Hard times

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- August-
•°•°1 week later •°•°•
I watched as niya put on her black long dress that had lace midway through the wasit area. I sunk my head low . I felt Niya's small hands on my shoulder.
" I'm sorry your going through this baby ."
" thanks."
Niya patted my back I could tell she wanted to cry , but she just wouldn't. I decided to go into kyrons room to see him in his all black suit. I sat next to him on the bed .
" kyron promise me that no matter what happens you'll always protect your sister and ya momma and the new baby ."
"Promise ."
I watched kyrons confused face, I know that he's confused for now but later on when things get rough again he'll know what I'm talking about. I seen niya holding liyah in the door way.
" you ready ?" She asked letting a tear slip down her cheek
" yea ."
I really couldn't be late to Kehlani's  funeral... I had to get all the time I could spend with her she was like a lil sis to me and Now this is the last time I'll get to see her.
I sighed before picking up kyron grabbing my car keys. As we got to the funeral her parents called me over to them . I kissed niya letting go of her hand.
" August thanks for keeping her out of trouble when we couldn't keep an eye on her you were like a big brother to her and we could never thank you enough but .." Her mother broke down into her husbands arm. I wanted to cry with them but something tells me I should save my tears.
" thanks August you can go back with your family ."
I nodded walking back to Niya and the kids.
Niya held my hand tight as we entered the church. I seen all of the crew they hugged me niya .
Everyone was in tears specially adrian. He was taking this harder then anyone , but I don't blame him I probably would too If I were in his shoes. Me ,niya , and the kids sat down as the funeral service started. After we heard that pastor he requested that I come up and give my speech . I got up with no hesitation walking to the podium. As I stood at the podium I gazed upon the frowning faces.
" cheer up every one Kehlani wouldn't want y'all to be all depressed if anything she would want y'all to smile. She would always want you to see a positive out a negative. I know I was posed to write a speech bud there was no need to ... Kehlani was like a sister to me even though she's gone she'll always been in all of our hearts she will always touch hearts ... I remember the day we first met .. She was always getting Into trouble but after all she was a good person ."
I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I walked back to my seat. Niya held my hand as I laid my head on her shoulder.
Kehlani' s mother sung a song that was powerful had me in even more tears. I felt hands of others around me touch my shoulder to comfort me.
After the funeral me and niya decided to skip the repast and go straight home. I went straight to the weed room rolling up smoking heavy. Niya came holding her nose.
" August ."
I jus ignored her
" August I ain gon keep calling you I know your upset I am too but you can't keep doing this shit ."
I jus continued to smoke, she was beautiful when she was mad but right now I wasn't in the state of mind to be actually talking . she was like family now she's gone. I've been messed up for about a couple days. 
Niya walked out slamming the door. I know I should apologize right now I jus wanna chill out without distractions. My phone started ringing I answered seeing that it was my brother calling.
" hello.."
" nigga Im'a beat yo ass ."
" for what ?"
" I know how you treating Niya you got that girl crying she already pregnant with yo baby you ain gon be happy til some nigga better than you start raising your kids."
Mel was right but I jus don't know how to be the nigga she need at the moment. I'm trying to deal with something that shoulda never happened. In a way I feel like its all my fault this woulda never happened If I was there .
" man... I know I'm hurting her I'm not meaning to but I'm trying to deal with the death of Kehlani man I feel like it was my fault her parents counted on me to protect her and I failed ."
" Man don't say that it wasn't your fault it was something we couldn't control.".
" man I shoulda been with her ."
" nah you had to be there for your daughter and baby momma."
" I know but I can't get through this. "
" you gotta you got 2 kids and one on the way you gotta get yo shit together."
" I'm trying ."
" don't try just do it ."
" ight ."
" ight take care August and stop smoking all that weed."
" man shut the hell up." I said laughing
" whatever nigga jus do what I tell you to  do ."
" ight mel."
End of phone conversation
I know I gotta make it up to niya . I should she is pregnant with my child so I should at least show her I appreciate her plus I've been begging her to have another baby for the longest. Then she might consider leaving me for another nigga . I gotta remember that niya isn't a girl I've gave all my loving too she so much more than that I jus gotta show her that.
I grabbed my basketball shorts and my Plaid blue boxers .I went to the shower taking a long shower thinking about past events . Maybe I should leave for awhile til I get my head cleared. Maybe I should call it off with niya because its like I'm always hurting her.
Once I got out the shower I dried off putting of my clothes. When I got out the bed I seen niya crying in the bed. I sighed walking to the bed.
" Niya I'm sorry."
" August why you even came here saying that ? I know your not ."
" look niya I am it's jus I can't deal with everything at one time.. I felt Like I failed Kehlani' s parents all they wanted was for Me to take care of their daughter and I've failed them ."
Niya remained silent she wiped her tears before speaking.
" I'm not expecting you not to be upset August.. But you can't jus walk around ignoring  everyone you have two kids that need you and I need you ."
" I know and I'm sorry ."
" August you gotta do better ."
" I will just give me some time."
Niya sighed ." fine."
" thank you."
I watched Niya I seen levels of hurt in her eyes and it pissed me off knowing I caused it.
" Niya ."
" what August?"
" I love you."
"I love you too."
" you mean that ?"
" yea August it's jus you make me so mad ."
" I know ...I don't deserve you ."
" august stop talking like that ."
" its the truth ."
" how ? If it was true I wouldn't be with you."
I hugged niya kissing her head.
" I don't wanna loose you August."
" you won't loose me ."
" I jus get scared that one day someone is going to tear us apart or kill us or kidnap us."
" baby don't think like that I know I've gotten us in some shit but I swear if anything happens I'll try to rescue you ."
" I don't wanna take these risk anymore August we have children."
" I know but the gang is my family ."
" I know but you have family here."
" I know ."
" liyah could have died because of who we are."
Damn she was right I couldn't think of anything to say to convince her.
"Your right ."
" look August Im'a be honest with you I'm sick of the crazy hoes you had in the past I'm sick of the gang shit I jus wanna be with the old August."
" I haven't changed ."
" when is the last time you've taken me out on an actually date ? When is the last time you've said said anything to catch my attention?".
Damn it really has been awhile.
I sighed looking niya in her brown sparkly eyes.
" you deserve better than me."
" what are you saying August?"
" we shouldn't be together because I'm still trying to figure shit out and I need some time ."
" august I didn't go through that bullshit jus for us to stop seeing each other ."
" maybe its for the better ."
" fuck you August ."
" niya...you have to understand."
" I understand its cool but jus know I might not be waiting for you , when you finally decide to grow up ."
Niya locked me out the room. I could hear her crying in my head I know I was wrong but I gotta keep niya from stressing and being with me that's all she's been doing. I walked into liyahs room . I picked her up kissing her head.
" hey liyah it's daddy I love you baby girl don't think  I never loved you I do be good fa ya momma you always gon be the first lady in my life."
I kissed liyahs cheek hugging her. Who knew when the next time I would see her . Somewhat I felt like my dead beat daddy but I was nothing like him. Mel would kick my ass when he finds out that I'm leaving to focus on myself but he can't really talk it took him a long time to connect back with his daughters. I walked to kyrons room seeing him watching cartoons. I sat next to him running my hand on his head.
" buddy we moving ."
" really ?"
" yea ."
" is ms. Niya & liyah  coming ?"
" no ... We going away for awhile so pack your things ."
" ok."
I watched kyron pack his clothes. I knocked on the door I didn't hear a response . I opened the door seeing niya talking on the phone. She didn't notice me .
" yea I'm thinking of aborting the baby because I don't want to raise a child who's father wants to walk out when shit get tough I already have a daughter to raise on my own I don't wanna do this alone."
"Abort that child and I'm killing yo ass ." I said in a calm voice
" bitch who the fuck you think you talking to ?I'm getting sick of you I hate you August I wish I never wasted my time on you , you jus don't fucking get it ."
"I don't get what ?"
" nothing is ever good enough for you ."
" what the hell you talking about?"
" I got a job you wanted me to have and you almost wanted me to quit , I'm pregnant again and you wanna walk out , you've cheated on me multiple times, had crazy hoe's come after liyah and me I stuck by your side and that's still not good enough for you who am I kidding ? I'll never be good for you jus do me ,liyah and the new baby a favor and stay the hell out of our lives we don't need you August don't ever for a second think I need your help or your money to help raise my kids."
I jus rolled my eyes at this girl mainly because I knew she was right and I didn't wanna admit it.
Kyron came running to the door with his shit case.
" I'm ready dad." Kyron said
"Good ."
I got my shit taking it to the car. I seen tears slide down Niya's face but she didn't dare look at me. Yea... Its best if we go our separate ways there's no going back to us . I guess we've lost that magical spark that we once had. I guess everything good had to come to an end.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now