Don't kill the fun

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When I heard the footsteps I turned seeing the mysterious waitress with the mask. Her grin curled into a wicked smirk. I got up wiping the vomit from my lips looking the girl dead in her face. I tried to walk out the restroom but she blocked the exit. What was with this girl ?
" please can I get out I wanna go home I don't feel good jus please move ."
" fine jus don't drink too much."
With that she walked out the restroom. Did this bitch poison my drink ? It couldn't be everyone had it and nobody but me threw up. I walked back to my table sitting next to august who watched me intensely
" you ok ?"
" yea I'm fine ."
" you sure ?"
" yea I wanna go home ."
" ight let's go ."
August grabbed my purse holding my hand walking me to the car.
When we got home I collapsed on the bed taking off the heels seeing my foot swelled.
" August!"
" baby I'm coming ."
August ran in the room he was bout to say something until he saw my foot.
"What happened?"
" I don't know I think it was something I ate ."
"You wanna go to the hospital now ?"
" no it'll probably go down when I wake up."
" you sure ?"
" yea but can you do me a favor ?"
" yea baby what is it ?"
" go to chyna house and pick liyah up ."
" ok."
August kissed my head before walking out the door. I couldn't help but to think about what the waitress had said to me. Did she actually do something to me ?
I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Next day
When I woke up I heard my phone ringing. I answered it .
" hello ...ok...yea..I'll be there... Ok...bye.."
I sighed as I laid my phone back on the night stand.
"Who was that ?" August said rubbing the sleep out his eyes
"My manager he said I got a photo shoot in an hour ."
" oh you want me to take you?"
" nah I'm good I need ya to watch liyah tho ."
" ight ."
I slid out of the be going to the bathroom. I washed my face , brushed my teeth, and my other hygiene routine. When I sat on my bed I noticed some of the swelling went down. I got up going to the closet picking out a simple black vneck with some white skinnies. For my shoes I wore my white converses . I pulled my hair in a high pon tail grabbing my phone and car keys.
" niya c'mere ."
I walked over to August
" what ?"
" give me a kiss ."
I bent over giving August a lingering kiss biting his lower lip.
"You keep playing and ima have your legs behind your ear."
" August shut up ."
" I ain playing girl you keep playing ."
" whatever I'll be back ."
" ight love ya."
" love you too ."
I walked out the room going into liyahs room . I kissed her head smiling as the sunlight hit her face. I walked out going to kyrons room. He was already up watching spiderman.
" hey ms. Niya "
" hey be good I'm going to work"
" is daddy still here ?"
" yea he is ."
" ok."
" can I get a hug ?"
Kyron hugged me kissing my cheek. I smiled walking out the door to m car. Once I got my car started I drove to the fashion head quarters.
" hey niya ."
" hey chyna."
" you ready for this bikini shot?"
Chanel rolled her eyes at me as our eyes made one simple contact.
" hey chyna.... Niya."
Chyna waved looking around the room like shid you know I don't fuck with you but its whatever.
" hey." I replied crossing my arms
" good luck on ya shots ."
With that she tossed her hair over her shoulder walking off like she owned the world.
" uhh I hate that bitch."
" why y'all got beef anyways ?"
" It got something to do with August lets leave it at that ."
" damn."
" ladies come on so we can get these photos in." The photographer said.
Me and chyna were both rushed into hair and make up. In the middle of one of my shots my legs started hurting.
" you ok?" The photographer asked
" yea I'm fine."
" you sure your ankles are swelled."
I looked to see my swelling ankles ,It came back.
" look let's call it a day for you because I don't need any thing happening ."
" ok."
I limped to my dressing room calling August.
" hey baby ."
" hey Aug."
" what's wrong?"
" my leg started swelling again I need a ride to the hospital."
" ight I'm on my way have a seat somewhere and rest ya leg cuz I know ya stubborn ass standing up."
" ok 'daddy' ."
" that's right ."
I smiled looking at August who concentrated on the road.
"you know you always saved the day since the first day we met."
" yea I'm ya super man because I'm super fly ."
" boy stop ."
August chuckled smiling.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now