Be here

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Ion know what to think anymore August is fine asf and he's bout to be known everywhere and he's going to meet prettier girls and I don't know if he's going to cheat on me because things right now aren't looking so good.
I'm looking right at you
But your not there I'm
Seeing right past you
But you seem well awake
Ya body is here but your
Mind is somewhere else
So far gone and you
Think I can't tell can't tell
That you are disconnected
You pulled away and I miss
Your presence and I always
Said to ya baby you should be
I felt tears fall down my cheek listening to the words of the song. I could relate to it , then August came back.
" please stop crying I didn't do nothing wrong why don't you trust me!" This time he was yelling
" I don't like trusting anyone I date because the first boy I ever loved hurt me and I'm scared it'll be that way again because its starting to look that way" I said looking dead in his eyes with tears
" well I'm not like him I ain never cheated on you I love niya things I'm doing now I ain never done with  another bitch! Your my first mother of my child and I really love you and I wanna have a future with you but if you gon let dumb hoe's get between us then ion know about that you should trust me like I trust you"
" August ion know what to do "I said confessing
" look niya do you love me ?"
" yes I do August" I said looking him in the eyes
" That's all I need to know that means we should keep this relationship strong "
" ok August I'm sorry"
" its cool baybeh "
We hugged and he kissed my head. I kinda feel somewhat wrong for accusing August.
I followed August to the kitchen sitting on the counter.
" girl what you want ?"
" its like that " I said pretending to be hurt
"Yep" he said popping the p
" well fuck yo ass then" I said walking out the kitchen
" damn niya I was jus playing" he said chasing after me
" you better be " I said pecking his lips
" niya ion never wanna loose you" August said I could tell he was serious
" I know august and I don't wanna loose you either."
" but tomorrow I got an interview and I want you to be there. "
" fine I'll be there " I said smiling
" thanks babe" August said hugging me from behind.
" so what we doing  for the rest of  the night?" I asked looking back at august who jus smiled at me
" its up to you "he replied rubbing my baby bump
" I wanna play 2k16"I said with my puppy eyes , because he usually says 'Hell Nah that's a mans game'
He hesitated then he rubbed his chin.
" fine" he sighed
" thanks August" I said hugging him
" jus know Im'a beat yo ass" August said grabbing the x box 1 controllers
" what ever nigga" I said
" ight see you bout to earn ya self detention with Mr. Alsina"
" boy I ain in school no more " I said with sass
" ight that tone will get you dicked down so if I were you I would quit" he said in his thick accent biting his bottom lip
" ight daddy" I replied teasing him
He didn't say nun but I noticed he was getting hard ,I laughed to my self amused by how he's acting
We played a few games and I won 2-3 he won the last one .
"Told you I was gon whoop yo ass bae" august said laughing
" I almost won" I said pouting
" I was toying with you because then you would get even more upset that I won all the games " he said sticking his tongue out
" yea right ass hole " I said throwing the controller down walking to the kitchen
" niya don't tell me you mad because I let you win "
" you know I hate that shit " I replied crossing my arms
" well I'm sorry bae thought it would make the game easier"
" well it didn't I ain playing 2k wid yo ass no more "
" niya don't be like that"
" shut up August"
" damn you petty"
" fuck you"
I stayed silent not answering the question. The silence was soon filled with laughter from August
I walked out the room slamming the door in his face and locked him out.
" bruh open the door I said I was sorry and its not a big deal anyways."
I jus tuned him out falling asleep.
When I woke up I seen August right next to me.
" nigga how you get in here?"
" I know how to pick locks "
" what don't you do?" I asked annoyed
" umm... I don't know" August said knowing he was getting on my last nerves.
" I'm going back to sleep "
I fell asleep feeling his arms around me , somehow it didn't comfort me anymore.
•°•°In the morning •°•°
August was in the closet picking out a outfit.
"Good morning or are you still mad at a nigga?" August asked facing me
" I ain mad no more"
" good "
" what you wearing ?"
"I wanted us to match "
" uh..I'm wearing my Versace shirt and my leather joggers and white retros "
" ight I think I got something to match that"
" ight well I'll let you get dressed"
I watched as August exited the room. I washed up quickly putting my hair in a high neat bun applying very little makeup. I went in the closet picking out a
Versace shirt and some black joggers with black & gold on them with my black retros. I grabbed my big diamond studs putting them in my ear .
I walked in the living room seeing August on his phone.
" you ready?" he asked getting up
"Yea " I said
We got in his foreign riding to the radio station. I didn't say much but now the rumors cleared up and everyone knows about August and his upcoming tour . when we finished we went to McDonald's and I ordered half the damn menu.
" damn bae take it easy" August said looking at my food
I ignored him and began eating like I haven't been fed in days
" dang" I heard August muttered
I laughed to myself a little.
"What ya laughing at?"
"You" I replied with a mouth full of fries
" jus cuz you pregnant don't mean you gotta be nasty" August said scrunching his face up
I grabbed some more fries stuffing them In my mouth chewing with my mouth open.
"Damn niya stop"
" fine"
"Thank you" august said in relief
We drove back to the crib in silence . when we got home I seen Mel's , tori's, and an other unfamiliar car in the drive way.
When we walked in we saw the girls , tori , mel, & this skinny dark skin man with gold chains around his neck. He had curly hair and tattoos around his neck and hands.
" aye d-money" August said dapping him up
"What's up Aug who's this fine thing?"
When he said that I rolled my eyes and I looked at August who laughed to be polite
" this my girlfriend niya, niya baby this my good friend d-money"
I nodded my head simply because I don't exactly trust that nigga .something tells me that he's not who he say he is but Im'a
Leave it for now  cuz  I don't know him.
"Hey aunty niya" the girls said hugging me
" hey girls"I said hugging them back
" hey tori" I said seeing her all hugged up on Mel
" hey girl" tori said getting up to hug me" you starting to show how many weeks we talking?"
"5weeks" I replied happily
" August you having a baby congrats bro" d-money said
"Thanks D" August said holding my hand
" august Im'a be in the room" I walked in the room calling Morgan &The rest of my besties
We deciding to meet up at This Chinese restaurant.
30minutes later
There was a knock at the door.
I looked in the peep hole seeing Morgan.
"Hey you ready? Morgan said checking her phone
"Aye bae where you going ?"
August asked coming into the room.
"Damn nigga chill out she going out to eat with me and the girls we got her " Morgan said rolling her eyes
" ight well have fun" august said kissing me
" eww" morgan said
" that's the same thing  I said when Michael said he fucked you" August said laughing
" your such a bitch august" Morgan said
I laughed at them both
" let's go before I whoop his light skin ass" Morgan said
"You light skinned too" August said
" but I'm mixed so bitch bye" Morgan replied popping the p
Me & Morgan walked to the car
We went to little China and I seen the girls.
" hey niya" the girls said
" hey y'all "
" we saw you and august on TMZ" kyndall said twisting her orange braids.
" yea"
" anyways what you naming the baby?" Kehlani asked smiling
" me & and august haven't decided that yet"
" oh well we the god mothers right ?" The girls asked
" y'all already know" I said smiling
" Im'a spoil you & August baby"  Nicki said smiling
" I bet "
We ate talking about very little things . Morgan was texting somebody then she nearly fell out her chair
"What's wrong ?" Kyndall asked
" Michael proposed" Morgan said
" OMG what you gon say?"
"Yes" Morgan said blushing with tears falling down her cheek
" awww I'm happy for y'all "I said smiling
She texted Michael back her answer we talked about that for a lil bit then we all went home. When I got home everyone was gone except d-money.
"Hey baby girl" d-money said flashing his grill which were detailed with diamonds
" please don't call me that" I said annoyed
" you feisty ?" He asked getting closer
" mind ya business ok and back the fuck up" I said pushing him away
" I like your aggressiveness" he said licking his lips
" nigga bye" I said walking to my room I locked it so he wouldn't get in and if he picked the lock I would shoot his ass because I know were August put the gun.
I took a shower and when I got out I seen August laying on the bed.
" hey baby" I said kissing his lips only being pulled on top of him
" hey" he said in his thick accent
" I missed you" I said playing in his curls
" I missed you too" he said rubbing my thighs
" good but you need to get ya friend D-money"
" what he do?" August sighed looking up at me
" he was flirting with me august"
" what?!?" August said putting me on the other side of the bed
" he was flirting with me"
I told August and he jumped out the bed and a few minutes later I heard him yelling and mel came in my room.
" what's going on with August & D" mel asked
" d was flirting with me"
"Damn "
Then we heard glass shattering , me and mel ran to D's room. We saw holes in the wall, glass on the floor. D had August in a choke hold.
" get the fuck off him" I yelled

Mel punched d in the face making him loose his balance. Then d pulled out a gun, and a  shot was fired . I looked at August who was perfectly fine, I looked at myself and noticed I was fine then my gaze went to mel who was bleeding everywhere on his chest.
Me and August ran to Mel's side .
" niya call 911 get help" August yelled.
I called 911 as I was told and I told them everything. An ambulance was sent and a cop car was out front. The police arrested d and the paramedics put mel on a stretcher. He wasn't doing so good.
" is he ok please help him" August screamed at the paramedics
" we'll do all we can we ask if you meet us at the hospital"the paramedic said in a gentle tone
August put his shoes on racing to the car.
" August I'll go with you"
" no stay here you caused a lot tonight " August said with anger
I jus nodded my head letting tears falling down my face as I closed the door.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now