to talk to Niya.
When I got back to niya house I seen niya playing with royalty and liyah. I smiled .
" look at my favorite girls ."
They all looked at me smiling.
" you had a good session ?" Niya asked
" yea and I ran into August."
"Oh god..."
"Bigsean chill he wasn't mad he was cool with the idea of us talking ."
"He was ?"
" yea."
" that's surprising."
" I thought he was gon blow up at a nigga ."
Niya laughed. I loved the way she laughed it was so sexy . I scanned her frame ,even though she was pregnant she still looked good. I just couldn't help but notice her.
She was different.
" y'all go play ." niya said
They both ran I smiled at them they would be the best of friends.
" anyways niya I've been thinking about you ."
" really ?"
As she got to the end of her word she inched closer to me. I didn't mind it tho I actually liked it.
She got so close I felt out noses touch . She connected her lips to mine I kissed back letting my hands  explore where they wanted.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now