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- Niya-
I got up from the couch hearing the door bell ring. As I got to the door I didn't bother to look in the peep hole I jus opened the door seeing August & liyah. I completely looked past august grabbing liyah out of his arms .
" momma missed ha lil baby" I said kissing liyahs little cheeks. She was so adorable . sometimes I can't believe that she's my daughter. When August caught my glance he kinda looked sad.
" thanks August."
" no problem I gotta go  pick kryon up from my moms."
" ight ."
August kissed liyahs cheek and tried to kiss mine but I swerved his ass.
" bye August."
" bye niya ."
I closed the door sitting on a blanket playing with liyah. She was a cheerful baby I'll tell you that much.
Damn I can't believe she pulled the swerve card on my ass. It's cool tho. I went straight to my momma's house .I knocked at the door seeing my moms smiling Face.
" hey baby ."
" hey momma."
She hugged me ,and I had hugged her back I missed moments of this  .
" he looks jus like ya Aug"
" I know.. He acts like me too."
" sure does come on in son."
I walked into my moms new house. I'm glad she decided to move out Louisiana to be closer to me & Mel. The house still brought back memories from the pictures on the wall and aroma of food filling the house.
" ma is you cooking what I think it is ?"
"Yup if you stay long enough you can get a plate."
" you ain gotta tell me twice where my lil man at ?"
" he's in the back sleeping."
" cool."
" have a seat august we needa talk ."
" ok."
I pulled up a chair for my mom and I and we sat at the table . she looked at me for awhile before she said anything.
" august I wanna ask you about your current relationship because I'm worried about you ."
" mom me and Shana good."
" August I know when you lie."
" ok ok fine ion like tha girl she just needy she want everything she don't do nothing but sit on ha ass and complain ."
My mother shook he head as if she we're telling me I messed up.
" Do you miss niya ?"
" ma."
" boy don't ma me tell me the truth ."
" yea I do I love ha I know she want me too but she's playing hard to get."
" well she has to she doesn't want to be hurt anymore, who could blame the girl ? All I'm sayin is try to win her over and I don't mean by buying her expensive gifts  I mean make her fall fa ya hard headed ass."
I smiled at my momma holding her hand.
" ight ma."
My mother got up turning off the stove getting her big wooden  spoon  stirring up the pot of spicy chicken gumbo. I loved when she cooked this it was my favorite dish she's ever made.
As we ate making conversation to make up for lost time kryon walked in the kitchen .
" daddy." He yelled jumping in my arms.
" hey kyron ."
" I had fun with grandma ."
" that's good son ."
" you want some of some of this food ?" My mother asked
" yes ."
My mother got up making a bowl for kyron. We all sat there eating .
" you like it?" I asked looking at kyron
" yea its good."
" see he know his food like his daddy ." my mother said nudging me
" yea ."
After we all finished eating me and kyron said our goodbyes . I hugged and kissed my mom before leaving out the house. I helped kyron get in his booster seat. I slid in the drivers seat going straight to my place. Once I got to my place I couldn't find my phone.
" aye kyron you seen my phone ?'
" damn. " I muttered
I got on my iPad and texted niya asking did I leave my phone over there sh replied saying yea.
" come on kyron I left my phone at niya house."
" ok ."
I put kyron in his booster seat
Quickly. Once I got settled in the drivers seat I started up the ignition driving to Niya's house. Once we arrived to Niya's house i knocked on the door waiting patiently for her to answer the door .
When niya opened the door she had liyah on her hip. Damn she looked so good as a mother I jus wanna fuck her and give her another baby.
" August." Niya said several times waving her hands in my face trying to grasp my attention
" oh ..yea my bad."
" its cool."
Niya handed me my phone
" thanks niya ."
" no problem ."
Niya was bout to shut the door but I stopped it with my foot.
" what do want August."
I couldn't help myself I leaned in kissing niya. It didn't last long tho.
"Can I come in?"
Niya let me in bending over putting liyah in her play pin.
" hey kyron ." niya said stooping down running her hand through his thick curls.
" hey ." he said smiling
" you want something to drink?"
" yes ma'am." Kyron said Smiling
" got sit in the kitchen table and I'll be there shortly ."
Kryon obediently did what he was told.
Niya was about to walk in the kitchen but I grabbed her by the waist kissing her she tried to fight it off but then she un- balled her  fist wrapping her arms around my neck kissing me back passionately.
" ms. Niya. "Kryon yelled out
"Damn." Niya muttered " I'll be there in a minute ."
Niya looked in my eyes then she ran to the kitchen. I picked up liyah from the play pin rockin ha in my arms. Once niya came back she smiled ☺at what she saw.
A couple of minutes later
My phone started ringing once I saw the caller I . D. I groaned not wanting to answer.
" hello...ok....man...ugh..what that gotta do wid me?.... Ok...fine ...yea.. I'll see ya in a lil bit.. K...bye .."
After I hung up the phone I looked at niya who looked as she didn't even hear me on the phone.
" Niya I'll be back do you mind if kyron stay until I get back ?"
" ion mind go do what ya gotta do."
" ight thanks ."
I grabbed my phone & car keys running to my car getting in driving to my house. When I walked in I seen Shana sitting on the couch.
" what's up ?" I asked sighing and plopping on the couch
" August I need some money they gon shut my shit off ."
" bitch that's not my problem ."
" August how dare you call me that ?! "
" first off I'm done with yo broke , busted thirsty ass because you always want something but don't have wanna do nothing but have sex and blow my damn money."
" august please don't leave me "
" nah bitch go suck some dick for some money or an iPhone 6 because every nigga in the city 
Know what ya mouf do."
Shana's eyes sunk in I could see the hate and resentment but honestly I don't give two fucks.
" the door is that way ." I said pointing to the door
She just stormed out slamming the door. I chuckled at how mad and how fast she ran outta here.
I sat in my crib thinking bout everything that's been going on . Maybe I should  spend some alone time with Niya and see how it plays off.
I grabbed my keys off the table going straight back to Niya's house. I knocked on the door seeing another car parked out front. When the door opened i didn't see niya I seen a blonde headed chic , with her dimples pierced , she was the broad with niya the other night at the club.
" aye I came to see niya ."
The girl turned back and looked back at me .
" Niya ya got a visitor."
Niya ran to the door brushing the hair out her face.
" oh August meet my friend chyna , chyna this August."
Chyna gave a weak wave before walking down the hall.
" ion think she likes me too much."
" she'll come around soon she jus don't know ya ."
" cool."
" well I was thinking if it was cool with you  if I could spend the night ."
" sure August."
"Look I know I let you walk out and I shouldn't have I jus wanted you to know that I love you and I put Shana in the past I want you only you no girl can replace you niya trust me I know that now ."
" August I'll have to think about it."
" take as long as you need ."
" I will jus come in boy ."
I followed her up to the living room where chyna was holding liyah and I seen kyron playing with a boy who had a head full of curls and he looked just like my nigga Michael.
" aye what's ya lil boys fatha name ? He looks like one of my old home boys ."
" his fathers name is Michael ."
" Stevenson?"
" yea that's him ."
"When y'all happened ?"
" too long ago he's with Kylie now but I ain mad , but I think he with his daughter and Morgan ."
" oh wow ."
" yea well nice meeting ya August sorry for the attitude you don't seem bad ."
" thanks chyna and its cool ."
" ight ..come on king ."
The little boy got up following his mother out the door.
" miss niya I'm sleepy ." kyron said rubbing his eyes.
" come on I have a room for you ."
Niya picked kyron up taking him to one of the guest rooms laying him down.
I looked at liyah who was already sleep. So I guess its gon be me and niya tonight.
When niya came back to the living room she picked liyah up taking her to her room. As she came back I watched her thighs jiggle.
" what ya staring at boy ?"
" you ."
Niya rolled her eyes sitting down on the couch
" so ..."
" don't make this awkward August."
" ok baybeh ."
" ya sum else ya know that ?"
" yea I heard many times befo' "
Niya laughed
" anyways I jus want ya ta know that you look good."
" thanks august."
I nodded pulling my hat lower
" so how's the singing going for you ?"
" its been great  , how's modeling ."
" very busy but I couldn't complain."
" I feel ya  "
" liyah is starting to get bigger ."
" she certainly is ."
I jus looked niya in her eyes ,she looked in mines and before you know it we were both leaning in.
When our lips crashed I felt everything we used to have.
After we kissed I awkwardly got up going into that kitchen. I wanna be with August but I'm tired of him doing stupid shit I hope he get the message. Ugh.. He's messing me all up. I shouldn't feel this way , but he changes all this.
When I walked back in the living room August looked up at me biting his lower lip. He was so sexy when he did that.
" if I took it too far tell me ."
" you didn't ."
" ight ."
" niya why you keep acting like you don't want that old thang back ?'
" August I jus don't wanna hurt again.".
" I know ya don't I never intended to hurt you ."
" well you did." I said  with tears streaming down my face. I couldn't hold them back any longer.
" look Niya I'm sorry please don't cry."
August got up hugging me kissing my head.
" I'm sorry."
I jus continued to cry in his arms.
- August-
I hate making her cry it make me feel like a bum ass nigga. After she stopped crying I gave her space she went in her room to lay down I stayed in the living room watching my nigga curry dunk on them Lame ass niggas.
I paused the game walking to Niya's room. I knocked on the door .
" come in ."
I opened the door seeing niya laying in her silk Victoria secrets robe.
" hey ."
" wassuh ."
" I just came to check up on you ."
" oh thanks I'm  fine ."
" ight  ".
I turned to walk away
" August wait ."
" yea ."
" I wanna feel you ."
" word ?"
She didn't have to tell me twice I closed and locked the door quickly getting undressed.
-Shana -
I wonder who's he tryna get with because he ain never cared about me spending his money. Who ever it is better know that she's asking for a rude awakening.
Aye y'all how was y'all feeling this chapter? I decided not to do questions like I used to Im'a jus do shit like this from now on but anyways thanks for reading
Excuse mistakes !

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