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Ever since kamora said that she was pregnant cherasonto has been acting weird. I'm getting sick of shit like this. Tbh ion know if I like him anymore, he's not even spending time with me anymore. Whatever is going on I need to know Now!
I washed up doing my daily hygiene routine. After I did that I went to my closet picking out my white , black & gold Marilyn Monroe shirt with my black High waist pants and my clear doc martens. I put my hair in a messy bun putting my black & white Nike head band across my head.
I called my best friend Tori over.
15minutes later
I heard a knock on the door, when I looked in the peep hole I seen tori standing there. I quickly opened the door for her.
" hey girl " tori said carefully hugging me
" aye shawty " I replied smiling
" i haven't heard from you in forever what's going on with you?" Tori asked sitting down next to me
" a lot you won't believe who saved me from Trevor"
" who girl?" She said with excitement
" cherasonto"
" cherasonto August?!?" She said looking at me like I needed some serious help.
" yea he's nice actually this is his home and we date"
" well I think he's changing ma " tori said with unsureness
" your holding back on me tori tell me what your really thinking"
" your my best friend niya I don't wanna see you get hurt but if you really love him then be with him I don't think he's that bad of a guy but jus be careful"
When I looked in her eyes I could tell she was worried about me. I held her hand .
" I'll be careful I promise "
" Good but what happened to your foot and tell me the truth"
I sighed hesitating on what to tell her
" Trevor pushed me and I was wearing heels and I sprained my ankle" I said feeling a weight drop off my shoulder.
" I swear Im'a beat that nigga ass when I see him"
" tori calm down he ain worth it I'm pretty sure bae handled it because he left and when I seen him this morning he had scratches on his face and bruises on his arms."
" well I want Trevor to hurt like you did and every other girl he's put his hands on" she said like she was declaring justice.
I laughed at her because when she gets mad sometime she be doing the most☺
" can we roll out its kinda getting boring sitting in this house " tori said agitated.
" yea " I said feeling the same way she does.
We got in the car and we ended up going to the mall. We went to Forever 21. I bought me 5 crop tops,2 halfshirts, 4 pairs of bleached skinny jeans, 3 pairs of earrings, & 1 head band. Then I felt my phone vibrate. I had a text message.
Chëråsøntö❤✌- wya?
Niya ⚠❤- tha mall wid my best friend
Chëråsøntö❤✌- who?
Niya⚠❤- tori
Chëråsøntö❤✌- well I'll see you when you get home
Niya⚠❤- ok
" who you texting?" Tori asked trying to look in my phone
" my boyfriend" I replied sticking my tongue out
" oh I should've known" she said rolling her eyes
" what happened to you and Dustin?"
" he cheated on me with some white girl so we broke up " she replied popping her invisible collar
" damn I need to beat his ass" I said laughing
" nah I already did that and I beat the bitch too"
I laughed at tori I swear she crazy but you can't help but love her.
We went to the food court And ate talking about recent events that happened in our lives and she took me back home.
" call me later"
" ight I will bye tori take care" I said getting out the Car carefully
I grabbed my crutches going back in the house seeing cherasonto sitting on The couch
" had fun?" He asked smiling
" don't smile at me now nigga" I said walking in my room
" what's wrong with you" he asked getting defensive
" your what's wrong with me , you been acting weird since kamora said she was pregnant" I said yelling.
Cherasonto closed his eyes and when he opened them he sighed.
" niya stop yelling at me I didn't yell at you I just asked a question but I'm sorry baby a lot has been in my mind lately."
"Like what" I said with a lil sass putting my hand on my hips.
" I don't know if I wanna tell you now because you already yelling at a nigga"
" no tell me"
" fine you wanna know the baby that kamora carrying might be mine she told me this yesterday."

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