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•°•4 weeks later•°•
Me & August are still rockin I've been eating a lot & throwing up August has been worrying about me. Honestly I've been wondering about myself. My birthday coming soon and I think I have a nasty stomach virus.
" August can I get ya keys I'm going to the doctor to see what's wrong with me?" I said holding my stomach
" yea ma they on the table." He said watching the game
I grabbed the keys kissing august lips before walking out. I got in his foreign  going to the doctor. When I got to the hospital I went to the reception desk.
" how may I help you ?" The nurse said politely
" I scheduled an appointment today at 12:30" I said checking my watch
" doctor Jacobs should be right with you in just a few you can sit in the waiting room until she comes for you" the nurse said
"  ok ma'am" I said walking to the waiting room. I sat there for 2 minutes.
" Niya Iverson" the doctor said I got up walking back with the doctor holding my stomach.
" what seems to the be the problem ms. Iverson?" Doctor Jacobs asked checking my blood pressure.
" I've been feeling really sick lately & I've been eating a lot" I said
" when has this started?"
" 2 days ago "
" has your period stopped ?"
" yea.. I have an irregular cycle"
" Im'a bring a cup for you to urine in "
" ok" I said sitting on the edge of the bed
4 minutes later the doctor came back with the cup. She gave it to me sending Me to the rest room. It was awkward peeing in a cup tbh.. When I went back to the room I handed it back to her and she walked off with it to the lab..
I sat there anxiously waiting to get the results. I wondered which stomach virus I got.
When Dr. Jacobs came back she looked at me and smiled.
" jus as I suspected your 4 weeks pregnant"
I was in total shock I jus couldn't be pregnant. I've been raped so many times & me and August fucked one time.
" how I've been told I couldn't since I've been raped"  I said still shocked
" its a miracle" Dr. Jacobs said
" wow" I said
" well congratulations If you have any more growing pains come back but have someone else drive you"
" I will thank you"
I walked out the hospital worried. I had no idea how I was gonna tell August he's posed to be touring soon and I don't wanna mess up an opportunity for him. I want him to be successful and happy.
When I got home I seen mel & august watching the game while the girls played on their iPhones. I swear he got them girls spoiled.
" how'd it go shawty?" August asked pulling me in his lap.
" it was ... Shocking" I said
"What you mean?" August asked
" its nothing I'm fine." I said
I just couldn't bring myself to tell him. I'll tell Morgan and the rest of the other girls but I can't tell August& the guys yet.
" oh ok well I'm glad" august said wrapping his arms around me
" eww y'all quit that " Mel said laughing
" shut up Mel" August said rolling his eyes.
" ain ya birthday coming up ma?" Mel asked
" yea" I said.
"How old you turning?"
" 10 + 9" I replied
" dang you & August some youngins" Mel said laughing
" so " me and August said at the same time.
Mel ain have nothing to say he jus laughed at us.
" aunty niya we hope you feel better" kaykay and the rest of them said
" aww thanks girls" I said hugging them
" I wanna hug " August said
" I already gave you one" I said
" I want another one"
" no"
" why" August whined
" because I said so" I said going in the kitchen to eat. I went in the refrigerator taking out some fried chicken from KFC , pickles, mashed potatoes, & some grapes.
"Damn bae " August said.
"What I'm hungry" I said eating my pickle
August shook his head laughing
" you eat more than me now" he said laughing
" so" I said.
" what's making you have an appetite?" He asked sitting at the table facing Me then I felt my lunch coming up I ran to the bathroom throwing up again.
I felt my hair being pushed back .
"What's wrong with ya ma? Be honest with me?" August said
I wiped the vomit particles from my mouth .
" let Me get cleaned up first" I said
He walked out the room sitting on the bed. I got my wash rag cleaning my face. I flushed the toilet putting some bleach & pine soul in there . I grabbed my tooth brush and began brushing my teeth. When I finished I sat on the bed next to August. I didn't wanna look him in the eyes.
"What's going on ma?" He asked again but this time I could tell he was serious
" August promise not to get mad" I said
" I promise tell me what's going on with ya"
" August the doctor told me I'm 4 weeks pregnant"
When I looked at august he looked as shocked as I was.
" how we fucked  one time and I thought I used protection" he  said
"Ion know August"
" I'm not mad I jus don't think I can go on tour and leave you here pregnant" he said
" August don't let me get in the way of your dreams go I'll call , text , & face time you don't leave your dream because of me I'll be here when you get back" I said looking him dead in the eyes
" you sure baby?" He asked me holding my hands
"Yes August"
" ight I'll still go but you better call me everyday" he said
" I will , I promise " I said kissing his cheek.
He rubbed my stomach then he lifted my shirt up kissing my stomach.
" I love you niya "August said
" I love you too August" I said hugging him. It'll be a matter of time before he leaves for the tour in 2 months.
Me & august walked back in the living room
" you ok niya?" Mel asked concerned
" yea I'm fine but I have news for everyone " I said looking at August he nodded " I'm having a baby"
When I said that everyone's head turned except august & mine.
" your having a baby? " amaya asked excited
" yes I am" I said smiling
"I'm happy for y'all " Mel said hugging me
" thanks Mel"
" what y'all gon name the baby?" Kaykay said smiling
"We don't know if its going to be a girl or a boy" august said putting kaykay in his lap
" I think its going to be a girl" Chay said
" me too" August said
"We'll have to jus see" I said .
I sat down on the couch next to August watching TV.
I eventually fell asleep.
Next day
I woke up seeing August sleep. I quietly got up putting on my Red polo half shirt and my black Illuminati jogger's with my red & black js. I put my hair in a high pony tail. When I examined myself in the mirror I noticed that my baby bump is starting to show.
" what you doing ma?" August said with a  thick muffled voice
" getting dressed" I said
" why?" He asked
" we going to the trap right?" I asked
" yea" he said
He got out the bed hugging me and he kissed my lips.
" I see ya starting to show" he said pointing at my stomach
" yea"
" go eat something while I take a shower ion want you feeling bad later on" august said .
"Ight dad" I said walking out the room
I wonder why he acting like  he my father all of a sudden. I fixed me some pancakes , bacon , & orange juice
I ate gulping it down with some O .J .
When I finished I walked back in me & August room.
He was already dressed so we left going to the warehouse.
" aye y'all me and niya got some news for y'all " August said
Everyone had their eyes on me and August
" we four weeks pregnant" August said rubbing my belly
" aww" the girls said
" congratulations man" adrian said with the rest of the niggas.
" what y'all think y'all having ?" DC asked .
" I think we having a girl" August said adjusting his shades.
" well Im'a spoil that baby" Kehlani said
"I'm the god momma right?" Morgan asked
" yea but you and Michael planning on bringing in any lil ones?" I asked
" ion think so" they both said making everyone laugh
They stay thugged up
"Im'a be put the trap for awhile I'm going on tour the music finally recognizing a nigga." August said tipping his hat down. " who gon be substituting the trap?" Michael asked
" a Good friend of mine his name D- Money" August said " show him respect but if anything goes wrong contact me or my baby but I doubt that would happen"
" yes sir" they all said
I loved the way my baby took charge it kinda turns me on.
We hung at the trap for awhile and then we left because I got tired and when I got in the bed I went to sleep, but I was awoken by stomach pains. They started beating the hell out of me . I started crying and august woke up .
"What's wrong baby?"
" my stomach hurts really bad"
" how?"
" it's sharp pains everywhere its like I'm being kicked and stabbed in the chest" I said crying louder
" I'll take you to the doctor " August said with page getting out the bed giving me his jacket & sweats. He carried me to the car.
" stop crying bae we almost there" he said looking at me at the corner of his eyes .
I nodded my head taking deep breaths. August carried me in the hospital once again. Once we got in he sat Me in the waiting chairs. He walked to the reception desk.
" aye I'm August my wife seems to have very terrible stomach pains from pregnancy can you send  a doctor ASAP?"
" yes I'll one right now." She said eye flirting me
I walked away rolling my eyes.
I sat next to niya
" how you feeling now baby?"
" not so good" she said
" baby the doctor will be here soon he'll do what he can for you I promise ya" I said holding her hands as she squeezed mine.
" Niya Iverson , Mr. alsina"
We walked back there together.
" what's the problem ms. Iverson?"
" my stomach is having these strange pains"
" they're called contractions but you should be fine I'll give you some medicine take at least 1 a day"
" ok thanks"
"I'll be back with your medicine"
The doctor & nurse left me and niya Alone.
" August we are not having another baby" niya said
I laughed at her
" I'm not playing nigga this ya first & ya last" niya said
" ight but what if you end up getting another one?"
" ion know I would probably go insane" she said
" it can't be that bad"
" you try eating a lot to feed the baby , throwing up, having constant stomach pains ,& then I gotta push this baby out my vagina " I said
" damn my bad having a baby tough" I said
"Exactly"niya said popping the p
The doctor came back giving bae her meds. She took one and we went home.
" how you feeling ma?"
" I'm feeling better "
" that's good baby girl"
I kissed her cheek unzipping her jacket rubbing the baby bump
" your going to be a good father August"
" I know and you gon be a good  Mother."
" you think so ?" She asked raising her eye brows
" I know so baybeh " I said wrapping my arms around her.
"Uncle august."kaykay said calling me
" yea kaykay"
" will you still live me the same even when the Baby born?"
" yes you always gon be uncle August baby no matter what "
I grabbed kaykay picking her up kissing her lil cheeks.
" I love you uncle August." Kaykay said
" I love you too kaykay"
I put her down letting her walk off .
" awww that was cute." Niya said
" what?"
" you and kaykay " she said smiling
" I'm a sucka fa tha kids" I admitted shrugging
" well I'm glad" niya said
" but what If I wanted another baby niya?" I asked holding her hands and looking in her eyes.
" august we discussed this"
" well jus think about it"
" umm.. No" she said with attitude
"Be that way I hope we have twins " I said laughing and walking out the room.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now