I want ya bad

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- niya-
I wanted him now I hate that it took this to happen to realize it . He won't return my calls so I guess its really too late. I watched the beautiful view from my balcony it was the only thing to calm me since my beautiful daughter is asleep. I called jacob telling him what happened he talked to me giving me advice but it still didn't make me feel any better .
My door bell rung , I instantly sprung up running to the door. When I opened it I seen August with another girl.
" August I've been calling you ."
" so .. Who are you his momma?"
" look don't come here jumping in my conversations I didn't speak to  you one time so I don't know why you speaking ."
" look chill with that ok niya I wanna see my baby girl ."
" August you got her last week."
" so ."
" August you can't do that ."
" why I can't ?"
" August that's my child I birthed her you didn't ."
" so if it wasn't fa me ya wouldn't even had ha."
" that's a lie august you jus wouldn't have been the father ."
August jus laughed like what I said was a joke
" August jus because you mad at me don't mean ya gotta act like a dick."
" whatever I want liyah to spend the night ."
" no ok I barley get to spend time with her your always taking her or I have to work."
" who's fault is that?".
" August please jus leave ."
" August please jus tell her what we've been discussing so we can Leave ."
" what she talking bout ?"
" I wanna have full custody of liyah ."
" hell nah nigga that's my child your trying to take away from me .".
" ion care ."
" August you got 2 seconds to leave here."
" or what ya gon do?"
Tears filled my eyes as I pleaded  " August please ."
August wouldn't look me in the eyes he left out the house   yelling for that girl to come on.
I can't believe he thought about doing this to me after all this I don't think we could ever fixed.  he took shit too far I apologized
I slammed the door falling against it crying . I ignored everyone's phone calls , text messages, I wasn't in the speaking kinda of mood.
Next day
I woke up to loud knocking on my door. I got the walking to the door seeing chyna.
" what's been up with you?, you didn't answer anyone's phone calls and text messages."
" August pissed me off talking about  he wants full custody ."
" what he can't do that ."
I felt tears forming in the bridge of my eyes.
Chyna  rushed to my side wrapping her arms around me.
" its ok."
" how?"
"Y'all jus going through a rough patch things will get better between you two".
" you said this  before and it seemed to get worse."
" it seems like that now ?"
" yea ..."
" Trust me I know what I'm talking about "
I just sat there not saying a word.
" I love him I still want him even though what he jus did. I wish I didn't love him but I do no "
" it's ok to feel like that niya  ."
" I jus don't know what to do."
" call this nigga up and talk to him one on one ."
" it's not that easy."
" yes it will be ."
" I'll see I jus wanna be alone ."
" alright bhoo jus call meh if you need something."
" I will ."
Chyna  left the house very quickly.
- August-
I feel so fucking bad now I know how much liyah means to Niya . I don't know whether I'm mad at niya for playing games or if I'm mad that I miss her and love her . I can't do this to her
I  knocked on the door. When she opened the door she had tear stains all over her face. It kinda hurt knowing I'm the reason why.
" niya I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that I  know how much liyah means to ya and I hate knowing that you cry because of me I don't be thinking before I hurt you I love you and I sometimes I hate that I feel that without you I'm nothing."
When me and Niya  made our way to the living room she looked me at me.
" niya I'm -"
Niya slapped me ." don't tell me your fucking sorry you hurt me when I love you I don't know why I even waste my time talking to you , you jus-
I cut her off by crashing my  lips onto Niya's . I  pushed her into a corner not breaking the kiss picking Niya up by her ass pushing her against the wall.
I carried her to the bedroom laying Niya on the bed removing the  shirt she had  on . I laid  my lips all over her  chest all the way up  to her  lips.
After we got done I tried to kiss her but she pushed me away.
" look I know that didn't mean shit to you but it meant something to me baybeh I love you I don't want them other girls jus please let me back in ."
" why should I august ? You tried to take my daughter away from me. ".
" I'm sorry I wasn't thinking."
" I know and that's why I don't wanna be with you anymore ."
" so you wanted to be with me ?"
" yes you dumb nigga ."
" why didn't you tell me ?"
" because I wanted you to work for what you wanted but you don't think you don't do shit right with us so I'm done ."
" niya ."
" don't say my name ."
" look I'm sorry."
" I'm sick of you saying sorry  do something to show me you sorry ."
" like what I'll do it ?"
" like get the hell out of my house .
" niya please don't be like that ."
" I don't wanna keep doing this with yo ass ."
" I know jus please give me a chance to straighten this out ."
" look August I'm done."
" so you done ?"
" yea I am ."
" you know you not ."
" whatever.".
I tried to wrap my arms around her but she pushed Me off walking to the balcony. When the sunlight hit her she looked as if she glowed. She was something beautiful that I didn't wanna let go.
" please niya ."
" no nigga ."
Niya opened the door making me exit her house.
I looked back at Niya before getting into my car. I felt like a failure this wasn't posed to happen.
- Niya-
I don't know what Im'a do I can't keep continuing to live like this . I don't need a man I need to date my career and stop adoring niggas who don't appreciate what they have while they have it. Its like ever since he fucked up with me at the tattoo parlor we kinda fell off. Maybe we aren't meant to be anymore . I walked into liyahs room sitting down on a pink chair nearby jus looking at her sleep. She was starting to look a lot like August. I couldn't help it I broke down in tears.
" liyah I've tried to make things work with your father but I guess it wasn't enough I wish you didn't have to be in the middle of this but I'll do anything to keep you with me and have your father apart of your life . "
Damn I'm talking to liyah about my problems and she's only 5months old . I need help badly only if my mother were here .
- August-
Ever since that lil run in with faith me and niya have fallen apart I wish things could be the same way they used to be . I want her back she's everything I need . I don't wanna be the father without actually being there for liyah. I want her to know that her father actually cares for her and loves her and her mother.
I went to the strip club called Mascotto. I sat in the v.I.p. section with chris, tyga, trey, & mel.
They were lit asf drinking and burning up while I jus sat there watching strippers dance.
" aye nigga what's up wid ya ?"
Mel asked
" I fucked up with niya and I want ha back ."
" all these girls in this club and ya stuck on ha ." tyga said rolling up " nigga shut up not every nigga wanna be a hoe." Trey said
" if ya want her you better do something take it back to the beginning. "
" ight thanks bruh ."
" now can you turn up wid us ?" Tyga asked High asf
" nah Im'a in my girl back ."
" I respect that ." Michael said dapping me
I ran out the club getting in my old school Chevy. I had to take it back . I went to Niya's house knocking at the door. When she opened the door she was dressed up in a pretty short cut dress.
" hey ."
" liyah isn't here she's with chyna ."
" I didn't come for her I came to talk to you ."
" can you make it quick? I got somewhere to be ."
" look niya I know I've said sorry  but I know that it don't make it better but know this I ain gon stop trying to get ya back I love you niya Yasmina Iverson I will  drop everything and everyone for you baybeh I want us ."
" August I'm not gon sit her and lie to you but I want you too but we ain gon rush into this relationship but I'm willing to give us one more shot if it don't work out then its what it is ."
" thanks baybeh ."
With that I picked her up kissing her lips .
" na the real question is where you going looking so sexy ?"
" hmm.. Well I was going to go to the club but now that we together I wanna stay here with you ."
" there's something I gotta do before we actually become official."
I called esha telling her we were done and I looked at niya who smiled at me.
" I'm proud of you August."
I pecked Niya's lips wrapping my arms around her waist.
" I love you ."
" I love you too."
" you better ."
" trust Me I do."
Me and my baby cuddled up watching a movie on hallmark. Gotta love this girl .
That bitch think she clever messing with my man. She won't have him for long. I know that's why he left me but trust and believe me I'm getting that old thing back with August whether I gotta put lil liyahs& lil kyrons life in a lil  twist . I have to find someone who had a past relationship with niya.
Flash back
August came in the house furious. But he didn't think I as in the there.
August phone conversation:
"Man she still in love with her ex cherasonto august.. Yes that nigga..he did her worse than I did....man nah... I love her.. She pissed me off tho...yea .. Esha cool but she my girl ...I like ha some what... Ight...man.."
End of August phone conversation
When I heard his foot steps approaching the room I was I quickly ran to the closet hiding underneath clothes. The lights flashed on , his shoes past the closet , & he sat on his bed then he left out the house. After I heard the front door slam I quickly ran to the living room grabbing my Car keys and leaving.
End of flash back
Now I think I have a plan.
I found cherasonto on Facebook he agreed to meet me at McDonald's so let's see how this plays out.
Hey let me jus say things bout to get messy , dangerous , & intense so ya better stay tuned.
Quick question ❓❔
Is my story predictable ? I kinda need ideas to keep this story running .
Anyways hope y'all not mad at me for August behavior && should I make a sequel to this ???
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