Insecurities & Love

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After me and niya made love I brushed the hair out her face kissing her lips.
" I love ya."
"I love you too August."
"Ya better." I said kissing her ear
"Boy stop I don't want another round I don't need to be super sore."
So you don't want some more of this good dick?"I said biting my lip
" well.. " she said twirling her hair around her finger
" so round 2?"
" yea."
After we got done making love I went to the kitchen seeing kyron sitting on the floor eating a chocolate bar.
" what you doing up partna?"
I asked sitting next to him
" I got hungry and I'm thinking about skiya."
" who's that and your already crushing ."
" the girl at Chucky cheese."
" oh I seen her she was cute."
"Who? " niya asked coming into view
" the girl kyron was with ."
" oh she was cute."
" mom..." Kyron whined
I seen Niya's face blush
"Well my bad ." she said walking out the kitchen
" I can try to set you up with her on a play date."
" for real ?"
" yea ."
I laughed at kyrons blushing face, he must be in 'love' with this girl
" thanks dad."
I smiled watching him walk to his room .
I chuckled at my son he is mine I'll tell you that he pick up girls jus like Me too. I walked back to my room getting in my bed laying next to niya.
" so I was thinking we could try to have another baby after you get settled in your job."
" August I don't know ."
" please I really want one."
" I know but I don't ."
" please don't think about it."
"Fine I'll let you know when I decide."
" ight."
I hugged niya kissing her head. I ain even gon worry about it because I know I'm gon get another. She gon feel guilty after while.
I went to sleep wrapping my arms around her.
I played in August curls as he slept. He was adorable but challenging. I loved him tho, I couldn't help but to. I really hope that me not wanting another baby is going to affect our relationship . its not that I don't want another one it's jus that I'm just starting this job. I don't want to miss any days because of pregnancy issues. I can't just live off of August money for the rest of my life, because what if we break up again? What if he gets cut from the label? I know I shouldn't think like that but I'm a mother now. Its not jus about me we have a beautiful daughter together and I wanna give her the best. I should work out because in the world of modeling they strict on thickness. I slipped out of August grip going to the exercise room. I put my head phones on putting my playlist on shuffle getting on the treadmill . I worked on it for 3 hours then I did sit ups, push ups, and toe touches. Then I felt somebody behind me.
" damn that ass fat." August said whispering in my ear
" boy if you don't move."
" or what ?"
" you'll find out if you don't move."
" ight but why you working out tho? Your shape is sexy."
" they strict on thickness baby."
" your shape is beautiful don't let them stuck up hoes tell you different."
" thanks baby."I said kissing him
I love Him because he always know what to say.
" now get yo ass in that shower."
" ok daddy." I said skipping to the shower.
When I got to the bathroom I turned the shower on to some warm water. I walked to my closet picking out my outfit.
[A/N: one above]
Once I got in the shower I washed my body thoroughly before rinsing. When I dried off I put my wet hair in a long braid. Then I did my hygiene routine. I put on my outfit walking Into the room seeing august laying on the bed.
" damn where you going ?"
" I got a photo shoot."
August bit his lip motioning me to come to him. I crawled my way to him on the bed. August leaned into me giving me a passionate kiss , I kissed back wrapping my legs around his waist.
" girl you make me wanna give you some of Mr. alsina."
" maybe later I gotta leave in 45 minutes."
" we get it in by then."
" no august."
" but baby I'm horny ."
" look master bate I'm all yours later."
" niya please."August pleaded
" august I gotta go."
" fine you better be all mine when you get back."
" august I promise I will now give me another kiss."
I leaned into him letting our lips crash Into one another's.
Then we broke apart. I grabbed my phone and purse putting on my black heels.
" bye august."
" bye niya good luck at work."
August hugged me Before I went to the kids room hugging and kissing their cheeks. I got in my lambo august bought me for my birthday going to the building.
I checked in with their receptionist at the front desk.
" who are you here to see?"
"Ms. Dean I'm one of her new models."
" let me see your I.D. please."
I showed the receptionist my I. D.
Then she gave it back to me.
" ok Ms. Iverson she's in room 128."
" thank you."
I made my to the elevator seeing jacob Latimore. I hope my fan girl don't come out. When we made eye contact he jus smiled.
At me .
" what's your name ?" He asked me
I jus looked around at the elevator .
" me?"
" yea you ."
" ohh... I'm niya."
" I've seen you around before ."
" probably on blogs ,magazines I'm August alsina's girlfriend."
" wow ."
" why you seemed so surprised."
" you look better in person."
" thanks ."
" were are you headed ?"
" room 128."
"Me too."
" OMG that's so cool."
Jacob looked at me smiling.
" fan girl much?"
" yea been one since I was 15."
" aye that's wassup."
" yea but why are you going to room 128?" Jacob asked staring at the button on the elevator
" I'm a model now."
" ok ok ."
" why you here?" I asked turning my attention to him
" I got a photo shoot for my video."
" oh that's good."
" yea."
The elevator doors opened and we both walked Into room 128.
" hello jacob who's this pretty lady with you?"
"This is Niya she's one of your models."
" oh yea that's right come along now we got work to do."
Ms. Dean rushed me and jacob into pur individual dressing rooms. I was rushed into hair and makeup. Once they were done me and jacob were on set.
" well since skia didn't show up I guess you'll have to be the girl in Jacobs pictures."
" ok that's cool ." I said smiling
For the first picture They sat me on a desk with jacob standing in front of me holding my hand. On my second picture they jacob wrap his arms around me. Then on the last couple of the pictures have been great. After his photo shoot he went to His fruit table .
I went over to him.
" good job with the photo shoot."
" you too beginner ."
" thanks ."
" well here's my number I got a show to do in Brooklyn today ."
We exchanged phones .
"Ight bye best friend." Jacob said hugging me
"Bye." I said smiling
I can't believe jacob Latimore called me best friend
" ms. Iverson come on we still have your photo shoot to do."
" ok."
I walked back to the set which they changed the back drop.
" give us fierce poses ." the photographer said pointing the camera at me
" ok."
I put one hand on my hip turning one side to the camera not smiling but giving a pretty face.
" love it."the photographer said smiling" now give the diva."
I flipped my hair like I was the shit.
" perfect.. Freestyle."
" can I jump?"
" make it happen."
I jumped smiling nice and pretty.
" wow that's an amazing shot."
Then the door swing open.
" Channel ." ms. Dean said
" who's this you have doing my gig?"
" she's new this is Niya."
"I know who she is."
Then I remembered she's the one who's been with august when we broke up.
" well niya we'll see you tomorrow you did great."
" thank you but can you print my pictures and send them to me?"
" yes we certainly can."
" ok then...I'll see you tomorrow at?"
" 12:15."
I nodded walking out the door only for my shoulder to be bumped by channel . this bitch better chill I ain do shit to her .
When I got in my car I stopped by McDonalds getting a chicken sandwich with a sprite. I ate as I drove when I got home I walked in Kyron's room seeing him sleep. I walked in my daughters room seeing liyah sleep. I walked in august room seeing him laying down but he didn't look happy .
Damn what I do now?
" what's wrong August."
" you messing with another nigga?"
" no august."
"What's this?"
August asked showing me a picture of me and jacob .
" August that was a damn photo shoot."
" what was he doing with you like that?"
" look the girl who had to do wasn't there so they asked me to fill in ok why would I cheat on you august I love you and I wouldn't dream of doing that to you ."
" sorry don't ever let me catch another nigga on you I love you too much if you want a nigga in your pictures I'm here."
" ok august."
" gimme kiss."
I pecked his lips feeling his hands slip down my waist clutching my ass.
" you know what I told you when you left the house."
" right ."
" so baby girl strip down but keep them heels on."
After we was done I heard liyah making a big fuss. I quickly put on my robe walking Into her room taking her out the crib.
" shh .. Don't cry liyah its ok."
I held her in my arms before she went back to sleep.
I walked into me and august room laying on the bed.
" She ok?"
" yea she was jus sleepy."
" something you should be ." august said laughing deep and sexy
" trust me I am."
"I know."
" Niya I jus want you to know that every time I get jealous and over protective is because I love you and I don't wanna see you leave ."
" august I ain going no where."
" I won't let you go."
" good."
" so how was modeling."
" great they want me back tomorrow."
" that's great ."
" thanks."
I can't believe they had that girl in my spot. They couldn't be anymore serious. She's not even ready to do that . plus she's August ex I can't be benefitted with any female that had something I slept with or been with. She better not get in the way of my money or my way because if she do she's in for a rude awakening.
- August-
As niya slept I watched her , sometimes I Think she gon leave me for a nigga better than me , because all the shit I done to her. I still don't know how she stick by my side. I cheated on her , had bitches after her, made her cry, and I be gone now that I'm getting recognized, and kyron isn't her child I know all of that hurts her every time she looks at me. I gotta do better , or she'll Leave me for someone better.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now