Betraying secrets

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After I read the note I balled it up throwing it in frustration. I know somebody had to help her write that note because she's not a strong enough person. When I see her I'm making her come back and Im'a teach her ass a lesson. I called the crew asking if they seen her and they say they haven't . she ain slick & she can't hide forever. It don't matter too much because she right I have been cheating on her. It took her along time to actually notice this
. I sat in my half empty house smoking my weed.
- niya-
I watched as cherasonto cooked my breakfast , when he was done he put the plate right in front of me.
" eat up girl my food too good fa you not to eat" cherasonto said smiling
" ight it better be good" I said rolling my eyes smiling
" trust me it will be ma just try it" I put a piece of bacon & pancakes in my mouth, he was right he can cook.
" you really can cook"
" what I told ya niya never doubt the nigga" he said with cockiness
"Ight yea whatever" I said rolling my eyes
I finished eating then I started walking around on my crutches to my bed room . I went in the closet picking out a white sweat shirt that says homies with my black tights & Oreo Jordan. It kinda sucks that I only get to wear one of the Jordan's but its cool because Im'a still gon look spiffy☝
When I came out the room I seen cherasonto sitting on the couch on his phone looking at something.
When he seen me he licked his lips , smirking at me.
" damn niya you look sexy" he exclaimed examining my body.
"Thanks " I replied blushing
" anyways I wanna take you out my nigga quavie having couple night at the His crib, that's if you want to"
" sounds fun so I'm down"
" ight let me put my clothes on I want you to meet my niggas, we we more like brothers tho"
I nodded my head watching cherasonto disappear into the room. When he came out he was wearing a vneck white shirt with his gold chain, black jeans , emoji bucket hat& his timbs. He looked really good .
" I look good don't I ma" he said smirking
" yea" I said grabbing my crutches walking to the door.
Cherasonto takes my crutches picking me up bridal style putting me in the car. He goes back in the house getting my crutches and putting them in the back seat.
We sat in silence going to his friends house. When we arrived there he opened my door telling me to sit tight until he came back with my crutches. When he helped me with my walking disability we walked on the porch together. A tall , skinny brown skin man with a blonde Mohawk who looked to be the same age as cherasonto opened the door. He dapped cherasonto and his eyes met my body.
" who this fine thing?" His friend asked as he bit his lip
" that's my girlfriend nigga" cherasonto said laughing
" oh my bad nigga she a pretty one tho" he said smiling at me
" Craig get yo flirting ass in tha house so we can get in" cherasonto said rolling his eyes.
Craig let us in his big house. I carefully sat on the red couch.
" where the rest of the crew?" Cherasonto asked looking around the house like he hasn't been there in years.
" they upstairs I'll tell them to come bring they assess down here"
Craig went upstairs bringing two other niggas down stairs.
" baby this Jacob & Rayquan"
"Damn cherasonto you bringing models in now?" Rayquan said laughing
" I'm not a model " I said blushing
" you could be tho" jacob said smiling slickly
" y'all keep flirting with my girl and Im'a bust a cap in ya asses " cherasonto said mean mugging his niggas
We all laughed at how jealous he was getting.
" we ain gon take her from you " Craig said laughing
" I know you won't " cherasonto said placing me in his lap kissing my cheek.
" aww they goals" Rayquan said in a girly voice
" damn right" I said smiling
" well shawty you fam now " jacob said looking me in the eyes
" I appreciate it" I said nodding
" what's your name ?" Rayquan asked
" niya"
" ight niya how long y'all been dating?" Jacob asked
" we started yesterday"
" ight ight she good for ya bro" Rayquan said smiling at us
"Ight we gotta be somewhere so we out" cherasonto said looking at the time⏰
" you coming to the party later tonight?" Craig asked cherasonto
" ion know because I gotta watch my baby"
" go jus don't do nothing stupid" I said looking him in the eyes.
" ight well I'll come through" cherasonto said helping me with my crutches. We went to quavies crib.
I noticed that lashonna,& dre were there. When they seen me with cherasonto they looked us side ways.
" ain you Trevor's girl?" Dre asked me
" she ain no more" cherasonto said answering for me
" ight " dre said laughing
" aye cherasonto, this must be the new girl"
" yea quavie this niya, niya this quavie"
I shook hands with quavie,
and then his girlfriend came out. she was pretty she had longer hair then me , she had an olive skin complexion, perfect skin, pretty hazel eyes, thick figure, & nice dress game. To my surprise cherasonto didn't even check her out he kept his eyes on me.
We ate and started talking about shit that didn't really matter and then the door opened. I seen Trevor but he wasn't alone he was with Cherasonto's ex. When he seen me and cherasonto he looked mad asf❗❕❗❕
Cherasonto must have seen Trevor's facial expression. He placed me in his lap kissing my neck and my lips. Then he started whispering sweet nothings in my ear. I loved the way his voice sounded. He's starting to leave some sexual tension between us.
He didn't even seem mad that his ex was with my ex. I didn't really care because I think they had a thing going on anyways.
" aye everyone there's something me & kamora gotta tell everyone"
Trevor said holding kamora's hand.
Everyone paid them close attention.
" Me & kamora are expecting a baby next year" Trevor said
Everyone except me and cherasonto. I didn't know why I felt upset , I love cherasonto but Trevor is my first love and to hear that he's cheated on me and is already about to start a family upsets me.
"Cherasonto I'm going to the bathroom"
Cherasonto nods his head, I can see that he was also unhappy with the changes as well. I went to the restroom and let the tears go. I'm tired of holding back tears and acting stronger than I really am . I wiped my face putting my makeup back on. I walked back with everyone acting like nothing made me upset . I sat back on cherasonto's lap smiling putting on an act.
For some reason I felt tension between me & kamora. She looked at me like she wanted to get revenge. I didn't know why she got a problem with me . she really can't be mad that I'm with cherasonto because she's been messing with Trevor while were we're together.
I just ignored her death glares paying attention to what the other couples were saying. When it was time to go me and cherasonto didn't say a word yo each other. When we got to the crib he helped me get into the house and then he left.
- cherasonto-
I left out the house going to the party my niggas invited me to. When I got there I seen my niggas in the section smoking with a couple of bitches.
" aye nigga you finally made it" jacob said high asf
" told you I was gon come through" I said smiling showing my grill off
" come smoke with us" Craig said handing me a blunt
" ion know shawty at home and she already mad an I ain trying to do anything stupid" I said cautiously
" ight well jus hang wit us then" Rayquan said
" ight I'm down" I said pulling my hair down lower. I scaled so many fine girls in this club but I can't holla because I'm with niya. I stayed a lil bit popping bottles with tha crew and staying away from the girls that eyed me viciously like they wanted me to slip in and slip out.
" ight y'all Im'a roll out"
" ight take care nigga" they all called out.
I walked out the club being stopped but kamora.
" what you want kamora?" I asked sounding annoyed
" I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry I cheated on you I really want you back"
" no kamora you cheated on me twice with my nigga and then you pregnant by him hell nah"
" look there's a possibly chance its yours"
I looked at her with shock & anger in my eyes.
" what you mean a possible chance if its mine?"
" I was messing around with both of you at the same time and I don't know which one of you got me pregnant"
" get the fuxk out my face kamora damn you a fucking slut!"
I walked out the party getting in my car driving back to my house. When I walked in I heard crying. I sighed to myself before walking in my bedroom. I seen Niya crying she didn't look up at me.
"Niya what's wrong" I said sounding a little irritated
She continued to cry and not look up at me. I'm starting to loose my Patience with her .
" Niya tell me what the fuck is going on" I yelled
" Trevor threatened to come after me ❗" she yelled back at with tears streaming down her face
I sat next to her holding her and kissing her head.
" I won't let that bitch come anywhere near you I promise"
She didn't say anything she just cried in my arms the whole night until she fell asleep. I got my gun from under my bed getting in my car driving to Trevor's house.
I bammed hard on the door and when he came to the door he looked mad asf.
" what the Fuck you want?" Trevor asked being a smart ass
" I want you to stop messing with my girl she left ya ass " I said gritting my teeth ready to pull my piece on him and put a stop to his ass.
" you know Im'a get her back " Trevor said smiling like what I said was a joke.
" no you not nigga so shut that shit up and stay fucking the hoe who's baby might be mine" I said not regretting what I said
" bitch you know that's my baby"
" well see because she said she don't who baby it is because she was fucking with both of us"
Trevor's smile faded he punched me in the mouth , I punched him back making him fall on the floor
I started beating him with all my force. Then he tried choking me but I slipped from his grip pulling my gun at him. I cocked the gun getting ready to shoot this mufucker.
" please don't shoot me I'm sorry jus don't kill me you know how it is I might have a child with kamora and what if I'm not there for the child?" He asked with fear in his eyes " I'd also hate having kamora tell your secret to niya"
I put the gun up letting go of Trevor.
" tell that to niya and I'll kill you & kamora my baby or not" I said gritting my teeth. I got in my car
Going back home . I went into the bathroom cleaning the blood off my face . I took a long shower when I got out I dried off putting on my boxers and a wife beater. I got in the bed fallin asleep thinking about what Trevor said. When I woke up I seen Niya still sleep.
I got up going into my closet picking out a Versace shirt with my white jeans & retro 7 Jordan's. When I grabbed my keys I heard Niya's voice.
" where you going?"
I sighed before answering
" I gotta make a couple errands but I'll be back in 2 hours⌚"
" ight" she said looking a lil hurt
I hugged and kissed her before walking out the door

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