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She's jus perfect in every kind of way but I don't think I can handle her pain so messed up and I'm too busy jus running my game girl after girl mistake after mistake I try to change but they always around puling Me down in bed gave you my word but they were  just broken promises broken condoms lipstick marks and unprotected sex feel like shit know I ain shit sorry won't turn back the clock baby I took advantage because I knew you wouldn't believe so I used you I'm sorry but sorry don't make it right (oh no )
I woke up next to channel , I mean she a good girl but I know we ain serious. I want Nîyä back but I made a mistake of leaving out that club with channel and then I slept wit her . I'm pretty sure that niya seen me and channel on TMZ. I've been getting calls from the girls from the trap asking me what I do to niya and what tf I'm with channel iman . I didn't explain myself I jus said that me and niya done and they had nothing else to say. Honestly I don't know how Im'a be for the next two months . I rolled over retrieving my phone from the night stand.
When I seen that paparazzi questioned niya about break up on social media I knew she would answer. I can't believe she said she don't care no more and that she gon move on. Ion know If I should try to get her back or jus be a thotty nigga  like all the other rappers. Either way that's how it's gon be for me .
I tried calling niya but she wasn't answering my calls. I left her  10 voice  messages, & 7 text messages . I guess she really don't want me no more . shit I wouldn't want myself now I know I've fucked up. I thought we could survive this damn tour but I  guess I was wrong
I laid my head back down sighing .
" you still not over her" Channel said as if she could read me Like a book
" I guess" I said signing
" its cool august I'm not over someone either"she said confessing
" really ?"
" yea but thanks for last night it made me feel better." Channel said getting up picking her clothes up going to the bathroom.
" no problem."I said to my self
After I took channel home I went back to my crib smoking heavier then ever. When I heard a knock at my door I opened it seeing
Trey, Michael, & Chris. I knew that they could tell I was high asf
" niggas what's wrong with you?" Chris asked
" ion know I'm jus fucked up" I admitted truthfully
" we know that ." Michael said taking the blunt from me and smoking it.
" what happened to you & niya?" Trey asked
" ion know my damn self ." I said
Still speaking of the truth
" well you better fix this shit because ion want to see yo ass like this it ain healthy ." Chris said
" it don't matter niya moving on she don't want me no more she said it herself."
"She jus saying that she love yo dumb ass" Michael said adjusting his last king hat.
" yea whatever " I said closing my eyes.
" aye nigga how about we surprise her we can get her up here and throw a lil party for her being pregnant with ya kid I forgot what that was called."Trey said shrugging
" its called a baby shower." Chris said
" that don't sound bad" I said thinking bout it
" well Im'a ask Morgan to help me ." Michael said walking out the house.
I only nodded my head.
" aye we gotta go jus hold it down for now." Chris said
" ight"
When they left I took a shower hearing my phone ring. I quickly hopped out the shower putting a towel around me Retrieving my phone.
" hello"
" hey you blew my phone up ." niya said
" yea I wanted to talk to you."
" about ?"
" I want you to know that I've learned my mistakes and all I ever wanted was for you to be with me through the good times and the bad . I want you back niya I haven't been the same without you lately . please come stay with me and be with me on tour ion care about what my manager says I jus want you and my unborn child to be with me ."
" august that was really sweet but I don't know . what happened with you and channel iman ? Was she not good enough for you either ??" Niya said hurt but her words hurt me the most. It felt as if they were stabbing my chest. I wondered if it hurt because part of It was true or if it was coming from her.
" No we didn't have any feelings we used each other to get over our ex's but it didn't work I still love you niya I'm sorry."
"August I'll think about it ."
"Yea August"
" ight I guess I'll let you go"
End of phone conversation
Whatever tyga said to Morgan it worked.
I put my whit shirt and my red basket ball shorts on.
I sat in my room writing and listening to beats my DJ & producer came up with. They weren't too bad either.
I don't know if I should go back to august . seeing that he moved on quickly and slept with another girl hurt me in ways I couldn't describe. Maybe I should it wouldn't be good for the baby to be far apart from her father.
I called August maybe when he ask me I'll make up my mind officially.
" hello" said in his thick accent making me blush
"Hey August"
" you thought about it?"
" yea we can't try this relationship again ."
"Really?" I could tell he was excited now I really know he missed me.
" yea august"
" Im'a send someone to Bring you up you should get here by tonight."
" ight well Im'a pack "
" ight see ya soon ma"
End of phone conversation
I smiled to myself going in the closet picking my clothes out putting them in my suit case
Then my door opened .
" where you going ?" Mel asked curiously
" me and August back together he wants me to come and stay with him." I said still packing
" oh shit he asked me and the girls to come with as well see if ya fine ass friend Kelsi can come ."
" its jus like you to ask for her." I said laughing slightly
" she fine" mel said rubbing his chin
" wow that's deep." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.
" its her eyes that capture my soul I mean when I first seem her I know I had to get her she makes me feel like I've never felt before I think I could see us together with a baby and maybe ring."
" now that's deep." I said shocked of how he felt of Kelsi
" I know." Mel said walking out the room smiling
I jus shook my head continuing to pack knowing this was going to be a long night.
When we all got finished packing kelsi & kyron are coming along as well I hope august cool with that.
We got in the Mercedes truck August sent for us . I fell asleep along the ride but I was awoken by the girls asking me did I want something to eat. I couldn't say no to food so we all stopped at McDonald's to eat. As we ate I saw the same girl who claimed she was with August. When her eyes met mine she held the stare
Something about her seemed a little off . I finally looked away making conversation with my nieces. I still felt her eyes on me.
" mel can we leave that's the girl who killed my son please let's leave she's making me feel uncomfortable." I said feeling queasy
" yea " mel said I could tell he was upset and angry when I shared the news. We all retreated to the car heading back on the road. Something tells me we're almost there.
When we got to August lil condo I was amazed
" OMG this is nice." I said almost yelling
" girl calm down." Kelsi said smiling
" wow"
The door opened and I seen August I ran to his arms kissing him. He kissed me back smiling in between . when we stopped he hugged his nieces and Mel,  then his eyes met Kelsi's & kyrons
" who this?" August asked.
" it's my best friend from back in the day." I said standing close to her
" oh" August said I could tell he wanted to say something but he didn't so we all got settled in our rooms.
" niya stop let me unpack ya things you shouldn't have to do that Im'a do it " August said grabbing my suit case
" August you don't have to do that I can handle it myself." I said
" niya stop being stubborn and let me help you." August said getting impatient
" fine" I said laying on the bed
I watched as August unpacked my clothes and shoes putting them where they needed to be.
August laid next to me jus staring at me.
" what!?" I asked getting a little annoyed of him jus staring
" nothing I jus missed you I'm glad you wit me I thought that we wouldn't be together anymore." August said wrapping his arms around me
" I know and I missed you too." I said admitting my true feelings
" good I'm not going to let go." August said holding me tight
I loved the way he comforted me , I showed me how much I missed it.
" I don't want you to." I said kissing his lips
When he kissed Me back I felt what I've been missing for weeks.
" I love you niya."
" I love you too august."
" some of my fans wanna meet my girlfriend to get rumors cleared up so I  got us a gig to     B.  E .T. " august brushing my hair
"Ight I'll go." I said
" great I'll call a stylist for you in the morning." August said
I giggled a little , its going to take  me awhile to get used to this lifestyle.
" ok August" I said
I got up grabbing one of August white t-shirts going in the bathroom getting me a white towel and some soap getting into the shower. Once I lathered the soap onto my body I began thinking about everything. Especially that hoe who kept staring at me at McDonalds. Why was she even staring at me?
I pushed the thoughts out of my head finishing my shower. I grabbed the towel hanging from the rack putting it across my body carefully stepping out the shower. I put my hair in a messy bun , after that I lathered lotion on my body then putting on my undergarments and august shirt.
When I walked in the room I seen august sitting up It looked as if he we're thinking about something that he didn't want to say out loud.
" what you thinking about?" I asked sitting next to August
" you" he said looking at me
" why?" I asked turning my attention back at him
" I jus get scared that Im'a loose you in some kind of way."
" your not I promise you." I said holding his hand " but there's something I need to tell you."
" what is it ?" August asked as if he going to hear something bad.
" I saw that girl who killed our child August she kept staring at me I think she's plotting something else August ." I said with a sudden fear in my eyes.
" where did you see her?" August asked holding me
" McDonald's" I said
" I swear she won't get that close to you again." August said gripping harder
" ok"
" get some sleep we got a big day tomorrow." August said rubbing circles on my back
I nodded my head laying next to august. I watched as he turned the light off crawling in bed next to me. I jus looked at his beautiful eyes feeling his arms around me. Then I fell asleep.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now