Never again

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- Niya-
When I woke up august had a rose in his hand.
" good morning baybeh." He said in his thick accent
Why he doing that he know that it get to me.
" so I was thinking me and you can have a lil Date night ."
" baby that sound good ."
" I know and I wanna take you out to breakfast."
" what time is it?"
" 11:50."
" August I can't go to breakfast because I gotta go to work."
" ok." He said but I could tell it was bothering him
" maybe I can call off work."
" you'd do that for me?"
" yea I would ."
August grabbed me by the waist kissing my lips like he'd never see me again.
" baby girl I jus want you to know that I won't cheat on you anymore I won't make you cry I'll do anything to keep you I love you niya Yasmina Iverson."
" I love you too August Anthony Alsina ."
We hugged again this time for awhile then I called my job lying saying my child got sick so they let me off the hook.
" so where the kids at ?"
" mel wanted to watch them so I said it was cool."
" so where we going ?"
" you'll see jus put some clothes on."
" ok."
I went in the closet picking out blue dress with pink flowers on it with one of my favorite heels.
[A/N: one above]
I took my hair out the long braid making my hair wavy.
" damn you look beautiful." August said standing behind me looking at us through the mirror.
" thanks."
" so I was thinking August I'm gonna quit my job I ran into channel yesterday and I'm not putting up with the drama."
" you don't have to quit."
" I want to I wanna be closer to you."
" well shid I'm cool with that ."
" good."
August held my hand walking me to the car taking me to IHOP.
We ate talking about stuff and joking around,then he took me to the mall, and he took me to his studio session. When we got home I took my heels off sitting on the bed
" damn you look good."august said biting his bottom lip
" so do you ."
" well... That I know." Nigga if you don't shut up ."
" or what ?"
August asked cornering me
" shit." I mumbled
"Yea talking all that shit ."
August said kissing my neck forming a hicky
" august you better stop."
" or what ?" August asked letting lust take over his eyes
" August you know I ain gon do shit."
" I know ."
August grabbed me picking me up throwing me on the bed kissing my neck and rubbing my thighs.
" take ya dress because if I do it Im'a mess it up bud its cute so I rather you do it."
" ok."
I got up stripping down slowly
" baby any day now because I got time but I don't wanna waste another second. When my dress fell to the floor he let me undress him . we start making out then we fell on his bed he climbed on top of me kissing me all over then he let his hands explore me while I moaned slightly.
" you bout to Get ready for this dick."
" yea august."
" you catching an attitude?"
August asked flipping me over inserting himself in my ass then he had pounded himself Into me making me clutch the sheets and moan.
" what's my name ?"
" daddy."
" I see ya learned pretty quickly."
" yes daddy."

After we made love I took a shower and so did August since we had two separate. Bathrooms in our room. When we got out me and August ran to the bed cuddling.
" I could do this all day." August said playing with my curls
" I bet ." I said tracing my fingers over his tattoo.
" I was thinking that when we get married we can both get a tattoo with each others names ." august said looking in my eyes
" why not now ?"
" you wanna do that ?"
" yea  "
" let's get dressed then ."
" ight."
We both wore our matching outfits.
[A/N: One Above]
We got in August Rari driving to a tattoo parlor
" aye nigga ."  August exclaimed when he saw a guy who was 6'0 with ink from his neck to his arms .
" wassuh Aug this must be the wifey"
" yea .. Niya this mike , mike this niya."
Me and mike shook hands and then a short thick girl came .
" Aug fai- "
Her sentence was interrupted by a light skin girl with perfect skin and hair walked in the room
" hey August."
The way she said that to august wasn't friendly , it sounded as if she knew him for awhile .. A little too long. August didn't say anything he jus stared at her.
" August." I said waving my hand in his face.
" yea ."
" why you staring at her ?"
"  I'm faith didn't know I was his ex fiancé."
" August what is she talking about ?"
" me and August were engaged but he cheated so we called everything off."
" august you lied to me you told me I was the only one you proposed to how could you do that shit ?! And to think I was gon get a tattoo with yo dumb ass name on me you got me fucked up!"
I stormed out the tattoo parlor getting even more upset because he drove me here & had the keys.
August came outside.
" look I'm sorry she wasn't important so I never told you about her."
" august you lied to me ."
" I know and I'm sorry jus please don't leave me again ."
" August I don't know ."
" please she means nothing to me ."
" she must do August because she's wearing the ring I have on I'm not stupid your jus like my other ex's ."
" don't compare me to them other niggas niya I love you ."
" if you did you would have told me the truth ."
" look I'm in love wit ya girl why can't you see that ?"
" you have something going on with her ."
" no i don't ."
" look me in the eyes and tell me that August."
August didn't pick up his head he jus kept his eyes on the ground.
" I knew ." I said shaking my head. " take me home August I don't have wanna talk to you anymore  done with this shit ."
By this time I couldn't even show my face because I had tears in my eyes.
" fine ." august said lowly
We got in the car driving silently back to the house.
I grabbed my bag filling it with clothes.
" where are you going ?"
" somewhere from here ."
" you ain going no where."
" nigga please."
I continued packing , then he pushed me on the bed
" I said you ain going nowhere ."
" August don't fucking touch me." I said getting up
" or what ?"
" this ." I said slapping August
August jus looked at me and before you know it I felt a sting to the face. I fell to the floor holding my cheek.
" Niya I'm sorry."
" no august get away from me   I fucking hate you , you bastard ."
My words looked as if they hurt August but I didn't care he hit me and I would never forget that. I never thought he would hit me.
I grabbed my bag & my phone going to the Benz he bought me going to Mel's house. I knocked on the door impatiently , until mel opened the door.
" what happened to your face ?"
" I don't wanna talk about it give me liyah so I can go."
" damn ... Ok."
Mel left the room returning with liyah, the car seat  & the diaper bag. I strapped liyah in the car calling jacob.
" hello." Jacob said
" hey jacob its  my daughter me  need a place to stay for a little bit."
" you can stay with me as long as you need."
" thanks."
" I'll text you the address."
" ok I'll be there shortly then. "
"Ok bye bye."
" ight .'
End of phone conversation
After jacob texted me the address I went to his house carrying liyah until he opened the door.
" hey ..what happened to your face?"
" August hit me ."
" what ?!"
" yea."
"Come in ."
I walked in the house sitting on the black couch across from jacob.
" your daughter is adorable ."
" thanks."
" how did this even happen?"
I cried telling him everything by the end of the story jacob was sitting next to me wrapping his arms around me.
I wonder what pissed in Niya's cereal. She didn't have to be rude but I wonder why she was even pissed off. Im'a call august and see if she ok.
" aye Aug ."
" aye Mel."
"what's wrong with Niya ."
" she left me ."
" why ? What happened?"
" she found out bout faith and I hit her ."
" nigga why the fuck would you do that you know what that girl been through before she met yo dumb ass ."
" I know I didn't mean to she jus made me so mad when she slapped me."
" ion give a fuck if rihanna slapped you that don't give you the right to hit her , would you hit momma ?"
" no ."
" then why you hit her ?'
" mel ion know.. How you know she was mad ?"
"She came to get liyah ."
" she what?"
" she got liyah ."
" do you know where she went ?"
"No ."
"Damn she took my child where kyron ?"
" he's still here ."
" ight ."
" you better fix this shit ."
" Man Im'a try."
" ight ."
End of phone conversation
I can't believe he hit  Niya. I taught him better than that. That's the worst thing he's ever done to her. I would beat his ass but I knew that this is kicking his ass.
Damn she took liyah ! What if I don't get to see her again? I need to know where she is.
I called niya 4 times but she still wouldn't answer. Damn I fucked up. She don't even wanna hear my voice.  I need to get her back I can't let this be the end of us not now . I wanted to marry this girl but I was still fucking with the hoe I had in the past. I guess I never really learned.
I can't believe this my life seemed to be perfect but I guess it wasn't . I never expected this ... Ion know why he keep blowing my phone up he should know I don't have anything else to say to him. I don't ever wanna see him again. I don't need him and neither does liyah.
" I'm sorry about what you had to go through jus know there's niggas better than August and every other nigga whose done you wrong."
" thanks jacob."
" no problem ."
I studied liyahs face crying she looks a little like August. I don't want to even think of him right now. I looked at the ring on my finger taking it off inspecting every little detail. I need to give this back I'm done with that , I promised I myself I wouldn't go back to a nigga who hit me.
" jacob can you watch liyah for me ?I need to do something right quick."
" yea ."
" thanks."
I hugged jacob kissing his cheek grabbing my keys off the counter walking out the door getting in my car starting up the ignition going to august place . when I knocked at the door august was standing there with tears in his eyes.
" niya?"
" yea August."
" what you doing here?" He asked surprised
" I had to give you something back."
" what ?"
" here August I'm done ." I said putting the ring in his palm
" Niya please ok I know I hit you but I didn't mean it I know I've lied but I can fix that please don't go."
" August I didn't come to talk jacob has my daughter so I need to get back ."
" what ! You got that nigga around my daughter?!"
" that's my daughter too august."
"I don't care I don't want that nigga round my baby ."
" He's doing better than you are ."
" Man Fuck you ."
" fuck you too."
August now looked very intense he pushed me in a corner kissing my neck. I couldn't even fight it off I kinda missed it already . I know I shouldn't be doing this but I've already given in. I wrapped my legs around his wasit moaning as he kissed my spots.
Damn she been gone for a minute ion know where she been . Least liyah a good baby she don't really cry much. I held her looking into her little eyes , she looked jus like Niya.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now