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I'm feeling niya a lot now but I think she think of me as a nigga friend. Ion know but I ain gon rush Into anything if it happen it just happen
I smiled thinking bout how I had her pinned from the back. She don't know she was bout to get the dick.
I went back in the living room with my brother sitting on the couch.
"Where the girls at?"
"They in they room"
"What's up with you and niya?" Mel asked paying attention to me
" nothing we friends" I said shrugging my shoulders
"Yea right I seen you bout to lay it on her" he said shaking his head
"Nah ... Well we was play fighting and ya right I was bout to lay a lil sum down" I said laughing
"You need to tell tha girl how you feel we all know that you like her"
"Ion know she got a rough past From what I hear and ion want her to hurt" I said telling him the truth
"Well you better Get her before another nigga do." Mel said with a look that told me he was serious
"Ight Mel I'll tell ha when the time right" I said
"Good now get ya ass out my face" Mel said laughing
"Nigga you in my house"  I said
"So I'll kick yo ass" Mel said
"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes
I went back to my room laying down. I heard a knock on my door I was expecting one of my nieces but it was niya.
"Wassuh niya"
"Nothing I wanted to give you your clothes back" she said handing me the outfit
"Oh thanks ma"
"No problem"
We jus looked at each other awkwardly
"Wanna come in and hang with me?" I said shrugging
I closed the door as she sat on my bed I crawled in beside her.
"Anything on ya mind shawty?" I asked looking at Niya
" well .. Since you willing to listen me I'll tell you some things about my life" she said looking down at the ground
"Well before I was in a relationship with cherasonto I was in this six year abusive relationship with Trevor Collins"
She said with tears filling her eyes.
"Don't cry ma he all in the past and if he try some shit I'll kick his ass"
I hugged niya rocking her in my arms .
"Why you so nice too me?" Niya asked
" what you mean?" I asked confused
" mainly when people nice to me they want something so what you want?" She asked
" ion want nothing from you but ya time" I said " ion know how these niggas down here do but I ain nothing like them I wanna help you get through this dumb ass shit cuz I really care bout you"
She didn't sat nothing all she did was kiss me and hold my hand.
"Ma I really wanna be there for you"
"I know" she said sighing
"Then let me be there fa ya" I said
Finally killing the silence
"Ight Augie" she said
"What I told you bout calling me that?" I asked raising  my eyebrows
"I forgot" she replied innocently
"Yea right I said the next time you call me that I was gon tear ya ass up so you might as well bend over"
"Nope" she said rolling her eyes
"Ight ma I didn't wanna have to do this"
I said pushing her pinning her down like earlier, I whispered in her ear.
" I hope yo ass learn "
" never" she said laughing
"Well Im'a always have to tear that ass up then" I said
" maybe" she said
I heard a knock on the door, I sighed in frustration letting her Go.
"Come in" I said
I seen amaya & her sisters
"Yes my lil princesses?" I asked hiding my annoyance
" we wanted to know if we could go to cousin tori house" Chay said in her sweetest voice
"Yea I'll take y'all " I said
"Thanks uncle August" they said running out the door.
I looked back at niya who was smirking.
" you got lucky" I said playfully pushing her
" nah you wasn't bout to do nothing anyways" she flaunted
"We'll see when everyone but me and you go to tori house" I said smirking
"Damn" niya said
"Yea that's what I thought" I said smiling
Niya tried getting out the bed but I grabbed her back putting my arms around her
"Where you think you going?"
"Somewhere" she replied smartly
"Don't get smart ma" I said playfully pushing her away from Me
" whatever" she said playing with her hair
" well I'll be back Im'a take my nieces & Mel to tori house" I said getting up
" ight Augie" she said running out the room
Yea she better run because when I get home she better keep running because Im'a put ha to sleep.
I grabbed my keys walking in the living room

"Aye y'all come on if y'all tryna go to tori's house" I yelled
Mel & the girls ran in the living room super quick. Especially Mel I know he like ha.( A/N: tori isn't really related to them they claim each other as cousins TBC...)
I laughed shaking my head
"Let's go "
We all I got in the car riding to tori house. I sat in the car watching Mel & the girls knock at the door. When tori came to the door Mel ass turned red. I started laughing as I drove off waving at all them. Now I got a mission to give someone some dick!  I smiled to myself thinking about the positions I could put her in.  When I walked in my house something didn't feel right, it didn't look right either. Things were thrown on the ground .I heard screaming.
I ran to Niya's room seeing a nigga trying to fuck niya. She was bruised , her clothes were torn , & her eye was swollen.
"Aye leave her alone" I said yelling making the bitch nigga turn around
" who you?" The nigga asked
" I could asked the same thing " I said balling my fist
" its best if you get the fuck out and let me take what's mine" he said looking at niya
" she ain yours nigga and she ain mine she can't be fucking owned she a human being and nigga this my fucking house so yo ass better get to stepping"
The nigga grabbed niya by her hair. I punched him making him loose his balance.
"Niya go hide in the bathroom and lock the door" I yelled fighting the nigga off
I watched as niya crawled to safety.
I started hitting that nigga with a two piece , and he punched me in the lip. I touched my lip seeing the blood.  That's when I started fighting for real and I pulled my piece out . He tried to rape my shawty and he hit me hell nah!!!!
"Aye bruh please don't shoot-
I cut him off by knocking him in the head with the gun. I cocked the gun about to shoot when I heard the door open and I heard my nieces.
"Damn" I muttered.
I grabbed the nigga going to the back yard.
"Don't come near her again or you one dead mufucka" I said releasing him.
I unloaded the gun putting it in the waist ban of my jeans walking back in the house.
"What happened to your arms uncle august?" Kaykay asked me
"I fell playing with aunty niya"
I said lying. I couldn't tell my 3 young nieces that I kill people and sell drugs they wouldn't love me the same.
"Oh" she said nodding her head
I hugged her kissing her head.
"Where ya sistas at?" i said in my thick accent
" with daddy but I think they bout to talk to aunty niya"
" they can't go in there she don't feel Good"
" I'll tell them" kaykay said
She ran somewhere in the house.
I started walking to Niya's room when I got stopped by Mel.

"What happened to you?" He asked
"I'll tell you later" I said going into Niya's room
When I walked in I seen her crying into a pillow still wearing the tattered clothes .
"Ma you ok?" I asked sitting on her bed
She continued to sob
"Ma please talk to me I wanna know what's going on." I said
" remember the guy I told you about abused me he tracked me down and he raped me" niya said sobbing
"I'm so sorry" I said patting her. Back
My mind made up Im'a kill that nigga.
"August I don't want you to see me like this please leave" she said sniffling
"Ion care how you look niya it ain that bad" I said
When she looked up at me she had a bruises on her face, neck, thighs, & stomach. The more I looked at them the more I got angry .
" August .."
" thanks but don't do anything stupid "
" ight ma but he won't come back for you ever"
She didn't say anything she jus looked at me
"What's wrong?" I asked
" nothing it's jus you have pretty eyes"
" thanks ma"
" August can you sleep with me tonight ?"
"Yea ma"
"Thanks "
I hugged niya being hugged back .
"Im'a take a shower " she said releasing me
"Ight" I said watching her leave
She grabbed her some sweats & a tank top and a towel going in the bathroom.
I walked out the room finding all the girls sleep on the couch. I took a picture of them walking out my room.
" aye Mel"I said careful not to wake the girls
"Wassuh nigga ?"
" One of her ex's came here beating and raping her"
" what?!"
I could tell my brother was getting angry
" yea"
"Where was ya ass?"
" taking y'all to tori house"
"Damn we gotta tell tha crew"
"Ion know bruh "
" we got to August we need to let the girls train niya how to fight & use a gun "
He's right  she gotta learn how to defend herself.
"Ight we'll let her meet the girls tomorrow"
"Good who gon watch the kids?"
"I'll get tori to" I said texting her seeing if she would and she agreed
" oh ight that's cool" he said cheesing like a mufucka.
"Ask her out"
"Ion know I think her and Chris date" Mel said
" well that's ya business Im'a keep my shawty safe"
"Y'all date now?"
"Not yet now ain the time"
"You right well do what you do cuz I gotta meet up chandra"
"Ight "
I walked back to the room with niya. She was already dressed .
" how you feeling ma?"
"Look how bout this I can get someone to teach ya how to fight
" when?" She asked
"Tomorrow but let me warn ya they can be mean but I think they'll like you I've known them since I was a lil youngin" I said 
"What you wanna watch?"
" nun I jus ...ion know I'm jus fucked up" she said breathing heavy
"Talk to me ma I won't judge you at all"
" August its too much for me ion know If I wanna live anymore"
"Don't say that Niya I care about you, my nieces, my brother, & tori care about you."
" Thanks August but its jus stressful I wish I never moved to Inglewood ain nothing good here"
" don't say that ma we woulda never met but how you end up here?" I asked
" My mother"
"Where is she now?" I asked
"She's dead, she was with the wrong Man he turned her into a junkie and she overdosed dying. I ran away and that's how I met Trevor. "
" damn you had a rough life but if you trust me we can get through it together."
" I trust you"
" Good"
I pecked her lips cuddling up with her fallin asleep . I was woken up by kaykay pulling my arm.
"Yes princess" I said half asleep
" I had a bad dream can I sleep with you & aunty Niya?"
" yea come on"
I picked her up putting her in the middle of me & niya . I fell asleep wrapping my arms around my niece & my shawty. Ion know when Im'a ask her out tho .

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now