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I watched as niya slept, I was gon miss this and being around her watching out for her. I love this girl and there's nobody that can make me change my mind. I couldn't wait for the deal to pop off between me DJ Khaled , & Chris Brown & Fetty wap. I'm already releasing my music. I'm starting to get noticed girls are starting to love me but they need to know I love my one and only Niya Iverson.
I eventually went to sleep  when I woke up I seen mel in the kitchen with girls cooking for them.
"Hey uncle August we heard you on the radio" Chay said
" yea I know" I said cheesing
" how'd you get on there?" Amaya asked
"I put my stuff on YouTube and some people noticed me and I went Chris Brown party and he wants to do a song with me" I said with excitement
" that's great uncle august" kaykay said
" I'm happy for you bro I knew you could make it" Mel said dapping me up.
" thanks bro" I said
" when you going on tour?" Mel asked
" 2 months" I said
" that'll be here before you know it"
" don't say that but we need to think about what we doing for Niya's birthday" I said
" when is aunty Niya's birthday?" Chay asked
" it's in 2 days " I said
" wow I need to get her something" kaykay said
" I'll take y'all to them mall tomorrow" Mel said
" I'll go with y'all since I gotta do some shopping" I said .
Then niya walked in the living room with a long T-shirt and her long hair in a messy bun. she was so beautiful.
"Good morning everybody" niya said wiping the sleep out her eyes
" morning" me & everyone said smiling
" what y'all talking bout?" niya asked taking her hair loose
" Nothing" I said quickly but not to quick to make her sense anything
" oh okay " she said rubbing her belly
" you hungry?"mel asked looking at the pancakes on the stove
"Yes we starving" niya said rubbing her big stomach once more
"I'll fix ya plate bae relax" I said pulling her up a chair. She sat in the chair across from the girls.
" will the baby be a girl or boy?" Chay asked
"We don't know yet" niya said smiling
After we all ate I'm thinking about taking my baby out to the mall and Im'a surprise her ass.
"Baby get dressed I'm taking you to the mall I gotta make an appearance at trigga event and I want us to be fly"
" ok august" niya said smiling
I got in the shower when I get out I saw niya sitting on the bed already dressed. I walked over to her kissing her on her lips carefully, because soon Im'a miss doing this .
" ready to go?" I asked
"Yea "
I held her hand walking to the car carefully opening the door to my car . I helped niya in before getting in the driver's seat.
We rode to the mall blasting Nothing like me by Tyga

•°•°The Mall•°•°
We walked in many stores getting my baby and I some dope ass clothes. When she was changing a girl with long  wavy brown hair, brown skin, thick body shape, and deep dimples approached me.
" OMG your August alsina" she said casually
" yea that's me" I replied chuckling
" I'm a big fan when I first heard you I fell in love with your music" she exclaimed smiling hard
" thanks I appreciate that" I said adjusting my shades
" can I get a picture with you?"
" yea"
We took 2 pictures
" thanks august I can't wait for your tour I think you'll do great"
" thanks what's your name?"
" I'm jalissa"
" well jalissa thanks what's your Instagram so I can show everyone that your my biggest fan"
When I said that she really started blushing & cheesing
" its jalissa_.Bhaddd._bishh"
I typed it in my phone following her being followed by her.
" thanks August" jalissa said
" no problem jalissa" I said
" well I'll see you at one of my concerts right?"
" most definitely" she said
" ight"
" can I ask a question?" She asked with a curious edge
" yea"
" is that pregnant girl your girlfriend?"
"Yea she is "
" aww y'all goals"
"Thanks "
" well Im'a go now" jalissa said checking her phone
" ight "
Soon as jalissa left niya came out the dressing room
" who was that?" Niya asked
" a fan " I said smiling knowing she was jealous
" what ya smiling for nigga?" She asked putting her hand on her hip
" the fact that you jealous baybeh if you mine what you mad for? " I asked leaning on the wall facing her
" ion know August its jus-"
" what's the problem baby talk to me"
" August I'm scared that once you get on tour that'll  you'll get bored of me since I'll be away and you'll fall for another girl"
She said with tears almost in her eyes
" niya I love you I wouldn't do that to you , you gotta trust me " I said looking in her beautiful brown eyes.
" ight August I'll trust you" she said finally
" good"
I kissed her then I heard cameras flashing I grabbed bae hand and ran out the mall .
We quickly put our bags in the trunk getting in the car going home.
" uncle august you were on TV" Amaya
" I was ?" I asked confused
" so was aunty niya" Kaykay said
" its on TV now" Chay said grabbing our hands leading us to the living room. We watched as TMZ had me and niya in their show as a new couple . They acknowledged that she was pregnant. Not a surprise tho.
I smiled at my baby
"Aww they said we a cute couple"Niya said smiling.
" you should already know that Baby" I said kissing her lips
"Ewww" the girls said
" get out then" I said laughing & kissing niya back
They ran out laughing
" I'm gonna take a nap bae" niya said walking to the room
" ok"
I watched niya walk to the room closing the door behind her. I went to mel room seeing tori in there.
"Hey Aug" tori and mel said at the same time
"Hey" I said
" what's up?" Mel asked
" nun now I'll leave y'all two alone"
"Ight" they both said.
I walked out the room going in the in another room .I texted the girls asking what niya likes and I let them on her birthday surprise. Everything set except the cake . That can wait for now.
I go back in the room with my baby and she looked kinda stressed out .
"What's wrong bae" I said sighing getting in the bed
"Ion think I'm going to be a good mother "
"Niya where you getting that from?"
"A lot of people(girls) on Instagram, Facebook, twitter,& blogs think I'm only getting pregnant for your fame and money and I'm unfit"
Damn I can tell she letting this go to her head,she shouldn't. Them haters don't know her like I do so ion know why she tripping over them.
" Niya don't listen to them they don't know you like I do and they jus mad because they can't  get pregnant by me and live lavishly with me. Baby I got you I promise ."I said rubbing Circles⚪ on her back.
"thanks baby"
I kissed her lips brushing the hair out her face.
After august managed to cheer me up he fell asleep like he actually did something. Meanwhile I got up I heard august phone going off. He had a lot of direct messages. I know I shouldn't be nosey but I have to.
I seen nude pics in August DM .I turned the screen off and walked out the room.
Tears streamed my eyes, just when I thought we was doing good I guess we not. I can't believe he did this before my birthday.
2hours later
Everyone left except me and August.
August comes in the living room dressed.
" niya why ain you dressed?"
"I'm not going"
" why?"
"Ion wanna talk to you August "
I tried to walk past him but he grabbed my arms making me come back.
"Why ain you going ?Be honest don't tell me no bull shit about the haters" August said getting serious
" why girls sending you pictures?"I asked crossing my arms
" no girls sending me pictures "
" check ya phone nigga I know what I seen"I said yelling
He checked his phone seeing  a Nude.
" ion have nothing to do with that "
" how I know that? She been making post all day about how y'all met at the mall and you want her to go to all your concerts and she posted pictures of you two together. Then she said y'all talk wtf august!"
"Chill before you hurt my baby" August said
"Your baby?" I laughed between my sentences"I'm having the baby not you August "
"Look I ain got nothing going on with jalissa"
" how you know the hoe name?"
"Look I did meet her but we didn't have anything going on I promise you "
" it's gon take more than words to make me believe you"
With that I walked into the room slamming the door.
"Stop slamming my damn doors" August yelled
" fuck you" I yelled back
I heard August muttering something and then I heard the door slam. I laid in the bed crying.
Damn that groupie hoe ruined my damn relationship with my niya. Ion know how to get her back I really hope she don't leave me like she almost did the first time . I thought I would never see her again and I have a feeling that Im'a feel like that.
•°•°Trigga Event•°•°
When I get there hoes were everywhere and I seen Chris and trey.
" aye you made it" Chris said dapping me
" yea" I said showing off my grill
"Congrats man on your success enjoy the party?" Trey said drinking whatever was in his cup
I nodded my head adjusting my shades.
I walked finding a table with a bottle of vodka. Ion think I should drink that because I know I'll fuck up.
Then I spotted jalissa, is this bitch following me or what?
I walked over to her.
" August"
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm Trey's little sister"
" what ?"
"I'm treys sister"
" oh why you sent pics to my phone?"
" I didn't mean too I meant to send them to my boy friend."
"Well my girlfriend saw it and wasn't too happy about it" I said feeling mad all over again
" I'm so sorry "
" please don't let it happen again"
" it won't "
" good now go find ya man " I said using my thick accent
She walked away from me. I called and called niya but she wouldn't answer them. I sat at a table watching the party.
"Aye you posed to be having fun what's wrong?" Trey asked
" problems with my girl" I said sighing
" aye maybe I can help jus talk to me" he said sitting across from me"what's going on?"
" this fan girl I met at the mall starting shit sending me pictures, and making post saying we talking on the low" I said taking my shades off rubbing my eyes
"Damn ... Jus talk to her some more and just ask her to trust you so can prove her wrong I gotta go host so take care August"
I nodded listening to the song blasting
Shit was going good girl
Now it's looking bad girl
Can we take it back girl
Uh no you gave me a
Task girl clean up my
Act girl.... Would you
Mind if I came by to do
The things ya like
I rushed out the club going back home . when I got there she was on the floor crying. I sat beside her

" baby I would never hurt you she just another groupie who want attention I swear we ain got nothing going on jus trust me please niya"
She jus cried on the floor I held her while she did that. I don't wanna loose what we got now over jalissa hoe ass.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now